
loadModule("IncGraphModule", TRUE)

network.check <- function(network) {
  if (class(network) != "Rcpp_incgraph.network")
    stop("network must be created by new.network or matrix.as.network.")
node.id.check <- function(network, i, var.name) {
  if (i <= 0 | network$amnt.nodes < i)
    stop(var.name, " must have a value between 1 and ", network$amnt.nodes)
amnt.nodes.check <- function(amnt.nodes) {
  if (amnt.nodes < 1)
    stop("The network must contain at least 1 node.")
links.check <- function(links, amnt.nodes) {
  if (!all(0 < links & links <= amnt.nodes))
    stop("links must be a N-by-2 matrix with values between 1 and ", amnt.nodes,
         ", each row representing one edge in the network.")

#' @title IncGraph network
#' @description
#' \code{new.incgraph.network} creates a new IncGraph object containing either
#' an empty network or a network initialised from a given matrix.
#' @details
#' This creates a new instance of the incgraph.network class. At least one of the parameters
#' (\code{amnt.nodes} or \code{links}) needs to be passed to this function.
#' Please note that this is a stateful object.
#' @usage
#' new.incgraph.network(amnt.nodes, links=NULL)
#' new.incgraph.network(amnt.nodes=NULL, links)
#' new.incgraph.network(amnt.nodes, links)
#' @param amnt.nodes The number of nodes in the network
#' @param links A matrix with 2 columns and N rows, 1 row for each edge to be loaded in the network
#' @return An instance of the incgraph.network class
#' @examples
#' # Create a new (empty) network with 4 nodes
#' net <- new.incgraph.network(amnt.nodes = 4)
#' # Create a new network with 4 nodes and some edges
#' net <- new.incgraph.network(links = matrix(c(1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 4), ncol=2))
#' # Create a new network with 10 nodes and some edges
#' net <- new.incgraph.network(amnt.nodes = 10, links = matrix(c(1, 2, 2, 3, 1, 4), ncol=2))
#' # Create a more complex network from a matrix
#' mat <- matrix(c(1, 2,
#'                 1, 3,
#'                 1, 4,
#'                 1, 5,
#'                 1, 6,
#'                 1, 7,
#'                 2, 7,
#'                 2, 8,
#'                 2, 9,
#'                 2, 10), ncol=2)
#' net <- new.incgraph.network(links=mat)
#' # Calculate the initial orbit counts using orca
#' orb.counts <- calculate.orbit.counts(net)
#' # Modify an edge and calculate the differences in orbit counts
#' flip(net, 5, 10) # add (5,10)
#' delta1 <- calculate.delta(net, 5, 10)
#' # Modify another edge
#' flip(net, 6, 10) # add (6, 10)
#' delta2 <- calculate.delta(net, 6, 10)
#' # And another
#' flip(net, 1, 5)  # remove (1, 5)
#' delta3 <- calculate.delta(net, 1, 5)
#' # Verify that the new orbit counts equals the old orbit counts plus the delta counts
#' new.orb.counts.incremental <- orb.counts +
#'   delta1$add - delta1$rem +
#'   delta2$add - delta2$rem +
#'   delta3$add - delta3$rem
#' new.orb.counts <- calculate.orbit.counts(net)
#' all(new.orb.counts.incremental == new.orb.counts) # TRUE
#' ## Additional helper functions
#' # Transform the network to a matrix
#' network.as.matrix(net)
#' # Get all neighbours of a node
#' get.neighbours(net, 1)
#' # Does the network contain a specific interaction?
#' contains(net, 5, 10)
#' contains(net, 7, 10)
#' # Reinitialise to an empty network
#' reset(net)
#' network.as.matrix(net)
#' @seealso \code{\link{incgraph}}, \code{\link{calculate.orbit.counts}}, \code{\link{calculate.delta}}
#' @export
new.incgraph.network <- function(amnt.nodes=NULL, links=NULL) {
  if (is.null(links) && is.null(amnt.nodes)) {
    stop("Either amnt.nodes or links need to be passed a value")
  if (is.null(amnt.nodes)) {
    amnt.nodes <- max(links)
  network <- new (incgraph.network, amnt.nodes)
  if (!is.null(links)) {
    set.network(network, links)

