
Defines functions get_outputs calc_times_input

#                         Super class: GradientBased

#' @title Super class for gradient-based interpretation methods
#' @description Super class for gradient-based interpretation methods. This
#' class inherits from [`InterpretingMethod`]. It summarizes all implemented
#' gradient-based methods and provides a private function to calculate the
#' gradients w.r.t. to the input for given data. Implemented are:
#' - *Vanilla Gradients* and *Gradient\eqn{\times}Input* ([`Gradient`])
#' - *Integrated Gradients* ([`IntegratedGradient`])
#' - *SmoothGrad* and *SmoothGrad\eqn{\times}Input* ([`SmoothGrad`])
#' - *ExpectedGradients* ([`ExpectedGradient`])
#' @template param-converter
#' @template param-data
#' @template param-channels_first
#' @template param-dtype
#' @template param-ignore_last_act
#' @template param-output_idx
#' @template param-output_label
#' @template param-verbose
GradientBased <- R6Class(
  classname = "GradientBased",
  inherit = InterpretingMethod,
  public = list(

    #' @field times_input (`logical(1`))\cr
    #' This logical value indicates whether the results
    #' were multiplied by the provided input data or not.\cr
    times_input = NULL,

    #' @description
    #' Create a new instance of this class. When initialized,
    #' the method is applied to the given data and the results are stored in
    #' the field `result`.
    #' @param times_input (`logical(1`)\cr
    #' Multiplies the gradients with the input features.
    #' This method is called *Gradient\eqn{\times}Input*.\cr
    initialize = function(converter, data,
                          channels_first = TRUE,
                          output_idx = NULL,
                          output_label = NULL,
                          ignore_last_act = TRUE,
                          times_input = TRUE,
                          verbose = interactive(),
                          dtype = "float"
                          ) {
      super$initialize(converter, data, channels_first, output_idx, output_label,
                       ignore_last_act, TRUE, verbose, dtype)

      cli_check(checkLogical(times_input), "times_input")
      self$times_input <- times_input
  private = list(
    calculate_gradients = function(input, method_name = "Gradient") {
      # Set 'requires_grad' for the input tensors
      lapply(input, function(i) i$requires_grad <- TRUE)

      # Run input through the model
      out <- self$converter$model(input,
                                  channels_first = self$channels_first,
                                  save_input = FALSE,
                                  save_preactivation = FALSE,
                                  save_output = FALSE,
                                  save_last_layer = TRUE)

      # Save predictions
      if (method_name %in% c("Gradient")) {
        pred <- get_outputs(out, self$output_idx)
        self$preds <- pred

      if (self$ignore_last_act) {
        out <- lapply(self$converter$model$output_nodes,
                      function(x) self$converter$model$modules_list[[x]]$preactivation)


      # Save decomposition goal
      if (method_name %in% c("Gradient")) {
        pred <- get_outputs(out, self$output_idx)
        self$decomp_goal <- pred

      # Add up the output over the batch dimension
      out_sum <- lapply(out, torch_sum, dim = 1)

      if (self$verbose) {
        # Define Progressbar
        pb <- cli_progress_bar(name = paste0("Backward pass '", method_name, "'"),
                         total = length(unlist(self$output_idx)),
                         type = "iterator",
                         clear = FALSE)

      # Definition of some temporary functions --------------------------------
      # Define function for calculating the gradients of one output
      calc_gradient_for_one_output <- function(idx, list_idx) {
        if (self$verbose) {
          cli_progress_update(id = pb, inc = 1, force = TRUE)

        autograd_grad(out_sum[[list_idx]][idx], input, retain_graph = TRUE,
                      allow_unused = TRUE)

      # Define function for stacking the results
      stack_outputs <- function(input_idx, results) {
        batch <- lapply(seq_along(results), function(i) {
          result <- results[[i]][[input_idx]]
          if (is_undefined_tensor(result)) result <- NULL


        if (is.null(batch[[1]])) {
          result <- NULL
        } else {
          result <- torch_stack(batch, dim = -1)


