
Defines functions coef.hgam print.hgam fitted.hgam residuals.hgam summary.hgam print.summary.hgam predict.hgam plot.hgam plot.hrisk model.response.hgam model.weights.hgam logLik.hgam print.logLik.hgam print.hrisk

Documented in coef.hgam fitted.hgam logLik.hgam plot.hgam predict.hgam print.hgam print.hrisk

### Gruppe: Rest

### plot(test.m)
### summary(test.m) -> summary.hgam
### liefert zurueck Objekt der Klasse summary.hgam
### Uebergabe an print.summary.hgam
### predict(test.m, newdata = ...)
### resid(test.m)
### coef(test.m)
### fitted(test.m)
### logLik(test.m)

coef.hgam <- function(object, ...)

print.hgam <- function(x, ...) {
    cat("High-dimensional additive model\n")

fitted.hgam <- function(object, ...){
    predict(object, ...)

### link? family?
residuals.hgam <- function(object, ...) {
    return(object$y - fitted(object))

summary.hgam <- function(object,...){
    M <- as.matrix(residuals(object))
    SSE <- t(M) %*% M
    p <- length(object$index) - 1
    n <- length(object$y)
    MSE <- SSE/(n-(p+1))
    coef <- coef(object)
    var_beta <- diag(solve(crossprod(object$Btilde)) * as.numeric(MSE))
   	tvalue <- coef/sqrt(var_beta)

    coef.table <- cbind(coef, sqrt(var_beta), tvalue)
    dimnames(coef.table) <- list(NULL, c("Estimate", "Std.Err",
                                    "t value"))

    ret <- list(coef = coef, SSE = SSE, MSE = MSE, Residual_standard_error = sqrt(MSE))
### class
    class(ret) <- "summary.hgam"


print.summary.hgam <- function(object, ...) {

    printCoefmat(data.frame(coef = object$coef), 
                 P.values=FALSE, has.Pvalue=FALSE)

### auch fuer newdata = NULL -> Lerndaten benutzen
### zulassen, dass newdata nur Teilmengen der Kovariablen
### beinhaltet
predict.hgam <- function(object, newdata = NULL, which = NULL,
                         intercept = NULL, ...)  {
    # Koeffizienten des uebergebenen hgam-Objekts herauslesen
    cf <- coef(object)

    # Falls intercept nicht vom Benutzer festgelegt wird, dann soll
    # auf gleiche Weise verfahren werden, wie bei den Lerndaten
    if(is.null(intercept) && rownames(cf)[1] != "Intercept") intercept <- FALSE
    else if(is.null(intercept) && rownames(cf)[1] == "Intercept") intercept <- TRUE

    # Falls intercept-Berucksichtigung vom Benutzer gewuenscht wird, dann muss
    # auch ein Intercept-Koeffizient berechnet worden sein, ansonsten wird
    # eine entsprechende Warnung ausgegeben und intercept auf FALSE gesetzt
    if(rownames(cf)[1] != "Intercept" && intercept){
        warning("Intercept coef missing, setting intercept to FALSE",
                call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
        intercept <- FALSE

    # index-Vektor aus der Designmatrix herauslesen
    index <- attr(object$Btilde, "assign")

    # Falls which-Argument nicht angegeben wird, dann nur diese Praediktoren
    # beruecksichtigen, bei denen die Koeffizienten groesser Null sind
    index2 <- unique(index) ### unique(index[abs(cf) > 0])
    if (is.null(which)) {
        which <- index2
        which <- which[which > 0]
    } else {
        intercept <- FALSE

    # Designmatrix besteht entweder aus den Lerndaten (falls keine neue Daten
    # uebergeben werden), oder aus den neuen Daten, wobei durch Benutzung der
    # "alten" Knoten die Btilde-Matrix neu berechnet wird
    if(is.null(newdata)) {
        X <- object$Btildenew(which = which, intercept = intercept)
    } else {
        X <- object$Btildenew(xnew = newdata, which = which, intercept = intercept)

