
Defines functions execute.evaluator execute.experiments target.runner.default run_target_runner process_launcher_args check_launcher_args target.runner.aclib parse.aclib.output exec.target.runner target.evaluator.default target.error parse.output buildCommandLine

Documented in buildCommandLine target.evaluator.default target.runner.default

# FIXME: This is needed because race.R is not divided in two-stages
# run/evaluate like irace is, so there is no way to communicate data
# from the first stage to the second.
# FIXME: In fact, we should use this trick also in irace.R to avoid
# pass-by-copy-on-write of huge matrices and data.frames and instead
# pass-by-reference an environment containing those.
.irace <- new.env(parent = emptyenv())

#' Generate a command-line representation of a configuration
#' @description `buildCommandLine` receives two vectors, one containing
#'   the values of the parameters, the other containing the switches of the
#'   parameters. It builds a string with the switches and the values that can
#'   be used as a command line to call the program to be tuned, thus generating
#'   one candidate configuration.
#' @param values A vector containing the value of each parameter for the
#' candidate configuration.
#' @param switches A vector containing the switches of each paramter (in an
#'  order that corresponds to the values vector).
#' @return A string concatenating each element of `switches` and
#'   `values` for all parameters with a space between each pair of
#'   parameters (but none between the switches and the corresponding values).
#' @examples
#' switches <- c("--switch1 ", "--switch2 ")
#' values <- c("value_1", "value_2")
#' buildCommandLine (values, switches)
#' ## Build a command-line from the results produced by a previous run of irace.
#' # First, load the data produced by irace.
#' irace.logfile <- file.path(system.file(package="irace"),
#'                            "exdata", "irace-acotsp.Rdata")
#' load(irace.logfile)
#' allConfigurations <- iraceResults$allConfigurations
#' parameters <- iraceResults$parameters
#' apply(allConfigurations[1:10, unlist(parameters$names)], 1, buildCommandLine,
#'       unlist(parameters$switches))
#' @author Manuel López-Ibáñez and Jérémie Dubois-Lacoste
#' @export
buildCommandLine <- function(values, switches)
  irace.assert(length(values) == length(switches))
  command <- ""
  # FIXME: This probably can be implemented faster with apply() and
  # paste(collapse=" "). But how to get the index i in that case?
  for (i in seq_along(values)) {
    value <- values[i]
    if (!is.na(value)) {
      command <- paste0(command, " ", switches[i],
                        format(value, digits=15, scientific=FALSE))

# This function tries to convert a, possibly empty, character vector into a
# numeric vector.
parse.output <- function(outputRaw, verbose)
  if (verbose) { cat (outputRaw, sep = "\n") }
  # Initialize output as raw. If it is empty stays like this.
  output <- outputRaw
  # strsplit crashes if outputRaw == character(0)
  if (length(outputRaw) > 0) {
    outputRaw <- paste0(outputRaw, collapse = "\n")
    output <- strsplit(trim(outputRaw), "[[:space:]]+")[[1]]
  # suppressWarnings to avoid messages about NAs introduced by coercion
  return(suppressWarnings (as.numeric (output)))

target.error <- function(err.msg, output, scenario, target.runner.call,
                         target.evaluator.call = NULL)
  if (!is.null(target.evaluator.call)) {
    err.msg <- paste0(err.msg, "\n", .msg.prefix,
                      "The call to targetEvaluator was:\n", target.evaluator.call)
  if (!is.null(target.runner.call)) {
    err.msg <- paste0(err.msg, "\n", .msg.prefix,
                      "The call to targetRunner was:\n", target.runner.call)
  if (is.null(output$outputRaw)) {
    # Message for a function call.
    # FIXME: Ideally, we should print the list as R would print it.
    output$outputRaw <- toString(output)
    advice.txt <- paste0(
      "This is not a bug in irace, but means that something failed in ",
      "a call to the targetRunner or targetEvaluator functions provided by the user.",
      " Please check those functions carefully.")
  } else {
    # Message for an external script.
    advice.txt <- paste0(
      "This is not a bug in irace, but means that something failed when",
      " running the command(s) above or they were terminated before completion.",
      " Try to run the command(s) above from the execution directory '",
      scenario$execDir, "' to investigate the issue. See also Appendix B (targetRunner troubleshooting checklist) of the User Guide (https://cran.r-project.org/package=irace/vignettes/irace-package.pdf).")
  irace.error(err.msg, "\n", .msg.prefix,
              "The output was:\n", paste(output$outputRaw, collapse = "\n"),
              "\n", .msg.prefix, advice.txt)

