
# Vapour pressure of water

install.load::load_package("rvest", "data.table")

url <- ""

# Source 1 begin
water_vapour_pressure <- read_html(url)
water_vapour_pressure <- html_nodes(water_vapour_pressure, "table.wikitable") %>% html_table(header = TRUE)
# Source 1 end

# combine the list into a single data.table
water_vapour_pressure <-[[1]])

save(water_vapour_pressure, file = "./data/water_vapour_pressure.rda")

# Data source
# Vapour pressure of water
# 6 September 2023

# Source 1
# Wikipedia Data Scraping with R: rvest in Action: Scraping list of people on bank notes for exploratory data analysis using rvest functions By Korkrid Kyle Akepanidtaworn, Jul 21, 2018.

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