
Defines functions plot.hBayesDM

Documented in plot.hBayesDM

#' General Purpose Plotting for hBayesDM. This function plots hyper parameters.
#' @keywords internal
#' @param x Model output of class hBayesDM
#' @param type Character value that specifies the plot type. Options are: "dist", "trace", or "simple". Defaults to "dist".
#' @param ncols Integer value specifying how many plots there should be per row. Defaults to the number of parameters.
#' @param fontSize Integer value specifying the size of the font used for plotting. Defaults to 10.
#' @param binSize Integer value specifying how wide the bars on the histogram should be. Defaults to 30.
#' @param ... Additional arguments to be passed on
#' @importFrom rstan traceplot summary
#' @method plot hBayesDM
#' @export

plot.hBayesDM <- function(x        = NULL,   # hBayesDM model output object
                          type     = "dist", # Default is ggplot hyperparameter distributions
                          ncols    = NULL,   # Defaults to the number of hyperparameters
                          fontSize = NULL,   # Defaults to 10
                          binSize  = NULL,   # Defaults to 30
                          ...) {

  # Show a warning message if variational inference was used
  `%notin%` <- Negate(`%in%`)  # define %notin% --> opposite of %in%
  summaryData <- rstan::summary(x$fit)
  if ("Rhat" %notin% colnames(summaryData[["summary"]])) {   # if 'Rhat' does not exist
    cat("Variational inference was used to approximate posterior distributions!!\n")
    cat("For final inferences, we strongly recommend using MCMC sampling.\n")

  # Find the number of parameters for the model (lba can have multiple drift rates)
  if (grepl(pattern = "lba", x = x$model)) {
    numPars <- 4
  } else {
    numPars <- dim(x$allIndPars)[2] - 1

  # Find names of parameters for model
  parNames <- names(x$parVals)[1:numPars]

  if (type == "dist") {
    # Source functions containing model plotting functions
    source(file = system.file("plotting", "plot_functions.R", package = "hBayesDM"),
           local = T)

    # Calling function for respective model
    eval(parse(text = paste0("plot_", x$model, "(obj = x",
                             ", fontSize = ", fontSize,
                             ", ncols = ", ncols,
                             ", binSize = ", binSize, ")")))

  } else if (type == "trace") {
    rstan::traceplot(x$fit, pars = paste0(parNames), ncol = ncols, ...)

  } else if (type == "simple") {
    rstan::plot(x$fit, pars = paste0(parNames), ...)

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hBayesDM documentation built on Sept. 23, 2022, 9:06 a.m.