
Defines functions request_happened expect_mock_request expect_no_request expect_DELETE expect_PUT expect_PATCH expect_POST expect_GET

Documented in expect_DELETE expect_GET expect_no_request expect_PATCH expect_POST expect_PUT

#' Expectations for mocked HTTP requests
#' @description
#' The mock contexts in `httptest` can raise errors or messages when requests
#' are made, and those (error) messages have three
#' elements, separated by space: (1) the request
#' method (e.g. "GET"); (2) the request URL; and
#' (3) the request body, if present.
#' These verb-expectation functions look for this message shape. `expect_PUT`,
#' for instance, looks for a request message that starts with "PUT".
#' This means that `expect_verb` functions won't work outside of mock context,
#' as no error would be raised while making a request. Thus, any `expect_verb`
#' function should be wrapped inside a mocking function like
#' [without_internet()], as shown in the examples.
#' @param object Code to execute that may cause an HTTP request
#' @param url character: the URL you expect a request to be made to. Default is
#' an empty string, meaning that you can just assert that a request is made with
#' a certain method without asserting anything further.
#' @param ... character segments of a request payload you expect to be included
#' in the request body, to be joined together by `paste0`. You may also pass
#' any of the following named logical arguments, which will be passed to
#' [base::grepl()]:
#' * `fixed`: Should matching take the pattern as is or treat it as a regular
#' expression. Default: `TRUE`, and note that this default is the opposite of
#' the default in `grepl`. (The rest of the arguments follow its defaults.)
#' * `ignore.case`: Should matching be done case insensitively? Default:
#' `FALSE`, meaning matches are case sensitive.
#' * `perl`: Should Perl-compatible regular expressions be used? Default: `FALSE`
#' * `useBytes`: Should matching be done byte-by-byte rather than
#' character-by-character? Default: `FALSE`
#' @return A `testthat` 'expectation'.
#' @examples
#' library(httr)
#' # without_internet provides required mock context for expectations
#' without_internet({
#'   expect_GET(
#'     GET("http://httpbin.org/get"),
#'     "http://httpbin.org/get"
#'   )
#'   expect_GET(GET("http://httpbin.org/get"),
#'     "http://httpbin.org/[a-z]+",
#'     fixed = FALSE
#'   ) # For regular expression matching
#'   expect_PUT(
#'     PUT("http://httpbin.org/put", body = '{"a":1}'),
#'     "http://httpbin.org/put",
#'     '{"a":1}'
#'   )
#'   expect_PUT(PUT("http://httpbin.org/put", body = '{"a":1}'))
#'   expect_no_request(rnorm(5))
#' })
#' @name expect_verb
#' @aliases expect_GET expect_POST expect_PUT expect_PATCH expect_DELETE expect_no_request
#' @export
expect_GET <- function(object, url = "", ...) {
  expect_mock_request(object, "GET ", url, " ", ...)

#' @rdname expect_verb
#' @export
expect_POST <- function(object, url = "", ...) {
  expect_mock_request(object, "POST ", url, " ", ...)

#' @rdname expect_verb
#' @export
expect_PATCH <- function(object, url = "", ...) {
  expect_mock_request(object, "PATCH ", url, " ", ...)

#' @rdname expect_verb
#' @export
expect_PUT <- function(object, url = "", ...) {
  expect_mock_request(object, "PUT ", url, " ", ...)

#' @rdname expect_verb
#' @export
expect_DELETE <- function(object, url = "", ...) {
  expect_mock_request(object, "DELETE ", url, " ", ...)

#' @rdname expect_verb
#' @export
expect_no_request <- function(object, ...) {
  # No request means no error/message thrown
  request_happened()(object, NA)

#' @importFrom testthat expect_error
expect_mock_request <- function(object,
                                fixed = TRUE,
                                ignore.case = FALSE,
                                perl = FALSE,
                                useBytes = FALSE) {
  # PUT/POST/PATCH with no body may have trailing whitespace, so trim it
  expected <- sub(" +$", "", paste0(...))
    fixed = fixed,
    ignore.case = ignore.case,
    perl = perl,
    useBytes = useBytes

# Without internet, POST/PUT/PATCH throw errors with their request info
# With fake HTTP, POST/PUT/PATCH print messages with their request info.
# with_fake_http mocks request_happened to make it expect_message
#' @importFrom testthat expect_error expect_message
request_happened <- function() {
  if (getOption("..httptest.request.errors", TRUE)) {
  } else {

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httptest documentation built on June 22, 2024, 10:46 a.m.