      # Define function for calculating gradients for multiple outputs
      calc_gradient_for_list_idx <- function(list_idx) {
        # Loop over every entry for the model output of index 'list_idx'
        res <- lapply(self$output_idx[[list_idx]],
                      list_idx = list_idx)

        lapply(seq_along(res[[1]]), stack_outputs, results = res)
      # End of definitions ----------------------------------------------------

      output_idx <-
        seq_along(self$output_idx)[!unlist(lapply(self$output_idx, is.null))]
      grads <- lapply(output_idx, calc_gradient_for_list_idx)

      lapply(input, function(i) i$requires_grad <- FALSE)
      if (self$verbose) cli_progress_done(id = pb)


#                               Vanilla Gradient

#' @title Vanilla Gradient and Gradient\eqn{\times}Input
#' @name Gradient
#' @description
#' This method computes the gradients (also known as *Vanilla Gradients*) of
#' the outputs with respect to the input variables, i.e., for all input
#' variable \eqn{i} and output class \eqn{j}
#' \deqn{d f(x)_j / d x_i.}
#' If the argument `times_input` is `TRUE`, the gradients are multiplied by
#' the respective input value (*Gradient\eqn{\times}Input*), i.e.,
#' \deqn{x_i * d f(x)_j / d x_i.}
#' While the vanilla gradients emphasize prediction-sensitive features,
#' Gradient\eqn{\times}Input is a decomposition of the output into feature-wise
#' effects based on the first-order Taylor decomposition.
#' The R6 class can also be initialized using the [`run_grad`] function as a
#' helper function so that no prior knowledge of R6 classes is required.
#' @template examples-Gradient
#' @template param-converter
#' @template param-data
#' @template param-channels_first
#' @template param-dtype
#' @template param-output_idx
#' @template param-output_label
#' @template param-ignore_last_act
#' @template param-verbose
#' @family methods
#' @export
Gradient <- R6Class(
  classname = "Gradient",
  inherit = GradientBased,
  public = list(

    #' @description
    #' Create a new instance of the `Gradient` R6 class. When initialized,
    #' the method *Gradient* or *Gradient\eqn{\times}Input* is applied to the
    #' given data and the results are stored in the field `result`.
    #' @param times_input (`logical(1`))\cr
    #' Multiplies the gradients with the input features.
    #' This method is called *Gradient\eqn{\times}Input*.\cr
    initialize = function(converter, data,
                          channels_first = TRUE,
                          output_idx = NULL,
                          output_label = NULL,
                          ignore_last_act = TRUE,
                          times_input = FALSE,
                          verbose = interactive(),
                          dtype = "float") {
      super$initialize(converter, data, channels_first, output_idx, output_label,
                       ignore_last_act, times_input, verbose, dtype)

      self$result <- private$run()
  private = list(
    run = function() {
      gradients <- private$calculate_gradients(self$data, "Gradient")

      if (self$times_input) {
        gradients <- calc_times_input(gradients, self$data)


    print_method_specific = function() {
      i <- cli_ul()
      if (self$times_input) {
        cli_li(paste0("{.field times_input}:  TRUE (",
                      " {.emph Gradient x Input} method)"))
      } else {
        cli_li(paste0("{.field times_input}:  FALSE (",
                      " {.emph Gradient} method)"))
      cli_end(id = i)

#                           IntegratedGradients

#' @title Integrated Gradients
#' @description
#' The `IntegratedGradient` class implements the method Integrated Gradients
#' (Sundararajan et al., 2017), which incorporates a reference value \eqn{x'}
#' (also known as baseline value) analogous to the [`DeepLift`] method.
#' Integrated Gradients helps to uncover the relative importance of input
#' features in the predictions \eqn{y = f(x)} made by a model compared to the
#' prediction of the reference value \eqn{y' = f(x')}. This is achieved through
#' the following formula:
#' \deqn{
#' (x - x') \times \int_{\alpha=0}^{1} \frac{\partial f(x' + \alpha (x - x'))}{\partial x} d\alpha
#' }
#' In simpler terms, it calculates how much each feature contributes to a
#' model's output by tracing a path from a baseline input \eqn{x'} to the actual
#' input \eqn{x} and measuring the average gradients along that path.
#' Similar to the other gradient-based methods, by default the integrated
#' gradient is multiplied by the input to get an approximate decomposition
#' of \eqn{y - y'}. However, with the parameter `times_input` only the gradient
#' describing the output sensitivity can be returned.
#' The R6 class can also be initialized using the [`run_intgrad`] function
#' as a helper function so that no prior knowledge of R6 classes is required.
#' @template param-converter
#' @template param-data
#' @template param-channels_first
#' @template param-dtype
#' @template param-output_idx
#' @template param-output_label
#' @template param-ignore_last_act
#' @template param-verbose
#' @template examples-IntegratedGradient
#' @references
#' M. Sundararajan et al. (2017) *Axiomatic attribution for deep networks.* ICML
#' 2017, PMLR 70, pp. 3319-3328.
#' @family methods
#' @export
IntegratedGradient <- R6Class(
  classname = "IntegratedGradient",
  inherit = GradientBased,
  public = list(

