
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

![](`r system.file("help/figures/hyper2.png", package = "hyper2")`){width=10%}


We will calculate a Plackett-Luce likelihood function for four runners $\left\lbrace 1,2,3,4\right\rbrace$ but with a reified Bradley-Terry monster that corresponds to having subsets of mutual friends who support one another. For example, we might have runners 1 and 2 being friends, and runners 3 and 4 being friends: we would represent this as $\left\lbrace\left\lbrace 1,2\right\rbrace,\left\lbrace 3,4\right\rbrace\right\rbrace$.

There seem to be a few distinct statistical models for nonindependence:

The runner metaphor is not the only one. We can apply the resulting likelihood functions to other cases including the red bus-blue bus problem (see inst/red_bus_blue_bus.Rmd for more discussion).

First do three runners, and suppose the equivalence classes are $\left\lbrace\left\lbrace 1,2\right\rbrace,\left\lbrace 3\right\rbrace\right\rbrace$.

123: $\frac{p_1}{p_1+p_2+p_3}\cdot\frac{p_2+M}{p_2+p_3+M}\qquad\frac{p_1}{p_1+p_2+p_3}\cdot\frac{\lambda p_2}{\lambda p_2+p_3}$

132: $\frac{p_1}{p_1+p_3+p_2}\cdot\frac{p_3}{p_3+p_2+M}\qquad\frac{p_1}{p_1+p_3+p_2}\cdot\frac{p_3}{p_3+\lambda p_2}$

213: $\frac{p_2}{p_2+p_1+p_3}\cdot\frac{p_1+M}{p_1+p_3+M}\qquad\frac{p_2}{p_2+p_1+p_3}\cdot\frac{\lambda p_1}{\lambda p_1+p_3}$

231: $\frac{p_2}{p_2+p_3+p_1}\cdot\frac{p_3}{p_3+p_1+M}\qquad\frac{p_2}{p_2+p_1+p_3}\cdot\frac{\lambda p_1}{p_3+\lambda p_1}$

312: $\frac{p_3}{p_3+p_1+p_2}\cdot\frac{p_1}{p_2+p_1}\qquad\frac{p_3}{p_3+p_1+p_2}\cdot\frac{\lambda p_1}{p_3+p_1}$

321: $\frac{p_3}{p_3+p_2+p_1}\cdot\frac{p_2}{p_2+p_1}\qquad\frac{p_3}{p_3+p_2+p_1}\cdot\frac{p_2}{p_2+p_1}$

Now four runners with classes $\left\lbrace\left\lbrace 1,2\right\rbrace,\left\lbrace 3,4\right\rbrace\right\rbrace$.

1234: $\frac{1}{1+2+3+4}\cdot\frac{2+M}{2+3+4+M}\cdot\frac{3}{3+4}$

1243: $\frac{1}{1+2+4+3}\cdot\frac{2+M}{2+4+3+M}\cdot\frac{4}{4+3}$

1324: $\frac{1}{1+3+2+4}\cdot\frac{3}{3+2+4+M}\cdot\frac{2}{2+4+M}$

1342: $\frac{1}{1+3+4+2}\cdot\frac{3}{3+4+2+M}\cdot\frac{4+M}{2+4+M}$

1423: $\frac{1}{1+4+2+3}\cdot\frac{4}{4+2+3+M}\cdot\frac{2}{2+3}$

1432: $\frac{1}{1+4+3+2}\cdot\frac{4}{4+3+2+M}\cdot\frac{3}{2+3}$

2134: $\frac{2}{2+1+3+4}\cdot\frac{1+M}{1+3+4+M}\cdot\frac{3}{3+4}$

2143: $\frac{2}{2+1+4+3}\cdot\frac{1+M}{1+4+3+M}\cdot\frac{4}{4+3}$

2314: $\frac{2}{2+3+1+4}\cdot\frac{3}{3+1+4+M}\cdot\frac{1}{1+4+M}$

2341: $\frac{2}{2+3+4+1}\cdot\frac{3}{3+4+1+M}\cdot\frac{4+M}{1+4+M}$

2413: $\frac{2}{2+4+1+3}\cdot\frac{4}{4+1+3+M}\cdot\frac{1}{1+3}$

2431: $\frac{2}{2+4+3+1}\cdot\frac{4}{4+3+1+M}\cdot\frac{3}{1+3}$


Now 123 tethered, 45 tethered:

12345: $\frac{1}{1+2+3+4+5}\cdot\frac{2+M}{2+3+4+5+M}\cdot\frac{3+M}{3+4+5+M}\cdot\frac{4}{4+5}$

12354: $\frac{1}{1+2+3+5+4}\cdot\frac{2+M}{2+3+5+4+M}\cdot\frac{3+M}{3+5+4+M}\cdot\frac{5}{5+4}$