#' @title Reset network
#' @description
#' \code{reset} resets all the data structures so that all edges are removed from the network.
#' @usage
#' reset(network)
#' @seealso See \code{\link{new.incgraph.network}} for examples and usage.
#' @param network An instance of the incgraph.network class
#' @export
reset <- function(network) {

#' @title Modify edge
#' @description
#' \code{flip} modifies an edge in the network. If it is contained in the network, it is removed from the network, otherwise it is added to the network.
#' @usage
#' flip(network, i, j)
#' @seealso See \code{\link{new.incgraph.network}} for examples and usage.
#' @param network An instance of the incgraph.network class
#' @param i A node in \code{network}
#' @param j A node in \code{network}
#' @export
flip <- function(network, i, j) {
  node.id.check(network, i, var.name="i")
  node.id.check(network, j, var.name="j")
  network$flip(i-1, j-1)

#' @title Set a given network to contain the given links
#' @description
#' \code{set.network} sets a given network to contain the given links.
#' @details
#' This first resets the network and adds all given links. For minor changes to the network,
#' the usage of \code{\link{flip}} is recommended.
#' @usage
#' set.network(network, links)
#' @seealso See \code{\link{new.incgraph.network}} for examples and usage.
#' @param network An instance of the incgraph.network class
#' @param links A matrix with 2 columns and N rows, 1 row for each edge to be loaded in the network
#' @export
set.network <- function(network, links) {
  links.check(links, network$amnt.nodes)

#' @title Calculate orbit counts from scratch
#' @description
#' \code{calculate.orbit.counts} calculates the orbit counts of the current network.
#' @details
#' The complete orbit counts is calcucated using the \code{\link{count5}} from the \code{orca} package.
#' Calling this method repeatedly becomes very inefficient for evolving networks. For evolving networks, the usage
#' of \code{\link{calculate.delta}} is recommended.
#' For more details on this method, see Hočevar and Demšar (2014).
#' @usage
#' calculate.orbit.counts(network)
#' @references
#' Hočevar, T. and Demšar J. (2014) A combinatorial approach to graphlet counting. Bioinformatics.
#' @seealso See \code{\link{new.incgraph.network}} for examples and usage.
#' @param network An instance of the incgraph.network class
#' @return An N-by-73 matrix, with N the number of nodes in the network and 1 column for each possible orbit.
#' The value of \code{mat[i,j]} is the number of times node \code{i} has orbit \code{j} in a subgraph in the network.
#' @export
calculate.orbit.counts <- function(network) {
  # todo: include orca code in own cpp file?
  amnt.nodes <- network$amnt.nodes
  mat <- network.as.matrix(network)
  elems <- mat
  dim(elems) <- NULL
  elems <- unique(elems)
  map <- match(seq_len(amnt.nodes), elems)
  new.mat <- apply(mat, c(1,2), function(x) map[x])
  orbit.counts <- orca::count5(new.mat)
  do.call("rbind", lapply(map, function(x) {
    if(is.na(x)) rep.int(0, 73) else orbit.counts[x,]

