## ----global_options, include = FALSE------------------------------------------
knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.width = 4, fig.align = 'center',
echo = TRUE, warning = FALSE, message = FALSE,
eval = FALSE, tidy = FALSE)
## ----load-pkg-----------------------------------------------------------------
# library(dplyr) # For basic data manipulation
# library(ggplot2) # For visualising data
# library(heatwaveR) # For detecting MHWs
# library(tidync) # For easily dealing with NetCDF data
# library(doParallel) # For parallel processing
## ----load-data----------------------------------------------------------------
# OISST <- readRDS("~/Desktop/OISST_vignette.Rds")
## ----detect-func--------------------------------------------------------------
# event_only <- function(df){
# # First calculate the climatologies
# clim <- ts2clm(data = df, climatologyPeriod = c("1982-01-01", "2011-01-01"))
# # Then the events
# event <- detect_event(data = clim)
# # Return only the event metric dataframe of results
# return(event$event)
# }
## ----detect-purrr-------------------------------------------------------------
# system.time(
# # First we start by choosing the 'OISST' dataframe
# MHW_dplyr <- OISST %>%
# # Then we group the data by the 'lon' and 'lat' columns
# group_by(lon, lat) %>%
# # Then we run our MHW detecting function on each group
# group_modify(~event_only(.x))
# ) # ~123 seconds
## ----detect-plyr--------------------------------------------------------------
# # NB: One should never use ALL available cores, save at least 1 for other essential tasks
# # The computer I'm writing this vignette on has 8 cores, so I use 7 here
# registerDoParallel(cores = 7)
# # Detect events
# system.time(
# MHW_plyr <- plyr::ddply(.data = OISST, .variables = c("lon", "lat"), .fun = event_only, .parallel = TRUE)
# ) # 33 seconds
## ----lon-files----------------------------------------------------------------
# for(i in 1:length(unique(OISST$lon))){
# OISST_sub <- OISST %>%
# filter(lon == unique(lon)[i])
# saveRDS(object = OISST_sub, file = paste0("~/Desktop/OISST_lon_",i,".Rds"))
# }
## ----detect-both--------------------------------------------------------------
# # The 'dplyr' wrapper function to pass to 'plyr'
# dplyr_wraper <- function(file_name){
# MHW_dplyr <- readRDS(file_name) %>%
# group_by(lon, lat) %>%
# group_modify(~event_only(.x))
# }
# # Create a vector of the files we want to use
# OISST_files <- dir("~/Desktop", pattern = "OISST_lon_*", full.names = T)
# # Use 'plyr' technique to run 'dplyr' technique with multiple cores
# system.time(
# MHW_result <- plyr::ldply(OISST_files, .fun = dplyr_wraper, .parallel = T)
# ) # 31 seconds
# # Save for later use as desired
# saveRDS(MHW_result, "~/Desktop/MHW_result.Rds")
## ----event-tally--------------------------------------------------------------
# # summarise the number of unique longitude, latitude and year combination:
# OISST_n <- MHW_result %>%
# mutate(year = lubridate::year(date_start)) %>%
# group_by(lon, lat, year) %>%
# summarise(n = n(), .groups = "drop") %>%
# group_by(lon, lat) %>%
# tidyr::complete(year = c(1982:2019)) %>% # Note that these dates may differ
# mutate(n = ifelse(, 0, n))
# head(OISST_n)
## ----trend-fun----------------------------------------------------------------
# lin_fun <- function(ev) {
# mod1 <- glm(n ~ year, family = poisson(link = "log"), data = ev)
# # extract slope coefficient and its p-value
# tr <- data.frame(slope = summary(mod1)$coefficients[2,1],
# p = summary(mod1)$coefficients[2,4])
# return(tr)
# }
## ----apply-trend-fun-plyr-----------------------------------------------------
# OISST_nTrend <- plyr::ddply(OISST_n, c("lon", "lat"), lin_fun, .parallel = T)
# OISST_nTrend$pval <- cut(OISST_nTrend$p, breaks = c(0, 0.001, 0.01, 0.05, 1))
# head(OISST_nTrend)
## ----prep-geography-----------------------------------------------------------
# # The base map
# map_base <- ggplot2::fortify(maps::map(fill = TRUE, plot = FALSE)) %>%
# dplyr::rename(lon = long)
## ----the-figure---------------------------------------------------------------
# map_slope <- ggplot(OISST_nTrend, aes(x = lon, y = lat)) +
# geom_rect(size = 0.2, fill = NA,
# aes(xmin = lon - 0.1, xmax = lon + 0.1, ymin = lat - 0.1, ymax = lat + 0.1,
# colour = pval)) +
# geom_raster(aes(fill = slope), interpolate = FALSE, alpha = 0.9) +
# scale_fill_gradient2(name = "count/year (slope)", high = "red", mid = "white",
# low = "darkblue", midpoint = 0,
# guide = guide_colourbar(direction = "horizontal",
# title.position = "top")) +
# scale_colour_manual(breaks = c("(0,0.001]", "(0.001,0.01]", "(0.01,0.05]", "(0.05,1]"),
# values = c("firebrick1", "firebrick2", "firebrick3", "white"),
# name = "p-value", guide = FALSE) +
# geom_polygon(data = map_base, aes(group = group),
# colour = NA, fill = "grey80") +
# coord_fixed(ratio = 1, xlim = c(13.0, 23.0), ylim = c(-33, -42), expand = TRUE) +
# labs(x = "", y = "") +
# theme_bw() +
# theme(legend.position = "bottom")
# map_p <- ggplot(OISST_nTrend, aes(x = lon, y = lat)) +
# geom_raster(aes(fill = pval), interpolate = FALSE) +
# scale_fill_manual(breaks = c("(0,0.001]", "(0.001,0.01]", "(0.01,0.05]",
# "(0.05,0.1]", "(0.1,0.5]", "(0.5,1]"),
# values = c("black", "grey20", "grey40",
# "grey80", "grey90", "white"),
# name = "p-value",
# guide = guide_legend(direction = "horizontal",
# title.position = "top")) +
# geom_polygon(data = map_base, aes(group = group),
# colour = NA, fill = "grey80") +
# coord_fixed(ratio = 1, xlim = c(13.0, 23.0), ylim = c(-33, -42), expand = TRUE) +
# labs(x = "", y = "") +
# theme_bw() +
# theme(legend.position = "bottom")
# map_both <- ggpubr::ggarrange(map_slope, map_p, align = "hv")
# map_both
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