    #' @field n (`integer(1)`)\cr
    #' Number of steps for the approximation of the integration path along
    #' \eqn{\alpha} (default: \eqn{50}).\cr
    #' @field x_ref (`list`)\cr
    #' The reference input for the IntegratedGradient method. This value is
    #' stored as a list of `torch_tensor`s of shape *(1, dim_in)* for each
    #' input layer.\cr
    n = NULL,
    x_ref = NULL,

    #' @description
    #' Create a new instance of the `IntegratedGradient` R6 class. When
    #' initialized, the method *Integrated Gradient* is applied to the given
    #' data and baseline value and the results are stored in the field `result`.
    #' @param times_input (`logical(1`)\cr
    #' Multiplies the integrated gradients with the difference of the input
    #' features and the baseline values. By default, the original definition of
    #' IntegratedGradient is applied. However, by setting `times_input = FALSE`
    #' only an approximation of the integral is calculated, which describes the
    #' sensitivity of the features to the output.\cr
    #' @param n (`integer(1)`)\cr
    #' Number of steps for the approximation of the integration path along
    #' \eqn{\alpha} (default: \eqn{50}).\cr
    #' @param x_ref ([`array`], [`data.frame`], [`torch_tensor`] or `list`)\cr
    #' The reference input for the IntegratedGradient method. This value
    #' must have the same format as the input data of the passed model to the
    #' converter object. This means either
    #' - an `array`, `data.frame`, `torch_tensor` or array-like format of
    #' size *(1, dim_in)*, if e.g., the model has only one input layer, or
    #' - a `list` with the corresponding input data (according to the upper point)
    #' for each of the input layers.
    #' - It is also possible to use the default value `NULL` to take only
    #' zeros as reference input.\cr
    initialize = function(converter, data,
                          x_ref = NULL,
                          n = 50,
                          times_input = TRUE,
                          channels_first = TRUE,
                          output_idx = NULL,
                          output_label = NULL,
                          ignore_last_act = TRUE,
                          verbose = interactive(),
                          dtype = "float") {
      super$initialize(converter, data, channels_first, output_idx, output_label,
                       ignore_last_act, times_input, verbose, dtype)

      cli_check(checkInt(n, lower = 1), "n")
      self$n <- n

      if (is.null(x_ref)) {
        x_ref <- lapply(lapply(self$data, dim),
                        function(x) array(0, dim = c(1, x[-1])))
      self$x_ref <- private$test_data(x_ref, name = "x_ref")

      # Check if x_ref is only a single instance
      num_instances <- unlist(lapply(self$x_ref, function(x) dim(x)[1]))
      if (any(num_instances != 1)) {
        stopf("For the method {.code IntegratedGradient}, you have to pass ",
              "only a single instance for the argument {.arg x_ref}. ",
              "You passed (for at least one input layer) {max(num_instances)}",
              " data instances!")

      # Calculate predictions
      out <- self$converter$model(self$data,
                                  channels_first = self$channels_first,
                                  save_input = FALSE,
                                  save_preactivation = FALSE,
                                  save_output = FALSE,
                                  save_last_layer = TRUE)
      out_ref <- self$converter$model$update_ref(self$x_ref,
                                      channels_first = self$channels_first,
                                      save_input = FALSE,
                                      save_preactivation = FALSE,
                                      save_output = FALSE,
                                      save_last_layer = TRUE)

      # Save prediction
      self$preds <- get_outputs(out, self$output_idx)

      if (self$ignore_last_act) {
        out <- lapply(self$converter$model$output_nodes,
                      function(x) self$converter$model$modules_list[[x]]$preactivation)
        out_ref <- lapply(self$converter$model$output_nodes,
                          function(x) self$converter$model$modules_list[[x]]$preactivation_ref)

