test_that("index to waterbodies", {
if(!requireNamespace("nhdplusTools", quietly = TRUE)) skip("Missing nhdplusTools")
source(system.file("extdata/sample_data.R", package = "nhdplusTools"))
wb <- sf::read_sf(sample_data, "NHDWaterbody")
gage <- sf::read_sf(sample_data, "Gage")
fline <- sf::read_sf(sample_data, "NHDFlowline_Network")
gage_l <- sf::st_drop_geometry(gage) |>
dplyr::filter(! |>
sf::st_as_sf(coords = c("LonSite", "LatSite"), crs = 4326)
gage_l <- dplyr::select(gage_l, hy_locid = SOURCE_FEA)
expect_warning(match <- index_points_to_waterbodies(wb, gage_l),
"st_transform points to match waterbodies")
expect_equal(match[18,]$near_wb_COMID, match[18,]$in_wb_COMID)
expect_equal(match[13,]$near_wb_COMID, 13293262)
gage_l <- sf::st_transform(gage_l, 5070)
wb_l <- sf::st_transform(dplyr::select(wb, COMID), 5070)
match <- index_points_to_waterbodies(wb_l, gage_l, search_radius = units::set_units(50, "m"))
match <- index_points_to_waterbodies(wb_l, gage_l, search_radius = units::set_units(200, "m"))
expect_equal(match[13,]$near_wb_dist, 164, tolerance = 1)
match <- index_points_to_waterbodies(wb_l, gage_l, flines = fline,
search_radius = units::set_units(200, "m"))
gage_l <- cbind(gage_l, match)
# waterbody without flowline
# point near waterbody
expect_equal(match[7,]$outlet_fline_COMID, 13294312)
sf::st_geometry(wb_l)[[1]] <- sf::st_multipolygon(list(sf::st_geometry(wb_l)[[1]][[1]], sf::st_geometry(wb_l)[[1]][[1]]))
expect_error(match <- index_points_to_waterbodies(wb_l, gage_l, search_radius = units::set_units(50, "m")),
"Multipart geometries not supported.")
sr <- units::set_units(0.1, "degrees")
if(requireNamespace("nhdplusTools", quietly = TRUE)) {
source(system.file("extdata", "sample_flines.R", package = "nhdplusTools"))
sample_flines <- sf::st_cast(sample_flines, "LINESTRING", warn = FALSE)
test_that("point indexing to nearest existing node works as expected", {
if(!requireNamespace("nhdplusTools", quietly = TRUE)) skip("Missing nhdplusTools")
if(!requireNamespace("lwgeom", quietly = TRUE)) skip("Missing lwgeom")
flines_in <- sample_flines
flines_in <- sf::st_transform(flines_in, 4269)
point <- sf::st_sfc(sf::st_point(c(-76.86876, 39.49345)), crs = 4269)
expect_equal(index_points_to_lines(flines_in, point),
data.frame(point_id = 1,
COMID = 11688298,
REACHCODE = "02060003000579",
REACHCODE_measure = 34.6,
offset = 0.000348), tolerance = 0.01)
expect_equal(index_points_to_lines(flines_in, point)$REACHCODE,
index_points_to_lines(sf::st_transform(flines_in, 5070),
sf::st_transform(point, 5070))$REACHCODE)
expect_equal(index_points_to_lines(sf::st_transform(flines_in, 5070),
sf::st_transform(point, 5070)),
data.frame(point_id = 1,
COMID = 11688298,
REACHCODE = "02060003000579",
REACHCODE_measure = 33.8,
offset = 30.27), tolerance = 0.01)
expect_equal(nrow(index_points_to_lines(flines_in, point, search_radius = sr,
max_matches = 5)),
expect_equal(index_points_to_lines(flines_in, point, search_radius = sr,
precision = 30),
data.frame(point_id = 1,
COMID = 11688298,
REACHCODE = "02060003000579",
REACHCODE_measure = 25.9,
offset = 0.0000959), tolerance = 0.001)
point_w <- sf::st_sfc(sf::st_point(c(-76.86934, 39.49328)), crs = 4326)
expect_warning(index_points_to_lines(flines_in, point_w,
search_radius = sr),
"crs of lines and points don't match. attempting st_transform of lines")
names(flines_in)[1] <- "broken"
expect_error(index_points_to_lines(flines_in, point, search_radius = sr),
"index_points_to_lines requires id hydroloom attributes.")