12435: $\frac{1}{1+2+3+5+4}\cdot\frac{2+M}{2+3+5+4+M}\cdot\frac{4}{3+5+4+M}\cdot\frac{3}{3+5+M}$

12453: $\frac{1}{1+2+3+5+4}\cdot\frac{2+M}{2+3+5+4+M}\cdot\frac{4}{3+5+4+M}\cdot\frac{5+M}{5+3+M}$

12534: $\frac{1}{1+2+3+5+4}\cdot\frac{2+M}{2+5+3+4+M}\cdot\frac{5}{3+5+4+M}\cdot\frac{3}{3+4+M}$

12543: $\frac{1}{1+2+3+5+4}\cdot\frac{2+M}{2+5+4+3+M}\cdot\frac{5}{3+5+4+M}\cdot\frac{4+M}{4+3+M}$

Might be better to consider ${5\choose 2\,3}$ arrangements of $aaabb\ldots bbaaa$.

aaabb: $\frac{a}{a+a+a+b+b}\cdot\frac{a+M}{a+a+b+b+M}\cdot\frac{a+M}{a+b+b+M}\cdot\frac{b}{b+b+M}$

aabab: $\frac{a}{a+a+a+b+b}\cdot\frac{a+M}{a+a+b+b+M}\cdot\frac{b}{a+b+b+M}\cdot\frac{a}{a+b+M}$

aabba: $\frac{a}{a+a+a+b+b}\cdot\frac{a+M}{a+a+b+b+M}\cdot\frac{b}{a+b+b+M}\cdot\frac{b+M}{b+a+M}$

abaab: $\frac{a}{a+a+a+b+b}\cdot\frac{b}{a+a+b+b+M}\cdot\frac{a}{a+a+b+M}\cdot\frac{a+M}{a+b+M}$

ababa: $\frac{a}{a+a+a+b+b}\cdot\frac{b}{a+a+b+b+M}\cdot\frac{a}{a+a+b+M}\cdot\frac{b}{b+a+M}$

abbaa: $\frac{a}{a+a+a+b+b}\cdot\frac{b}{a+a+b+b+M}\cdot\frac{b+M}{b+a+a+M}\cdot\frac{a}{a+a+M}$

baaab: $\frac{b}{a+a+a+b+b}\cdot\frac{a}{a+a+a+b+M}\cdot\frac{a+M}{a+a+b+M}\cdot\frac{a+M}{a+b+M}$

baaba: $\frac{b}{a+a+a+b+b}\cdot\frac{a}{a+a+a+b+M}\cdot\frac{a+M}{a+a+b+M}\cdot\frac{b}{a+b+M}$

babaa: $\frac{b}{a+a+a+b+b}\cdot\frac{a}{a+a+a+b+M}\cdot\frac{b}{b+a+a+M}\cdot\frac{a}{a+a}$

bbaaa: $\frac{b}{a+a+a+b+b}\cdot\frac{b+M}{a+a+a+b+M}\cdot\frac{a}{a+a+a}\cdot\frac{a}{a+a}$

