#' Plot interaction effects between categorical predictors.
#' `cat_plot` is a complementary function to [interact_plot()] that is designed
#' for plotting interactions when both predictor and moderator(s) are
#' categorical (or, in R terms, factors).
#' @param pred A categorical predictor variable that will appear on the x-axis.
#' Note that it is evaluated using `rlang`, so programmers can use the `!!`
#' syntax to pass variables instead of the verbatim names.
#' @param modx A categorical moderator variable.
#' @param mod2 For three-way interactions, the second categorical moderator.
#' @param geom What type of plot should this be? There are several options
#' here since the best way to visualize categorical interactions varies by
#' context. Here are the options:
#' * `"point"`: The default. Simply plot the point estimates. You may want to
#' use `point.shape = TRUE` with this and you should also consider
#' `interval = TRUE` to visualize uncertainty.
#' * `"line"`: This connects observations across levels of the `pred`
#' variable with a line. This is a good option when the `pred` variable
#' is ordinal (ordered). You may still consider `point.shape = TRUE` and
#' `interval = TRUE` is still a good idea.
#' * `"bar"`: A bar chart. Some call this a "dynamite plot."
#' Many applied researchers advise against this type of plot because it
#' does not represent the distribution of the observed data or the
#' uncertainty of the predictions very well. It is best to at least use the
#' `interval = TRUE` argument with this geom.
#' @param pred.values Which values of the predictor should be included in the
#' plot? By default, all levels are included.
#' @param pred.labels A character vector of equal length to the number of
#' factor levels of the predictor (or number specified in `predvals`). If
#' \code{NULL}, the default, the factor labels are used.
#' @param interval Logical. If \code{TRUE}, plots confidence/prediction
#' intervals.
#' @param plot.points Logical. If \code{TRUE}, plots the actual data points as a
#' scatterplot on top of the interaction lines. Note that if
#' `geom = "bar"`, this will cause the bars to become transparent so you can
#' see the points.
#' @param point.shape For plotted points---either of observed data or predicted
#' values with the "point" or "line" geoms---should the shape of the points
#' vary by the values of the factor? This is especially useful if you aim to
#' be black and white printing- or colorblind-friendly.
#' @param colors Any palette argument accepted by [jtools::get_colors()].
#' Default is "CUD Bright" for factor moderators and "blue" for continuous
#' moderators. You may also simply supply a vector of colors accepted by
#' `ggplot2` and of equal length to the number of moderator levels.
#' @param interval.geom For categorical by categorical interactions.
#' One of "errorbar" or "linerange". If the former,
#' [ggplot2::geom_errorbar()] is used. If the latter,
#' [ggplot2::geom_linerange()] is used.
#' @param geom.alpha What should the alpha aesthetic be for the plotted
#' lines/bars? Default is NULL, which means it is set depending on the value
#' of `geom` and `plot.points`.
#' @param dodge.width What should the `width` argument to
#' [ggplot2::position_dodge()] be? Default is NULL, which means it is set
#' depending on the value of `geom`.
#' @param errorbar.width How wide should the error bars be? Default is NULL,
#' meaning it is set depending on the value `geom`. Ignored if `interval`
#' is FALSE.
#' @param pred.point.size If TRUE and `geom` is `"point"` or `"line"`,
#' sets the size of the predicted points. Default is 3.5.
#' Note the distinction from `point.size`, which refers to the
#' observed data points.
#' @param jitter How much should `plot.points` observed values be "jittered"
#' via [ggplot2::position_jitter()]? When there are many points near each
#' other, jittering moves them a small amount to keep them from
#' totally overlapping. In some cases, though, it can add confusion since
#' it may make points appear to be outside the boundaries of observed
#' values or cause other visual issues. Default is 0.1, but increase as
#' needed if your points are overlapping too much or set to 0 for no jitter.
#' If the argument is a vector with two values, then the first is assumed to
#' be the jitter for width and the second for the height.