check.output.target.evaluator <- function (output, scenario, target.runner.call = NULL)
  if (!is.list(output)) {
    target.error ("The output of targetEvaluator must be a list",
                  list(), scenario, target.runner.call = target.runner.call)

  err.msg <- output$error
  if (is.null(err.msg)) {
    if (is.null(output$cost)) {
      err.msg <- "The output of targetEvaluator must contain 'cost'!"
    } else if (is.na.nowarn (output$cost)) {
      err.msg <- "The output of targetEvaluator is not numeric!"
    if (scenario$batchmode != 0 && scenario$maxTime > 0) {
      if (is.null (output$time)) {
        err.msg <- "When batchmode != 0 and maxTime > 0, the output of targetEvaluator must be two numbers 'cost time'!"
      } else if (is.na.nowarn(output$time)) {
        err.msg <- "The time returned by targetEvaluator is not numeric!"
      } else if (is.infinite(output$time)) {
        err.msg <- "The time returned by targetEvaluator is not finite!"

  if (!is.null(err.msg)) {
    target.error (err.msg, output, scenario,
                  target.runner.call = target.runner.call,
                  target.evaluator.call = output$call)

exec.target.evaluator <- function (experiment, num.configurations, all.conf.id,
                                   scenario, target.runner.call)
  output <- .irace$target.evaluator(experiment, num.configurations, all.conf.id,
                                    scenario, target.runner.call)
  check.output.target.evaluator (output, scenario, target.runner.call = target.runner.call)
  # Fix too small time.
  output$time <- if (is.null(output$time)) NA else max(output$time, scenario$minMeasurableTime)
  return (output)

#' target.evaluator.default
#' `target.evaluator.default` is the default `targetEvaluator` function that is
#'  invoked if `targetEvaluator` is a string (by default
#'  `targetEvaluator` is `NULL` and this function is not invoked). You can use it as
#'  an advanced example of how to create your own `targetEvaluator` function.
#' @param experiment A list describing the experiment. It contains at least:
#'    \describe{
#'     \item{`id.configuration`}{An alphanumeric string that uniquely identifies a configuration;}
#'     \item{`id.instance`}{An alphanumeric string that uniquely identifies an instance;}
#'      \item{`seed`}{Seed for the random number generator to be used for
#'        this evaluation, ignore the seed for deterministic algorithms;}
#'      \item{`instance`}{String giving the instance to be used for this evaluation;}
#'      \item{`bound`}{(only when `capping` is enabled) Time bound for the execution;}
#'      \item{`configuration`}{1-row data frame with a column per parameter
#'        name;}
#'      \item{`switches`}{Vector of parameter switches (labels) in the order
#'        of parameters used in `configuration`.}
#'    }
#' @param num.configurations Number of  configurations alive in the race.
#' @param all.conf.id Vector of configuration IDs of the alive configurations.
#' @template arg_scenario
#' @param target.runner.call String describing the call to `targetRunner` that
#'    corresponds to this call to `targetEvaluator`. This is used for
#'    providing extra information to the user, for example, in case
#'    `targetEvaluator` fails.
#' @return The function `targetEvaluator` must return a list with one element
#'  `"cost"`, the numerical value corresponding to the cost measure of the
#'  given configuration on the given instance.
#'  The return list may also contain the following optional elements that are used
#'  by \pkg{irace} for reporting errors in `targetEvaluator`:
#'  \describe{
#'    \item{`error`}{is a string used to report an error;}
#'    \item{`outputRaw`}{is a string used to report the raw output of calls to
#'      an external program or function;}
#'    \item{`call`}{is a string used to report how `targetRunner` called 
#'      an external program or function.}
#'  }
#' @author Manuel López-Ibáñez and Jérémie Dubois-Lacoste
#' @export
target.evaluator.default <- function(experiment, num.configurations, all.conf.id,
                                     scenario, target.runner.call)
  configuration.id <- experiment$id.configuration
  instance.id      <- experiment$id.instance
  seed             <- experiment$seed
  instance         <- experiment$instance

