
#' Scheduling interim analyses in clinical trials
#' It is often discussed during the planning of a clinical trial whether an interim analysis
#' is beneficial. The time point of the interim  analysis and the end of the clinical trial
#' are crucial for the decision. Both  depend on the recruitment of patients and on the length
#' of the treatment phase. The package \code{interim} allows the instantaneous simulation and
#' plotting of both the recruitment and treatment phase. Based on these simulations, the
#' timing of interim analyses can be assessed or different recruitment scenarios
#' can be compared.
#' @details
#' There are three main functions in this package:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{\link{recruitment}}
#' \item \code{\link{treatment}}
#' \item \code{\link{trialCourse}}
#' }
#' The function \code{recruitment} generally is the starting point. It simulates screening
#' and enrollment based on screening characteristics, like e.g. number of available centers
#' and patients, screen failure rate, etc.
#' The function \code{treatment} simulates the treatment period based on a given recruitment
#' scenario as simulated by \code{recruitment}.
#' The function \code{trialCourse} plots displays of enrollment and treatment simulations.
#' Two plots are provided; the first one displays center openings and the second one
#' displays patient screening, enrollment and treatment.
#' In addition to the main functions, the package comprises a number of auxilliary functions
#' helping to derive or convert parameters required for the three main functions,
#' as well as to derive and plot information on timing of interim analyses. The following
#' auxilliary functions are available:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{\link{capacity}}
#' \item \code{\link{convertedRate}}
#' \item \code{\link{trialWeek}}
#' \item \code{\link{cross}}
#' }


  Umap <- function(f,x,...) unlist(Map(f,x,...))

  yield <- function(t,oc,cc,wc) list(weeksOfTrial=t,openCenters=oc,closedCenters=cc,centerWeeks=wc)

  ### open centers
   f <- function(x,x0,b) if (x <= x0) b*x else b*x0

   ### closed centers
   g <- function(x,x0,b) if (x <= x0) 0 else b*(x-x0)

   ### lower left triangle
   L <- function(x,b) b/2*x^2

   l <- function(b,L) sqrt(2*L/b)

   ### parallelogram in the middle
   M <- function(x,xl,h) h*(x-xl)

   m <- function(xl,h,M) M/h+xl

   ### upper right triangle
   R <- function(x,xl,xr,b) (x-xl)*b*(xr-xl)-b/2*(x-xl)^2

   r <- function(xl,xr,b,R) xr-sqrt((xr-xl)^2-2*R/b)

   w1 <- function(cw,z){

   w2 <- function(nc,cw,z){
      if (z <= h)
      else {
         wL=Umap(L,t[t <= tz],cw)
         wM=Umap(M,t[t > tz],tz,cw*tz)

   w3 <- function(cw,ns,sw,z){
      if (z <= h)
      else {
         wL=Umap(L,t[t <= ta],cw)
         wM=Umap(M,t[t > ta],ta,cw*ta)

   w4 <- function(nc,cw,ns,sw,z){
      tz=nc/cw; ta=ns/sw
      t1=min(tz,ta); t2=max(tz,ta);     t3=tz+ta
      h1=L(t1,cw);   h2=M(t2,t1,cw*t1); h3=R(t3,t2,t3,cw)

      if (z <= h1) ### te in lower left triangle
      if (z <= h1+h2) ### te in parallelogram
         if (tz <=  ta)
      if (z <= h1+h2+h3) { ### te in upper right triangle
         wL=Umap(L,t[t <= t1],cw)
         wR=Umap(R,t[t > t2],t2,t3,cw)
         if (t1 < t2) { ### size of parallelogram greater than zero
            if (tz < ta)
               hP=nc    ### steep parallelogram
               hP=cw*ta ### slant parallelogram
            wM=Umap(M,t[(t1 < t) & (t <= t2)],t1,hP)
         } else { ### size of parallelogram equal to zero
            wc=c(wL,h1+wR) ###  this clause is needed because of vector length
      } else


   coCol="#5ca754" # green
   ccCol="#cb4b41" # red
   scCol="#165b97" # darkblue
   enCol="#597dae" # midblue
   t1Col="#81a5c9" # lightblue
   t2Col="#81a5c9" # lightblue
   e1Col="#81a5c9" # lightblue
   e2Col="#81a5c9" # lightblue

