
Defines functions icc2.inter.fn icc3.inter.fn mse2.inter.fn msi2.fn msr2.fn mss2.fn ci.ICC2r.inter ci.ICC3r.inter pvals.ICC3r.inter ci.ICC2a.inter ci.ICC3a.inter pval.ICC2r.inter pvals.ICC2r.inter pvals.ICC2a.inter icc2.nointer.fn icc3.nointer.fn mse2.nointer.fn ci.ICC2r.nointer ci.ICC3r.nointer pvals.ICC3r.nointer pvals.ICC3a.inter ci.ICC2a.nointer pvals.ICC2r.nointer pvals.ICC2a.nointer

Documented in ci.ICC2a.inter ci.ICC2a.nointer ci.ICC2r.inter ci.ICC2r.nointer ci.ICC3a.inter ci.ICC3r.inter ci.ICC3r.nointer icc2.inter.fn icc2.nointer.fn icc3.inter.fn icc3.nointer.fn mse2.inter.fn mse2.nointer.fn msi2.fn msr2.fn mss2.fn pval.ICC2r.inter pvals.ICC2a.inter pvals.ICC2a.nointer pvals.ICC2r.inter pvals.ICC2r.nointer pvals.ICC3a.inter pvals.ICC3r.inter pvals.ICC3r.nointer

#' Intraclass Correlation Coefficients ICC(2,1) & ICCa(2,1) under the Random Factorial ANOVA Model with Interaction.
#' This functions computes 2 ICC estimates for the inter-rater reliability and intra-rater reliability coefficients. It
#' requires some subjects to have multiple ratings and assumes the ANOVA model was specified with interaction.
#' @references  Gwet, K.L. (2014): \emph{Handbook of Inter-Rater Reliability - 4th ed.} - Equation #9.2.3 of chapter 9, pages 231-232
#' (for the inter-rater reliability ICC(2,1)), and Equation #9.2.10 of chapter 9, page 236 (for the intra-rater reliability),
#' Advanced Analytics, LLC.
#' @param ratings This is a data frame containing 3 columns or more.  The first column contains subject numbers (some duplicates are expected,
#' as some subject are assumed to have assigned multiple ratings) and each of the remaining columns is associated with a particular rater and
#' contains its numeric ratings.
#' @return This function returns a list containing the following 12 values:
#' 1. sig2s: the subject variance component. 2.sig2r: the rater variance component 3. sig2e: the error variance component.
#' 4. sig2sr: the subject-rater interaction variance component. 5. icc2r: ICC as a measure of inter-rater relliability.
#' 6. icc2a: ICC as a measure of intra-rater reliability. 7. n: the number of subjects. 8. r: the number of raters.
#' 9. max.rep: the maximum number of ratings per subject. 10. min.rep: the minimum number of ratings per subjects.
#' 11. M: the total number of ratings for all subjects and raters. 12. ov.mean: the overall mean rating.
#' @examples
#' #iccdata1 is a small dataset that comes with the package. Use it as follows:
#' library(irrICC)
#' iccdata1 #see what the iccdata1 dataset looks like
#' icc2.inter.fn(iccdata1)
#' coeff <- icc2.inter.fn(iccdata1)$icc2r #this only gives you the ICC coefficient
#' coeff
#' @export
icc2.inter.fn <- function(ratings){
  #This function computes the Intraclass Correlation Coefficients ICC(2,1) and ICCa(2,1) under Model 2 with interaction - random factorial design
  #(see equations 9.2.3 and 9.2.12 of chapter 9, pages 231-232, in K. Gwet, 2014: "Handbook of Inter-Rater Reliability - 4th ed.")
  #ratings = data frame of ratings where column 1 contains subject or target numbers and each of the remaining columns is associated to a rater
  #and contains its ratings.
  ratings <- data.frame(lapply(ratings, as.character),stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  ratings <- as.data.frame(lapply(ratings,function (y) if(class(y)=="factor" ) as.character(y) else y),stringsAsFactors=F)
  ratings[,2:ncol(ratings)] <- lapply(ratings[,2:ncol(ratings)],as.numeric)

  rep.vec <- plyr::count(ratings,1)
  n <- nrow(rep.vec)
  r <- ncol(ratings)-1
  Mtot <- sum(!is.na(ratings[,2:ncol(ratings)])) #Mtot = total number of non-missing ratings
  Mtot <- max(Mtot,r*n)
  max.rep <- max(rep.vec$freq)
  min.rep <- min(rep.vec$freq)
  ov.mean <- mean(as.matrix(ratings[,2:(r+1)]),na.rm = TRUE)

  b <- cbind(ratings[1],(!is.na(ratings[,2:(r+1)])))
  mij <- sapply(2:(r+1), function(x) tapply(b[[x]],b[[1]],sum))
  mij <- cbind(rep.vec[1],mij)
  names(mij) <- names(b)
  mi.vec <-  rowSums(mij[,2:(r+1)]) #Total number of ratings per subject mi.
  m.jvec <- colSums(mij[,2:(r+1)]) #Total number of ratings per rater m.j
  lambda0 <- sum(mij[,2:(r+1)]>=1)
  k1 <- sum(mi.vec**2)
  k2 <- sum(m.jvec**2)
  k1p <- k1/Mtot
  k2p <- k2/Mtot
  k3 <- sum((mij[,2:(r+1)]**2)/matrix(mi.vec,n,r),na.rm = TRUE)
  k4 <- sum((mij[,2:(r+1)]**2)/t(replicate(n,m.jvec)))
  k5 <- sum((mij[,2:(r+1)]**2))
  k5p <- k5/Mtot