  debugLevel <- scenario$debugLevel
  targetEvaluator <- scenario$targetEvaluator
  if (as.logical(file.access(targetEvaluator, mode = 1))) {
    irace.error ("targetEvaluator", shQuote(targetEvaluator),
                 "cannot be found or is not executable!\n")

  cwd <- setwd (scenario$execDir)
  args <- c(configuration.id, instance.id, seed, instance, num.configurations, all.conf.id)
  output <- runcommand(targetEvaluator, args, configuration.id, debugLevel)
  setwd (cwd)

  cost <- time <- NULL
  err.msg <- output$error
  if (is.null(err.msg)) {
    v.output <- parse.output(output$output, verbose = (scenario$debugLevel >= 2))
    if (length(v.output) > 2) {
      err.msg <- paste0("The output of targetEvaluator should not be more than two numbers!")
    } else if (length(v.output) == 0) {
      err.msg <- paste0("The output of targetEvaluator must be at least one number 'cost'!")
    } else if (length(v.output) == 1) {
      cost <- v.output[1]
    } else if (length(v.output) == 2) {
      cost <- v.output[1]
      time <- v.output[2]
  return(list(cost = cost, time = time,
              error = err.msg, outputRaw = output$output,
              call = paste(targetEvaluator, args, collapse=" ")))

check.output.target.runner <- function (output, scenario)
  if (!is.list(output)) {
    output <- list()
    err.msg <- "The output of targetRunner must be a list"
    target.error (err.msg, output, scenario, target.runner.call = NULL)
  err.msg <- output$error
  if (is.null(err.msg)) {
    if (!is.null (output$cost)) {
      if (is.na.or.empty(output$cost)) {
        err.msg <- "The cost returned by targetRunner is not numeric!"

    if (!is.null (output$time)) {
      if (is.na.or.empty(output$time)) {
        err.msg <- paste0("The time returned by targetRunner is not numeric!")
      } else if (is.infinite(output$time)) {
        err.msg <- paste0("The time returned by targetRunner is not finite!")

  if (is.null(err.msg)) {
    # When targetEvaluator is provided, targetRunner must return only the time.
    if (!is.null(scenario$targetEvaluator)) {
      # unless using batchmode, in that case targetRunner returns neither the
      # time nor the cost.
      if (scenario$batchmode != 0) {
        if (!is.null(output$time) || !is.null(output$cost)) {
          err.msg <- "When batchmode != 0, the output of targetRunner must not contain a cost nor a time!"
      } else if (scenario$maxTime > 0 && is.null(output$time)) {
        err.msg <- "The output of targetRunner must be one number 'time'!"
      } else if (!is.null(output$cost)) {
        err.msg <- "The output of targetRunner must be empty or just one number 'time'!"
    } else if (scenario$maxTime > 0 && (is.null (output$cost) || is.null(output$time))) {
      err.msg <- "The output of targetRunner must be two numbers 'cost time'!"
    } else if (scenario$maxExperiments > 0 && is.null (output$cost)) {
      err.msg <- "The output of targetRunner must be one number 'cost'!"
    } else if (!is.null(output$time) && output$time < 0) {
      err.msg <- paste0("The value of time returned by targetRunner cannot be negative (", output$time, ")!")

  if (!is.null(err.msg)) {
    target.error (err.msg, output, scenario, target.runner.call = output$call)
  # Fix too small time.
  output$time <- if (is.null(output$time)) NA else max(output$time, scenario$minMeasurableTime)
  return (output)