f <- function (a,b,M){
(a)/(a+a+a+b+b)*(b)  /(a+a+b+b+M)*(a)/(a+a+b+M)*(a+M)/(a+b+M)+
(a)/(a+a+a+b+b)*(b)  /(a+a+b+b+M)*(a)/(a+a+b+M)*(b)/(b+a+M)+
(a)/(a+a+a+b+b)*(b)  /(a+a+b+b+M)*(b+M)/(b+a+a+M)*(a)/(a+a+M)+
(b)/(a+a+a+b+b)*(a)  /(a+a+a+b+M)*(a+M)/(a+a+b+M)*(a+M)/(a+b+M)+
(b)/(a+a+a+b+b)*(a)  /(a+a+a+b+M)*(a+M)/(a+a+b+M)*(b)/(a+b+M)+
(b)/(a+a+a+b+b)*(a)  /(a+a+a+b+M)*(b)/(b+a+a)*(a)/(a+a)+
f(4.4,3.3, 0.2)*12
f(4.4,3.3, 0.0)*12

```{tikz, fig.cap = "Partial probability tree for five competitors $a-e$ with $a$ supporting $b$, hyper3 approach", fig.ext = 'png', echo=FALSE} \usetikzlibrary{arrows} \usetikzlibrary{patterns} \begin{tikzpicture}[line cap=round,line join=round,>=triangle 45,x=1cm,y=1cm] \fill (0,0) circle[radius=2pt]; % root; paths abcde \draw (0,0) -- (2,3); \draw (0,0) -- (2,2); \draw (0,0) -- (2,1); \draw (0,0) -- (2,0); \draw (0,0) -- (2,-1); \node at (0,2.5) (eq1) {$a\longrightarrow b$};

\node at (1.5,2.5) {$a$}; \node at (1.5,1.7) {$b$}; \node at (1.5,1.0) {$c$}; \node at (1.5,0.2) {$d$}; \node at (1.5,-0.5) {$e$};

\node at (3, 3) {$\frac{a}{a+b+c+d+e}$}; \node at (3, 2) {$\frac{b}{a+b+c+d+e}$}; \node at (3, 1) {$\frac{c}{a+b+c+d+e}$}; \node at (3, 0) {$\frac{d}{a+b+c+d+e}$}; \node at (3,-1) {$\frac{e}{a+b+c+d+e}$};

\fill (4, 3) circle[radius=2pt]; % a finishes; paths bcde \fill (4, 2) circle[radius=2pt]; % terminal node \fill (4, 1) circle[radius=2pt]; % terminal node \fill (4, 0) circle[radius=2pt]; % d finishes; paths abce \fill (4,-1) circle[radius=2pt]; % terminal node

\draw (4,3) -- (5,5); \draw (4,3) -- (5,4); \draw (4,3) -- (5,3); \draw (4,3) -- (5,2);

\node at (4.5,4.6) {$b$}; \node at (4.5,3.7) {$c$}; \node at (4.5,3.2) {$d$}; \node at (4.5,2.7) {$e$};

\newcommand{\lb}{\lambda b } \newcommand{\lc}{\lambda c } \newcommand{\lee}{\lambda e } \node at (6, 5) {$\frac{\lb}{\lb+c+d+e}$}; \node at (6, 4) {$\frac{c}{\lb+c+d+e}$}; \node at (6, 3) {$\frac{d }{\lb+c+d+e}$}; \node at (6, 2) {$\frac{e }{\lb+c+d+e}$};

\fill (7.4, 5) circle[radius=2pt]; % ab finishes; paths cde \draw (7.4,5) -- (8.4,6); \draw (7.4,5) -- (8.4,5); \draw (7.4,5) -- (8.4,4);

\node at (7.9,5.7) {$c$}; \node at (7.9,5.2) {$d$}; \node at (7.9,4.7) {$e$}; \node at (9.3, 6) {$\frac{c}{c+d+e}$}; \node at (9.3, 5) {$\frac{d }{c+d+e}$}; \node at (9.3, 4) {$\frac{e }{c+d+e}$};

\fill (10.2, 6) circle[radius=2pt]; % abc finishes; paths de \draw (10.2, 6) -- (11.2,7); \node at (10.7,6.8) {$d$};

\node at (11.8, 7) {$\frac{d}{d+e}$};

\draw (10.2, 6) -- (11.2,6.2); \node at (11.8, 6.2) {$\frac{e}{d+e}$}; \node at (10.7,6.3) {$e$};

\fill (10.2, 5) circle[radius=2pt]; \draw (10.2, 5) -- (11.2,5.3); \node at (11.8, 5.3) {$\frac{c}{c+e}$}; \node at (10.7,5.3) {$c$};

\draw (10.2, 5) -- (11.2,4.7); \node at (11.8, 4.7) {$\frac{e}{c+e}$}; \node at (10.7,4.7) {$e$};

\fill (10.2, 4) circle[radius=2pt]; \draw (10.2, 4) -- (11.2,3.9); \node at (11.8, 3.9) {$\frac{c}{c+e}$}; \node at (10.7,4.1) {$c$};

\draw (10.2, 4) -- (11.2,3.1); \node at (11.8, 3.1) {$\frac{e}{c+e}$}; \node at (10.7,3.7) {$e$};

\draw (4, 0) -- (5,1); \node at (6, 1) {$\frac{a}{a+b+c+e}$};

\draw (4, 0) -- (5,0); \node at (6, 0) {$\frac{b}{a+b+c+e}$};

\draw (4, 0) -- (5,-1); \node at (6, -1) {$\frac{c}{a+b+c+e}$};

\draw (4, 0) -- (5,-2); \node at (6, -2) {$\frac{e}{a+b+c+e}$};

\node at (4.5,0.7) {$a$}; \node at (4.5,0.2) {$b$}; \node at (4.5,-0.3) {$c$}; \node at (4.5,-0.8) {$e$};

\fill (7.4, -2) circle[radius=2pt]; % de finishes; paths abc \draw (7.4, -2) -- (8.4,-1); \draw (7.4, -2) -- (8.4,-2); \draw (7.4, -2) -- (8.4,-3);

\node at (7.9,-1.2) {$a$}; \node at (7.9,-1.8) {$b$}; \node at (7.9,-2.3) {$c$};

\node at (9.3, -1) {$\frac{a}{a+b+c}$}; \node at (9.3, -2) {$\frac{b}{a+b+c}$}; \node at (9.3, -3) {$\frac{c}{a+b+c}$};

\fill (10.2, -1) circle[radius=2pt]; % dea finishes; paths bc \fill (10.2, -2) circle[radius=2pt]; % deb finishes; paths ac \fill (10.2, -3) circle[radius=2pt]; % dec finishes; paths ab

\draw (10.2, -1) -- (11.2,-0); \node at (10.6,-0.4) {$b$}; \node at (10.6,-0.8) {$c$};

\node at (11.8, 0) {$\frac{\lb}{\lb+c}$}; \draw (10.2, -1) -- (11.2,-1);

\node at (11.8, -1) {$\frac{c}{\lb+c}$};

\draw (10.2, -2) -- (11.2,-1.6); \node at (11.8, -1.6) {$\frac{a}{a+c}$};

\node at (10.6,-1.7) {$a$}; \node at (10.6,-2) {$c$};

\draw (10.2, -2) -- (11.2,-2.2); \node at (11.8, -2.2) {$\frac{c}{a+c}$};

\draw (10.2, -3) -- (11.2,-2.9); \node at (11.8, -2.9) {$\frac{a}{a+b}$};

\draw (10.2, -3) -- (11.2,-3.4); \node at (11.8, -3.4) {$\frac{b}{a+b}$};

\node at (10.6,-2.8) {$a$}; \node at (10.6,-3.3) {$b$};

\fill (7.4, 1) circle[radius=2pt]; % da finishes; paths bce

\draw (7.4, 1) -- (8.4,2); \draw (7.4, 1) -- (8.4,1); \draw (7.4, 1) -- (8.4,0);

\node at (7.9,1.7) {$b$}; \node at (7.9,1.2) {$c$}; \node at (7.9,0.7) {$e$};

\node at (9.3, 2) {$\frac{\lb}{\lb+c+e}$}; \node at (9.3, 1) {$\frac{ c}{\lb+c+e}$}; \node at (9.3, 0) {$\frac{e }{\lb+c+e}$};

\fill (10.2, 1) circle[radius=2pt]; % da finishes; paths bce \draw (10.2, 1) -- (11.2,2); \node at (11.8, 2) {$\frac{\lb}{\lb+e}$}; \draw (10.2, 1) -- (11.2,1); \node at (11.8, 1) {$\frac{e}{\lb+e}$};