#' @title Modify edge
#' @description
#' \code{orca.halfdelta} calculates the orca counts for a network that has just been changed.
#' @usage
#' orca.halfdelta(network, i, j)
#' @param network An instance of the incgraph.network class
#' @param i A node in \code{network}
#' @param j A node in \code{network}
#' @export
orca.halfdelta <- function(network, i, j) {
  node.id.check(network, i, var.name="i")
  node.id.check(network, j, var.name="j")

  amnt.nodes <- network$amnt.nodes
  mat <- network.as.matrix(network)
  if (network$contains(i-1, j-1)) {
    filt <- (mat[,1] == i & mat[,2] == j) | (mat[,1] == j & mat[,2] == i)
    mat <- mat[!filt,,drop=F]
  } else {
    mat <- rbind(mat, c(i,j))

  elems <- mat
  dim(elems) <- NULL
  elems <- unique(elems)
  map <- match(seq_len(amnt.nodes), elems)
  new.mat <- apply(mat, c(1,2), function(x) map[x])
  orbit.counts <- orca::count5(new.mat)
  do.call("rbind", lapply(map, function(x) {
    if (is.na(x)) {
      rep.int(0, 73)
    } else {


#' @title Calculate changes in orbit counts
#' @description
#' \code{calculate.delta} calculates the changes in orbit counts as a result of a single edge modification.
#' @usage
#' calculate.delta(network, i, j)
#' @details
#' This method iterates over and counts all graphlets which were added to or removed from the network due to one edge modification.
#' @author Cannoodt Robrecht, \email{robrecht.cannoodt@@gmail.com}
#' @references Cannoodt, R. et al. (2015) IncGraph: A graphlet-based approach for characterising
#' topological changes in evolving networks. Submitted to Bioinformatics.
#' @seealso See \code{\link{new.incgraph.network}} for examples and usage.
#' @param network An instance of the incgraph.network class
#' @param i A node in \code{network}
#' @param j A node in \code{network}
#' @return A list containing two N-by-73 matrices, with N the number of nodes in the network and 1 column for each possible orbit.
#' The value of \code{list$add[i,j]} (resp. \code{list$rem[i,j]}) is the number of times a subgraph was added to (resp. removed from)
#' the network such that node \code{i} has orbit \code{j} in that subgraph.
#' @export
calculate.delta <- function(network, i, j) {
  node.id.check(network, i, var.name="i")
  node.id.check(network, j, var.name="j")
  out <- network$calculate.delta(i-1, j-1)
  colnames(out$add) <- paste0("O", seq_len(73)-1)
  colnames(out$rem) <- paste0("O", seq_len(73)-1)

#' @title Neighbours
#' @description
#' \code{get.neighbours} returns a vector of all neighbours of \code{i}.
#' @usage
#' get.neighbours(network, i)
#' @seealso See \code{\link{new.incgraph.network}} for examples and usage.
#' @param network An instance of the incgraph.network class
#' @param i A node in \code{network}
#' @return Returns all neighbours of node \code{i}
#' @export
get.neighbours <- function(network, i) {
  node.id.check(network, i, var.name="i")

#' @title Contains
#' @description
#' \code{contains} returns \code{TRUE} if the network contains the edge (i, j).
#' @usage
#' contains(network, i, j)
#' @seealso See \code{\link{new.incgraph.network}} for examples and usage.
#' @param network An instance of the incgraph.network class
#' @param i A node in \code{network}
#' @param j A node in \code{network}
#' @return \code{TRUE} if the network contains (i, j)
#' @export
contains <- function(network, i, j) {
  node.id.check(network, i, var.name="i")
  node.id.check(network, j, var.name="j")
  network$contains(i-1, j-1)

#' @title Network as matrix
#' @description
#' \code{network.as.matrix} returns the network as a matrix
#' @usage
#' network.as.matrix(network)
#' @seealso See \code{\link{new.incgraph.network}} for examples and usage.
#' @param network An instance of the incgraph.network class
#' @export
network.as.matrix <- function(network) {
  amnt.nodes <- network$amnt.nodes
  mat <-
    do.call("rbind", sapply(seq_len(amnt.nodes-1)-1, function(i) {
      right <- network$get.neighbours(i)
      right <- right[right > i]
      left <- rep.int(i, length(right))
      cbind(left, right)
  class(mat) <- "integer"
  colnames(mat) <- NULL

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