#' @inheritParams interact_plot
#' @inheritParams jtools::effect_plot
#' @details This function provides a means for plotting conditional effects
#' for the purpose of exploring interactions in the context of regression.
#' You must have the
#' package \code{ggplot2} installed to benefit from these plotting functions.
#' The function is designed for two and three-way interactions. For
#' additional terms, the
#' \code{effects} package may be better suited to the task.
#' This function supports nonlinear and generalized linear models and by
#' default will plot them on
#' their original scale (\code{outcome.scale = "response"}).
#' While mixed effects models from \code{lme4} are supported, only the fixed
#' effects are plotted. \code{lme4} does not provide confidence intervals,
#' so they are not supported with this function either.
#' Note: to use transformed predictors, e.g., \code{log(variable)},
#' provide only the variable name to `pred`, `modx`, or `mod2` and supply
#' the original data separately to the `data` argument.
#' \emph{Info about offsets:}
#' Offsets are partially supported by this function with important
#' limitations. First of all, only a single offset per model is supported.
#' Second, it is best in general to specify offsets with the offset argument
#' of the model fitting function rather than in the formula. You are much
#' more likely to have success if you provide the data used to fit the model
#' with the `data` argument.
#' @return The functions returns a \code{ggplot} object, which can be treated
#' like a user-created plot and expanded upon as such.
#' @examples
#' library(ggplot2)
#' fit <- lm(price ~ cut * color, data = diamonds)
#' cat_plot(fit, pred = color, modx = cut, interval = TRUE)
#' # 3-way interaction
#' ## Will first create a couple dichotomous factors to ensure full rank
#' mpg2 <- mpg
#' mpg2$auto <- "auto"
#' mpg2$auto[mpg2$trans %in% c("manual(m5)", "manual(m6)")] <- "manual"
#' mpg2$auto <- factor(mpg2$auto)
#' mpg2$fwd <- "2wd"
#' mpg2$fwd[mpg2$drv == "4"] <- "4wd"
#' mpg2$fwd <- factor(mpg2$fwd)
#' ## Drop the two cars with 5 cylinders (rest are 4, 6, or 8)
#' mpg2 <- mpg2[mpg2$cyl != "5",]
#' mpg2$cyl <- factor(mpg2$cyl)
#' ## Fit the model
#' fit3 <- lm(cty ~ cyl * fwd * auto, data = mpg2)
#' # The line geom looks good for an ordered factor predictor
#' cat_plot(fit3, pred = cyl, modx = fwd, mod2 = auto, geom = "line",
#' interval = TRUE)
#' @importFrom stats coef coefficients lm predict sd qnorm getCall model.offset
#' @importFrom stats median
#' @export cat_plot
#' @import ggplot2
cat_plot <- function(model, pred, modx = NULL, mod2 = NULL,
data = NULL, geom = c("point", "line", "bar"), pred.values = NULL,
modx.values = NULL, mod2.values = NULL, interval = TRUE, plot.points = FALSE,
point.shape = FALSE, vary.lty = FALSE, centered = "all",
int.type = c("confidence", "prediction"), int.width = .95,
line.thickness = 1.1,
point.size = 1.5, pred.point.size = 3.5, jitter = 0.1, geom.alpha = NULL,
dodge.width = NULL, errorbar.width = NULL,
interval.geom = c("errorbar", "linerange"), outcome.scale = "response",
robust = FALSE, cluster = NULL, vcov = NULL, pred.labels = NULL,
modx.labels = NULL, mod2.labels = NULL, set.offset = 1, x.label = NULL,
y.label = NULL, main.title = NULL, legend.main = NULL,
colors = NULL, partial.residuals = FALSE, point.alpha = 0.6,
color.class = NULL, at = NULL, ...) {
# Capture extra arguments
dots <- list(...)
