
Defines functions idb_api_key idb5 idb1

Documented in idb1 idb5 idb_api_key

#' (DEPRECATED) Retrieve data from the single-year-of-age IDB dataset.
#' @param country The two-character country FIPS code, or a valid country name.
#' @param year The year for which you'd like to retrieve data
#' @param variables A vector of variables.  If left blank, will return age, area in square kilometers, the name of the country, and the population size of the age group.
#' @param start_age (optional) The first age for which you'd like to retrieve data.
#' @param end_age (optional) The second age group for which you'd like to retrieve data.
#' @param sex (optional) One of 'both', 'male', or 'female'.
#' @param api_key The user's Census API key.  Can be supplied here or set globally in an idbr session with
#' \code{idb_api_key(api_key)}.
#' @return A data frame with the requested data.
#' @seealso \url{https://api.census.gov/data/timeseries/idb/1year.html}
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' # Projected population pyramid of China in 2050 with idbr and plotly
#' library(idbr)
#' library(plotly)
#' library(dplyr)
#' idb_api_key('Your API key goes here')
#' male <- idb1('CH', 2050, sex = 'male') %>%
#'   mutate(POP = POP * -1,
#'          SEX = 'Male')
#' female <- idb1('CH', 2050, sex = 'female') %>%
#'    mutate(SEX = 'Female')
#' china <- rbind(male, female) %>%
#'    mutate(abs_pop = abs(POP))
#' plot_ly(china, x = POP, y = AGE, color = SEX, type = 'bar', orientation = 'h',
#'         hoverinfo = 'y+text+name', text = abs_pop, colors = c('red', 'gold')) %>%
#'   layout(bargap = 0.1, barmode = 'overlay',
#'          xaxis = list(tickmode = 'array', tickvals = c(-10000000, -5000000, 0, 5000000, 10000000),
#'                      ticktext = c('10M', '5M', '0', '5M', '10M')),
#'          title = 'Projected population structure of China, 2050')
#' }
#' @export
idb1 <- function(country, year, variables = c('AGE', 'AREA_KM2', 'NAME', 'POP'),
                 start_age = NULL, end_age = NULL, sex = NULL, api_key = NULL) {


  if (Sys.getenv('IDB_API') != '') {

    api_key <- Sys.getenv('IDB_API')

  } else if (is.null(api_key)) {

    # Check if tidycensus API key is available

    if (Sys.getenv("CENSUS_API_KEY") != '') {
      api_key <- Sys.getenv("CENSUS_API_KEY")
    } else {
      stop('A Census API key is required.  Obtain one at https://api.census.gov/data/key_signup.html, and then supply the key to the `idb_api_key` function to use it throughout your idbr session.')


  if (length(country) > 1) {

    multi <- purrr::map_df(country, ~{
      idb1(country = .x, year = year, variables = variables,
           start_age = start_age, end_age = end_age, sex = sex,
           api_key = api_key)



  if (nchar(country) > 2) {

    country <- countrycode::countrycode(country, 'country.name', 'fips')


  if (!(country %in% valid_countries)) {

    stop(paste0('The FIPS code ', country, ' is not available in the Census IDB.'))


  variables <- paste(variables, sep = '', collapse = ',')

  if (length(year) == 1) {

    url <- paste0(

    if (!is.null(start_age) & !is.null(end_age)) {

      url <- paste0(url, '&AGE=', as.character(start_age), ':', as.character(end_age))

    } else if (!is.null(start_age) & is.null(end_age)) {

      url <- paste0(url, '&AGE=', as.character(start_age), ':100')

    } else if (is.null(start_age) & !is.null(end_age)) {

      url <- paste0(url, '&AGE=0:', as.character(end_age))


    if (!is.null(sex)) {

      if (sex == 'both') sex <- 0

      if (sex == 'male') sex <- 1

      if (sex == 'female') sex <- 2

      url <- paste0(url, '&SEX=', as.character(sex))



  } else if (length(year) > 1) {

    dfs <- lapply(year, function(x) {

      url <- paste0(

      if (!is.null(start_age) & !is.null(end_age)) {

        url <- paste0(url, '&AGE=', as.character(start_age), ':', as.character(end_age))

      } else if (!is.null(start_age) & is.null(end_age)) {

        url <- paste0(url, '&AGE=', as.character(start_age), ':100')

      } else if (is.null(start_age) & !is.null(end_age)) {

        url <- paste0(url, '&AGE=0:', as.character(end_age))


      if (!is.null(sex)) {

        if (sex == 'both') sex <- 0

        if (sex == 'male') sex <- 1

        if (sex == 'female') sex <- 2

        url <- paste0(url, '&SEX=', as.character(sex))