### EXPORT ###

#' Scheduling interim analyses in clinical trials
#' Function \code{recruitment} simulates the recruitment of patients in clinical trials.
#' @param nc maximum number of centers to be opened or \code{Inf}.
#' @param ns maximum number of patients to be screened within each center or \code{Inf}.
#' @param cw number of center openings per week.
#' @param sw number of screened patients per week within each center.
#' @param sf screening failure rate.
#' @param tb time between screening and enrollment/randomization in weeks.
#' @param en number of patients to be enrolled.
#' @details
#' Function \code{recruitment} simulates the recruitment progress for a required
#' number of enrolled patients in clinical trials based on the expected number
#' of centers to be opened per week and the expected number of patients being recruited per site and week.
#' The function assumes that centers are being opened at a constant rate per week (\code{cw})
#' and patient per center are screened at a constant rate per week (\code{sw}).
#' The function can handle recruitment limits by limiting the total number of centers (\code{nc})
#' and/or the number of patients recruitable per site (\code{ns}).
#' The function discriminates between screening timepoint and enrollment/randomization timepoint by
#' allowing a screening period (\code{tb}) and screen failure rate (\code{sf}) to be specified.
#' If both are zero then patients are directly enrolled at screening.
#' Function \code{recruitment} can handle four different recruitment scenarios.
#' \itemize{
#'    \item Scenario 1. Centers are being opened over the entire trial duration,
#' i.e. no limit of centers (\code{nc=Inf}) and are kept open during the complete trial duration,
#' i.e. no limit of patients per center (\code{ns=Inf}).
#'    \item Scenario 2. Only a limited number of centers can be opened (\code{nc=} a positive number) and are
#' kept open during the complete trial duration (\code{ns=Inf}).
#'    \item Scenario 3. Centers are being opened over the entire trial duration (\code{nc=Ind}) and are
#' only have a limited capacity for patient recruitment (\code{ns=} a positive number).
#'    \item Scenario 4. Only a limited number of centers can be opened (\code{nc=} a positive number) and are
#' only have a limited capacity for patient recruitment (\code{ns=} a positive number).
#' }
#' Under scenario 4 only a limited number of patients can be recruited. The auxilliary function \code{capacity} can
#' be used to derive the maximum number of patients that can be enrolled under this scenario.
#' Results of \code{recruitment} are required as input for function \code{\link{treatment}} to derive
#' the time when treatment of patients is finished.
#' @return
#' \code{recruitment} returns a list of vectors with the following components:
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{weeksOfTrial} a vector counting the trial week for recruitment(from 0 (start of site openings) to the required number of weeks for recruitment)
#' \item \code{openCenters} a vector with the (cumulative) number of opened centers per trial week
#' \item \code{closedCenters} a vector with the (cumulative) number of closed centers per trial week
#' \item \code{centerWeeks} a vector with the (cumulative) number of opened center weeks per trial week
#' \item \code{screenings} a vector with the (cumulative) number of screened patients per trial week
#' \item \code{weeksOfEnrollment} a vector counting the weeks of enrollment (with start of site openings as reference start)
#' \item \code{enrollments} a vector with the (cumulative) number of enrolled/randomized patients per week of enrollment
#' }
#' @export recruitment
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{treatment}} for simulating the treatment duration for a given recruitment scenario;
#' \code{\link{trialCourse}} for plots of recruitment and treatment scenarios;
#' \code{\link{capacity}} for deriving the maximum number of patients that can be enrolled under scenario 4;
#' @examples
#' x=recruitment(nc=Inf,ns=Inf,cw=4,sw=2,sf=0.3,tb=4,en=400)

   recruitment <- function(nc,ns,cw,sw,sf,tb,en){

      ### model 1
      if (is.infinite(nc) & is.infinite(ns)) h=w1(cw,z) else
      ### model 2
      if (is.finite(nc)   & is.infinite(ns)) h=w2(nc,cw,z) else
      ### model 3
      if (is.infinite(nc) & is.finite(ns))   h=w3(cw,ns,sw,z) else
      ### model 4
      if (is.finite(nc)   & is.finite(ns))   h=w4(nc,cw,ns,sw,z)