```{tikz, fig.cap = "Partial probability tree for five competitors $a-e$ with mutually supporting  group $abc$, hyper3 approach.  If any competitor in the set {$a,b,c$} finishes, they lend their strength to the other competitors in the set who are still running", fig.ext = 'png', echo=FALSE}
\begin{tikzpicture}[line cap=round,line join=round,>=triangle 45,x=1cm,y=1cm]
\fill (0,0) circle[radius=2pt]; % root; paths abcde
\draw (0,0) -- (2,3); 
\draw (0,0) -- (2,2);
\draw (0,0) -- (2,1);
\draw (0,0) -- (2,0);
\draw (0,0) -- (2,-1);
\node at (0,2.5) (eq1) {$\underbrace{\left\lbrace a,b,c\right\rbrace}_{\lambda}$};

\node at (1.5,2.5) {$a$};
\node at (1.5,1.7) {$b$};
\node at (1.5,1.0) {$c$};
\node at (1.5,0.2) {$d$};
\node at (1.5,-0.5) {$e$};

\node at (3, 3)  {$\frac{a}{a+b+c+d+e}$};
\node at (3, 2)  {$\frac{b}{a+b+c+d+e}$};
\node at (3, 1)  {$\frac{c}{a+b+c+d+e}$};
\node at (3, 0)  {$\frac{d}{a+b+c+d+e}$};
\node at (3,-1)  {$\frac{e}{a+b+c+d+e}$};

\fill  (4, 3) circle[radius=2pt];  % a finishes; paths bcde
\fill  (4, 2) circle[radius=2pt];  % terminal node
\fill  (4, 1) circle[radius=2pt];  % terminal node
\fill  (4, 0) circle[radius=2pt];  % d finishes; paths abce
\fill  (4,-1) circle[radius=2pt];  % terminal node

\draw (4,3) -- (5,5); 
\draw (4,3) -- (5,4); 
\draw (4,3) -- (5,3); 
\draw (4,3) -- (5,2); 

\node at (4.5,4.6) {$b$};
\node at (4.5,3.7) {$c$};
\node at (4.5,3.2) {$d$};
\node at (4.5,2.7) {$e$};

\newcommand{\la}{\lambda a }
\newcommand{\lb}{\lambda b }
\newcommand{\lc}{\lambda c }
\newcommand{\lee}{\lambda e }
 \node at (6, 5)  {$\frac{\lb}{\lb+\lc+d+e}$};
 \node at (6, 4)  {$\frac{\lc}{\lb+\lc+d+e}$};
 \node at (6, 3)  {$\frac{d  }{\lb+\lc+d+e}$};
 \node at (6, 2)  {$\frac{e  }{\lb+\lc+d+e}$};

