#' @title Layer-wise relevance propagation (LRP)
#' @description
#' This is an implementation of the \emph{layer-wise relevance propagation
#' (LRP)} algorithm introduced by Bach et al. (2015). It's a local method for
#' interpreting a single element of the dataset and calculates the relevance
#' scores for each input feature to the model output. The basic idea of this
#' method is to decompose the prediction score of the model with respect to
#' the input features, i.e.,
#' \deqn{f(x) = \sum_i R(x_i).}
#' Because of the bias vector that absorbs some relevance, this decomposition
#' is generally an approximation. There exist several propagation rules to
#' determine the relevance scores. In this package are implemented: simple
#' rule ("simple"), \eqn{\varepsilon}-rule ("epsilon") and
#' \eqn{\alpha}-\eqn{\beta}-rule ("alpha_beta").
#' The R6 class can also be initialized using the [`run_lrp`] function
#' as a helper function so that no prior knowledge of R6 classes is required.
#' @template examples-LRP
#' @template param-converter
#' @template param-data
#' @template param-channels_first
#' @template param-ignore_last_act
#' @template param-x_ref
#' @template param-dtype
#' @template param-output_idx
#' @template param-output_label
#' @template param-verbose
#' @template param-winner_takes_all
#' @references
#' S. Bach et al. (2015) \emph{On pixel-wise explanations for non-linear
#' classifier decisions by layer-wise relevance propagation.} PLoS ONE 10,
#' p. 1-46
#' @family methods
#' @export
LRP <- R6Class(
classname = "LRP",
inherit = InterpretingMethod,
public = list(
#' @field rule_name (`character(1)` or `list`)\cr
#' The name of the rule with which the relevance scores
#' are calculated. Implemented are `"simple"`, `"epsilon"`, `"alpha_beta"`
#' (and `"pass"` but only for 'BatchNorm_Layer'). However, this value
#' can also be a named list that assigns one of these three rules to each
#' implemented layer type separately, e.g.,
#' `list(Dense_Layer = "simple", Conv2D_Layer = "alpha_beta")`.
#' Layers not specified in this list then use the default value `"simple"`.
#' The implemented layer types are:
#' \tabular{lll}{
#' \eqn{\cdot} 'Dense_Layer' \tab \eqn{\cdot} 'Conv1D_Layer' \tab \eqn{\cdot} 'Conv2D_Layer'\cr
#' \eqn{\cdot} 'BatchNorm_Layer' \tab \eqn{\cdot} 'AvgPool1D_Layer' \tab \eqn{\cdot} 'AvgPool2D_Layer'\cr
#' \eqn{\cdot} 'MaxPool1D_Layer' \tab \eqn{\cdot} 'MaxPool2D_Layer' \tab
#' }
#' @field rule_param (`numeric` or `list`)\cr
#' The parameter of the selected rule. Similar to the
#' argument `rule_name`, this can also be a named list that assigns a
#' rule parameter to each layer type.\cr
rule_name = NULL,
rule_param = NULL,
#' @description
#' Create a new instance of the `LRP` R6 class. When initialized,
#' the method *LRP* is applied to the given data and the results are stored in
#' the field `result`.
#' @param rule_name (`character(1)` or `list`)\cr
#' The name of the rule with which the relevance scores
#' are calculated. Implemented are `"simple"`, `"epsilon"`, `"alpha_beta"`.
#' You can pass one of the above characters to apply this rule to all
#' possible layers. However, this value can also be a named list that
#' assigns one of these three rules to each
#' implemented layer type separately, e.g.,
#' `list(Dense_Layer = "simple", Conv2D_Layer = "alpha_beta")`.
#' Layers not specified in this list then use the default value `"simple"`.
