
Defines functions do_nothing read_logfile valid_iracelog irace_save_logfile is.file.extension ceiling.digits resample runcommand dataVariance concordance mpiInit configurations.print.command configurations.print removeConfigurationsMetaData extractElites merge.matrix inNumericDomain trim trim.trailing trim.leading test.type.order.str strlimit scenario.update.paths scenario_update_paths strcat str_sub bytecompile is.bytecode get.function is.function.name is_null_or_empty_or_na is.null.or.empty is.null.or.na is.na.or.empty is.na.nowarn is.wholenumber round.to.next.multiple irace.note irace.assert irace.internal.error irace.dump.frames irace.error irace.warning irace.print.memUsed irace.reload.debug

Documented in configurations.print configurations.print.command read_logfile removeConfigurationsMetaData scenario_update_paths scenario.update.paths

# An internal function to reload irace and set options for debugging
# errors. It may also be used to reload other packages.
# FIXME: Reload dynamic libraries? See ?dyn.load
irace.reload.debug <- function(package = "irace")
  pkg <- paste0("package:", package)
  try(detach(pkg, character.only = TRUE, unload = TRUE))
  library(package, character.only = TRUE)
  options(error = if (interactive()) utils::recover else
          quote(utils::dump.frames("iracedump", TRUE)))

irace.print.memUsed <- function(objects)
  object.size.kb <- function (name, envir) {
    object.size(get(name, envir = envir)) / 1024

  envir <- parent.frame()
  if (missing(objects)) {
    objects <- ls(envir = envir, all.names = TRUE)
  x <- sapply(objects, object.size.kb, envir = envir)

  y <- sapply(ls(envir = .irace, all.names = TRUE),
              object.size.kb, envir = .irace)
  names(y) <- paste0(".irace$", names(y))
  x <- c(x, y)

  # Do not print anything that is smaller than 32 Kb
  x <- x[x > 32]
  cat(sep="", sprintf("%30s : %17.1f Kb\n", names(x), x))
  cat(sep="", sprintf("%30s : %17.1f Mb\n", "Total", sum(x) / 1024))
  # This does garbage collection and also prints memory used by R.
  cat(sep="", sprintf("%30s : %17.1f Mb\n", "gc", sum(gc()[,2])))

# Print a user-level warning message, when the calling context
# cannot help the user to understand why the program failed.
irace.warning <- function(...)
  if (getOption(".irace.quiet", default=FALSE)) return()
  cat(sep="", .msg.prefix, "WARNING: ", ..., "\n")

# Print a user-level fatal error message, when the calling context
# cannot help the user to understand why the program failed.
irace.error <- function(...)
  # The default is only 1000, which is too small. 8170 is the maximum
  # value allowed up to R 3.0.2
  op <- options(warning.length = 8170)
  stop (.msg.prefix, ..., call. = FALSE)

## utils::dump.frames is broken and cannot be used with bquote, so we need a wrapper. When irace crashes, it generates a file "iracedump.rda". To debug the crash use:
## R> load("iracedump.rda")
## R> debugger(iracedump)
## See help(dump.frames) for more details.
irace.dump.frames <- function()
  execDir <- getOption(".irace.execdir")
  if (!is.null(execDir)) cwd <- setwd(execDir)
  ## Only a very recent R version allows saving GlovalEnv:
  ## https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-devel/2016-November/073378.html
  # utils::dump.frames(dumpto = "iracedump", to.file = TRUE, include.GlobalEnv = TRUE)
  ## For now, we use the following work-around:
  ## http://stackoverflow.com/questions/40421552/r-how-make-dump-frames-include-all-variables-for-later-post-mortem-debugging
  utils::dump.frames(dumpto = "iracedump")
  save.image(file = "iracedump.rda")

  if (!is.null(execDir)) setwd(cwd)
  # We need this to signal an error in R CMD check.
  if (!interactive()) q("no", status = 1, runLast = FALSE)

