reverse_edges: Reverse edges in a graph

reverse_edgesR Documentation

Reverse edges in a graph


The new graph will contain the same vertices, edges and attributes as the original graph, except that the direction of the edges selected by their edge IDs in the eids argument will be reversed. When reversing all edges, this operation is also known as graph transpose.


reverse_edges(graph, eids = E(graph))

## S3 method for class 'igraph'



The input graph.


The edge IDs of the edges to reverse.


The input graph.


The result graph where the direction of the edges with the given IDs are reversed

See Also

Other functions for manipulating graph structure: +.igraph(), add_edges(), add_vertices(), complementer(), compose(), connect(), contract(), delete_edges(), delete_vertices(), difference.igraph(), difference(), disjoint_union(), edge(), igraph-minus, intersection.igraph(), intersection(), path(), permute(), rep.igraph(), simplify(), union.igraph(), union(), vertex()

Other functions for manipulating graph structure: +.igraph(), add_edges(), add_vertices(), complementer(), compose(), connect(), contract(), delete_edges(), delete_vertices(), difference.igraph(), difference(), disjoint_union(), edge(), igraph-minus, intersection.igraph(), intersection(), path(), permute(), rep.igraph(), simplify(), union.igraph(), union(), vertex()


g <- make_graph(~ 1 -+ 2, 2 -+ 3, 3 -+ 4)
reverse_edges(g, 2)

igraph documentation built on Aug. 10, 2023, 9:08 a.m.