
#' @useDynLib hogsvdR
#' @importFrom Rcpp sourceCpp


#' Compute the Higher-order generalised singular value decomposition (HOGSVD)  of a list of matrices
#' @param D a list of matrices to compute the GSVD decomposition on
#' @param method specification of internal function to use to compute HOGSVD, 'arma' or 'rsimple'
#' @return A list of U, Sigma and V. U and Sigma are lists of matrices
#' @examples 
#' # Generate 3 matrices to run example on
#' N <- 3
#' nrow <- c(10,10,10)
#' ncol <- 10
#' s <- 1:N
#' D <- lapply(s, function(x) {matrix(rnorm(n=nrow[x]*ncol,mean = 0, sd =10),nrow[x],ncol)})
#' # Perform HO GSVD on the example
#' res <- hogsvd(D)
#' # Inspect result
#' str(res)
#' # The first U matrix corresponding to D[[1]]
#' res$U[[1]]
#' # The first S diagonal matrix correspoinding to D[[1]]
#' res$S[[1]]
#' # The shared V matrix
#' res$V
#' # Reconstruct the original matrices
#' D.reconstruct <- lapply(1:N, function(n) { 
#'    res$U[[n]] %*% diag(res$Sigma[[n]]) %*% t(res$V) 
#' })
#' # Now repeat with the slow algorithm
#' res.slow <- hogsvd(D, method = 'rsimple')
#' D.reconstruct.slow <- lapply(1:N, function(n) { 
#'   res.slow$U[[n]] %*% diag(res.slow$Sigma[[n]]) %*% t(res.slow$V) 
#' })
#' \dontshow{
#' # Should return TRUE to confirm all arrays could be reconstructed correctly
#' all(unlist(lapply(1:N, function(n) { 
#'   max(D[[n]] - res$U[[n]] %*% diag(res$Sigma[[n]]) %*% t(res$V)) 
#' })) < 1.e-10)
#' # Check correct reconstruction with the slow method
#' all(unlist(lapply(1:N, function(n) { 
#'   max(D[[n]] - res.slow$U[[n]] %*% diag(res.slow$Sigma[[n]]) %*% t(res.slow$V)) 
#' })) < 1.e-10)
#' }
#' @export hogsvd
hogsvd <- function(D, method = 'arma') {
  # Check that D is a list
  if (class(D) != 'list') {
    stop('D is not a list of matrices');
  # Check all D are matrices
  if(!all(unlist(lapply(D, class)) == "matrix")) {
    stop('All elements of D have to be of class matrix'); 
  # Check all D have same #cols
  ncols <- unlist(lapply(D, function(x) {dim(x)[2]}))
  if(!all(ncols == rep(ncols[1],length(ncols)))) {
    stop('D matrices do not have the same number of columns');
  if (method == 'rsimple') {
    res <- hogsvd.rsimple(D);
  } else if (method == 'arma') {
    res <- hogsvd.rArmadillo(D);
  } else {
      stop('Unknown method parameter');
  list(U = res$U, Sigma = res$Sigma, V = res$V);

#' Compute the Higher-order generalised singular value decomposition (HOGSVD) of a list of matrices without Armadillo
#' @param D a list of matrices to compute the GSVD decomposition on
#' @return A list of U, Sigma, V,  Lambda and S. U and Sigma are lists of matrices
#' @importFrom  MASS ginv
hogsvd.rsimple <- function(D) {
  # Generate named sequence along data
  N <- length(D)
  Nseq <- 1:N
  names(Nseq) <- Nseq

  # Calculate normalised S
  S <- calcNormS.R(D);
  # Eigen decomposition of S matrix
  eigen.dec <- eigen(S, symmetric = F)
  # The Lambda
  Lambda <- eigen.dec$values
  V <- eigen.dec$vectors
  Vinv <- MASS::ginv(eigen.dec$vectors)
  # Compute matrices B
  B <- lapply(D, function(x) {
    t( Vinv %*% t(x)  )
  # Compute diagonal matrices Sigma
  Sigma <- lapply(Nseq, function(i) {
    apply(B[[i]],2,function(x) sqrt(sum(x^2)))
  # Calculate U, the column normalised version of B
  U <- lapply(Nseq, function(i) {
  # Return
  list( U = U, Sigma = Sigma, V = V, Lambda = Lambda, S = S)

#' Calculate the normalised S matrix in R, for internal use
#' @param D a list of matrices
calcNormS.R <- function(D) {
  N <- length(D)
  Ddim <- dim(D[[1]])
  # Calculate A matrices and their inverses
  A <- lapply(D, function(x) {t(x) %*% x})
  Ainv <- lapply(A, function(x) {MASS::ginv(x)})
  # Calculate the S matrix the mean of all the ((A[[i]] %*% Ainv[[j]]) + (A[[j]] %*% Ainv[[i]])) matrices
  S <- matrix(0, Ddim[2], Ddim[2])
  i <- 1;
  while( i <= N ) {
    j <- i + 1;
    while ( j <= N ) {
      S = S + ((A[[i]] %*% Ainv[[j]]) + (A[[j]] %*% Ainv[[i]]))
      j <- j + 1
    i <- i + 1; 
  # Normalise S
  S <- S / (N * (N - 1))


#' Compute the Higher-order generalised singular value decomposition (HOGSVD) of a list of matrices with RcppArmadillo
#' @param D a list of matrices to compute the GSVD decomposition on
#' @return A list of U, Sigma, V,  Lambda and S. U and Sigma are lists of matrices
#' @importFrom  MASS ginv
hogsvd.rArmadillo <- function(D) {

  # Generate named sequence along data
  N <- length(D)
  Nseq <- 1:N
  names(Nseq) <- Nseq
  Ddim <- dim(D[[1]])

  # Calculate S in C++
  S <- calcNormS(D, Ddim[2]);

  # Eigen decomposition of S matrix
  eigen.dec <- eigen(S, symmetric = F)

  # The Lambda
  Lambda <- eigen.dec$values
  V <- eigen.dec$vectors
  Vinv <- MASS::ginv(eigen.dec$vectors)

  # Compute matrices B
  B <- lapply(D, function(x) {
    t( Vinv %*% t(x)  )

  # Compute diagonal matrices Sigma
  Sigma <- lapply(Nseq, function(i) {
    apply(B[[i]],2,function(x) sqrt(sum(x^2)))

  # Calculate U, the column normalised version of B
  U <- lapply(Nseq, function(i) {

  # Return
  list( U = U, Sigma = Sigma, V = V, Lambda = Lambda, S = S)

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hogsvdR documentation built on May 2, 2019, 7:49 a.m.