
Defines functions estimRoundingError scalePars minObjFunPORT as_percent

Documented in as_percent estimRoundingError minObjFunPORT scalePars

# mkuhn, 2021-10-11
# Utility functions used within this package

#' Format a number as percentage.
#' Internal helper function that is not exported.
#' @param x numeric vector to be formated as percentage
#' @param digits requested number of decimal digits of the percentage
#' @return number formatted as percentage character
as_percent <- function(x, digits = 1) {
  stopifnot( is.numeric(digits) )
  sprintf(fmt = paste0('%.', as.integer(digits),'f%%', x*100))

#' Minimize an objective function with PORT routine (nlminb)
#' @param objFun objective function
#' @param start numeric vector of parameter values to start optimization
#' @param lower numeric. lower bound for parameters (boxed constraint)
#' @param upper numeric. upper bound for parameters (boxed constraint)
#' @param verbose numeric. Verbosity level.
minObjFunPORT <- function(objFun, start, lower = -Inf, upper = +Inf, verbose = 0) {
  optObj <- NULL
    optObj <- stats::nlminb(start = start, objective = objFun, lower = lower, upper = upper, control = list(trace = verbose))
    optObj$counts <- optObj$evaluations
    optObj$methodOpt <- "PORT"
  }, silent = TRUE)

#' Calculate parameter scaling for optimization routine.
#' The scale per parameter corresponds to the step width within the optimization path.
#' @param parV named numeric parameter vector for optimization
#' @param lowerB numeric. lower bound for parameter scales
#' @param upperB numeric. upper bound for parameter scales
#' @return vector of parameter scaling
scalePars <- function(parV, lowerB = 1e-5, upperB = 1e5){
  if (is.null(lowerB)) lowerB <- -Inf
  if (is.null(upperB)) upperB <- +Inf

  stopifnot( is.numeric(parV), is.numeric(lowerB), is.numeric(upperB))
  stopifnot( length(lowerB) == 1L || length(lowerB) == length(parV) )
  stopifnot( length(upperB) == 1L || length(upperB) == length(parV) )

  # scale vector: default value is 1
  scVect <- rep.int(1, times = length(parV))

  # non-log parameters get scaling depending on their initial value
  idx.nonLog <- which(startsWith(names(parV), "delay1") & parV > 0)
  scVect[idx.nonLog] <- parV[idx.nonLog]^.2 #5th root pushes towards 1

  # enforce upper and lower bounds
  pmax.int(lowerB, pmin.int(upperB, scVect))


#' Estimate rounding error based on given sample of metric values
#' The idea is to check at which level of rounding the sample values do not change.
#' @param obs numeric. Metric values from a sample to estimate the corresponding rounding error
#' @param roundDigits integer. Which level of rounding to test? Negative numbers round to corresponding powers of 10
#' @param maxObs integer. How many observations to consider at most? If the provided sample has more observations a sub-sample is used.
#' @return estimated rounding error
estimRoundingError <- function(obs, roundDigits = seq.int(-4L, 6L), maxObs = 100L) {
  stopifnot( is.numeric(maxObs), length(maxObs) == 1L )
  maxObs <- trunc(maxObs)
  # drop NA and Inf
  obs <- obs[is.finite(obs)]

  if (maxObs > 1L && length(obs) > maxObs){
    obs <- obs[round(seq.int(from = 1, to = length(obs), length.out = maxObs))]

  # digits to round to
  roundDigits <- unique(trunc(roundDigits))

  #XXX think here: fails for small obs close to 0!
  if (all(abs(obs) < .1)) obs <- 1L + obs

  rDigInd <- purrr::map_lgl(.x = roundDigits,
                            .f = ~all(abs(obs - round(obs, digits = .x)) < 2L * 10L**min(-2L, -.x-1L)) )
  10L**-if (!any(rDigInd)) max(roundDigits)+1L else if (all(rDigInd)) min(roundDigits)-1L else roundDigits[which.max(rDigInd)]

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incubate documentation built on Sept. 11, 2024, 6:50 p.m.