
#' add_row_annotation
#' Adds annotation heatmaps for one or more qualitative or quantitative 
#' annotations for each row of a main heatmap.  
#' @param p \code{link{Iheatmap-class}} object
#' @param annotation data.frame or object that can be converted to data frame
#' @param colors list of color palettes, with one color per annotation column 
#' name
#' @param side side of plot on which to add row annotation
#' @param size relative size of each row annotation
#' @param buffer relative size of buffer between previous subplot and row 
#' annotation
#' @param inner_buffer relative size of buffer between each annotation
#' @param layout layout properties for new x axis
#' @param show_colorbar logical indicator to show or hide colorbar
#' @return \code{\link{Iheatmap-class}} object, which can be printed to generate 
#' an interactive graphic
#' @export
#' @rdname add_row_annotation
#' @name add_row_annotation
#' @aliases add_row_annotation,Iheatmap-method
#' @author Alicia Schep
#' @seealso \code{\link{iheatmap}}, \code{\link{add_row_annotation}}, 
#' \code{\link{add_col_signal}}, \code{\link{add_col_groups}}
#' @examples
#' mat <- matrix(rnorm(24), nrow = 6)
#' annotation <- data.frame(gender = c(rep("M", 3),rep("F",3)),
#'                         age = c(20,34,27,19,23,30))
#' hm <- iheatmap(mat) %>% add_row_annotation(annotation)
#' # Print heatmap if interactive session 
#' if (interactive()) hm 
          c(p = "Iheatmap"),
                   colors = NULL,
                   side = c("right","left"),
                   size = 0.05,
                   buffer = 0.015,
                   inner_buffer = buffer / 2,
                   layout = list(),
                   show_colorbar = TRUE){
            side <- match.arg(side)
            # Convert to data.frame
            x <- as.data.frame(annotation)
            for (i in seq_len(ncol(x))){
              if (is.character(x[,i]) || is.factor(x[,i]) || is.logical(x[,i])){
                if (!is.null(colors) && colnames(x)[i] %in% names(colors)){
                  tmp_colors <- colors[[colnames(x)[i]]]
                } else{
                  tmp_colors <- pick_discrete_colors(as.factor(x[,i]), p)
                p <- add_row_groups(p, x[,i],
                                    name = colnames(x)[i],
                                    title = colnames(x)[i],
                                    colors = tmp_colors,
                                    show_colorbar = show_colorbar,
                                    side = side,
                                    size = size,
                                    buffer = if (i == 1) 
                                      buffer else inner_buffer,
                                    layout = layout,
                                    show_title = TRUE)
              } else if (is.numeric(x[,i])){
                if (!is.null(colors) && colnames(x)[i] %in% names(colors)){
                  tmp_colors <- colors[[colnames(x)[i]]]
                } else{
                  tmp_colors <- pick_continuous_colors(zmid = 0, 
                                                       zmin = min(x[,i], na.rm = TRUE),
                                                       zmax = max(x[,i], na.rm = TRUE), p)
                p <- add_row_signal(p, 
                                    name = colnames(x)[i],
                                    colors = tmp_colors,
                                    side = side,
                                    size = size,
                                    buffer = if (i == 1) 
                                      buffer else inner_buffer,
                                    layout = layout,
                                    show_title = TRUE,
                                    show_colorbar = show_colorbar)
              } else{
                stop("Input should be character, factor, logical, or numeric")

#' add_col_annotation
#' Adds annotation heatmaps for one or more qualitative or quantitative 
#' annotations for each column of a main heatmap.  
#' @param p \code{link{Iheatmap-class}} object
#' @param annotation data.frame or object that can be converted to data frame
#' @param colors list of color palettes, with one color per annotation column 
#' name
#' @param side side of plot on which to add column annotation
#' @param size relative size of each row annotation
#' @param buffer relative size of buffer between previous subplot and column 
#' annotation
#' @param inner_buffer relative size of buffer between each annotation
#' @param layout layout properties for new y axis
#' @param show_colorbar logical indicator to show or hide colorbar
#' @return \code{\link{Iheatmap-class}} object, which can be printed to generate 
#' an interactive graphic
#' @export
#' @rdname add_col_annotation
#' @name add_col_annotation
#' @aliases add_col_annotation,Iheatmap-method
#' @seealso \code{\link{iheatmap}}, \code{\link{add_row_annotation}}, 
#' \code{\link{add_col_signal}}, \code{\link{add_col_groups}}
#' @author Alicia Schep
#' @examples
#' mat <- matrix(rnorm(24), ncol = 6)
#' annotation <- data.frame(gender = c(rep("M", 3),rep("F",3)),
#'                         age = c(20,34,27,19,23,30))
#' hm <- iheatmap(mat) %>% add_col_annotation(annotation)
#' # Print heatmap if interactive session 
#' if (interactive()) hm 
          c(p = "Iheatmap"),
                   colors = NULL,
                   side = c("top","bottom"),
                   size = 0.05,
                   buffer = 0.015,
                   inner_buffer = buffer / 2,
                   layout = list(),
                   show_colorbar = TRUE){
            side <- match.arg(side)
            # Convert to data.frame
            x <- as.data.frame(annotation)
            for (i in seq_len(ncol(x))){
              if (is.character(x[,i]) || is.factor(x[,i]) || is.logical(x[,i])){
                if (!is.null(colors) && colnames(x)[i] %in% names(colors)){
                  tmp_colors <- colors[[colnames(x)[i]]]
                } else{
                  tmp_colors <- pick_discrete_colors(as.factor(x[,i]), p)
                p <- add_col_groups(p, 
                                    name = colnames(x)[i],
                                    title = colnames(x)[i],
                                    colors = tmp_colors,
                                    show_colorbar = show_colorbar,
                                    side = side,
                                    size = size,
                                    buffer = if (i == 1)
                                      buffer else inner_buffer,
                                    layout = layout,
                                    show_title = TRUE)
              } else if (is.numeric(x[,i])){
                if (!is.null(colors) && colnames(x)[i] %in% names(colors)){
                  tmp_colors <- colors[[colnames(x)[i]]]
                } else{
                  tmp_colors <- pick_continuous_colors(zmid = 0, 
                                                       zmin = min(x[,i], na.rm = TRUE),
                                                       zmax = max(x[,i], na.rm = TRUE), p)
                p <- add_col_signal(p, 
                                    name = colnames(x)[i],
                                    colors = tmp_colors,
                                    side = side,
                                    size = size,
                                    buffer = if (i == 1)
                                      buffer else inner_buffer,
                                    layout = layout,
                                    show_title = TRUE,
                                    show_colorbar = show_colorbar)
              } else{
                stop("Input should be character, factor, logical, or numeric")

Try the iheatmapr package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

iheatmapr documentation built on May 29, 2024, 8:55 a.m.