
#' Lung Tumor Interval Censored Data from Hoel and Walburg 1972
#' @name miceData
#' @docType data
#' @field l    left side of observation interval
#' @field u    right side of observation interval
#' @field grp  Group for mouse. Either ce (conventional environment) or ge (grem-free environment)
#' @description
#' RFM mice were sacrificed and examined for lung tumors. This resulted in current status interval censored data: 
#' if the tumor was present, this implied left censoring and if no tumor was present this implied right censoring. 
#' Mice were placed in two different groups: conventional environment or germ free environment.
#' @references 
#' 	Hoel D. and Walburg, H.,(1972), Statistical analysis of survival experiments, \emph{The Annals of Statistics}, 
#' 	18, 1259-1294 
#' @examples
#' data(miceData)
#' coxph_fit <- ic_sp(Surv(l, u, type = 'interval2') ~ grp, 
#'                     bs_samples = 50,	
#'                     data = miceData)
#' #In practice, more bootstrap samples should be used for inference
#' #Keeping it quick for CRAN testing purposes 
#' summary(coxph_fit)
#' @export

#' Interval censored time from diabetes onset to diabetic nephronpathy
#' @name IR_diabetes
#' @docType data
#' @field left   left side of observation interval
#' @field right  right side of observation interval
#' @field gender gender of subject
#' @description
#' Data set contains interval censored survival time for time from onset of
#' diabetes to to diabetic nephronpathy. Identical to the \code{diabetes}
#' dataset found in the package \code{glrt}. 
#' @examples
#'  data(IR_diabetes)
#'  fit <- ic_par(cbind(left, right) ~ gender, 
#'                data = IR_diabetes,
#'                model = "po",
#'                dist = "loglogistic")
#' @references
#'  Borch-Johnsens, K, Andersen, P and Decker, T (1985).
#'  "The effect of proteinuria on relative mortality in Type I (insulin-dependent) diabetes mellitus."
#'  Diabetologia, 28, 590-596.
#' @export

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