 \fill (7.4, 5) circle[radius=2pt];  % ab finishes; paths cde
 \draw (7.4,5) -- (8.4,6);
 \draw (7.4,5) -- (8.4,5);
 \draw (7.4,5) -- (8.4,4);

 \node at (7.9,5.7) {$c$};
 \node at (7.9,5.2) {$d$};
 \node at (7.9,4.7) {$e$};
 \node at (9.3, 6) {$\frac{\lc}{\lc+d+e}$};
 \node at (9.3, 5) {$\frac{d  }{\lc+d+e}$};
 \node at (9.3, 4) {$\frac{e  }{\lc+d+e}$};

 \fill (10.2, 6) circle[radius=2pt];  % abc finishes; paths de
 \draw (10.2, 6) -- (11.2,7);
 \node at (10.7,6.8) {$d$};

 \node at (11.8, 7) {$\frac{d}{d+e}$};

 \draw (10.2, 6) -- (11.2,6.2);
 \node at (11.8, 6.2) {$\frac{e}{d+e}$};
 \node at (10.7,6.3) {$e$};

 \fill (10.2, 5) circle[radius=2pt];
 \draw (10.2, 5) -- (11.2,5.3);
 \node at (11.8, 5.3) {$\frac{\lc}{\lc+e}$};
 \node at (10.7,5.3) {$c$};

 \draw (10.2, 5) -- (11.2,4.7);
 \node at (11.8, 4.7) {$\frac{e}{\lc+e}$};
 \node at (10.7,4.7) {$e$};

 \fill (10.2, 4) circle[radius=2pt];
 \draw (10.2, 4) -- (11.2,3.9);
 \node at (11.8, 3.9) {$\frac{\lc}{\lc+e}$};
 \node at (10.7,4.1) {$c$};

 \draw (10.2, 4) -- (11.2,3.1);
 \node at (11.8, 3.1) {$\frac{e}{\lc+e}$};
 \node at (10.7,3.7) {$e$};

 \draw (4, 0) -- (5,1);
 \node at (6, 1)  {$\frac{a}{a+b+c+e}$};

 \draw (4, 0) -- (5,0);
 \node at (6, 0)  {$\frac{b}{a+b+c+e}$};

 \draw (4, 0) -- (5,-1);
 \node at (6, -1)  {$\frac{c}{a+b+c+e}$}; 

 \draw (4, 0) -- (5,-2);
 \node at (6, -2)  {$\frac{e}{a+b+c+e}$};

 \node at (4.5,0.7) {$a$};
 \node at (4.5,0.2) {$b$};
 \node at (4.5,-0.3) {$c$};
 \node at (4.5,-0.8) {$e$};

 \fill (7.4, -2) circle[radius=2pt];  % de finishes; paths abc
 \draw (7.4, -2) -- (8.4,-1);
 \draw (7.4, -2) -- (8.4,-2);
 \draw (7.4, -2) -- (8.4,-3);

 \node at (7.9,-1.2) {$a$};
 \node at (7.9,-1.8) {$b$};
 \node at (7.9,-2.3) {$c$};

 \node at (9.3, -1) {$\frac{a}{a+b+c}$};
 \node at (9.3, -2) {$\frac{b}{a+b+c}$};
 \node at (9.3, -3) {$\frac{c}{a+b+c}$};

 \fill (10.2, -1) circle[radius=2pt];  % dea finishes; paths bc
 \fill (10.2, -2) circle[radius=2pt];  % deb finishes; paths ac
 \fill (10.2, -3) circle[radius=2pt];  % dec finishes; paths ab

 \draw (10.2, -1) -- (11.2,-0);
 \node at (10.6,-0.4) {$b$};
 \node at (10.6,-0.8) {$c$};

 \node at (11.8, 0) {$\frac{\lb}{\lb+\lc}$};
 \draw (10.2, -1) -- (11.2,-1);

 \node at (11.8, -1) {$\frac{c}{\lb+\lc}$};

 \draw (10.2, -2) -- (11.2,-1.6);
 \node at (11.8, -1.6) {$\frac{\la}{\la+\lc}$};

 \node at (10.6,-1.7) {$a$};
 \node at (10.6,-2) {$c$};

 \draw (10.2, -2) -- (11.2,-2.2);
 \node at (11.8, -2.2) {$\frac{\lc}{\la+\lc}$};

 \draw (10.2, -3) -- (11.2,-2.9);
 \node at (11.8, -2.9) {$\frac{\la}{\la+\lb}$};

 \draw (10.2, -3) -- (11.2,-3.4);
 \node at (11.8, -3.4) {$\frac{\lb}{\la+\lb}$};

 \node at (10.6,-2.8) {$a$};
 \node at (10.6,-3.3) {$b$};

 \fill (7.4, 1) circle[radius=2pt];  % da finishes; paths bce

 \draw (7.4, 1) -- (8.4,2);
 \draw (7.4, 1) -- (8.4,1);
 \draw (7.4, 1) -- (8.4,0);

