
Defines functions immunr_tsne immunr_mds immunr_pca default_scale_fun

Documented in immunr_mds immunr_pca immunr_tsne

default_scale_fun <- function(x) {
  # if (sum(x < 1, na.rm = TRUE) == 0) {
  #   -log(x)
  # } else {
  #   x
  # }


#' Dimensionality reduction
#' @importFrom stats prcomp
#' @concept post_analysis
#' @aliases immunr_pca immunr_mds immunr_tsne
#' @description Collects a set of principal variables, reducing the number of not important variables
#' to analyse. Dimensionality reduction makes data analysis algorithms work faster and
#' sometimes more accurate, since it also reduces noise in the data. Currently available
#' methods are:
#' - \code{immunr_pca} performs PCA (Principal Component Analysis) using \link{prcomp};
#' - \code{immunr_mds} performs MDS (Multi-Dimensional Scaling) using \link[MASS]{isoMDS};
#' - \code{immunr_tsne} performs tSNE (t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbour Embedding) using \link[Rtsne]{Rtsne}.
#' @usage
#' immunr_pca(.data, .scale = default_scale_fun, .raw = TRUE, .orig = FALSE, .dist = FALSE)
#' immunr_mds(.data, .scale = default_scale_fun, .raw = TRUE, .orig = FALSE, .dist = TRUE)
#' immunr_tsne(.data, .perp = 1, .dist = TRUE, ...)
#' @param .data A matrix or a data frame with features, distance matrix or output from \link{repOverlapAnalysis} or \link{geneUsageAnalysis} functions.
#' @param .scale A function to apply to your data before passing it to any of
#' dimensionality reduction algorithms. There is no scaling by default.
#' @param .perp The perplexity parameter for \link[Rtsne]{Rtsne}. Sepcifies the number
#' of neighbours each data point must have in the resulting plot.
#' @param .raw If TRUE then returns the non-processed output from dimensionality reduction
#' algorithms. Pass FALSE if you want to visualise results.
#' @param .orig If TRUE then returns the original result from algorithms. Pass FALSE
#' if you want to visualise results.
#' @param .dist If TRUE then assumes that ".data" is a distance matrix.
#' @param ... Other parameters passed to \link[Rtsne]{Rtsne}.
#' @return
#' \code{immunr_pca} - an output from \link{prcomp}.
#' \code{immunr_mds} - an output from \link{isoMDS}.
#' \code{immunr_tsne} - an output from \link{Rtsne}.
#' @seealso \link{vis.immunr_pca} for visualisations.
#' @examples
#' data(immdata)
#' gu <- geneUsage(immdata$data)
#' gu[is.na(gu)] <- 0
#' gu <- t(as.matrix(gu[, -1]))
#' immunr_pca(gu)
#' immunr_mds(dist(gu))
#' immunr_tsne(dist(gu))
#' @export immunr_pca immunr_mds immunr_tsne
immunr_pca <- function(.data, .scale = default_scale_fun, .raw = TRUE, .orig = FALSE, .dist = FALSE) {
  if (.dist) {
    res <- cmdscale(as.dist(.scale(.data)), list. = TRUE)

    if (!.orig) {
      res$scale <- FALSE
      res$center <- c(0, 0, 0, 0)
      res$x <- res$points
      res$rotation <- res$points
      res$sdev <- c(0, 0, 0, 0)
      colnames(res$x) <- c("DimI", "DimII")
      res <- add_class(res, "prcomp")
  } else {
    res <- prcomp(.scale(.data), scale. = TRUE)

    if (!.raw) {
      res <- data.frame(res$x)[c(1, 2)]
      colnames(res) <- c("V1", "V2")
      res$Sample <- row.names(res)

  add_class(res, "immunr_pca")

immunr_mds <- function(.data, .scale = default_scale_fun, .raw = TRUE, .orig = FALSE, .dist = TRUE) {
  if (.dist) {
    .data <- as.dist(.scale(.data))
  } else {
    .data <- .scale(.data)
  res <- MASS::isoMDS(.data, k = 2, trace = FALSE)
  if (!.raw) {
    res <- data.frame(res$points)
    colnames(res) <- c("V1", "V2")
    res$Sample <- row.names(res)
  } else {
    if (!.orig) {
      # Dirty hack to make factoextra work with MDS objects
      res$scale <- FALSE
      res$center <- c(0, 0, 0, 0)
      res$x <- res$points
      res$rotation <- res$points
      res$sdev <- c(0, 0, 0, 0)
      colnames(res$x) <- c("DimI", "DimII")
      res <- add_class(res, "prcomp")
  add_class(res, "immunr_mds")

immunr_tsne <- function(.data, .perp = 1, .dist = TRUE, ...) {
  if (.dist) {
    data_proc <- as.dist(.data)
  } else {
    data_proc <- .data
  res <- Rtsne::Rtsne(data_proc, perplexity = .perp, is_distance = .dist, ...)$Y
  row.names(res) <- row.names(.data)
  colnames(res) <- c("DimI", "DimII")
  add_class(res, "immunr_tsne")

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immunarch documentation built on May 29, 2024, 7:23 a.m.