#' Scheduling interim analyses in clinical trials
#' Function \code{capacity} calculates the maximum number of enrollments for a recruitment in scenario 4.
#' @param nc maximum number of centers to be opened.
#' @param ns maximum number of patients to be screened within each center.
#' @param sf screening failure rate.
#' @details
#' \code{capacity} is an auxilliary function to determine the maximum number of patients that can be enrolled
#' in the scenario where only a limited number of centers is available and each center only has a limited number
#' of patients that can be enrolled.
#' @return
#' The maximum number of patients that can be enrolled.
#' @export capacity
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{recruitment}} for simulating recruitment scenarios
#' @examples
#' mE=capacity(nc=40,ns=10,sf=0.3)
#' recruitment(nc=40,ns=10,cw=4,sw=2,sf=0.3,tb=4,en=mE)

   capacity <- function(nc,ns,sf){

#' Scheduling interim analyses in clinical trials
#' Function \code{convertedRate} converts a drop-out rate from one period to another. If the drop-out rate is defined for
#' w1 weeks \code{convertedRate} yields the drop-out rate for w2 weeks.
#' @param r rate between 0 and 1 (0 < r < 1)
#' @param w1 number of weeks for which r is defined
#' @param w2 number of weeks to which the rate shall be converted
#' @details
#' \code{convertedRate} is an auxilliary function that converts drop-out rates for different time periods.
#' The function can be used in order to convert drop-out rates required for function \code{treatment}. Function
#' \code{treatment} requires the drop-out rate for the respective treatment duration as input. Typically known annual
#' drop-out rates can be converted to the respective rate for the treatment duration accordingly by setting \code{w1}
#' to 52 and \code{w2} to the respective treatment duration.
#' @return
#' The converted drop-out rate.
#' @export convertedRate
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{treatment}} for simulating the treatment duration for a given recruitment scenario
#' @examples
#' convertedRate(r=0.3,w1=52,w2=26)

   convertedRate <- function(r,w1,w2){
      d=1-(1-r)^(1/w1) ## d is the weekly rate

#' Scheduling interim analyses in clinical trials
#' Function \code{treatment} simulates the treatment phase base on a recruitment scenario simulated by function \code{recruitment}.
#' @param r recruitment scenario calculated with function \code{recruitment}.
#' @param du duration of treatment phase in weeks.
#' @param dr drop-out rate during the treatment phase.
#' @details
#' \code{treatment} simulates the treatment period based on a given recruitment scenario.
#' The function assumes a common fixed treatment length for all subjects (\code{du}).
#' The drop-out rate may be included via \code{dr}. If drop-out rates are available
#' only for different time periods, e.g. annual rates, function \code{\link{convertedRate}} can be used to convert
#' the rate to a drop-out rate for the respective treatment duration.
#' @return
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{treatment} returns a list of vectors with the following components:
#' \item \code{patients} a vector with the (cumulative) number of patients who finished treatment
#' \item \code{weeksOfTrial} a vector with the corresponding trial week when patients have finished treatment
#' (with start of site openings as reference start)
#' }
#' @export treatment
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{recruitment}} for simulating recruitment scenarios;
#' \code{\link{trialCourse}} for plots of recruitment and treatment scenarios;
#' \code{\link{convertedRate}} for converting drop-out rates for different time periods.
#' @examples
#' x=recruitment(nc=Inf,ns=Inf,cw=4,sw=2,sf=0.3,tb=4,en=400)
#' y=treatment(r=x,du=26,dr=0.2)
#' z=treatment(r=x,du=52,dr=0.2)
#' x=recruitment(nc=Inf,ns=Inf,cw=4,sw=2,sf=0.3,tb=4,en=400)
#' y=treatment(r=x,du=26,dr=convertedRate(0.3,52,26))
#' z=treatment(r=x,du=52,dr=0.3)