if (length(dots) > 0) {
if ("predvals" %in% names(dots)) {
pred.values <- dots$predvals
if ("modxvals" %in% names(dots)) {
modx.values <- dots$modxvals
if ("mod2vals" %in% names(dots)) {
mod2.values <- dots$mod2vals
if (!is.null(color.class)) {
colors <- color.class
msg_wrap("The color.class argument is deprecated. Please use 'colors'
# Evaluate the modx, mod2, pred args
pred <- quo_name(enexpr(pred))
modx <- quo_name(enexpr(modx))
if (modx == "NULL") {modx <- NULL}
mod2 <- quo_name(enexpr(mod2))
if (mod2 == "NULL") {mod2 <- NULL}
if (any(c(pred, modx, mod2) %in% centered)) {
warn_wrap("You cannot mean-center the focal predictor or moderators with
this function.")
centered <- centered %not% c(pred, modx, mod2)
if (length(centered) == 0) {centered <- "none"}
# Get the geom if not specified
geom <- geom[1]
if (geom == "dot") {geom <- "point"}
# Defining "global variables" for CRAN
modxvals2 <- mod2vals2 <- resp <- NULL
if (is.null(data)) {
d <- get_data(model, warn = TRUE)
} else {
d <- data
weights <- get_weights(model, d)$weights_name
# If modx.values is named, use the names as labels
if (is.null(modx.labels) & !is.null(names(modx.values))) {
modx.labels <- names(modx.values)
# If mod2.values is named, use the names as labels
if (is.null(mod2.labels) & !is.null(names(mod2.values))) {
mod2.labels <- names(mod2.values)
pred_out <- prep_data(model = model, pred = pred, modx = modx,
pred.values = pred.values,
modx.values = modx.values, mod2 = mod2,
mod2.values = mod2.values, centered = centered,
interval = interval, int.type = int.type,
int.width = int.width, outcome.scale = outcome.scale,
linearity.check = FALSE, robust = robust,
cluster = cluster, vcov = vcov, set.offset = set.offset,
pred.labels = pred.labels,
modx.labels = modx.labels, mod2.labels = mod2.labels,
facet.modx = FALSE, d = d,
survey = inherits(model, "svyglm"), weights = weights,
preds.per.level = 100,
partial.residuals = partial.residuals, at = at, ...)
# These are the variables created in the helper functions
meta <- attributes(pred_out)
# This function attaches all those variables to this environment
lapply(names(meta), function(x, env) {env[[x]] <- meta[[x]]},
env = environment())
# Putting these outputs into separate objects
pm <- pred_out$predicted
d <- pred_out$original
plot_cat(predictions = pm, pred = pred, modx = modx, mod2 = mod2,
data = d, geom = geom, pred.values = pred.values,
modx.values = modx.values, mod2.values = mod2.values,
interval = interval,
plot.points = plot.points | partial.residuals,
point.shape = point.shape, vary.lty = vary.lty,
pred.labels = pred.labels, modx.labels = modx.labels,
mod2.labels = mod2.labels, x.label = x.label, y.label = y.label,
main.title = main.title, legend.main = legend.main,
colors = colors, weights = weights, resp = resp,
geom.alpha = geom.alpha, dodge.width = dodge.width,
errorbar.width = errorbar.width, interval.geom = interval.geom,
point.size = point.size, line.thickness = line.thickness,
pred.point.size = pred.point.size, jitter = jitter,
point.alpha = point.alpha)
# Workhorse plotter
plot_cat <- function(predictions, pred, modx = NULL, mod2 = NULL,
data = NULL, geom = c("point", "line", "bar", "boxplot"),
pred.values = NULL,
modx.values = NULL, mod2.values = NULL, interval = TRUE,
plot.points = FALSE,
point.shape = FALSE, vary.lty = FALSE, pred.labels = NULL,
modx.labels = NULL, mod2.labels = NULL, x.label = NULL,
y.label = NULL, main.title = NULL, legend.main = NULL,
colors = "CUD Bright", weights = NULL, resp = NULL,
jitter = 0.1, geom.alpha = NULL, dodge.width = NULL,
errorbar.width = NULL,
interval.geom = c("errorbar", "linerange"),
line.thickness = 1.1, point.size = 1,
pred.point.size = 3.5, point.alpha = 0.6) {
pm <- predictions
d <- data
geom <- geom[1]
if (geom == "dot") {geom <- "point"}
if (geom %in% c("boxplot", "box")) {
stop_wrap("The boxplot geom is no longer supported.")