# Print an internal fatal error message that signals a bug in irace.
irace.internal.error <- function(...)
  .irace.bug.report <-
    paste0("An unexpected condition occurred. ",
           "Please report this bug to the authors of the irace package <https://github.com/MLopez-Ibanez/irace/issues>")

  op <- options(warning.length = 8170,
                error = if (interactive()) utils::recover
                        else irace.dump.frames)
  # 6 to not show anything below irace.assert()
  bt <- capture.output(traceback(6))
  stop (.msg.prefix, paste0(..., collapse = "\n"),
        paste0(bt, collapse= "\n"), "\n",
        .msg.prefix, "\n", .irace.bug.report, call. = FALSE)

irace.assert <- function(exp, eval.after = NULL)
  # FIXME: It would be great if we could save into a file the state of
  # the function that called this one.
  if (exp) return(invisible())
  mc <- match.call()[[2]]
  msg <- paste0(deparse(mc), " is not TRUE\n")
  if (!is.null(eval.after)) {
    msg.after <- eval.parent(capture.output(eval.after))
    msg <- paste0(msg, "\n", paste0(msg.after, collapse="\n"))

irace.note <- function(...)
  # FIXME: If this was a function within an irace object, we could replace it
  # when using quiet.
  if (getOption(".irace.quiet", default=FALSE)) return()
  cat ("# ", format(Sys.time(), usetz=TRUE), ": ",
       paste0(..., collapse = ""), sep = "")

file.check <- function (file, executable = FALSE, readable = executable,
                        writeable = FALSE,
                        isdir = FALSE, notempty = FALSE, text = NULL)
  EXEC <- 1 # See documentation of the function file.access()
  WRITE <- 2
  READ <- 4

  if (!is.character(file) || is.null.or.empty(file)) {
    irace.error (text, " ", shQuote(file), " is not a vaild filename")
  file <- path_rel2abs(file)
  ## The above should remove the trailing separator if present for windows OS
  ## compatibility, except when we have just C:/, where the trailing separator
  ## must remain.
  if (!file.exists(file)) {
    if (writeable) {
      if (tryCatch({ suppressWarnings(file.create(file) && file.remove(file)) },
                   error=function(e) FALSE))
      irace.error("cannot create ", text, " ", shQuote(file))
      return (FALSE)
    irace.error (text, " '", file, "' does not exist")

  if (writeable && (file.access(file, mode = WRITE) != 0)) {
    irace.error(text, " '", file, "' cannot be written into")
  if (readable && (file.access(file, mode = READ) != 0)) {
    irace.error(text, " '", file, "' is not readable")
    return (FALSE)
  if (executable && file.access(file, mode = EXEC) != 0) {
    irace.error(text, " '", file, "' is not executable")
    return (FALSE)

  if (isdir) {
    if (!file.info(file)$isdir) {
      irace.error(text, " '", file, "' is not a directory")
      return (FALSE)
    if (notempty && length(list.files (file, recursive=TRUE)) == 0) {
      irace.error(text, " '", file, "' does not contain any file")
      return (FALSE)
  } else if (file.info(file)$isdir) {
    irace.error(text, " '", file, "' is a directory, not a file")
    return (FALSE)
  return (TRUE)

# Returns the smallest multiple of d that is higher than or equal to x.
round.to.next.multiple <- function(x, d)
  return(x + d - 1 - (x - 1) %% d)

# This returns FALSE for Inf/-Inf/NA
is.wholenumber <- function(x, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.5)
  is.finite(x) & (abs(x - round(x)) < tol)

is.na.nowarn <- function(x)
  length(x) == 1 && suppressWarnings(is.na(x))

is.na.or.empty <- function(x)
  (length(x) == 0) || is.na.nowarn(x)

is.null.or.na <- function(x)
  is.null(x) || is.na.nowarn(x)

is.null.or.empty <- function(x)
  (length(x) == 0) || (length(x) == 1 && !suppressWarnings(is.na(x)) && is.character(x) && x == "")

is_null_or_empty_or_na <- function(x)
  (length(x) == 0) || is.na.nowarn(x) || (length(x) == 1 && !suppressWarnings(is.na(x)) && is.character(x) && x == "")

is.function.name <- function(FUN)
  # FIXME: Is there a simpler way to do this check?
  is.function(FUN) ||
    (!is.null(FUN) && !is.na(FUN) && as.character(FUN) != "" &&

get.function <- function(FUN)
  if (is.function(FUN)) return(FUN)
  FUN <- dynGet(as.character(FUN), ifnotfound = NULL, inherits = TRUE)
  if (is.function(FUN)) return(FUN)
  return (NULL)

is.bytecode <- function(x) typeof(x) == "bytecode"

bytecompile <- function(x)
  if (is.bytecode(x)) return(x)

