
Defines functions grid.hexlegend

Documented in grid.hexlegend

grid.hexlegend <-
function(legend, ysize, lcex, inner,
	 style = "colorscale",
	 minarea = 0.05, maxarea = 0.8, mincnt = 1, maxcnt, trans = NULL,
	 inv = NULL, colorcut, density = NULL, border = NULL, pen = NULL,
	 colramp = function(n) { LinGray(n,beg = 90,end = 15) },
    ## the formal arg matching should happen
    style <- match.arg(style, eval(formals(grid.hexagons)[["style"]]))

    if (style %in% c("centroids", "lattice", "colorscale")) {
	## _______________tranformations_______________________
	if(is.null(trans)) {
	    sc <- maxcnt - mincnt
	    bnds <- round(mincnt + sc * colorcut)

	else {
	    if(!is.function(trans) && !is.function(inv))
		stop("'trans' and 'inv' must both be functions if 'trans' is not NULL")
	    con <- trans(mincnt)
	    sc <- trans(maxcnt) - con
	    bnds <- round(inv(con + sc * colorcut))

    if(style == "colorscale") { ## use own 'inner'
	n <- length(bnds)
	spacing <- ysize/(n + 3)
	inner <- min(legend/3.5, (sqrt(3) * spacing)/2)
    dx <- inner/2
    dy <- dx/sqrt(3)
    hexC <- hexcoords(dx, dy, n = 1,sep=NULL)

    ## _______________Plotting______________________________
	   "colorscale" = {
	       midx <- legend/3
	       textx <- (2 * legend)/3
	       tx <- hexC$x + midx
	       pen <- colramp(n)
	       for(i in seq(length = n-1)) {
		   grid.polygon(tx,hexC$y + i * spacing,
                                gp=gpar(fill = pen[i], col = border))
		   grid.text(as.character(bnds[i]), textx, (i - 0.5) * spacing,
                             default.units=leg.unit, gp=gpar(cex = lcex))
	       grid.text(as.character(bnds[n]), textx, (n - 0.5) * spacing,
                         default.units=leg.unit, gp=gpar(cex = lcex))
	       grid.text("Counts", legend/2, (n + 1.5) * spacing,
                         default.units=leg.unit, gp=gpar(cex = 1.7 * lcex))

	   "centroids" = ,
	   "lattice" = {
	       ## NL Solved hex overlap problem on legend
	       ## Need to tackle too many categories
	       radius <- sqrt(minarea + (maxarea - minarea) * colorcut)
	       n <- length(radius)
	       shift <- c(0, 2*dy*radius)
	       shift <- shift[1:n] + shift[2:(n+1)]
	       #labht <- max(strheight(as.character(bnds), cex = lcex))
               labht <- convertY(unit(get.gpar(names = "fontsize")[[1]]*lcex,
                                    "points"),"native",valueOnly = TRUE)
	       shift <- pmax(labht, shift)
	       six <- rep.int(6:6, n)
	       xmid <- legend/3
	       inc <- ysize/(n+3)
	       if(inc > max(shift)) y <- inc * 1:n
	       else {
		 y <- cumsum(shift)
		 extra.slop <- (n * inc) - y[n] # FIXME? y[n] == sum(shift)
		 shift[-1] <- shift[-1] + extra.slop/(n-1)
		 y <- cumsum(shift)
                 ## (y+(1/n)*extra.slop)-y[1]
		 ## delta <- max(log(shift))-min(log(shift))
		 ## fudge <- extra.slop*(diff(log(shift))/delta)
		 ## y<- c(y[1], y[-1]+ fudge )
	       textx <- rep.int((2 * legend)/3, n)
	       ##  ____________________plotting______________________
	       if(is.null(pen)) pen <- 1
	       if(is.null(border)) border <- pen
	       grid.polygon(x = rep.int(hexC$x,n)*
                                rep.int(radius, six) + rep.int(xmid, 6 * n),
                            y = rep.int(hexC$y,n)*
                                rep.int(radius, six) + rep.int(y, six),
                            default.units=leg.unit, id=NULL,
                            gp=gpar(fill = pen, col = border))

	       grid.text(as.character(bnds), textx, y,
                         default.units=leg.unit, gp=gpar(cex = lcex))
	       grid.text("Counts", legend/2, (n + 2) * inc,
                         default.units=leg.unit, gp=gpar(cex =1.7 * lcex))

	   "nested.lattice" = ,
	   "nested.centroids" = {
	       ## _____________x scaling_____________________________
	       numb <- cut(floor(legend/inner), breaks = c(-1, 0, 2,4))
	       ## Note: In old code
	       ##	top breaks=c(-1,0,2,4,8), numb<- 5 and size=1:9
		   numb <- 4
		      {warning("not enough space for legend"); return()},
		      size <- 5,
		      size <- c(1, 5, 9),
		      size <- c(1, 3, 5, 7, 9))
	       xmax <- length(size)
	       radius <- sqrt(minarea + (maxarea - minarea) * (size - 1)/9)
	       txt <- as.character(size)
	       ##___________________y scaling_____________________
	       lab <- c("Ones", "Tens", "Hundreds",
			"Thousands", "10 Thousands", "100 Thousands",
			"Millions", "10 Millions",
			"100 Millions", "Billions")
	       power <- floor(log10(maxcnt)) + 1
	       yinc <- 16 * dy
	       if(ysize/power < yinc)
		   {warning("Not enough height for legend"); return()}
	       xmid <- legend/10
	       x <- inner * (1:xmax - (1 + xmax)/2) + xmid
	       n <- length(x)
	       tx <- rep.int(hexC$x, n)
	       ty <- rep.int(hexC$y, n)
	       six <- rep.int(6:6, n)
	       y <- rep.int(3 * dy - yinc, xmax)
	       ##  ____________________plotting______________________
	       if(is.null(pen)) {
		 pen <- 1:power +1
		 pen <- cbind(pen, pen +10)
	       if(is.null(border)) border <- FALSE
	       for(i in 1:power) {
		   y <- y + yinc
		   hexpolygon(x, y, hexC,
			      col = pen[i,1], border = border)
		   grid.polygon(x= tx * rep.int(radius, six) + rep.int(x, six),
			        y= ty * rep.int(radius, six) + rep.int(y, six),
                                default.units=leg.unit, id=NULL,
                                gp=gpar(fill = pen[i,2], col = border))

		   grid.text(txt, x, y   - 4.5 * dy,
                             default.units=leg.unit, gp=gpar(cex = lcex))
                             ##adj= 0.5, cex = lcex)
		   grid.text(lab[i], xmid, y[1] + 4.5 * dy,
                             default.units=leg.unit, gp=gpar(cex = 1.7*lcex))
                             ##adj= 0.5, cex = 1.7*lcex)
	   })## switch(style = *)
}## hex.legend()

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hexbin documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 8:58 p.m.