   treatment <- function(r,du,dr){



#' Scheduling interim analyses in clinical trials
#' Function \code{trialCourse} plots the results of function \code{recruitment}
#' and function \code{treatment}.
#' @param r recruitment scenario calculated with function \code{recruitment}.
#' @param t1 \emph{optional}. Treatment phase simulation from function \code{treatment}.
#' @param t2 \emph{optional}. Treatment phase simulation from function \code{treatment}.
#' @param lp \emph{optional}. Position of legend, specified by keyword: "bottomright", "bottom", "bottomleft", "left", "topleft", "top", "topright", "right", or "center".
#' @details
#' Function \code{trialCourse} produces two plots to display results of enrollment
#' and treatment simulations.
#' The first plot displays the cumulative number of centers that have been opened
#' as well as the cumulative number of centers that have been closed, if applicable, per trial week.
#' The second plot displays the number of patients that have been screened and enrolled per trial week.
#' If at least one of the parameters \code{t1} and \code{t2} are not \code{NULL}, then
#' the number of patients finished treatment is also displayed.
#' It is possible to include two different treatment scenarios into one plot. This option may for example
#' be used to assess the timing for specific interim analyses, i.e. \code{t1} is used to assess when the
#' required number of patients for the interim analysis finished treatment while \code{t2} is used to assess
#' when the required number of patients for the final analysis finished treatment.
#' @export trialCourse
#' @import graphics
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{treatment}} for simulating the treatment duration for a given recruitment scenario;
#' \code{\link{recruitment}} for simulating recruitment scenarios.
#' @examples
#' x=recruitment(nc=Inf,ns=Inf,cw=4,sw=2,sf=0.3,tb=4,en=400)
#' y=treatment(r=x,du=26,dr=convertedRate(0.3,52,26))
#' z=treatment(r=x,du=52,dr=0.3)
#' trialCourse(r=x,t1=y,t2=z)

   trialCourse <- function(r,t1=NULL,t2=NULL,lp="topright"){


      yLabel="Screened and enrolled patients"

      if (!is.null(t1)) {
         yLabel="Screened, enrolled, and treated patients"

      if (!is.null(t2)) {
         yLabel="Screened, enrolled, and treated patients"

      ### center plot
      plot(w,y,type="n",main="Centers",xlab="Week",ylab="Openings and closings")

      legend(lp,lwd=3,col=c(coCol,ccCol),legend=c("Center openings","Center closings"))

      ### patient plot
      if (!is.null(t1))
      if (!is.null(t2))
         lines(t2$weeksOfTrial,t2$patients,type="l",      lwd=3,col=t2Col)

      if (is.null(t1) & is.null(t2))
         legend(lp,lwd=3,col=c(scCol,enCol),legend=c("Screened patients","Enrolled patients"))
      if (!is.null(t1) & is.null(t2))
      	 legend(lp,lwd=3,lty=c(1,1,6),col=c(scCol,enCol,t1Col),legend=c("Screened patients","Enrolled patients","Treated patients 1"))
      if (is.null(t1) & !is.null(t2))
      	 legend(lp,lwd=3,col=c(scCol,enCol,t2Col),legend=c("Screened patients","Enrolled patients","Treated patients 2"))
         legend(lp,lwd=3,lty=c(1,1,6,1),col=c(scCol,enCol,t1Col,t2Col),legend=c("Screened patients","Enrolled patients", "Treated patients 1","Treated patients 2"))

#' Scheduling interim analyses in clinical trials
#' Function \code{trialWeek} determines the week of the trial in which a certain number \code{p}
#' of patients finished treatment.
#' @param t result of function \code{treatment}.
#' @param p number of patients for which the week shall be determined.
#' @details
#' \code{trialWeek} is an auxilliary function required to assess the timing of interim analyses. It derives
#' the week of trial in which a certain number of patients finished treatment.
#' The output is required for function \code{cross}, which includes the information into an existing Patients diagram.
#' @return
#' The week in which the number of patients is reached.
#' @export trialWeek
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{cross}} for plotting results of function \code{trialWeek} into an existing Patients diagram.
#' @examples
#' x=recruitment(nc=Inf,ns=Inf,cw=4,sw=2,sf=0.3,tb=4,en=400)
#' y=treatment(r=x,du=26,dr=convertedRate(0.3,52,26))
#' z=treatment(r=x,du=52,dr=0.3)
#' trialCourse(r=x,t1=y,t2=z)
#' trialWeek(t=y,p=100)

   trialWeek <- function(t,p){

      if (p < y[1])
         if (p == y[1])
         else {
            if (p <= y[n]){
               s=(1:(n-1))[(y[-n] < p) & (p <= y[-1])] # segment
               y1=y[s]; y2=y[s+1]
               x1=x[s]; x2=x[s+1]
            } else