test_that("point indexing works without measures", {
if(!requireNamespace("nhdplusTools", quietly = TRUE)) skip("Missing nhdplusTools")
flines_in <- sample_flines
flines_in <- sf::st_cast(sf::st_transform(flines_in, 4269),
flines_in <- dplyr::select(flines_in, -FromMeas, -ToMeas)
point <- sf::st_sfc(sf::st_point(c(-76.86876, 39.49345)), crs = 4269)
expect_equal(index_points_to_lines(flines_in, point),
data.frame(point_id = 1,
COMID = 11688298,
REACHCODE = "02060003000579",
offset = 0.000348), tolerance = 0.01)
test_that("point indexing to for multiple points works", {
if(!requireNamespace("nhdplusTools", quietly = TRUE)) skip("Missing nhdplusTools")
if(!requireNamespace("lwgeom", quietly = TRUE)) skip("Missing lwgeom")
flines_in <- sample_flines
flines_in <- sf::st_transform(flines_in, 4269)
point <- sf::st_sfc(list(sf::st_point(c(-76.86934, 39.49328)),
sf::st_point(c(-76.91711, 39.40884)),
sf::st_point(c(-76.88081, 39.36354))), crs = 4269)
expect_equal(index_points_to_lines(flines_in, point, search_radius = sr),
data.frame(point_id = c(1, 2, 3),
COMID = c(11688298, 11688808, 11688980),
REACHCODE = c("02060003000579",
REACHCODE_measure = c(0, 53.58737, 75.37795),
offset = c(0.00006026811,
0.00031029699)), tolerance = 1e-2)
expect_equal(index_points_to_lines(flines_in, point, search_radius = sr,
precision = 5),
data.frame(point_id = c(1, 2, 3),
COMID = c(11688298, 11688808, 11688980),
REACHCODE = c("02060003000579",
REACHCODE_measure = c(2.1599, 50.52674, 77.40798),
offset = c(0.0000602681,
0.0001566810)), tolerance = 1e-2)
matches <- index_points_to_lines(flines_in, point, search_radius = sr, max_matches = 10)
expect_true("point_id" %in% names(matches))
matches2 <- index_points_to_lines(flines_in, point, search_radius = sr,
precision = 50, max_matches = 10)
expect_equal(nrow(matches), nrow(matches2))
expect_true(all(matches2$REACHCODE %in% matches$REACHCODE))
test_that("multipart indexing", {
points <- sf::read_sf(list.files(pattern = "*flowline_index_reprex.gpkg",
recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE), "sites")
lines <- sf::read_sf(list.files(pattern = "*flowline_index_reprex.gpkg",
recursive = TRUE, full.names = TRUE), "reaches")
warn <- capture_warnings(index <- index_points_to_lines(lines, points,
search_radius = 500))
expect_true(all(c("Attempting to combine multipart lines into single part lines. Check results!!",
"search_radius units not set, trying units of points CRS.")
%in% warn))
expect_true(all(index$COMID == 51664))
test_that("no duplicates when using precision", {
# Define points
locs <- dplyr::tibble(id = c(1, 2),
lon = c(-83.87865, -83.87975),
lat = c(35.60989, 35.60963))
points <- sf::st_as_sf(locs, coords = c("lon", "lat"), crs = 4326) |>
flines_aoi <- sf::st_buffer(points, dist = units::as_units(5000, "m")) |>
sf::st_bbox() |>
# Define objects that we'd pass to get_flowline_index
search_rad <- units::as_units(500, "m")
max_match <- 3
precision <- 10
flines <- sf::read_sf(list.files(pattern = "index_precision.gpkg",
full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE))
check <-index_points_to_lines(x = flines, points = points,
search_radius = search_rad,
max_matches = max_match,
precision = precision) |>
dplyr::filter(point_id == 2)
expect_equal(length(unique(check$comid)), 3)
test_that("disambiguate", {
if(!requireNamespace("nhdplusTools", quietly = TRUE)) skip("Missing nhdplusTools")
source(system.file("extdata", "sample_flines.R", package = "nhdplusTools"))
hydro_location <- sf::st_sf(point_id = c(1, 2, 3),
geom = sf::st_sfc(list(sf::st_point(c(-76.86934, 39.49328)),
sf::st_point(c(-76.91711, 39.40884)),
sf::st_point(c(-76.88081, 39.36354))),
crs = 4326),
totda = c(23.6, 7.3, 427.9),
nameid = c("Patapsco", "", "Falls Run River"))
indexes <- index_points_to_lines(sample_flines,
search_radius = units::set_units(0.2, "degrees"),
max_matches = 10)
result <- disambiguate_indexes(indexes,
dplyr::select(sample_flines, COMID, TotDASqKM),
dplyr::select(hydro_location, point_id, totda))
expect_equal(nrow(result), 3)
c("point_id", "COMID", "REACHCODE", "REACHCODE_measure", "offset"))
result <- disambiguate_indexes(indexes,
hy(dplyr::select(sample_flines, COMID, TotDASqKM)),
dplyr::select(hydro_location, point_id, totda))
expect_equal(nrow(result), 3)
c("point_id", "id", "aggregate_id",
"aggregate_id_measure", "offset"))
result <- disambiguate_indexes(indexes,
dplyr::select(sample_flines, COMID, GNIS_NAME),
dplyr::select(hydro_location, point_id, nameid))
expect_equal(nrow(result[result$point_id == 1, ]), 3)
expect_equal(nrow(result[result$point_id == 2, ]), 10)
expect_equal(nrow(result[result$point_id == 3, ]), 1)
dplyr::select(sample_flines, COMID, GNIS_NAME),
"flowpath and hydrolocation must be two-column data.frames")
dplyr::select(sample_flines, COMID, GNIS_NAME),
dplyr::select(hydro_location, point_id, totda)),
"flowpath and hydrolocation metrics must both be numeric or character")
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