context("Line edge cases")
test_that("trailing line breaks & windows line breaks don't cause trouble", {
read_f <- function(filename) {
a = hip_fwf_widths(c(1, 3, 3), c("rt", "var1", "var2"), c("c", "c", "c")),
b = hip_fwf_widths(c(1, 3, 3), c("rt", "var1", "var3"), c("c", "c", "c"))
hip_rt(1, 1)
text <- c("axyz123", "buvw456", "aabc789")
expected <- dplyr::tibble(
rt = c("a", "b", "a"),
var1 = c("xyz", "uvw", "abc"),
var2 = c("123", NA, "789"),
var3 = c(NA, "456", NA)
linux_notrail <- tempfile()
writeLines(paste(text, collapse = "\n"), linux_notrail)
expect_silent(lnt <- read_f(linux_notrail))
linux_trail <- tempfile()
writeLines(paste(c(text, ""), collapse = "\n"), linux_trail)
expect_silent(lt <- read_f(linux_trail))
win_notrail <- tempfile()
writeLines(paste(text, collapse = "\r\n"), win_notrail)
expect_silent(wnt <- read_f(win_notrail))
win_trail <- tempfile()
writeLines(paste(c(text, ""), collapse = "\r\n"), win_trail)
expect_silent(wt <- read_f(win_trail))
expect_equal(lnt, expected)
expect_equal(lt, expected)
expect_equal(wnt, expected)
expect_equal(wt, expected)
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