#' Scheduling interim analyses in clinical trials for time-to-event settings
#' Function \code{event} simulates the events base on a recruitment scenario simulated by function \code{recruitment}.
#' @param r recruitment scenario calculated with function \code{recruitment}.
#' @param er event rate during the clinical trail.
#' @param dr drop-out rate during the clinical trail.
#' @param du duration of the clinical trail in weeks.
#' @details
#' \code{event} simulates the events based on a given recruitment scenario.
#' The function assumes an exponential distribution for the event probability with a common event rate for all subjects (\code{er}).
#' The drop-out rate may be included. For the probability of an drop-out, \code{treatment} assumes an exponential distribution with a common rate \code{dr}.
#' It is assumed that the even and drop-out time are independent of each other.
#' @return
#' \itemize{
#' \item \code{event} returns a list of vectors with the following components:
#' \item \code{events} a vector with the (cumulative) number of frist events (events before drop-out)
#' \item \code{drops} a vector with the (cumulative) number of patients who droped out of the trail before the first event
#' \item \code{weeksOfEvent} a vector with the corresponding trial week when patients have experienced the first event
#' (with start of site openings as reference start)
#' }
#' @export event
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{recruitment}} for simulating recruitment scenarios;
#' \code{\link{eventCourse}} for plots of recruitment and event scenarios;
#' @examples
#' x=recruitment(nc=Inf,ns=Inf,cw=4,sw=2,sf=0.3,tb=4,en=400)
#' y=event(r=x,er=0.12,dr=0.08,du=50)
#' x=recruitment(nc=Inf,ns=Inf,cw=4,sw=2,sf=0.3,tb=4,en=400)
#' y=event(r=x,er=0.12,dr=0.08,du=50)

   event <- function(r,er,dr,du){
     e$weeksOfEnrollment <- r$weeksOfEnrollment
     e$weeksOfEvent <- c(r$weeksOfEnrollment[1]:du)
     for(i in 1:length(r$enrollments)){

     if (is.null(dr)) {
       for(k in 1:min(length(e$enrollinstant),length(e$weeksOfEvent))){
         for(l in k:length(e$weeksOfEvent)){
       for(k in 1:min(length(e$enrollinstant),length(e$weeksOfEvent))){
         for(l in k:length(e$weeksOfEvent)){

#' Scheduling interim analyses in clinical trials for time-to-event settings
#' Function \code{eventCourse} plots the results of function \code{recruitment}
#' and function \code{event}.
#' @param r recruitment scenario calculated with function \code{recruitment}.
#' @param e1 \emph{optional}. Event simulation from function \code{event}.
#' @param lp \emph{optional}. Position of legend, specified by keyword: "bottomright", "bottom", "bottomleft", "left", "topleft", "top", "topright", "right", or "center".
#' @details
#' Function \code{eventCourse} produces two plots to display results of enrollment
#' and treatment simulations.
#' The first plot displays the cumulative number of centers that have been opened
#' as well as the cumulative number of centers that have been closed, if applicable, per trial week.
#' The second plot displays the number of patients that have been screened and enrolled per trial week.
#' If the parameter \code{e1} is not \code{NULL}, then
#' the number of events and the number of drop-outs before first event ist displayed.
#' @export eventCourse
#' @import graphics
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{event}} for simulating the events for a given recruitment scenario;
#' \code{\link{recruitment}} for simulating recruitment scenarios.
#' @examples
#' x=recruitment(nc=Inf,ns=Inf,cw=4,sw=2,sf=0.3,tb=4,en=400)
#' y=event(r=x,er=0.12,dr=0.08,du=50)
#' eventCourse(r=x,e1=y)

   eventCourse <- function(r,e1=NULL,lp="topright"){


     yLabel="Screened and enrolled patients"

     if (!is.null(e1)) {
       yLabel="Screened, enrolled, and events"

