Man pages for hce
Design and Analysis of Hierarchical Composite Endpoints

ADETEvent-Time dataset for kidney outcomes.
ADLBLaboratory dataset for Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR)...
ADSLBaseline characteristics dataset of patients with kidney...
as_hceA generic function for coercing data structures to 'hce'... a data frame to an 'hce' object
calcWINSA generic function for calculating win statistics statistics calculation using a data frame
calcWINS.formulaWin statistics calculation using formula syntax
calcWINS.hceWin statistics calculation for 'hce' objects
calcWOA generic function for calculating win odds odds calculation using a data frame
calcWO.formulaWin odds calculation using formula syntax
calcWO.hceWin odds calculation for 'hce' objects
COVID19COVID-19 ordinal scale dataset (full report).
COVID19bCOVID-19 ordinal scale dataset (preliminary report).
COVID19plusCOVID-19 ordinal scale dataset for a combination therapy.
hceHelper function for 'hce' objects
HCE1'HCE1', 'HCE2', 'HCE3', 'HCE4' datasets for 1000 patients...
HCE2'HCE1', 'HCE2', 'HCE3', 'HCE4' datasets for 1000 patients...
HCE3'HCE1', 'HCE2', 'HCE3', 'HCE4' datasets for 1000 patients...
HCE4'HCE1', 'HCE2', 'HCE3', 'HCE4' datasets for 1000 patients...
KHCEKidney Hierarchical Composite Endpoint dataset.
minWOMinimum detectable or WO for alternative hypothesis for given...
plot.hce_resultsA print method for 'hce_results ' objects
powerWOPower calculation for the win odds test (no ties)
print.hce_resultsA print method for 'hce_results' objects
propWINSProportion of wins/losses/ties given the win odds and the win...
regWOA generic function for win odds regression odds regression using a data frame
simADHCESimulate 'adhce' object with given event rates of...
simHCESimulate 'hce' object with given event rates of time-to-event...
simORDSimulate ordinal variables for two treatment groups using...
sizeWOSample size calculation for the win odds test (no ties)
sizeWRSample size calculation for the win ratio test (with WR = 1...
stratWOA generic function for stratified win odds with adjustment win odds with adjustment
summaryWOA generic function for summarizing win odds odds summary for a data frame
summaryWO.formulaWin odds summary using formula syntax
summaryWO.hceWin odds summary for 'hce' objects
hce documentation built on Oct. 16, 2024, 9:06 a.m.