 \node at (7.9,1.7) {$b$};
 \node at (7.9,1.2) {$c$};
 \node at (7.9,0.7) {$e$};

 \node at (9.3, 2) {$\frac{\lb}{\lb+\lc+e}$};
 \node at (9.3, 1) {$\frac{\lc}{\lb+\lc+e}$};
 \node at (9.3, 0) {$\frac{e  }{\lb+\lc+e}$};

 \fill (10.2, 1) circle[radius=2pt];  % da finishes; paths bce
 \draw (10.2, 1) -- (11.2,2);
 \node at (11.8, 2) {$\frac{\lb}{\lb+e}$};
 \draw (10.2, 1) -- (11.2,1);
 \node at (11.8, 1) {$\frac{e}{\lb+e}$};


```{tikz, fig.cap = "Partial probability tree for five competitors $a$-$e$ with mutually supporting subsets $\left\lbrace a,b,c\right\rbrace$ [with support term $\lambda$] and $(de)$ [with support term $\mu$], hyper3 approach", fig.ext = 'png', echo=FALSE} \usetikzlibrary{arrows} \usetikzlibrary{patterns} \begin{tikzpicture}[line cap=round,line join=round,>=triangle 45,x=1cm,y=1cm] \fill (0,0) circle[radius=2pt]; % root; paths abcde \draw (0,0) -- (2,3); \draw (0,0) -- (2,2); \draw (0,0) -- (2,1); \draw (0,0) -- (2,0); \draw (0,0) -- (2,-1); \node at (0,2.5) (eq1) {$\underbrace{\left\lbrace a,b,c\right\rbrace}{\lambda}\underbrace{\left\lbrace d,e\right\rbrace}{\mu}$};

\node at (1.5,2.5) {$a$}; \node at (1.5,1.7) {$b$}; \node at (1.5,1.0) {$c$}; \node at (1.5,0.2) {$d$}; \node at (1.5,-0.5) {$e$};

\node at (3, 3) {$\frac{a}{a+b+c+d+e}$}; \node at (3, 2) {$\frac{b}{a+b+c+d+e}$}; \node at (3, 1) {$\frac{c}{a+b+c+d+e}$}; \node at (3, 0) {$\frac{d}{a+b+c+d+e}$}; \node at (3,-1) {$\frac{e}{a+b+c+d+e}$};

\fill (4, 3) circle[radius=2pt]; % a finishes; paths bcde \fill (4, 2) circle[radius=2pt]; % terminal node \fill (4, 1) circle[radius=2pt]; % terminal node \fill (4, 0) circle[radius=2pt]; % d finishes; paths abce \fill (4,-1) circle[radius=2pt]; % terminal node

\draw (4,3) -- (5,5); \draw (4,3) -- (5,4); \draw (4,3) -- (5,3); \draw (4,3) -- (5,2);

\node at (4.5,4.6) {$b$}; \node at (4.5,3.7) {$c$}; \node at (4.5,3.2) {$d$}; \node at (4.5,2.7) {$e$};

\newcommand{\la}[1]{\lambda{#1}} \newcommand{\ld}[1]{\mu {#1}} \node at (6, 5) {$\frac{\la{b}}{\la{b}+\la{c}+d+e}$}; \node at (6, 4) {$\frac{\la{c}}{\la{b}+\la{c}+d+e}$}; \node at (6, 3) {$\frac{d }{\la{b}+\la{c}+d+e}$}; \node at (6, 2) {$\frac{e }{\la{b}+\la{c}+d+e}$};

\fill (7.4, 5) circle[radius=2pt]; % ab finishes; pahts cde \draw (7.4,5) -- (8.4,6); \draw (7.4,5) -- (8.4,5); \draw (7.4,5) -- (8.4,4);

\node at (7.9,5.7) {$c$}; \node at (7.9,5.2) {$d$}; \node at (7.9,4.7) {$e$}; \node at (9.3, 6) {$\frac{\la{c}}{\la{c}+d+e}$}; \node at (9.3, 5) {$\frac{d }{\la{c}+d+e}$}; \node at (9.3, 4) {$\frac{e }{\la{c}+d+e}$};

\fill (10.2, 6) circle[radius=2pt]; % abc finishes; paths de \draw (10.2, 6) -- (11.2,7); \node at (10.7,6.8) {$d$};

\node at (11.8, 7) {$\frac{d}{d+e}$};

\draw (10.2, 6) -- (11.2,6.2); \node at (11.8, 6.2) {$\frac{e}{d+e}$}; \node at (10.7,6.3) {$e$};

\fill (10.2, 5) circle[radius=2pt]; \draw (10.2, 5) -- (11.2,5.3); \node at (11.8, 5.3) {$\frac{\la{c}}{\la{c}+\ld{e}}$}; \node at (10.7,5.3) {$c$};

\draw (10.2, 5) -- (11.2,4.7); \node at (11.8, 4.7) {$\frac{\ld{e}}{\la{c}+\ld{e}}$}; \node at (10.7,4.7) {$e$};

\fill (10.2, 4) circle[radius=2pt]; \draw (10.2, 4) -- (11.2,3.9); \node at (11.8, 3.9) {$\frac{\la{c}}{\la{c}+\ld{e}}$}; \node at (10.7,4.1) {$c$};

\draw (10.2, 4) -- (11.2,3.1); \node at (11.8, 3.1) {$\frac{\ld{e}}{\la{c}+\ld{e}}$}; \node at (10.7,3.7) {$e$};

