

Conclusion {#conclusion}

In sum, {iheiddown} offers an easy way to write IHEID-consistent theses, but is enormously extensible and adaptable, allowing students to craft their own dissertations and other documents.

Using iheiddown for proposals

As an example of this, let us consider how one might begin using iheiddown from the start of a masters or doctoral dissertation, and not just at the end while 'writing up' (a good idea in any case).

One feature often requested by supervisors from DDPs and MPTs is the preparation of a plan about how and when the various tasks associated with the project will be completed. Your supervisor may even ask for this to be presented in a table or a Gantt chart.

We have covered tables in the previous chapter. Here I want to offer a quick vignette about how you can create a Gantt chart that outlines the temporal progression you expect to make. We will use the {gantrify} package to do this.

ganttrify(project = ganttrify::test_project,
          project_start_date = "2020-03",
          colour_palette = iheiddown::iheid_palette("Centres", 
                                                    type = "continuous")

Additional resources

Anything else?

If you'd like to see examples of other things in this template, please add them as feature requests to the iheiddown website. We love to see people using RMarkdown for their theses, and are happy to help.

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iheiddown documentation built on Nov. 10, 2022, 5:52 p.m.