# This function invokes target.runner.  When used on a remote node by Rmpi,
# environments do not seem to be shared and the default value is evaluated too
# late, thus we have to pass .irace$target.runner explicitly.
exec.target.runner <- function(experiment, scenario, target.runner)
  doit <- function(experiment, scenario)
    x <- target.runner(experiment, scenario)
    return (check.output.target.runner(x, scenario))
  retries <- scenario$targetRunnerRetries
  while (retries > 0) {
    output <- try (doit(experiment, scenario))
    if (!inherits(output, "try-error") && is.null(output$error)) {
      return (output)
    irace.note("Retrying (", retries, " left).\n")
    retries <- retries - 1
  output <- doit(experiment, scenario)
  return (output)

parse.aclib.output <- function(outputRaw)
  outputRaw <- paste0(outputRaw, collapse = "\n")
  text <- regmatches(outputRaw,
                     regexec("Result of this algorithm run:\\s*\\{(.+)\\}\\s*\n",
  aclib.match <- function(text, key, value) {
    pattern <- paste0('"', key, '":\\s*', value)
    return(regmatches(text, regexec(pattern, text))[[1]][2])
  cost <- runtime <- error <- NULL
  # AClib wrappers print:
  # Result of this algorithm run:  {"status": "SUCCESS", "cost": cost, "runtime": time }
  # FIXME: This is not very robust. If we are going to be using jsonlite, then we can simply do:
  # jsonlite::fromJSON('{\"misc\": \"\", \"runtime\": 164.14, \"status\": \"SUCCESS\", \"cost\": \"0.121340\"}')
  status <- aclib.match(text, "status", '"([^"]+)"')
  if (!is.character(status)) {
    error <- paste0("Not valid AClib output")
  } else if (status %in% c("SUCCESS", "TIMEOUT")) {
    cost <- aclib.match(text, "cost", "([^[:space:],}]+)")
    cost <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(cost))
    runtime <- aclib.match(text, "runtime", "([^[:space:],}]+)")
    runtime <- suppressWarnings(as.numeric(runtime))
    if (is.null.or.na(cost) && is.null.or.na(runtime))
      error <- paste0("Not valid cost or runtime in AClib output")
  } else if (status %in% c("CRASHED", "ABORT")) {
    # FIXME: Implement ABORT semantics of fatal error
    error <- paste0("targetRunner returned status (", status, ")")
  } else {
    error <- paste0("Not valid AClib output status (", status, ")")
  return(list(status = status, cost = cost, time = runtime, error = error))

target.runner.aclib <- function(experiment, scenario)
  debugLevel   <- scenario$debugLevel
  res <- run_target_runner(experiment, scenario)
  cmd <- res$cmd
  output <- res$output
  args <- res$args
  err.msg <- output$error
  if (is.null(err.msg)) {
             list(outputRaw = output$output, call = paste(cmd, args))))
  list(cost = NULL, time = NULL, error = err.msg,
       outputRaw = output$output, call = paste(cmd, args))

check_launcher_args <- function(targetRunnerLauncherArgs)
  if (!grepl("{targetRunner}", targetRunnerLauncherArgs, fixed=TRUE))
    irace.error("targetRunnerLauncherArgs '", targetRunnerLauncherArgs, "' must contain '{targetRunner}'") 
  if (!grepl("{targetRunnerArgs}", targetRunnerLauncherArgs, fixed=TRUE))
    irace.error("targetRunnerLauncherArgs '", targetRunnerLauncherArgs, "' must contain '{targetRunnerArgs}'")

process_launcher_args <- function(targetRunnerLauncherArgs, targetRunner, args)
  targetRunnerLauncherArgs <- gsub("{targetRunner}", targetRunner, targetRunnerLauncherArgs, fixed=TRUE)
  targetRunnerLauncherArgs <- gsub("{targetRunnerArgs}", args, targetRunnerLauncherArgs, fixed=TRUE)
run_target_runner <- function(experiment, scenario)
  configuration.id <- experiment$id.configuration
  instance.id      <- experiment$id.instance
  seed             <- experiment$seed
  configuration    <- experiment$configuration
  instance         <- experiment$instance
  switches         <- experiment$switches
  bound            <- experiment$bound
  targetRunner <- scenario$targetRunner
  debugLevel <- scenario$debugLevel

