powerWO: Power calculation for the win odds test (no ties)

View source: R/powerWO.R

powerWOR Documentation

Power calculation for the win odds test (no ties)


Power calculation for the win odds test (no ties)


powerWO(N, WO, SD = NULL, k = 0.5, alpha = 0.05, WOnull = 1)



a numeric vector of sample size values.


the given win odds for the alternative hypothesis. A numeric vector of length 1.


assumed standard deviation of the win proportion. By default uses the conservative SD. A numeric vector of length 1.


proportion of active group in the overall sample size. Default is 0.5 (balanced randomization). A numeric vector of length 1.


the significance level for the 2-sided test. Default is 0.05. A numeric vector of length 1.


the win odds value of the null hypothesis (default is 1). A numeric vector of length 1.


a data frame containing the calculated power with input values.


Gasparyan SB et al. (2021) "Power and sample size calculation for the win odds test: application to an ordinal endpoint in COVID-19 trials." Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics 31.6 : 765-787. doi:10.1080/10543406.2021.1968893

See Also

sizeWO(), minWO() for WO sample size or minimum detectable WO calculation.


# Example 1- Use the default standard deviation
powerWO(N = 1000, WO = 1.2)
powerWO(N = seq(500, 1500, 100), WO = 1.2)
# Example 2 - Use data-driven win odds and standard deviation from the COVID19 dataset
res <- calcWO(x = COVID19, AVAL = "GROUP", TRTP = "TRTP", ref = "Placebo")
powerWO(N = 500, WO = res$WO, SD = res$SD_WP)
powerWO(N = 500, WO = res$WO) # power with the default standard deviation for the win proportion.
# Example 3 - Non-balanced 3:1 randomization
powerWO(N = 1000, WO = 1.2, k = 0.75)

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