#' (DEPRECATED) Retrieve data from the five-year-age-group IDB dataset.
#' @param country A two-character FIPS code or country name, or a vector of FIPS codes or country names,
#' of the countries for which you'd like to retrieve data.
#' @param year A year, or a vector of years, for which you'd like to retrieve data.
#' @param variables A vector of variables.  Use \code{idb_variables()} for a full list.
#' @param concept A concept for which you'd like to retrieve data.
#' Use \code{idb_concepts()} for a list of options.
#' @param country_name If TRUE, returns a column with the long country name along with the FIPS code.
#' @param api_key The user's Census API key.  Can be supplied here or set globally in an idbr session with
#' \code{idb_api_key(api_key)}.
#' @return A data frame with the requested data.
#' @seealso \url{https://api.census.gov/data/timeseries/idb/5year.html}
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' # World map of infant mortality rates by country for 2016 with plotly
#' library(idbr)
#' library(plotly)
#' library(viridis)
#' idb_api_key('Your API key goes here')
#' df <- idb5(country = 'all', year = 2016, variable = 'IMR', country_name = TRUE)
#' plot_ly(df, z = IMR, text = NAME, locations = NAME, locationmode = 'country names',
#'         type = 'choropleth', colors = viridis(99), hoverinfo = 'text+z') %>%
#'   layout(title = 'Infant mortality rate (per 1000 live births), 2016',
#'          geo = list(projection = list(type = 'robinson')))
#' }
#' @export
idb5 <- function(country, year, variables = NULL, concept = NULL, country_name = FALSE, api_key = NULL) {


  if (Sys.getenv('IDB_API') != '') {

    api_key <- Sys.getenv('IDB_API')

  } else if (is.null(api_key)) {

    # Check if tidycensus API key is available

    if (Sys.getenv("CENSUS_API_KEY") != '') {
      api_key <- Sys.getenv("CENSUS_API_KEY")
    } else {
      stop('A Census API key is required.  Obtain one at https://api.census.gov/data/key_signup.html, and then supply the key to the `idb_api_key` function to use it throughout your idbr session.')


  suppressWarnings(if (country == 'all') {

    country <- valid_countries

    } else {

      country <- purrr::map_chr(country, function(x) {

        if (nchar(x) > 2) {

          return(countrycode::countrycode(x, 'country.name', 'fips'))

        } else {





  if (any(is.na(!match(country, valid_countries))) == TRUE) {

    nomatch <- country[is.na(!match(country, valid_countries))]

    country <- country[!country %in% nomatch]

    warning(paste0('The FIPS codes ', paste(nomatch, sep = ' ', collapse = ', '),
                   ' are not available in the Census IDB, and have been removed from your query.'))


  if (length(variables) > 50) {

    stop("Requests are limited to 50 variables.  Consider using `idb_variables()` to identify which variables to select, or `idb_concepts()` to identify a concept by which you can subset.", call. = FALSE)


  if (!is.null(variables)) {

    if (!is.null(concept)) {

      concept <- NULL

      warning('concept cannot be used with variables; using the specified variables instead.', call. = FALSE)


    variables <- paste(variables, sep = '', collapse = ',')

  } else if (is.null(variables) & is.null(concept)) {

    stop("Requests are limited to 50 variables.  Consider using `idb_variables()` to identify which variables to select, or `idb_concepts()` to identify a concept by which you can subset.", call. = FALSE)

  } else if (is.null(variables) & !is.null(concept)) {

    sub <- variables5[variables5$Concept == concept, ]

    vars <- unique(sub$Name)

    variables <- paste(vars, sep = '', collapse = ',')


  if (country_name == TRUE) variables <- paste0(variables, ',NAME')

  if (length(country) == 1 & length(year) == 1) {

    url <- paste0(


  } else if (length(country) > 1 & length(year) == 1) {

    dfs <- lapply(country, function(x) {

      url <- paste0(




  } else if (length(country) == 1 & length(year) > 1) {

    dfs <- lapply(year, function(x) {

      url <- paste0(




  } else if (length(country) > 1 & length(year) > 1) {

    full <- lapply(country, function(x) {

      dfs <- lapply(year, function(y) {

        url <- paste0(








#' Set the Census API key
#' Use to set the Census API key in an idbr session so that the key does not have to be passed to each
#' \code{idb1} or \code{idb5} function call.
#' @param api_key The idbr user's Census API key.  Can be obtained from \url{https://api.census.gov/data/key_signup.html}.
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' idb_api_key('Your API key goes here')
#' }
#' @export
idb_api_key <- function(api_key) {

  Sys.setenv(IDB_API = api_key)


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idbr documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:39 a.m.