
Defines functions testConfigurations

Documented in testConfigurations

#' Execute the given configurations on the testing instances specified in the
#' scenario
#' @template arg_configurations
#' @template arg_scenario
#' @template arg_parameters
#' @return A list with the following elements:
#'   \describe{
#'     \item{\code{experiments}}{Experiments results.}
#'     \item{\code{seeds}}{Array of the instance seeds used in the experiments.}
#'   }
#' @details A test instance set must be provided through `scenario[["testInstances"]]`.
#' @seealso
#'  [testing_fromlog()]
#' @author Manuel López-Ibáñez
#' @export
testConfigurations <- function(configurations, scenario, parameters)
  # We need to set up a default scenario (and repeat all checks) in case
  # we are called directly instead of being called after executing irace.
  scenario <- checkScenario(scenario)
  testInstances <- scenario[["testInstances"]]
  instances.ID <- names(testInstances)
  if (length(testInstances) == 0) irace.error("No test instances given")
  if (is.null(instances.ID)) irace.error("testInstances must have names")
  # 2147483647 is the maximum value for a 32-bit signed integer.
  # We use replace = TRUE, because replace = FALSE allocates memory for each possible number.
  ## FIXME: scenario[["testInstances"]] and scenario$instances behave differently,
  ## we should unify them so that the seeds are also saved in scenario.
  instanceSeed <- sample.int(2147483647, size = length(testInstances), replace = TRUE)
  names(instanceSeed) <- instances.ID
  values <- removeConfigurationsMetaData(configurations)
  values <- values[, parameters$names, drop = FALSE]
  switches <- parameters$switches[parameters$names]

  bounds <- rep(scenario$boundMax, nrow(configurations))
  # If there is no ID (e.g., after using readConfigurations), then add it.
  if (! (".ID." %in% colnames(configurations))) {
    configurations$.ID. <- 1:nrow(configurations)
  # Create experiment list
  experiments <- createExperimentList(configurations, parameters,
                                      testInstances, instances.ID, instanceSeed,
                                      scenario, bounds)

  if (scenario$debugLevel >= 3) {
    irace.note ("Memory used before execute.experiments in testConfigurations():\n")

  target.output <- execute.experiments (experiments, scenario)
  # targetEvaluator may be NULL. If so, target.output must
  # contain the right output already.
  if (!is.null(scenario$targetEvaluator))
    target.output <- execute.evaluator (experiments, scenario, target.output,

  # FIXME: It would be much faster to get convert target.output$cost to a
  # vector, then initialize the matrix with the vector.
  testResults <- matrix(NA, ncol = nrow(configurations), nrow = length(testInstances),
                        # dimnames = list(rownames, colnames)
                        dimnames = list (instances.ID, configurations$.ID.))

  # FIXME: It would be much faster to get a vector cost, applyPAR to it, then
  # assign it.
  for (i in seq_along(experiments)) {
    cost <- target.output[[i]]$cost
    if (scenario$capping)
      cost <- applyPAR(cost, boundMax = scenario$boundMax, boundPar = scenario$boundPar)
    testResults[rownames(testResults) == experiments[[i]]$id.instance,
                colnames(testResults) == experiments[[i]]$id.configuration] <- cost
  if (scenario$debugLevel >= 3) {
    irace.note ("Memory used at the end of testConfigurations():\n")

  ## FIXME: Shouldn't we record these experiments in experimentLog ?
  return(list(experiments = testResults, seeds = instanceSeed))

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irace documentation built on Oct. 23, 2022, 5:06 p.m.