  if (scenario$aclib) {
    has_value <- !is.na(configuration)
    # <executable> [<arg>] [<arg>] ... [--cutoff <cutoff time>] [--instance <instance name>] 
    # [--seed <seed>] --config [-param_name_1 value_1] [-param_name_2 value_2] ...
    args <- paste("--instance", instance, "--seed", seed, "--config",
                  paste0("-", switches[has_value], " ", configuration[has_value],
                         collapse = " "))
    if (!is.null.or.na(bound))
      args <- paste("--cutoff", bound, args)
  } else {
    args <- paste(configuration.id, instance.id, seed, instance, bound,
                  buildCommandLine(configuration, switches))
  targetRunnerLauncher <- scenario$targetRunnerLauncher
  if (is.null.or.empty(scenario$targetRunnerLauncher)) {
    if (as.logical(file.access(targetRunner, mode = 1))) {
      irace.error ("targetRunner ", shQuote(targetRunner), " cannot be found or is not executable!\n")
    output <- runcommand(targetRunner, args, configuration.id, debugLevel)
    return(list(cmd=targetRunner, output=output, args=args))
  if (as.logical(file.access(targetRunnerLauncher, mode = 1))) {
    irace.error ("targetRunnerLauncher ", shQuote(targetRunnerLauncher), " cannot be found or is not executable!\n")
  args <- process_launcher_args(scenario$targetRunnerLauncherArgs, targetRunner, args)
  output <- runcommand(targetRunnerLauncher, args, configuration.id, debugLevel)
  return(list(cmd=targetRunnerLauncher, output=output, args=args))

#' Default `targetRunner` function.
#' Use it as an advanced example of how to create your own `targetRunner` function.
#' @param experiment A list describing the experiment. It contains at least:
#'    \describe{
#'     \item{`id.configuration`}{An alphanumeric string that uniquely identifies a configuration;}
#'     \item{`id.instance`}{An alphanumeric string that uniquely identifies an instance;}
#'      \item{`seed`}{Seed for the random number generator to be used for
#'        this evaluation, ignore the seed for deterministic algorithms;}
#'      \item{`instance`}{String giving the instance to be used for this evaluation;}
#'      \item{`bound`}{(only when `capping` is enabled) Time bound for the execution;}
#'      \item{`configuration`}{1-row data frame with a column per parameter
#'        name;}
#'      \item{`switches`}{Vector of parameter switches (labels) in the order
#'        of parameters used in `configuration`.}
#'    }
#' @template arg_scenario
#' @return If `targetEvaluator` is `NULL`, then the `targetRunner`
#'  function must return a list with at least one element `"cost"`,
#'  the numerical value corresponding to the evaluation of the given
#'  configuration on the given instance.
#'  If the scenario option `maxTime` is non-zero or if `capping` is enabled 
#'  then the list must contain at least another element `"time"` that reports the
#'  execution time for this call to `targetRunner`.
#'  The return list may also contain the following optional elements that are used
#'  by \pkg{irace} for reporting errors in `targetRunner`:
#'  \describe{
#'    \item{`error`}{is a string used to report an error;}
#'    \item{`outputRaw`}{is a string used to report the raw output of calls to
#'      an external program or function;}
#'    \item{`call`}{is a string used to report how `targetRunner` called 
#'      an external program or function.}
#'  }
#' @author Manuel López-Ibáñez and Jérémie Dubois-Lacoste
#' @export
target.runner.default <- function(experiment, scenario)
  res <- run_target_runner(experiment, scenario)
  cmd <- res$cmd
  output <- res$output
  args <- res$args
  debugLevel <- scenario$debugLevel
  cost <- time <- NULL
  err.msg <- output$error
  if (is.null(err.msg)) {
    v.output <- parse.output(output$output, verbose = (debugLevel >= 2))
    if (length(v.output) > 2) {
      err.msg <- "The output of targetRunner should not be more than two numbers!"
    } else if (length(v.output) == 1) {
      if (!is.null(scenario$targetEvaluator)) {
        time <- v.output[1]
      } else {
        cost <- v.output[1]
    } else if (length(v.output) == 2) {
      cost <- v.output[1]
      time <- v.output[2]
  list(cost = cost, time = time,
       error = err.msg, outputRaw = output$output,
       call = paste(cmd, args, collapse = " "))