# FIXME: Use stringr function and replace this function
str_sub <- function(x, start=0, stop=nchar(x))
  negs <- start < 0
  if (any(negs)) start[negs] <- nchar(x[negs]) + 1  - start[negs]

  negs <- stop < 0
  if (any(negs)) stop[negs] <- nchar(x[negs]) + 1  - stop[negs]
  return(substr(x, start, stop))

strcat <- function(...)
  do.call(paste0, args = list(..., collapse = NULL))

#' Update filesystem paths of a scenario consistently.
#' This function should be used to change the filesystem paths stored in a
#' scenario object. Useful when moving a scenario from one computer to another.
#' @template arg_scenario
#' @param from character string containing a regular expression (or character
#'   string for `fixed = TRUE`) to be matched.
#' @param to the replacement string.character string. For `fixed = FALSE`
#'   this can include backreferences `"\1"` to `"\9"` to
#'   parenthesized subexpressions of `from`.
#' @param fixed logical.  If `TRUE`, `from` is a string to be matched
#'   as is.
#' @return The updated scenario
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' scenario <- readScenario(filename = "scenario.txt")
#' scenario <- scenario_update_paths(scenario, from = "/home/manuel/", to = "/home/leslie")
#' }
#' @seealso [base::grep()]
#' @export
scenario_update_paths <- function(scenario, from, to, fixed = TRUE)
  pathParams <- .irace.params.def[.irace.params.def[, "type"] == "p", "name"]
  # Only consider the ones that actually appear in scenario.
  pathParams <- intersect(pathParams, names(scenario))
  scenario[pathParams] <- lapply(scenario[pathParams], sub, pattern = from, replacement = to, fixed = fixed)

#' @rdname scenario_update_paths
#' @export
scenario.update.paths <- function(scenario, from, to, fixed = TRUE)
  scenario_update_paths(scenario=scenario, from=from, to=to, fixed=fixed)

# This function is used to trim potentially large strings for printing, since
# the maximum error/warning length is 8170 characters (R 3.0.2)
strlimit <- function(str, limit = 5000)
  if (nchar(str) > limit) return(paste0(substr(str, 1, limit - 3), "..."))

test.type.order.str <- function(test.type)
         friedman = "sum of ranks",
         t.none =, # Fall-throught
         t.holm =, # Fall-throught
         t.bonferroni = "mean value",
         irace.internal.error ("test.type.order.str() Invalid value '",
                               test.type, "' of test.type"))

trim.leading <- function(str)
  sub('^[[:space:]]+', '', str) ## white space, POSIX-style

trim.trailing <- function(str)
  sub('[[:space:]]+$', '', str) ## white space, POSIX-style

# remove leading and trailing white space characters
trim <- function(str) trim.trailing(trim.leading(str))

isFixed <- function (paramName, parameters)

paramDomain <- function (paramName, parameters)

paramLowerBound <- function (paramName, parameters)

paramUpperBound <- function (paramName, parameters)

inNumericDomain <- function(value, domain) (value >= domain[1] && value <= domain[2])

nbParam <- function (parameters) length(parameters$names)

## This function takes two matrices x and y and merges them such that the
## resulting matrix z has:
# rownames(z) <- setunion(rownames(x), rownames(y)) and 
# rownames(z) <- setunion(rownames(x), rownames(y)) and
# z[rownames(x), colnames(x)] <- x and z[rownames(y), colnames(y)] <- y, and
# z[i, j] <- NA for all i,j not in x nor y.
merge.matrix <- function(x, y)
  new.cols <- setdiff(colnames(y), colnames(x))
  new.rows <- setdiff(rownames(y), rownames(x))

  if (is.null(rownames(x)) || is.null(colnames(x)))

  if (is.null(rownames(y)) || is.null(colnames(y)))

  # Add columns
  x <- cbind(x,
             matrix(NA, ncol = length(new.cols), nrow = nrow(x),
                    dimnames = list(rownames(x), new.cols)))
  # Add rows
  x <- rbind(x,
             matrix(NA, ncol = ncol(x), nrow = length(new.rows),
                    dimnames = list(new.rows, colnames(x))))
  # Update
  x[rownames(y), colnames(y)] <- y
  # There must be a non-NA entry for each instance.
  irace.assert(all(apply(!is.na(x), 1, any)))