# If only 1 jitter arg, just duplicate it
if (length(jitter) == 1) {jitter <- rep(jitter, 2)}
# If no user-supplied legend title, set it to name of moderator
if (is.null(legend.main)) {
legend.main <- modx
if (is.null(x.label)) {
x.label <- pred
if (is.null(y.label)) {
y.label <- resp
# Deal with numeric predictors coerced into factors
if (is.numeric(pm[[pred]])) {
pred.levels <- if (!is.null(pred.values)) {pred.values} else {
pred.labels <- if (!is.null(pred.labels)) {pred.labels} else {
pm[[pred]] <- factor(pm[[pred]], levels = pred.levels,
labels = pred.labels)
# Make sure only observations of requested levels of predictor are included
d <- d[d[[pred]] %in% pred.levels,]
d[[pred]] <- factor(d[[pred]], levels = pred.levels, labels = pred.labels)
# Create an indicator for my frequent queries about whether modx is
# continuous
numeric_modx <- FALSE
if (!is.null(modx)) {
numeric_modx <- is.numeric(d[[modx]])
# Prepare names for tidy evaluation
pred <- sym(pred)
resp <- sym(resp)
if (!is.null(modx)) {modx <- sym(modx)}
if (!is.null(mod2)) {mod2 <- sym(mod2)}
if (!is.null(weights)) {weights <- sym(weights)}
# Checking if user provided the colors
if (is.null(colors)) {colors <- if (!numeric_modx) "CUD Bright" else "blue"}
# Retrieve colors
colors <- suppressWarnings(get_colors(colors, length(modx.labels),
gradient = numeric_modx))
# Manually set linetypes
types <- c("solid", "4242", "2222", "dotdash", "dotted", "twodash",
"12223242", "F282", "F4448444", "224282F2", "F1")
ltypes <- types[seq_along(modx.labels)]
# use named vectors to keep these aesthetics and their labels together
names(ltypes) <- modx.labels
if (!numeric_modx) {
names(colors) <- modx.labels
# Specify a sensible default transparency for the geom depending on what it is
if (is.null(geom.alpha)) {
a_level <- 1
if (plot.points == TRUE) {
if (!is.null(modx)) {
a_level <- 0
} else {
a_level <- 0.5
} else if (interval == TRUE) {
a_level <- 0.5
} else {a_level <- geom.alpha}
# Set a sensible default dodge depending on what the geom is
if (is.null(dodge.width)) {
dodge.width <- if (geom %in% c("bar", "point")) {0.9} else {0}
# Set a sensible default errorbar width depending on what the geom is
if (is.null(errorbar.width)) {
errorbar.width <- if (geom == "point") {
} else if (geom == "bar") {
} else {0.5}
# Can't have point shapes if modx is numeric
if (numeric_modx) {
point.shape <- FALSE
# Create arguments for ggplot calls
shape <- if (point.shape == TRUE) {modx} else {NULL}
fill <- if (point.shape == TRUE) {modx} else {NULL}
lty <- if (vary.lty == TRUE) {if (numeric_modx) sym("modx_group") else modx} else {NULL}
grp <- if (!is.null(modx)) modx else 1
# Make base plot object
p <- ggplot(pm, aes(x = !! pred, y = !! resp, group = !! grp,
colour = !! modx, fill = !! modx,
shape = !! shape, linetype = !! lty))
if (geom == "bar") {
p <- p + geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = "dodge", alpha = a_level)
} else if (geom %in% c("point", "line")) {
p <- p + geom_point(size = pred.point.size,
position = position_dodge(dodge.width))
if (geom == "line") {
p <- p + geom_path(position = position_dodge(dodge.width),
linewidth = line.thickness)