#' The implemented layer types are:\cr
#' \tabular{lll}{
#' \eqn{\cdot} 'Dense_Layer' \tab \eqn{\cdot} 'Conv1D_Layer' \tab \eqn{\cdot} 'Conv2D_Layer'\cr
#' \eqn{\cdot} 'BatchNorm_Layer' \tab \eqn{\cdot} 'AvgPool1D_Layer' \tab \eqn{\cdot} 'AvgPool2D_Layer'\cr
#' \eqn{\cdot} 'MaxPool1D_Layer' \tab \eqn{\cdot} 'MaxPool2D_Layer' \tab
#' }
#' *Note:* For normalization layers like 'BatchNorm_Layer', the rule
#' `"pass"` is implemented as well, which ignores such layers in the
#' backward pass.\cr
#' @param rule_param (`numeric(1)` or `list`)\cr
#' The parameter of the selected rule. Note: Only the
#' rules \code{"epsilon"} and \code{"alpha_beta"} take use of the
#' parameter. Use the default value \code{NULL} for the default parameters
#' ("epsilon" : \eqn{0.01}, "alpha_beta" : \eqn{0.5}). Similar to the
#' argument `rule_name`, this can also be a named list that assigns a
#' rule parameter to each layer type. If the layer type is not specified
#' in the named list, the default parameters will be used.\cr
#' @return A new instance of the R6 class `LRP`.
initialize = function(converter, data,
channels_first = TRUE,
output_idx = NULL,
output_label = NULL,
ignore_last_act = TRUE,
rule_name = "simple",
rule_param = NULL,
winner_takes_all = TRUE,
verbose = interactive(),
dtype = "float") {
super$initialize(converter, data, channels_first, output_idx, output_label,
ignore_last_act, winner_takes_all, verbose, dtype)
layer_names_with_rule <- c(
"Dense_Layer", "Conv1D_Layer", "Conv2D_Layer", "BatchNorm_Layer",
"AvgPool1D_Layer", "AvgPool2D_Layer", "MaxPool1D_Layer",
checkChoice(rule_name, c("simple", "epsilon", "alpha_beta")),
checkList(rule_name, types = "character", names = "named")
), "rule_name")
if (is.list(rule_name)) {
for (name in names(rule_name)) {
cli_check(checkSubset(name, layer_names_with_rule),
c("simple", "epsilon", "alpha_beta", "pass")),
paste0("rule_name[['", name, "']]"))
self$rule_name <- rule_name
checkNumber(rule_param, null.ok = TRUE),
checkList(rule_param, types = "numeric", names = "named")
), "rule_param")
if (is.list(rule_param)) {
for (name in names(rule_param)) {
cli_check(checkSubset(name, layer_names_with_rule),
self$rule_param <- rule_param
channels_first = self$channels_first,
save_input = TRUE,
save_preactivation = TRUE,
save_output = TRUE,
save_last_layer = TRUE
self$result <- private$run("LRP")
private = list(
print_method_specific = function() {
i <- cli_ul()
if (!is.list(self$rule_name) & !is.list(self$rule_param)) {
cli_li(paste0("{.field rule_name}: '", self$rule_name, "'"))
if (is.null(self$rule_param)) {
if (self$rule_name == "simple") arg <- 0
else if (self$rule_name == "epsilon") arg <- 0.01
else if (self$rule_name == "alpha_beta") arg <- 0.5
cli_li(paste0("{.field rule_param}: ", arg," (default)"))
} else {
cli_li(paste0("{.field rule_param}: ", self$rule_param))
} else if (!is.list(self$rule_name)) {
cli_li(paste0("{.field rule_name}: '", self$rule_name, "'"))
cli_li("{.field rule_param}:")
items <- lapply(self$rule_name, function(s) paste0("'", s, "'"))
items <- append(items, list("other layers" = "NULL (default values)"))
names(items) <- paste0(symbol$line, " ", names(items))
} else if (!is.list(self$rule_param)) {
cli_li("{.field rule_name}:")
items <- lapply(self$rule_name, function(s) paste0("'", s, "'"))
items <- append(items, list("other layers" = "'simple' (default value)"))
names(items) <- paste0(symbol$line, " ", names(items))
cli_li(paste0("{.field rule_param}: ", self$rule_param))
} else {
cli_li("{.field rule_name}:")
items <- lapply(self$rule_name, function(s) paste0("'", s, "'"))
items <- append(items, list("other layers" = "'simple' (default value)"))
names(items) <- paste0(symbol$line, " ", names(items))
cli_li("{.field rule_param}:")
items <- self$rule_param
items <- append(items, list("other layers" = "NULL (default values)"))
names(items) <- paste0(symbol$line, " ", names(items))
cli_li(paste0("{.field winner_takes_all}: ", self$winner_takes_all))
cli_end(id = i)
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