## extractElites
# Input: the configurations with the .RANK. field filled.
#        the number of elites wished
# Output: nbElites elites, sorted by ranks, with the weights assigned.
extractElites <- function(scenario, parameters, configurations, nbElites)
  # Keep only alive configurations.
  ## FIXME: Shouldn't this be done by the caller?
  configurations <- configurations[configurations$.ALIVE., , drop = FALSE]
  if (nbElites < 1) {
    irace.internal.error("nbElites is lower or equal to zero.") 
  # Remove duplicated. Duplicated configurations may be generated, however, it
  # is too slow to check at generation time. Nevertheless, we can check now
  # since we typically have very few elites.
  ## FIXME: Use a variant of similarConfigurations.
  configurations <- configurations[order(configurations$.ID.), , drop = FALSE]
  before <- nrow(configurations)
  configurations <- configurations[!duplicated(removeConfigurationsMetaData(configurations)),
                                 , drop = FALSE]
  after <- nrow(configurations)
  if (after < before && scenario$debugLevel >= 1) {
    irace.note("Dropped ", before - after, " duplicated elites\n")

  nbElites <- min(after, nbElites)
  # Sort by rank.
  elites <- configurations[order(configurations$.RANK.), , drop = FALSE]
  elites <- elites[1:nbElites, , drop = FALSE]
  elites[, ".WEIGHT."] <- ((nbElites - (1:nbElites) + 1)
                           / (nbElites * (nbElites + 1) / 2))

#' removeConfigurationsMetaData
#' Remove the columns with "metadata" of a matrix containing some
#' configuration configurations. These "metadata" are used internaly
#' by \pkg{irace}. This function can be used e.g. before printing
#' the configurations, to output only the values for the parameters
#' of the configuration without data possibly useless to the user.
#' @template arg_configurations
#' @return The same matrix without the "metadata".
#' @seealso 
#'   [configurations.print.command()] to print the configurations as command lines.
#'   [configurations.print()] to print the configurations as a data frame.
#' @author Manuel López-Ibáñez and Jérémie Dubois-Lacoste
#' @export
## Keep only parameters values
removeConfigurationsMetaData <- function(configurations)
  # Meta-data colnames begin with "."
  configurations[, grep("^\\.", colnames(configurations), invert = TRUE),
                     drop = FALSE]

#' Print configurations as a data frame
#' @template arg_configurations
#' @param metadata A Boolean specifying whether to print the metadata or
#' not. The metadata are data for the configurations (additionally to the
#' value of each parameter) used by \pkg{irace}.
#' @return None.
#' @seealso
#'  [configurations.print.command()] to print the configurations as command-line strings.
#' @author Manuel López-Ibáñez and Jérémie Dubois-Lacoste
#' @export
configurations.print <- function(configurations, metadata = FALSE)
  rownames(configurations) <- configurations$.ID.
  if (!metadata) {
    configurations <- removeConfigurationsMetaData(configurations)
  print(as.data.frame(configurations, stringsAsFactors = FALSE), digits = 15)

#' Print configurations as command-line strings.
#' Prints configurations after converting them into a representation for the
#' command-line.
#' @template arg_configurations
#' @template arg_parameters
#' @return None.
#' @seealso
#'  [configurations.print()] to print the configurations as a data frame.
#' @author Manuel López-Ibáñez and Jérémie Dubois-Lacoste
#' @export
configurations.print.command <- function(configurations, parameters)
  if (nrow(configurations) <= 0) return(invisible())
  ids <- as.numeric(configurations$.ID.)
  configurations <- removeConfigurationsMetaData(configurations)
  # Re-sort the columns
  configurations <- configurations[, parameters$names, drop = FALSE]
  # A better way to do this? We cannot use apply() because that coerces
  # to a character matrix thus messing up numerical values.
  len <- nchar(max(ids))
  for (i in seq_len (nrow(configurations))) {
    cat(sprintf("%-*d %s\n", len, ids[i],
                buildCommandLine(configurations[i, , drop=FALSE], parameters$switches)))

