
#' Greedy vertex coloring
#' `greedy_vertex_coloring()` finds a coloring for the vertices of a graph
#' based on a simple greedy algorithm.
#' The goal of vertex coloring is to assign a "color" (i.e. a positive integer
#' index) to each vertex of the graph such that neighboring vertices never have
#' the same color. This function solves the problem by considering the vertices
#' one by one according to a heuristic, always choosing the smallest color index
#' that differs from that of already colored neighbors. The coloring obtained
#' this way is not necessarily minimal but it can be calculated in linear time.
#' @param graph The graph object to color
#' @param heuristic The selection heuristic for the next vertex to consider.
#'   Currently only one heuristic is supported: \dQuote{colored_neighbors}
#'   selects the vertex with the largest number of already colored neighbors.
#' @return A numeric vector where item `i` contains the color index
#'   associated to vertex `i`
#' @family coloring
#' @export
#' @keywords graphs
#' @examples
#' g <- make_graph("petersen")
#' col <- greedy_vertex_coloring(g)
#' plot(g, vertex.color = col)
greedy_vertex_coloring <- vertex_coloring_greedy_impl

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igraph documentation built on Aug. 10, 2023, 9:08 a.m.