      # Save decomposition goal
      preds <- lapply(seq_along(out), function(i) out[[i]] - out_ref[[i]])
      self$decomp_goal <- get_outputs(preds, self$output_idx)

      self$result <- private$run()
  private = list(
    run = function() {
      # Combine input and baseline for each input layer
      input <- lapply(seq_along(self$data),
                      function(i) list(data = self$data[[i]],
                                       x_ref = self$x_ref[[i]]))

      # Define helper function for getting `self$n` interpolated inputs, i.e.
      # the result has a shape of (batch_size * n, dim_in)
      tmp_fun <- function(input) {
        # Repeat the input
        res <- torch_repeat_interleave(
          repeats = torch_tensor(self$n, dtype = torch_long()),
          dim = 1)

        # Define scale
        scale <- torch_tensor(rep(seq(1/self$n, 1, length.out = self$n), length.out = res$shape[1]))
        scale <- scale$reshape(c(-1, rep(1, res$dim() - 1)))

        # Create interpolations between x and x_ref
        input$x_ref + scale * (res - input$x_ref)

      # Create interpolated inputs along the integration path for each input
      # layer and calculate the gradients of them
      input <- lapply(input, tmp_fun)
      gradients <- private$calculate_gradients(input, "IntegratedGradient")

      # Define the core IntegreatedGradients calculation
      # `grad` has a shape of (batch_size * n, dim_in)
      tmp_IG <- function(grad) {
        # Output node is not connected to the input layer
        if (is.null(grad)) {
          res <- NULL
        } else { # otherwise ...
          # Chunk the gradients for each of the batch_size samples
          # Results in a list with batch_size entries containing torch_tensors
          # of shape (n, dim_in)
          grad <- grad$chunk(dim(self$data[[1]])[1])

          # # Define trapezoidal rule for approximation the integral
          #trapez_rule <- function(x, n) {
          #  torch_mean((x[1:(n-1), ] + x[2:n]) / 2, dim = 1)

          # Calculate the result of IntegratedGradients for current gradients
          res <- torch_stack(lapply(grad, torch_mean, dim = 1))


      # Apply IntegratedGradients to all outputs
      integrated_grads <- lapply(
        function(grad_output) lapply(grad_output, tmp_IG)

      # Multiply the integrated gradients with the corresponding difference
      # from baseline input (only if times_input is TRUE)
      if (self$times_input) {
        input_minus_ref <- lapply(seq_along(self$data), function(i) self$data[[i]] - self$x_ref[[i]])
        integrated_grads <- calc_times_input(integrated_grads, input_minus_ref)


    print_method_specific = function() {
      i <- cli_ul()
      if (self$times_input) {
        cli_li(paste0("{.field times_input}:  TRUE (",
                      " decomposition of y - y')"))
      } else {
        cli_li(paste0("{.field times_input}:  FALSE (",
                      " output sensitivity)"))
      cli_li(paste0("{.field n}: ", self$n))
      all_zeros <- all(unlist(lapply(self$x_ref,
                                     function(x) all(as_array(x) == 0))))
      if (all_zeros) {
        s <- "zeros"
      } else {
        values <- unlist(lapply(self$x_ref, as_array))
        s <- paste0("mean: ", mean(values), " (q1: ", quantile(values, 0.25),
                    ", q3: ", quantile(values, 0.75), ")")
      cli_li(paste0("{.field x_ref}: ", s))
      cli_end(id = i)

#                                 SmoothGrad

#' @title SmoothGrad and SmoothGrad\eqn{\times}Input
#' @description
#' *SmoothGrad* was introduced by D. Smilkov et al. (2017) and is an extension
#' to the classical *Vanilla [Gradient]* method. It takes the mean of the
#' gradients for \code{n} perturbations of each data point, i.e., with
#' \eqn{\epsilon \sim N(0,\sigma)}
#' \deqn{1/n \sum_n d f(x+ \epsilon)_j / d x_j.}
#' Analogous to the *Gradient\eqn{\times}Input* method, you can also use the argument
#' `times_input` to multiply the gradients by the inputs before taking the
#' average (*SmoothGrad\eqn{\times}Input*).
#' The R6 class can also be initialized using the [`run_smoothgrad`] function
#' as a helper function so that no prior knowledge of R6 classes is required.
#' @template examples-SmoothGrad
#' @template param-converter
#' @template param-data
#' @template param-channels_first
#' @template param-dtype
#' @template param-output_idx
#' @template param-output_label
#' @template param-ignore_last_act
#' @template param-verbose
#' @references
#' D. Smilkov et al. (2017) \emph{SmoothGrad: removing noise by adding noise.}
#' CoRR, abs/1706.03825
#' @family methods
#' @export
SmoothGrad <- R6Class(
  classname = "SmoothGrad",
  inherit = GradientBased,
  public = list(

