Man pages for ibdsim2
Simulation of Chromosomal Regions Shared by Family Members

convertPosConversion of genetic map positions
customMapCustom recombination map
estimateCoeffsEstimation of one- and two-locus relatedness coefficients
extractIdsExtract ID labels from simulation output
findPatternFind specific IBD patterns
haploDrawDraw haplotypes onto a pedigree plot
ibdsimIBD simulation
ibdsim2-packageibdsim2: Simulation of Chromosomal Regions Shared by Family...
karyoDiploidDiploid karyogram
karyogram2Karyogram plots
karyoHaploidHaploid karyogram
launchAppLaunch the ibdsim2 app
loadMapLoad a built-in genetic map
maplengthsPhysical and genetic map lengths
plotSegmentDistributionScatter plots of IBD segment distributions
profileSimIBDSimulate markers conditional on a given IBD pattern
realisedRealised relatedness
segmentStatsSummary statistics for identified segments
uniformMapUniform recombination maps
zeroIBDProbability of zero IBD
ibdsim2 documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 7:52 p.m.