#' pdf of the mixture of Gaussian linear (Markov-switching) models for hhsmm
#' The probability density function of a mixture Gaussian linear (Markov-switching) models
#' for a specified observation vector, a specified state and a specified
#' model's parameters
#' @author Morteza Amini, \email{}
#' @param x the observation matrix including responses and covariates
#' @param j a specified state between 1 to nstate
#' @param model a hhsmmspec model
#' @param resp.ind a vector of the column numbers of \code{x} which contain response variables.
#' The default is 1, which means that the first column of \code{x} is the univariate
#' response variable
#' @return the probability density function value
#' @examples
#'J <- 3
#'initial <- c(1, 0, 0)
#'semi <- rep(FALSE, 3)
#'P <- matrix(c(0.5, 0.2, 0.3, 0.2, 0.5, 0.3, 0.1, 0.4, 0.5),
#' nrow = J, byrow = TRUE)
#'par <- list(intercept = list(3, list(-10, -1), 14),
#'coefficient = list(-1, list(1, 5), -7),
#'csigma = list(1.2, list(2.3, 3.4), 1.1),
#'mix.p = list(1, c(0.4, 0.6), 1))
#'model <- hhsmmspec(init = initial, transition = P, parms.emis = par,
#'dens.emis = dmixlm, semi = semi)
#'train <- simulate(model, nsim = c(20, 30, 42, 50), seed = 1234,
#' remission = rmixlm, covar = list(mean = 0, cov = 1))
#'clus = initial_cluster(train = train, nstate = 3, nmix = c(1, 2, 1),
#' ltr = FALSE, final.absorb = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, regress = TRUE)
#'initmodel = initialize_model(clus = clus, mstep = mixlm_mstep,
#'dens.emission = dmixlm, sojourn = NULL, semi = rep(FALSE, 3),
#' M = max(train$N),verbose = TRUE)
#'fit1 = hhsmmfit(x = train, model = initmodel, mstep = mixlm_mstep,
#'M = max(train$N))
#'plot(train$x[,1] ~ train$x[, 2], col = train$s, pch = 16,
#' xlab = "x", ylab = "y")
#'fit1$model$parms.emission$coefficient[[1]], col = 1)
#'fit1$model$parms.emission$coefficient[[2]][[1]], col = 2)
#'fit1$model$parms.emission$coefficient[[2]][[2]], col = 2)
#'fit1$model$parms.emission$coefficient[[3]], col = 3)
#' @references
#' Kim, C. J., Piger, J. and Startz, R. (2008). Estimation of Markov
#' regime-switching regression models with endogenous switching.
#' Journal of Econometrics, 143(2), 263-273.
#' @export
dmixlm <- function(x, j, model, resp.ind = 1){
y = as.matrix(x[, resp.ind])
x = as.matrix(x[, -resp.ind])
dx = ncol(x)
dy = ncol(y)
n = nrow(x)
if (length(model$parms.emission$mix.p[[j]]) > 1){
dens = rep(0, nrow(x))
k = length(model$parms.emission$mix.p[[j]])
for (i in 1:k){
if (!$parms.emission$mix.p[[j]][i]))
if (dy > 1){
cmean = as.vector(model$parms.emission$intercept[[j]][[i]])*
matrix(1, n, dy)+ x %*%
ccov = model$parms.emission$csigma[[j]][[i]]
dens = dens + sapply(1:nrow(y), function(ii)
model$parms.emission$mix.p[[j]][i] *
dmvnorm(y[ii, ], mean = cmean[ii, ],
sigma = ccov))
} else {
cmean = as.vector(model$parms.emission$intercept[[j]][[i]]) *
matrix(1, n, dy) + x %*%
csd = as.vector(sqrt(model$parms.emission$csigma[[j]][[i]]))
dens = dens + model$parms.emission$mix.p[[j]][i] *
dnorm(y, cmean, csd)
}#for i
} else {
if (dy > 1){
cmean = as.vector(model$parms.emission$intercept[[j]]) *
matrix(1, n, dy) + x %*%
ccov = model$parms.emission$csigma[[j]]
dens = dmvnorm(x, mean = cmean, sigma = ccov)
} else {
cmean = as.vector(model$parms.emission$intercept[[j]]) *
matrix(1, n, dy) + x %*%
csd = as.vector(sqrt(model$parms.emission$csigma[[j]]))
dens = dnorm(x, cmean, csd)
}#if else
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