\draw (4, 0) -- (5,1); \node at (6, 1) {$\frac{a}{a+b+c+\ld{e}}$};

\draw (4, 0) -- (5,0); \node at (6, 0) {$\frac{b}{a+b+c+\ld{e}}$};

\draw (4, 0) -- (5,-1); \node at (6, -1) {$\frac{c}{a+b+c+\ld{e}}$};

\draw (4, 0) -- (5,-2); \node at (6, -2) {$\frac{\ld{e}}{a+b+c+\ld{e}}$};

\node at (4.5,0.7) {$a$}; \node at (4.5,0.2) {$b$}; \node at (4.5,-0.3) {$c$}; \node at (4.5,-0.8) {$e$};

\fill (7.4, -2) circle[radius=2pt]; % de finishes; paths abc \draw (7.4, -2) -- (8.4,-1); \draw (7.4, -2) -- (8.4,-2); \draw (7.4, -2) -- (8.4,-3);

\node at (7.9,-1.2) {$a$}; \node at (7.9,-1.8) {$b$}; \node at (7.9,-2.3) {$c$};

\node at (9.3, -1) {$\frac{a}{a+b+c}$}; \node at (9.3, -2) {$\frac{b}{a+b+c}$}; \node at (9.3, -3) {$\frac{c}{a+b+c}$};

\fill (10.2, -1) circle[radius=2pt]; % dea finishes; paths bc \fill (10.2, -2) circle[radius=2pt]; % deb finishes; paths ac \fill (10.2, -3) circle[radius=2pt]; % dec finishes; paths ab

\draw (10.2, -1) -- (11.2,-0); \node at (10.6,-0.4) {$b$}; \node at (10.6,-0.8) {$c$};

\node at (11.8, 0) {$\frac{\la{b}}{\la{b}+\la{c}}$}; \draw (10.2, -1) -- (11.2,-1);

\node at (11.8, -1) {$\frac{\la{c}}{\la{b}+\la{c}}$};

\draw (10.2, -2) -- (11.2,-1.6); \node at (11.8, -1.6) {$\frac{\la{a}}{\la{a}+\la{c}}$};

\node at (10.6,-1.7) {$a$}; \node at (10.6,-2) {$c$};

\draw (10.2, -2) -- (11.2,-2.2); \node at (11.8, -2.2) {$\frac{\la{c}}{\la{a}+\la{c}}$};

\draw (10.2, -3) -- (11.2,-2.9); \node at (11.8, -2.9) {$\frac{\la{a}}{\la{a}+\la{b}}$};

\draw (10.2, -3) -- (11.2,-3.4); \node at (11.8, -3.4) {$\frac{\la{b}}{\la{a}+\la{b}}$};

\node at (10.6,-2.8) {$a$}; \node at (10.6,-3.3) {$b$};

\fill (7.4, 1) circle[radius=2pt]; % da finishes; paths bce

\draw (7.4, 1) -- (8.4,2); \draw (7.4, 1) -- (8.4,1); \draw (7.4, 1) -- (8.4,0);

\node at (7.9,1.7) {$b$}; \node at (7.9,1.2) {$c$}; \node at (7.9,0.7) {$e$};

\node at (9.3, 2) {$\frac{\la{b}}{\la{b}+\la{c}+e}$}; \node at (9.3, 1) {$\frac{\la{c}}{\la{b}+\la{c}+e}$}; \node at (9.3, 0) {$\frac{e }{\la{b}+\la{c}+e}$};

\fill (10.2, 1) circle[radius=2pt]; % da finishes; paths bce \draw (10.2, 1) -- (11.2,2); \node at (11.8, 2) {$\frac{\la{b}}{\la{b}+\ld{e}}$}; \draw (10.2, 1) -- (11.2,1); \node at (11.8, 1) {$\frac{\ld{e}}{\la{b}+e}$};


# Package idiom

We can investigate red bus-blue bus phenomenon (as discussed, in a
slightly different context, in `inst/red_bus_blue_bus.Rmd`).  Here, we
consider a person who is given the choice of five transport methods:

* `C`, car
* `T`, train
* `RB` a red bus
* `BB` a blue bus
* `W` walking

Now, he does not really care what colour the bus is.  If we ask him to
rank his options, it is highly probable that he will put `RB` and `BB`
consecutively (because they are essentially indistinguishable).  Can
we quantify the strength of this effect?  To do this, we define a
bespoke function `RB_BB_LF()` which returns a `hyper3` log-likelihood
function corresponding to repeated observations of our commuter's
reported ranks for the five options:

`RB_BB_LF` <- function(s){
    ec <- c(C=1,T=2,RB=3,BB=3,W=4) # equivalence classes
    h <- c(1,1,s,1)                # strength of support
        cheering3(v=c("RB","BB","C" ,"T","W"),e=ec,h=h)*3 + 
        cheering3(v=c("BB","RB","T" ,"C","W"),e=ec,h=h)*2 + 