    #' @field n (`integer(1)`)\cr
    #' Number of perturbations of the input data (default: \eqn{50}).\cr
    #' @field noise_level (`numeric(1)`)\cr
    #' The standard deviation of the Gaussian
    #' perturbation, i.e., \eqn{\sigma = (max(x) - min(x)) *} `noise_level`.\cr
    n = NULL,
    noise_level = NULL,

    #' @description
    #' Create a new instance of the `SmoothGrad` R6 class. When initialized,
    #' the method *SmoothGrad* or *SmoothGrad\eqn{\times}Input* is applied to
    #' the given data and the results are stored in the field `result`.
    #' @param times_input (`logical(1`)\cr
    #' Multiplies the gradients with the input features.
    #' This method is called *SmoothGrad\eqn{\times}Input*.\cr
    #' @param n (`integer(1)`)\cr
    #' Number of perturbations of the input data (default: \eqn{50}).\cr
    #' @param noise_level (`numeric(1)`)\cr
    #' Determines the standard deviation of the Gaussian
    #' perturbation, i.e., \eqn{\sigma = (max(x) - min(x)) *} `noise_level`.\cr
    initialize = function(converter, data,
                          channels_first = TRUE,
                          output_idx = NULL,
                          output_label = NULL,
                          ignore_last_act = TRUE,
                          times_input = FALSE,
                          n = 50,
                          noise_level = 0.1,
                          verbose = interactive(),
                          dtype = "float") {
      super$initialize(converter, data, channels_first, output_idx, output_label,
                       ignore_last_act, times_input, verbose, dtype)

      cli_check(checkInt(n, lower = 1), "n")
      cli_check(checkNumber(noise_level, lower = 0), "noise_level")
      self$n <- n
      self$noise_level <- noise_level

      # Calculate predictions
      out <- self$converter$model(self$data,
                                  channels_first = self$channels_first,
                                  save_input = FALSE,
                                  save_preactivation = FALSE,
                                  save_output = FALSE,
                                  save_last_layer = TRUE)

      self$preds <- get_outputs(out, self$output_idx)

      if (self$ignore_last_act) {
        out <- lapply(self$converter$model$output_nodes,
                      function(x) self$converter$model$modules_list[[x]]$preactivation)
      self$decomp_goal <- get_outputs(out, self$output_idx)

      self$result <- private$run()
  private = list(
    run = function() {
      tmp_fun <- function(input) {
          repeats = torch_tensor(self$n, dtype = torch_long()),
          dim = 1)
      data <- lapply(self$data, tmp_fun)

      data <- lapply(data, function(input) {
        noise_scale <- self$noise_level * (max(input) - min(input))
        if (noise_scale$item() == 0) {
          noise_scale <- self$noise_level
        noise <- torch_randn_like(input) * noise_scale

        input + noise

      gradients <- private$calculate_gradients(data, "SmoothGrad")

      if (self$times_input) {
        gradients <- calc_times_input(gradients, data)

      smoothgrads <- lapply(
        function(grad_output) {
            function(grad_input) {
              if (is.null(grad_input)) {
                res <- NULL
              } else {
                res <- torch_stack(
                         FUN = torch_mean, dim = 1
                  dim = 1


    print_method_specific = function() {
      i <- cli_ul()
      if (self$times_input) {
        cli_li(paste0("{.field times_input}:  TRUE (",
                      " {.emph SmoothGrad x Input} method)"))
      } else {
        cli_li(paste0("{.field times_input}:  FALSE (",
                      " {.emph SmoothGrad} method)"))
      cli_li(paste0("{.field n}: ", self$n))
      cli_li(paste0("{.field noise_level}: ", self$noise_level))
      cli_end(id = i)