# Plot intervals if requested
if (interval == TRUE & interval.geom[1] == "errorbar") {
p <- p + geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = !! sym("ymin"), ymax = !! sym("ymax")),
alpha = 1, show.legend = FALSE,
position = position_dodge(dodge.width),
width = errorbar.width,
linewidth = line.thickness)
} else if (interval == TRUE & interval.geom[1] %in% c("line", "linerange")) {
p <- p + geom_linerange(aes(ymin = !! sym("ymin"), ymax = !! sym("ymax")),
alpha = 0.8, show.legend = FALSE,
position = position_dodge(dodge.width),
linewidth = line.thickness)
# If third mod, facet by third mod
if (!is.null(mod2)) {
facets <- facet_grid(paste(". ~", as_string(mod2)))
p <- p + facets
# For factor vars, plotting the observed points and coloring them by factor
# looks great. Requires creating a separate layer to plot this other dataset.
# If the moderator is numeric, will create a gradient color scheme.
if (plot.points == TRUE) {
if (!numeric_modx & point.shape) {
shape_arg <- modx
} else {
shape_arg <- NULL
constants <- list(alpha = point.alpha)
if (is.null(weights)) {
# Only use constant size if weights are not used
constants$size <- point.size
# Need to use layer function to programmatically define constant aesthetics
p <- p + layer(geom = "point", data = d, stat = "identity",
inherit.aes = TRUE, show.legend = FALSE,
mapping = aes(x = !! pred, y = !! resp, size = !! weights,
group = !! grp, colour = !! modx,
shape = !! shape_arg),
position = if (!is.null(modx)) {
position_jitterdodge(dodge.width = dodge.width,
jitter.width = jitter[1],
jitter.height = jitter[2])
} else {
position_jitter(width = jitter[1], height = jitter[2])
params = constants) +
scale_size(range = c(1 * point.size, 5 * point.size), guide = "none")
# Position of legend depends on facetting
if (is.null(mod2)) {
p <- p + theme_nice(legend.pos = "right")
} else {
# make better use of space by putting legend on bottom for facet plots
p <- p + theme_nice(legend.pos = "bottom")
p <- p + labs(x = x.label, y = y.label) # better labels for axes
# Need different color scales depending on whether the moderator is numeric
if (!numeric_modx) {
p <- p + scale_colour_manual(name = legend.main, values = colors,
breaks = names(colors),
aesthetics = c("colour", "fill"))
} else {
limits <- quant(d[[modx]], probs = c(.1, .9))
if (min2(modx.values) < limits[1]) {limits[1] <- min2(modx.values)}
if (max2(modx.values) > limits[2]) {limits[2] <- max2(modx.values)}
p <- p + scale_colour_gradientn(name = legend.main,
breaks = modx.values,
labels = modx.labels,
colors = colors,
limits = limits,
oob = squish,
aesthetics = c("colour", "fill"),
guide = "legend")
p <- p + scale_shape(name = legend.main) +
scale_x_discrete(limits = pred.values, labels = pred.labels)
if (vary.lty == TRUE) { # Add line-specific changes
p <- p + scale_linetype_manual(name = legend.main, values = ltypes,
breaks = names(ltypes),
na.value = "blank")
# Need some extra width to show the linetype pattern fully
p <- p + theme(legend.key.width = grid::unit(3, "lines"))
# Give the plot the user-specified title if there is one
if (!is.null(main.title)) {
p <- p + ggtitle(main.title)
# Return the plot
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