        cheering3(v=c("T" ,"BB","RB","C","W"),e=ec,h=h)*2 + 
        cheering3(v=c("W" ,"BB","RB","T","C"),e=ec,h=h)*4 + 
        cheering3(v=c("C" ,"RB","BB","W","T"),e=ec,h=h)*4 + 
        cheering3(v=c("BB","C" ,"RB","T","W"),e=ec,h=h)*3

Above, we see from the function body that he reported RB,BB,C,T,W three times [first row], BB,RB,T,C,W twice [second row], and so on; perhaps his ranking depends on the weather or how tired he is on any given day. Observe that in almost every case he ranks RB and BB consecutively. Function RB_BB_LF() takes argument s that quantifies the perceived similarity between RB and BB. For example:

(H <- RB_BB_LF(s=1.8888))
(mH <- maxp(H,n=1))

Now to find a profile likelihood function for s:

o <- function(s){maxp(RB_BB_LF(s),give=TRUE,n=1)$likes} # optimand
s <- exp(seq(from=log(1.3),to=log(47),len=17)) # putative similarity measures
L <- sapply(s,o)
L <- L-max(L)

We can plot these:


And formally maximize the likelihood:

(osup <- optimize(o,c(6,10),maximum=TRUE))

So a likelihood ratio test of the null that $S=1$ would be:

(suppdiff <- o(osup$maximum) - o(1))

Easily satisfying Edwards's two-units-of-support criterion; Wilks gives us an asymptotic $p$-value:


University ranking analysis

Here we use a dataset of university rankings, timesData.csv, taken from

a <- read.table("timesData.csv",sep=",", header=TRUE)
wanted <- c("California Institute of Technology", "Harvard University", 
"Massachusetts Institute of Technology", "Princeton University", 
"Stanford University", "University of Cambridge", "University of Oxford")
names(wanted) <- c("cal","harv","mass","prin","stan","cam","ox")

a <- a[a$university_name %in% wanted,]
a <- cbind(a,"top7rank"=0)
for(y in unique(a$year)){
    a[a$year==y,"top7rank"] <- order(
                  as.numeric(a[a$year==y,"world_rank"]) + 
a <- a[,c("top7rank","university_name","year")]
a <- reshape(a,idvar="university_name",timevar="year",direction="wide")
for(i in seq_len(nrow(a))){
   a$university_name[i] <- names(which(wanted == a$university_name[i]))
rownames(a) <- a$university_name
a <- a[,-1]
colnames(a) <- paste("Y",2011:2016,sep="")
H <- ordertable2supp(a)

Start to use hyper3 idiom:

H3 <- function(oxcam){
  out <- hyper3()
  for(i in seq_len(ncol(a))){
    jj <- rep("",nrow(a))
    jj[a[,i]] <- rownames(a)
    out <- out + cheering3(v=jj,e=c(ox=1,cam=1,prin=2, stan=3, mass=4, harv=5, cal=6), help=c(oxcam,1,1,1,1,1))
o <- function(oxcam){maxp(H3(oxcam),give=TRUE,n=1)$likes}
oc <- exp(seq(from=log(0.5),to=log(5),len=15))
L <- sapply(oc,o)
L <- L - max(L)

Five nations championship

The five nations rugby championship was held from 1910 to 1999 and file five_nations.txt shows the order statistic for England (E), Scotland (S), Ireland (I), Wales (W), and France (F).

Here is hyper2 analysis:

a <- as.matrix(read.table("five_nations.txt",header=FALSE))
H <- hyper2()
for(i in seq_len(nrow(a))){
  H <- H + race(a[i,-1])
mH <- maxp(H)

Now use hyper3 to see whether teams do better following a win:

rugby <- function(lambda){
  H3a <- hyper3()
  for(i in seq(from=2,to=nrow(a))){
        last_year_winner <- a[i-1,2] # e.g. "W" or "E"
        H3a <- H3a + ordervec2supp3a(a[i,-1],nonfinishers=NULL,helped=last_year_winner,lambda=lambda)

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