     ### center plot
     plot(w,y,type="n",main="Centers",xlab="Week",ylab="Openings and closings")

     legend(lp,lwd=3,col=c(coCol,ccCol),legend=c("Center openings","Center closings"))

     ### patient plot
     if (!is.null(e1))
     if (!is.null(e1$drops))
     if (is.null(e1))
       legend(lp,lwd=3,col=c(scCol,enCol),legend=c("Screened patients","Enrolled patients"))
       if (!is.null(e1)&is.null(e1$drops))
         legend(lp,lwd=3,lty=c(1,1,6),col=c(scCol,enCol,e1Col),legend=c("Screened patients","Enrolled patients","Events"))
       if (!is.null(e1)&!is.null(e1$drops))
         legend(lp,lwd=3,lty=c(1,1,6,5),col=c(scCol,enCol,e1Col,e1Col),legend=c("Screened patients","Enrolled patients","Events","Drop outs before event"))

#' Scheduling interim analyses in clinical trials in a time-to-event setting
#' Function \code{eventWeek} determines the week of the trial in which a certain number \code{t}
#' of events occured.
#' @param t result of function \code{event}.
#' @param p number of events for which the week shall be determined.
#' @details
#' \code{eventWeek} is an auxilliary function required to assess the timing of interim analyses. It derives
#' the week of trial in which a certain number of events occured.
#' The output is required for function \code{cross}, which includes the information into an existing Event diagram.
#' @return
#' The week in which the number of events is reached.
#' @export eventWeek
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{cross}} for plotting results of function \code{eventWeek} into an existing Event diagram.
#' @examples
#' x=recruitment(nc=Inf,ns=Inf,cw=4,sw=2,sf=0.3,tb=4,en=400)
#' x=recruitment(nc=Inf,ns=Inf,cw=4,sw=2,sf=0.3,tb=4,en=400)
#' y=treatment(r=x,dr=0.08,du=50)
#' eventCourse(r=x,e1=y)
#' trialWeek(t=y,p=50)

   eventWeek <- function(t,p){

     if (p < y[1])
       if (p == y[1])
     else {
       if (p <= y[n]){
         s=(1:(n-1))[(y[-n] < p) & (p <= y[-1])] # segment
         y1=y[s]; y2=y[s+1]
         x1=x[s]; x2=x[s+1]
       } else

#' Scheduling interim analyses in clinical trials
#' Function \code{cross} plots two cossing lines into the patients diagram .
#' @param w week where the vertical line is plotted.
#' @param p number of patients where the horizontal line is plotted.
#' @details
#' This function includes a vertical and horizontal line into an existing patient diagram
#' produced by function \code{trialCourse} or into an existing event diagram produced by function \code{evenCourse}.
#' The lines are to mark the timepoint \code{w} in weeks at which a required number of
#' patients or events \code{p} has finished their treatment or occured as first events, respectivley. The display can be used to assess
#' the scheduling of interim analyses.
#' The auxilliary functions \code{\link{trialWeek}} or \code{\link{eventWeek}} can be used to derive the week of the
#' trial in which the required number of patients has finished the treatment or events occured.
#' @export cross
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{trialCourse}} for plots of recruitment and treatment scenarios;
#' \code{\link{trialWeek}} for deriving the week of a trial at which a certain number of patients finished treatment.
#' \code{\link{eventCourse}} for plots of recruitment and event scenarios;
#' \code{\link{eventWeek}} for deriving the week of a trial at which a certain number of event occured.
#' @examples
#' x=recruitment(nc=Inf,ns=Inf,cw=4,sw=2,sf=0.3,tb=4,en=400)
#' y=treatment(r=x,du=26,dr=convertedRate(0.3,52,26))
#' z=treatment(r=x,du=52,dr=0.3)
#' trialCourse(r=x,t1=y,t2=z)
#' trialWeek(t=y,p=100)
#' cross(w=trialWeek(t=y,p=100),p=100)

   cross <- function(w,p){

### E N D E ###

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interim documentation built on June 24, 2019, 9:03 a.m.