#                           ExpectedGradients

#' @title Expected Gradients
#' @description
#' The *Expected Gradients* method (Erion et al., 2021), also known as
#' *GradSHAP*, is a local feature attribution technique which extends the
#' [`IntegratedGradient`] method and provides approximate Shapley values. In
#' contrast to IntegratedGradient, it considers not only a single reference
#' value \eqn{x'} but the whole distribution of reference values
#' \eqn{X' \sim x'} and averages the IntegratedGradient values over this
#' distribution. Mathematically, the method can be described as follows:
#' \deqn{
#' E_{x'\sim X', \alpha \sim U(0,1)}[(x - x') \times \frac{\partial f(x' + \alpha (x - x'))}{\partial x}]
#' }
#' The distribution of the reference values is specified with the argument
#' `data_ref`, of which `n` samples are taken at random for each instance
#' during the estimation.
#' The R6 class can also be initialized using the [`run_expgrad`] function
#' as a helper function so that no prior knowledge of R6 classes is required.
#' @template param-converter
#' @template param-data
#' @template param-channels_first
#' @template param-dtype
#' @template param-output_idx
#' @template param-output_label
#' @template param-ignore_last_act
#' @template param-verbose
#' @template examples-IntegratedGradient
#' @references
#' G. Erion et al. (2021) *Improving performance of deep learning models with *
#' *axiomatic attribution priors and expected gradients.* Nature Machine
#' Intelligence 3, pp. 620-631.
#' @family methods
#' @export
ExpectedGradient <- R6Class(
  classname = "ExpectedGradient",
  inherit = GradientBased,
  public = list(

    #' @field n (`integer(1)`)\cr
    #' Number of samples from the distribution of reference values and number
    #' of samples for the approximation of the integration path along
    #' \eqn{\alpha} (default: \eqn{50}).\cr
    #' @field data_ref (`list`)\cr
    #' The reference input for the ExpectedGradient method. This value is
    #' stored as a list of `torch_tensor`s of shape *( , dim_in)* for each
    #' input layer.\cr
    n = NULL,
    data_ref = NULL,

    #' @description
    #' Create a new instance of the `ExpectedGradient` R6 class. When
    #' initialized, the method *Expected Gradient* is applied to the given
    #' data and baseline values and the results are stored in the field `result`.
    #' @param n (`integer(1)`)\cr
    #' Number of samples from the distribution of reference values and number
    #' of samples for the approximation of the integration path along
    #' \eqn{\alpha} (default: \eqn{50}).\cr
    #' @param data_ref ([`array`], [`data.frame`], [`torch_tensor`] or `list`)\cr
    #' The reference inputs for the ExpectedGradient method. This value
    #' must have the same format as the input data of the passed model to the
    #' converter object. This means either
    #' - an `array`, `data.frame`, `torch_tensor` or array-like format of
    #' size *( , dim_in)*, if e.g., the model has only one input layer, or
    #' - a `list` with the corresponding input data (according to the upper point)
    #' for each of the input layers.
    #' - It is also possible to use the default value `NULL` to take only
    #' zeros as reference input.\cr
    initialize = function(converter, data,
                          data_ref = NULL,
                          n = 50,
                          channels_first = TRUE,
                          output_idx = NULL,
                          output_label = NULL,
                          ignore_last_act = TRUE,
                          verbose = interactive(),
                          dtype = "float") {
      super$initialize(converter, data, channels_first, output_idx, output_label,
                       ignore_last_act, TRUE, verbose, dtype)

      cli_check(checkInt(n, lower = 1), "n")
      self$n <- n

      if (is.null(data_ref)) {
        data_ref <- lapply(lapply(self$data, dim),
                        function(x) array(0, dim = c(1, x[-1])))
      self$data_ref <- private$test_data(data_ref, name = "data_ref")

