
#' List of metadata table and scaled PCs matrix
#' @format:
#'   meta_data: data.table of 9478 rows with defining dataset and cell_type
#'   scaled_pcs: data.table of 9478 rows (cells) and 20 columns (PCs)
#' @source \url{https://www.10xgenomics.com}

#' Same as cell_lines but smaller (300 cells).
#' @source \url{https://www.10xgenomics.com}

#' Gene expression data of control PBMC from Kang et al. 2017. This
#' contains a sample of 1000 cells from that condition and is used for
#' the Seurat Vignette.
#' @source \doi{10.1038/nbt.4042}

#' Gene expression data of stimulated PBMC from Kang et al. 2017. This
#' contains a sample of 1000 cells from that condition and is used for
#' the Seurat Vignette.
#' @source \doi{10.1038/nbt.4042}

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harmony documentation built on May 29, 2024, 5:26 a.m.