sizeWO: Sample size calculation for the win odds test (no ties)

View source: R/sizeWO.R

sizeWOR Documentation

Sample size calculation for the win odds test (no ties)


Sample size calculation for the win odds test (no ties)


  SD = NULL,
  k = 0.5,
  alpha = 0.05,
  WOnull = 1,
  alternative = c("shift", "max", "ordered")



a numeric vector of win odds values.


the given power. A numeric vector of length 1.


assumed standard deviation of the win proportion. By default uses the conservative SD. A numeric vector of length 1.


proportion of active group in the overall sample size. Default is 0.5 (balanced randomization). A numeric vector of length 1.


the significance level for the 2-sided test. Default is 0.05. A numeric vector of length 1.


the win odds value of the null hypothesis (default is 1). A numeric vector of length 1.


a character string specifying the class of the alternative hypothesis, must be one of "shift" (default), "max" or "ordered". You can specify just the initial letter.


alternative = "max" refers to the maximum variance of the win proportion across all possible alternatives. The maximum variance equals WP*(1 - WP)/k where the win probability is calculated as ⁠WP = WO/(WO + 1).⁠ alternative = "shift" specifies the variance across alternatives from a shifted family of distributions (Wilcoxon test). The variance formula, as suggested by Noether, is calculated based on the null hypothesis as follows ⁠1/(12*k*(1 - k)).⁠ alternative = "ordered" specifies the variance across alternatives from stochastically ordered distributions which include shifted distributions.


a data frame containing the sample size with input values.


  • All formulas were presented in

    Bamber D (1975) "The area above the ordinal dominance graph and the area below the receiver operating characteristic graph." Journal of Mathematical Psychology 12.4: 387-415. doi:10.1016/0022-2496(75)90001-2.

  • Noether's formula for shifted alternatives

    Noether GE (1987) "Sample size determination for some common nonparametric tests." Journal of the American Statistical Association 82.398: 645-7. doi:10.1080/01621459.1987.10478478.

  • For shift alternatives see also

    Gasparyan SB et al. (2021) "Power and sample size calculation for the win odds test: application to an ordinal endpoint in COVID-19 trials." Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics 31.6: 765-787. doi:10.1080/10543406.2021.1968893.

See Also

powerWO(), minWO() for WO power or minimum detectable WO calculation.


sizeWO(WO = 1.25, power = 0.9)
sizeWO(WO = 1.25, power = 0.9, k = 0.75)
sizeWO(WO = seq(1.05, 1.5, 0.05), power = 0.9)
# Comparison of different alternatives
x <- seq(1.05, 5, 0.05)
N1 <- sizeWO(WO = x, power = 0.9, alternative = "m")$SampleSize
N2 <- sizeWO(WO = x, power = 0.9, alternative = "o")$SampleSize
N3 <- sizeWO(WO = x, power = 0.9, alternative = "s")$SampleSize
d <- data.frame(WO = x, N_m = N1, N_o = N2, N_s = N3)
## Check the power for the ordered alternative
check <- c()
for(i in seq_along(x)){
check[i] <- powerWO(N = d[i, "N_o"], WO = d[i, "WO"], alternative = "o")$power
d$power_check_o <- check

hce documentation built on Oct. 16, 2024, 9:06 a.m.