      # Calculate predictions
      out <- self$converter$model(self$data,
                                  channels_first = self$channels_first,
                                  save_input = FALSE,
                                  save_preactivation = FALSE,
                                  save_output = FALSE,
                                  save_last_layer = TRUE)
      out_ref <- self$converter$model$update_ref(self$data_ref,
                                                 channels_first = self$channels_first,
                                                 save_input = FALSE,
                                                 save_preactivation = FALSE,
                                                 save_output = FALSE,
                                                 save_last_layer = TRUE)

      self$preds <- get_outputs(out, self$output_idx)
      if (self$ignore_last_act) {
        out <- lapply(self$converter$model$output_nodes,
                      function(x) self$converter$model$modules_list[[x]]$preactivation)
        out_ref <- lapply(self$converter$model$output_nodes,
                          function(x) self$converter$model$modules_list[[x]]$preactivation_ref)
      preds <- lapply(seq_along(out), function(i) out[[i]] - out_ref[[i]]$mean(dim = 1, keepdim = TRUE))
      self$decomp_goal <- get_outputs(preds, self$output_idx)

      self$result <- private$run()
  private = list(
    run = function() {
      # Combine input and baseline for each input layer
      input <- lapply(seq_along(self$data),
                      function(i) list(data = self$data[[i]],
                                       data_ref = self$data_ref[[i]]))

      # Define helper function for getting `self$n` interpolated inputs, i.e.
      # the result has a shape of (batch_size * n, dim_in)
      tmp_fun <- function(input, idx, scale, alpha) {
        # Repeat the input (batch_size * n)
        res <- torch_repeat_interleave(
          repeats = torch_tensor(self$n, dtype = torch_long()),
          dim = 1)

        # Get the random baselines
        res_ref <- input$data_ref[idx]

        # Reshape alpha
        alpha <- alpha$reshape(c(-1, rep(1, res$dim() - 1)))

        # Create interpolations between x and x_ref
          inputs = res_ref + alpha * (res - res_ref),
          data = res,
          data_ref = res_ref

      # Get random samples from the baseline distribution
      num_samples <- self$n * input[[1]]$data$shape[1]
      idx <- sample.int(input[[1]]$data_ref$shape[1],
                        size = num_samples,
                        replace = TRUE)
      # Get random alpha values
      alpha <- torch_rand(num_samples)

      # Create interpolated inputs along the integration path for each input
      # layer and calculate the gradients of them
      input <- lapply(input, tmp_fun, idx = idx, alpha = alpha)
      gradients <- private$calculate_gradients(
        lapply(input, function(x) x$inputs), "ExpectedGradient")

      # Define the core ExpectedGradients calculation
      # `grad` has a shape of (batch_size * n, dim_in)
      tmp_ExpGrad <- function(i, grads, inputs) {
        grad <- grads[[i]]
        inp <- (inputs[[i]]$data - inputs[[i]]$data_ref)$unsqueeze(-1)
        # Output node is not connected to the input layer
        if (is.null(grad)) {
          res <- NULL
        } else { # otherwise ...
          grad <- grad * inp
          # Chunk the gradients for each of the batch_size samples
          # Results in a list with batch_size entries containing torch_tensors
          # of shape (n * baselines, dim_in)
          grad <- grad$chunk(dim(self$data[[1]])[1])

          # Calculate the result of ExpectedGradients for current gradients
          res <- torch_stack(lapply(grad, torch_mean, dim = 1))


      # Apply ExpectedGradients to all outputs
      expected_grads <- lapply(
        function(grad_output) lapply(seq_along(grad_output), tmp_ExpGrad,
                                     grads = grad_output, inputs = input)


    print_method_specific = function() {
      i <- cli_ul()
      cli_li(paste0("{.field n}: ", self$n))
      all_zeros <- all(unlist(lapply(self$data_ref,
                                     function(x) all(as_array(x) == 0))))
      if (all_zeros) {
        s <- "zeros"
      } else {
        values <- unlist(lapply(self$data_ref, as_array))
        s <- paste0("mean: ", mean(values), " (q1: ", quantile(values, 0.25),
                    ", q3: ", quantile(values, 0.75), ")")
      cli_li(paste0("{.field data_ref}: ", s))
      cli_end(id = i)

#                                     Utils

calc_times_input <- function(gradients, input) {
  for (i in seq_along(gradients)) {
    for (k in seq_along(gradients[[i]])) {
      grad <- gradients[[i]][[k]]
      if (is.null(grad)) {
        gradients[[i]][k] <- list(NULL)
      } else {
        gradients[[i]][[k]] <- grad * input[[k]]$unsqueeze(-1)


get_outputs <- function(out, out_idx) {
         function(i) out[[i]][, out_idx[[i]], drop = FALSE]$data())

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innsight documentation built on May 29, 2024, 4:36 a.m.