
Defines functions as.cimg.function imnoise imfill

Documented in as.cimg.function imfill imnoise

#Image generators (parametric, noise, etc.)

##' Create an image of custom size by filling in repeated values
##' This is a convenience function for quickly creating blank images, or images filled with a specific colour. See examples.
##' If val is a logical value, creates a pixset instead. 
##' @param x width (default 1)
##' @param y height (default 1)
##' @param z depth (default 1)
##' @param val fill-in values. Either a single value (for grayscale), or RGB values for colour, or a character string for a colour (e.g. "blue") 
##' @param dim dimension vector (optional, alternative to specifying x,y,z)
##' @return an image object (class cimg)
##' @examples
##' \dontshow{cimg.limit.openmp()}
##' imfill(20,20) %>% plot #Blank image of size 20x20
##' imfill(20,20,val=c(1,0,0)) %>% plot #All red image
##' imfill(20,20,val="red") %>% plot #Same, using R colour name
##' imfill(3,3,val=FALSE) #Pixset
##' imfill(dim=dim(boats)) #Blank image of the same size as the boats image
##' @author Simon Barthelme
##' @export
imfill <- function(x=1,y=1,z=1,val=0,dim=NULL)
        if (!is.null(dim))
            x <- dim[1];y <- dim[2];z <- dim[3]
        if (is.character(val))
            val <- col2rgb(val)[,1]/255
        if (length(val) == 1)
            if (is.logical(val))
                array(val,c(x,y,z,1)) %>% pixset
                array(val,c(x,y,z,1)) %>% cimg
                map(val,function(v) imfill(x,y,z,val=v)) %>% imappend("c")

##' Generate (Gaussian) white-noise image
##' A white-noise image is an image where all pixel values are drawn IID from a certain distribution. Here they are drawn from a Gaussian.
##' @param x width
##' @param y height
##' @param z depth
##' @param cc spectrum
##' @param mean mean pixel value (default 0)
##' @param sd std. deviation of pixel values (default 1)
##' @param dim dimension vector (optional, alternative to specifying x,y,z,cc)
##' @return a cimg object
##' @examples
##' \dontshow{cimg.limit.openmp()}
##' imnoise(100,100,cc=3) %>% plot(main="White noise in RGB")
##' imnoise(100,100,cc=3) %>% isoblur(5) %>% plot(main="Filtered (non-white) noise")
##' imnoise(dim=dim(boats)) #Noise image of the same size as the boats image
##' @author Simon Barthelme
##' @export
imnoise <- function(x=1,y=1,z=1,cc=1,mean=0,sd=1,dim=NULL)
        if (is.null(dim))
            dim <- c(x,y,z,cc)
        rnorm(prod(dim),mean=mean,sd=sd) %>% array(dim=dim) %>% cimg

##' Create an image by sampling a function
##' Similar to as.im.function from the spatstat package, but simpler. Creates a grid of pixel coordinates x=1:width,y=1:height and (optional) z=1:depth, and evaluates the input function at these values. 
##' @param obj a function with arguments (x,y), or (x,y,cc), or (x,y,z), etc. Must be vectorised; see examples.
##' @param width width of the image (in pixels) 
##' @param height height of the image (in pixels)
##' @param depth depth of the image (in pixels). Default 1. 
##' @param spectrum number of colour channels. Defaut 1.
##' @param dim a vector of image dimensions (can be used instead of width, height, etc.) 
##' @param standardise coordinates are scaled and centered (see doc for pixel.grid)
##' @param ... ignored
##' @return an object of class cimg
##' @author Simon Barthelme
##' @examples
##' \dontshow{cimg.limit.openmp()}
##' im = as.cimg(function(x,y) cos(sin(x*y/100)),100,100)
##' plot(im)
##' #The following is just a rectangle at the center of the image 
##' im = as.cimg(function(x,y) (abs(x) < .1)*(abs(y) < .1) ,100,100,standardise=TRUE)
##' plot(im)
##' #Since coordinates are standardised the rectangle scales with the size of the image
##' im = as.cimg(function(x,y) (abs(x) < .1)*(abs(y) < .1) ,200,200,standardise=TRUE)
##' plot(im)
##' #A Gaussian mask around the center
##' im = as.cimg(function(x,y) dnorm(x,sd=.1)*dnorm(y,sd=.3) ,dim=dim(boats),standardise=TRUE)
##' im = im/max(im)
##' plot(im*boats)
##' #A Gaussian mask for just the red channel
##' fun = function(x,y,cc) ifelse(cc==1,dnorm(x,sd=.1)*dnorm(y,sd=.3),0)
##' im = as.cimg(fun,dim=dim(boats),standardise=TRUE)
##' plot(im*boats)
##' @export
as.cimg.function <- function(obj,width,height,depth=1,spectrum=1,standardise=FALSE,dim=NULL,...)
        if (!is.null(dim))
            width <- dim[1]
            height <- dim[2]
            depth <- dim[3]
            spectrum <- dim[4]
        fun <- obj
        args <- formals(fun) %>% names
        gr <- pixel.grid(dim=c(width,height,depth,spectrum),standardise=standardise,drop.unused=TRUE)
        if (depth == 1)
                if (setequal(args,c("x","y")))
                    val <- fun(x=gr$x,y=gr$y)
                else if (setequal(args,c("x","y","cc")))
                    val <- fun(x=gr$x,y=gr$y,cc=gr$cc)
                    stop("Input must be a function with arguments (x,y) or (x,y,cc)")
                if (setequal(args,c("x","y","z")))
                    val <- fun(x=gr$x,y=gr$y,z=gr$z)
                else if (setequal(args,c("x","y","z","cc")))
                    val <- fun(x=gr$x,y=gr$y,z=gr$z,cc=gr$cc)
                    stop("Input must be a function with arguments (x,y,z) or (x,y,z,cc)")
        dim(val) <- c(width,height,depth,spectrum)

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imager documentation built on May 29, 2024, 1:38 a.m.