skating: Figure skating at the 2002 Winter Olympics

skatingR Documentation

Figure skating at the 2002 Winter Olympics


A likelihood function for the competitors at the Ladies' Free Skate at the 2002 Winter Olympics




Three objects skating, a log-likelihood function for the competitors' strengths, skating_table, an order table for each of the 9 judges, and skating_maxp, the result of maxp(skating), which is included to save time in the examples.

These objects can be generated by running script inst/skating.Rmd, which includes some further discussion and technical documentation. The dataset is interesting because it has been analysed by many workers, including Lock and Lock, for consistency between the judges.

Note that file is structured so that each competitor is a row, and each judge is a column. Function rank_likelihood() requires a transpose of this to operate.

Object skating_table is an order table, taken from Lock and Lock. It corrects what appears to be an error in which judge 5 ranked both Butyrskaya and Kettunen 12; there is no 13. Using EM, I reckon that Butyrskaya should be ranked twelfth and Kettunen thirteenth.


There is an (Rbuildignore-d) discussion of a skeleton dataset in the inst/ directory of the repo, it's easy to confuse this with skating.


Robin K. S. Hankin





rL <- sort(skating_maxp,decreasing=TRUE)
rL[] <- seq_along(rL)
rO <- seq_len(nrow(skating_table))
names(rO) <- rownames(skating_table)
   xlab="official rank",ylab="likelihood rank",
   main="Ladies free skating, 2002 Winter Olympics")

hyper2 documentation built on June 22, 2024, 9:57 a.m.