execute.experiments <- function(experiments, scenario)
  parallel <- scenario$parallel
  mpi <- scenario$mpi
  target.runner <- .irace$target.runner
  execDir <- scenario$execDir
  if (!isTRUE (file.info(execDir)$isdir)) {
    irace.error ("Execution directory '", execDir, "' is not found or not a directory\n")
  cwd <- setwd (execDir)
  on.exit(setwd(cwd), add = TRUE)
  target.output <- vector("list", length(experiments))
  if (!is.null(scenario$targetRunnerParallel)) {
    # User-defined parallelization
    target.output <-
      scenario$targetRunnerParallel(experiments, exec.target.runner,
                                    scenario = scenario,
                                    target.runner = target.runner)
  } else if (scenario$batchmode != 0) {
    target.output <- cluster.lapply (experiments, scenario = scenario)
  } else if (parallel > 1) {
    if (mpi) {
      if (scenario$loadBalancing) {
        target.output <- Rmpi::mpi.applyLB(experiments, exec.target.runner,
                                           scenario = scenario,
                                           target.runner = target.runner)
      } else {
        # Without load-balancing, we need to split the experiments into chunks
        # of size parallel.
        target.output <- unlist(use.names = FALSE,
                                       ceiling(1:length(experiments) / parallel),
                                       Rmpi::mpi.apply, exec.target.runner,
                                       scenario = scenario,
                                       target.runner = target.runner))
      # FIXME: if stop() is called from mpi.applyLB, it does not
      # terminate the execution of the parent process, so it will
      # continue and give more errors later. We have to terminate
      # here, but is there a nicer way to detect this and terminate?
      if (any(sapply(target.output, inherits, "try-error"))) {
        # FIXME: mclapply has some bugs in case of error. In that
        # case, each element of the list does not keep the output of
        # each configuration and repetitions may occur.
            target.output, inherits, "try-error")])), file = stderr(), sep = "")
        irace.error("A slave process terminated with a fatal error")
    } else {
      if (.Platform$OS.type == 'windows') {
        if (scenario$loadBalancing) {
          target.output <-
            parallel::parLapplyLB(.irace$cluster, experiments, exec.target.runner,
                                  scenario = scenario,
                                  target.runner = target.runner)
        } else {
          target.output <-
            parallel::parLapply(.irace$cluster, experiments, exec.target.runner,
                                scenario = scenario,
                                target.runner = target.runner)
        # FIXME: if stop() is called from parLapply, then the parent
        # process also terminates, and we cannot give further errors.
      } else {
        target.output <-
          parallel::mclapply(experiments, exec.target.runner,
                             # FALSE means load-balancing.
                             mc.preschedule = !scenario$loadBalancing,
                             mc.cores = parallel,
                             scenario = scenario,
                             target.runner = target.runner)
        # FIXME: if stop() is called from mclapply, it does not
        # terminate the execution of the parent process, so it will
        # continue and give more errors later. We have to terminate
        # here, but is there a nicer way to detect this and terminate?
        if (any(sapply(target.output, inherits, "try-error"))
            || any(sapply(target.output, is.null))) {
          # FIXME: mclapply has some bugs in case of error. In that
          # case, each element of the list does not keep the output of
          # each configuration and repetitions may occur.
              target.output, inherits, "try-error")])), file = stderr())
          irace.error("A child process triggered a fatal error")
  } else {
    # One process, all sequential
    target.output <- lapply(experiments, exec.target.runner,
                            scenario = scenario,
                            target.runner = target.runner)

execute.evaluator <- function(experiments, scenario, target.output, configurations.id)
  ## FIXME: We do not need the configurations.id argument:
                                sapply(experiments, getElement, "id.configuration"))))
  all.conf.id <- paste(configurations.id, collapse = " ")
  ## Evaluate configurations sequentially
  for (k in seq_along(experiments)) {
    output <- exec.target.evaluator(experiment = experiments[[k]],
                                    num.configurations = length(configurations.id),
                                    all.conf.id, scenario = scenario,
                                    target.runner.call = target.output[[k]]$call)
    target.output[[k]]$cost <- output$cost
    if (is.null(target.output[[k]]$call))
      target.output[[k]]$call <- output$call
    if (is.null(target.output[[k]]$time) || !is.null.or.na(output$time))
      target.output[[k]]$time <- output$time

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irace documentation built on Oct. 23, 2022, 5:06 p.m.