    # Der neue index wird nun aus dem "neuen" X herausgelesen
    indexnew <- attr(X, "assign")

    # Nur diese Koeffizienten benutzen, die zum neuen index passen
    cf <- cf[index %in% indexnew, , drop = FALSE]

    # Rueckgabe von Designmatrix * Koeffizienten
    X %*% cf

plot.hgam <- function(x, which = NULL, newdata = NULL, 
                      rug = TRUE, multidim = FALSE, ...) {
   object <- x
   cf <- coef(object)
   if (is.null(which)) {
       which <- sort(unique(attr(object$Btilde, "assign")[abs(cf) > 0]))
       which <- which[which != 0]
   if (is.null(newdata)) {        
       x <- object$x
   } else {
       x <- newdata
   #go into the persp-section if and only if two (!) covariates are selcted to be drown in three-dimensional plot.
   if (multidim && length(which) == 2) {      
       #using the two covariates...
       x1 <- x[[which[1]]]
       x2 <- x[[which[2]]]

       #...to build up...
       x1 <- seq(from = min(x1), to = max(x1), length = 100)
       x2 <- seq(from = min(x2), to = max(x2), length = 100)

       #...a grid with...
       nd <- expand.grid(x1, x2)
       names(nd) <- colnames(x[, which])
       #...the predicted effects...
       pred <- predict(object, which = which, newdata = nd)
       #...collected in a matrix.
       z <- matrix(pred, nrow = length(x1), ncol = length(x2))

       #sets up a list which is to be filled with necessary elements and to be comittet to the persp-function
       args <- list(...)
       #the needed ellements are put together, so they fit to 'persp()'
       args$x <- x1
       args$y <- x2
       args$z <- z
       #if not given, use default parameters for an adequate plot
       if (is.null(args$theta)){
           args$theta <- 30
       if (is.null(args$phi)){
           args$phi <- 30
       if (is.null(args$expand)){
           args$expand <- 0.5
       if (is.null(args$ticktype)){
           args$ticktype <- "detailed"
       #if no name for the x-lab is given, use the name of the x1-variable
       if (is.null(args$xlab)){ 
           args$xlab <- names(x)[which[1]]
       #if no name for the y-lab is given, use the name of the x2-variable
       if (is.null(args$ylab)){ 
           args$ylab <- names(x)[which[2]]
       #if no lable for the z-lab is given, use 'Marginal effects'     
       if (is.null(args$zlab)){
           args$zlab <- "Marginal effects"
       do.call("persp", args)
   } else {

       args <- list(...)
       xlab <- args$xlab
       tmp <- lapply(which, function(w) {
           xw <- x[, w, drop = TRUE]
           ox <- order(xw)
           fw <- predict(object, which = w, newdata = x)
           list(x = xw[ox], f = fw[ox], name = 
               ifelse(is.null(xlab), names(x)[w], xlab[w]), w = w)

       if (is.null(args$ylim)) 
           args$ylim <- range(sapply(tmp, function(x) range(x$f)))
       if (is.null(args$ylab)) 
           args$ylab <- "Marginal effect"
       if (is.null(args$type)) 
           args$type <- "l"
       lapply(tmp, function(x) {
           args$x <- x$x
           args$y <- x$f
           args$xlab <- x$name
           do.call("plot", args)
           if (rug) rug(x$x)

plot.hrisk <- function(x, type = c("levelplot", "3d"), ...) {

  risk <- x$risk[[3]]
  lambda2 <- x$risk[[1]]
  lambda1 <- x$risk[[2]]

  type <- match.arg(type)
  if (type == "3d") {
    plot3d(lambda1, lambda2, risk, col="red") }
    else {
      levelplot(risk~lambda1*lambda2) }

# model.response
model.response.hgam <- function(object, ...) return(object$y)
# model.weights
model.weights.hgam <- function(object, ...) return(object$weights)

# logLik
logLik.hgam <- function(object, ...){
    y <- model.response.hgam(object)
    f <- fitted(object)
    w <- model.weights.hgam(object)
    ret <- -object$model@nloglik(y, f, w)
    class(ret) <- "logLik.hgam"

print.logLik.hgam <- function(object){
    cat("'log Lik.'", object, "\n")

print.hrisk <- function(h, ...) {
    cat("    Best Lambda with method", h$type ,"\n")
    cat("    Lambda1:", h$lambda1, "\n")
    cat("    Lambda2:", h$lambda2, "\n")

#plot(mod, multidim = T, zlab = "test2", col = "lightblue", theta=20)

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hgam documentation built on May 2, 2019, 3:01 a.m.