# FIXME: This may not work when working interactively. For example,
# one cannot change the number of slaves.  A more robust function
# would try to close any open slaves, and then re-spawn a different
# number.
# FIXME2: Slaves will load the irace namespace independently of how the master
# loaded it. This can be seen by doing in the slaves:
## print(loadedNamespaces())
## try(print(as.list(get(".__NAMESPACE__.", envir = asNamespace("irace", base.OK = FALSE),
##                       inherits = FALSE))$path))
## try(print(path.package("irace")))     
# That is, neither R_LIBS, .libPaths or whether library was called with lib.loc
# will affect the slaves. It also happens before we can set those variables on
# the slaves. Thus, one may end up running a different version of irace on the
# slaves than on the master. I wasted more than 12 hours trying to find a
# work-around but nothing seems to work.
mpiInit <- function(nslaves, debugLevel = 0)
  # Load the Rmpi package if it is not already loaded.
  if (! ("Rmpi" %in% loadedNamespaces())) {
    if (! suppressPackageStartupMessages
        (requireNamespace("Rmpi", quietly = TRUE)))
      irace.error("The 'Rmpi' package is required for using MPI")
    # When R exits, finalize MPI.
    reg.finalizer(environment(Rmpi::mpi.exit), function(e) {
      # Rmpi already prints a message, so we don't need this.
      # cat("# Finalize MPI...\n")
      if (Rmpi::mpi.comm.size(1) > 0)
        # FIXME: dellog == TRUE tries to delete log files, but it does
        # not take into account that we may have changed directory and
        # it does not fail gracefully but produces an annoying:
        # Warning message: running command 'ls *.30577+1.*.log 2>/dev/null' had status 2
        Rmpi::mpi.close.Rslaves(dellog = FALSE)
      # We would like to use .Call("mpi_finalize", PACKAGE = "Rmpi"), which is
      # what mpi.finalize does, minus the annoying message: "Exiting Rmpi. Rmpi
      # cannot be used unless relaunching R", which we do not care about
      # because this finalizer should only be called when exiting R.
                     file = if (.Platform$OS.type == 'windows') 'NUL' else '/dev/null')
    }, onexit = TRUE)

    # Create slaves
    #  needlog: a logical. If TRUE, R BATCH outputs will be saved in log
    #           files.  If FALSE, the outputs will send to /dev/null.
    #  quiet: a logical. If TRUE, do not print anything unless an error occurs.
    #         If FALSE, prints to stdio how many slaves are successfully
    #         spawned and where they are running.
    Rmpi::mpi.spawn.Rslaves(nslaves = nslaves, quiet = (debugLevel < 2),
                            needlog = (debugLevel > 0))

## FIXME: Move this to the manual page.
# Computes:
# * Kendall's W (also known as Kendall's coefficient of concordance)
#   If 1, all configurations have ranked in the same order in all instances.
#   If 0, the ranking of each configuration on each instance is essentially random.
#   W = Friedman / (m * (k-1))
# * Spearman's rho: average (Spearman) correlation coefficient computed on the
#   ranks of all pairs of raters. If there are no repeated data values, a
#   perfect Spearman correlation of +1 or −1 occurs when each of the variables
#   is a perfect monotone function of the other.

# data: matrix with the data, instances in rows (judges), configurations in
# columns.
concordance <- function(data)
  irace.assert (is.matrix(data) && is.numeric(data))

  n <- nrow(data) #judges
  k <- ncol(data) #objects
  if (n <= 1 || k <= 1)
    return(list(kendall.w = NA, spearman.rho = NA))

  # Get rankings by rows (per instance)
  r <- t(apply(data, 1L, rank))
  R <- colSums(r)
  TIES <- tapply(r, row(r), table)
  # If everything is tied, then W=1, perfect homogeneity.
  if (all(unlist(TIES) == ncol(data))) {
    W <- 1
  } else {
    # FIXME: This formula seems slightly different from the one in
    # friedman.test. Why?
    T <- sum(unlist(lapply(TIES, function (u) {u^3 - u})))
    W <- ((12 * sum((R - n * (k + 1) / 2)^2)) /
          ((n^2 * (k^3 - k)) - (n * T)))
  # Spearman's rho
  rho <- (n * W - 1) / (n - 1)

  ## Same as in friedman test
  #STATISTIC <- n * (k - 1) * W
  #PARAMETER <- k - 1
  #pvalue <- pchisq(PARAMETER, df = PARAMETER, lower.tail = FALSE)
  return(list(kendall.w = W, spearman.rho = rho))

## FIXME: Move this to the manual page.
## FIXME: Reference! Explain a bit what is computed!
# Calculates Performance similarity of instances  
#       data: matrix with the data, instances in rows (judges), configurations
#             in columns.
# Returns: variance value [0,1], where 0 is a homogeneous set of instances and 
#          1 is a heterogeneous set.
dataVariance <- function(data)
  irace.assert (is.matrix(data) && is.numeric(data))
  # LESLIE: should we rank data??
  # MANUEL: Why?
  if (nrow(data) <= 1 || ncol(data) <= 1) return(NA)
  # Normalize
  #datamin <- apply(data,1,min,na.rm=TRUE)
  #datamax <- apply(data,1,max,na.rm=TRUE)
  #normdata <- (data - datamin) / (datamax-datamin) 
  meandata <- rowMeans(data)
  stddata  <- apply(data, 1L, sd)
  # If stddata == 0, then data is constant and it doesn't matter as long as it
  # is non-zero.
  stddata[stddata == 0] <- 1
  zscoredata <- (data - meandata) / stddata 
  # We could log-tranform if needed

  # Variance of configurations
  qvar <- mean(apply(zscoredata, 2L, var))

runcommand <- function(command, args, id, debugLevel)
  if (debugLevel >= 2L) {
    irace.note (command, " ", args, "\n")
    elapsed <- proc.time()["elapsed"]
  err <- NULL
  output <- withCallingHandlers(
    tryCatch(system2(command, args, stdout = TRUE, stderr = TRUE),
             error = function(e) {
               err <<- c(err, paste(conditionMessage(e), collapse="\n"))
             }), warning = function(w) {
               err <<- c(err, paste(conditionMessage(w), collapse="\n"))
  if (is.null(output))
    output <- ""
  # If the command could not be run an R error is generated.  If ‘command’
  # runs but gives a non-zero exit status this will be reported with a
  # warning and in the attribute ‘"status"’ of the result: an attribute
  # ‘"errmsg"’ may also be available.
  if (!is.null(err)) {
    err <- paste(err, collapse = "\n")
    if (!is.null(attr(output, "errmsg")))
      err <- paste(sep = "\n", err, attr(output, "errmsg"))
    if (debugLevel >= 2L)
      irace.note ("ERROR (", id, "): ", err, "\n")
    return(list(output = output, error = err))
  if (debugLevel >= 2L) {
    irace.note ("DONE (", id, ") Elapsed wall-clock seconds: ",
                formatC(proc.time()["elapsed"] - elapsed,
                        format = "f", digits = 2), "\n")
  # TODO: Return elapsed time so that we can report at the end the total
  # elapsed time taken by irace vs the time taken by the target-runner.
  list(output = output, error = NULL)

# Safe sampling of vector: 
resample <- function(x, ...) x[sample.int(length(x), ...)]

# Rounds up the number x to the specified number of decimal places 'digits'.
ceiling.digits <- function(x, digits)
   multiple <- 10^-digits
   div <- x / multiple
   int_div <- trunc(div)
   return (int_div * multiple + ceiling(div - int_div) * multiple)

# ceil.decimal <- function(x, d) { 
  # # get the significant digits in the integer part.
  # ssd <- x * 10^(d)
  # # get the non significant digits
  # nsd <- ssd - floor(ssd)

  # ssd <- trunc(ssd)
  # sel <- nsd > 0 | ssd==0
  # ssd[sel] <- ssd[sel] + 1
  # x2 <- ssd/10^(d)
  # return(x2)
# }

is.file.extension <- function(filename, ext)
  substring(filename, nchar(filename) + 1 - nchar(ext)) == ext

# Same as !(x %in% table)
"%!in%" <- function(x, table) match(x, table, nomatch = 0L) == 0L

irace_save_logfile <- function(iraceResults, scenario)
  if (is.null.or.empty(scenario$logFile)) return(invisible())
  cwd <- setwd(scenario$execDir)
  # FIXME: Use saveRDS
  # FIXME: Bump to version=3 when we bump the minimum R version to >=3.6
  save(iraceResults, file = scenario$logFile, version = 2)

valid_iracelog <- function(x)
  is.list(x) && ("scenario" %in% names(x))

#' Read the log file produced by irace (`irace.Rdata`).
#' @param filename Filename that contains the log file saved by irace. Example: `irace.Rdata`.
#' @param name Optional argument that allows overriding the default name of the object in the file.
#' @return (`list()`)
#' @concept analysis
#' @export
read_logfile <- function(filename, name = "iraceResults")
  # If filename is already the iraceResults object, just return it.
  if (valid_iracelog(filename)) return(filename)

  if (file.access(filename, mode=4) != 0)
    stop("read_logfile: Cannot read file '", filename, "'")
  iraceResults <- get0(name, inherits=FALSE)
  if (!valid_iracelog(iraceResults))
    stop("The file '", filename, "' does not contain the '", name, "' object.")

do_nothing <- function(...) invisible()

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irace documentation built on Oct. 23, 2022, 5:06 p.m.