  Ty <- sum(ratings[,2:(r+1)],na.rm = TRUE)
  Ty2.p <- Ty**2/Mtot
  T2y <- sum(ratings[,2:(r+1)]**2,na.rm = TRUE)
  yij. <- sapply(2:(r+1),function(x){tapply(ratings[[x]],ratings[[1]],function(x) sum(x,na.rm = TRUE))})
  yi.. <- rowSums(yij.,na.rm = TRUE)
  y.j. <- colSums(yij.,na.rm = TRUE)
  T2sr <- sum(yij.**2/mij[,2:(r+1)],na.rm = TRUE)
  T2s <- sum(yi..**2/mi.vec)
  T2r <- sum(y.j.**2/m.jvec)

  mijMax <- max(mij[,2:(r+1)])
  if (mijMax>1){
    sig2e <- max(0,(T2y - T2sr)/(Mtot-lambda0))
    delta.s <- (T2sr-T2s-(lambda0-n)*sig2e)/(Mtot-k3)
    delta.r <- (T2sr-T2r-(lambda0-r)*sig2e)/(Mtot-k4)
    sig2sr <- ((Mtot-k1p)*delta.r +(k3-k2p)*delta.s - (T2s-Ty2.p-(n-1)*sig2e))/(Mtot-k1p-k2p+k5p)
    sig2r <- delta.s - sig2sr
    sig2s <- delta.r- sig2sr
    sig2sr <- 0
    delta.s <- (T2sr-T2s)/(Mtot-k3)
    delta.r <- (T2sr-T2r)/(Mtot-k4)
    sig2e <- ((Mtot-k1p)*delta.r +(k3-k2p)*delta.s - (T2s-Ty2.p))/(Mtot-k1p-k2p+k5p)
    sig2r <- delta.s - sig2e
    sig2s <- delta.r- sig2e
  sig2s <- max(0,sig2s)
  sig2r <- max(0,sig2r)
  sig2sr <- max(0,sig2sr)
  sig2e <- max(0,sig2e)

  icc2r <- (sig2s/(sig2s+sig2r+sig2sr+sig2e))
  icc2a <- (sig2s+sig2r+sig2sr)/(sig2s+sig2r+sig2sr+sig2e)

#' Intraclass Correlation Coefficients (ICC) under the Mixed Factorial ANOVA model with Interaction.
#' This function computes 2 ICC estimates ICC(3,1) and ICCa(3,1) as measures of inter-rater reliability and intra-rater reliability
#' coefficients under Model 3.  It is the the mixed factorial ANOVA model with interaction. Some subjects are expected to have
#' multiple ratings and due to the assumed interaction effect.
#' @references  Gwet, K.L. (2014): \emph{Handbook of Inter-Rater Reliability - 4th ed.} - Equation #10.2.9 of chapter 10, page 279
#' (for the inter-rater reliability ICC(3,1)), and Equation #10.2.10 of chapter 10, page 279 (for the intra-rater reliability ICCa(3,1)),
#' Advanced Analytics, LLC.
#' @param dfra This is a data frame containing 3 columns or more.  The first column contains subject numbers (some duplicates are expected,
#' as some subject are assumed to have assigned multiple ratings) and each of the remaining columns is associated with a particular rater and
#' contains its numeric ratings.
#' @return This function returns a list containing the following 12 values:
#' 1. sig2s: the subject variance component. 2.sig2r: the rater variance component 3. sig2e: the error variance component.
#' 4. sig2sr: the subject-rater interaction variance component. 5. icc2r: ICC as a measure of inter-rater relliability.
#' 6. icc2a: ICC as a measure of intra-rater reliability. 7. n: the number of subjects. 8. r: the number of raters.
#' 9. max.rep: the maximum number of ratings per subject. 10. min.rep: the minimum number of ratings per subjects.
#' 11. M: the total number of ratings for all subjects and raters. 12. ov.mean: the overall mean rating.
#' @examples
#' #iccdata2 is a small dataset that comes with the package. Use it as follows:
#' library(irrICC)
#' iccdata2 #see what the iccdata2 dataset looks like
#' icc3.inter.fn(iccdata2[,2:6]) #Here, you must omit the first column
#' coeff <- icc3.inter.fn(iccdata2[,2:6])$icc2a #this gives you intra-rater reliability coefficient
#' coeff
#' @export
icc3.inter.fn <- function(dfra){
  dfra <- data.frame(lapply(dfra, as.character),stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  dfra <- as.data.frame(lapply(dfra,function (y) if(class(y)=="factor" ) as.character(y) else y),stringsAsFactors=F)
  dfra[,2:ncol(dfra)] <- lapply(dfra[,2:ncol(dfra)],as.numeric)

  rep.vec <- plyr::count(dfra,1)
  n <- nrow(rep.vec)
  r <- ncol(dfra)-1
  Mtot <- sum(!is.na(dfra[,2:ncol(dfra)])) #Mtot = total number of non-missing ratings
  max.rep <- max(rep.vec$freq)
  min.rep <- min(rep.vec$freq)
  ov.mean <- mean(as.matrix(dfra[,2:(r+1)]),na.rm = TRUE)

  b <- cbind(dfra[1],(!is.na(dfra[,2:(r+1)])))
  mij <- sapply(2:(r+1), function(x) tapply(b[[x]],b[[1]],sum))
  mij <- cbind(rep.vec[1],mij)
  names(mij) <- names(b)
  mi.vec <-  rowSums(mij[,2:(r+1)]) #Total number of ratings per subject mi.
  m.jvec <- colSums(mij[,2:(r+1)]) #Total number of ratings per rater m.j
  lambda0 <- sum(mij[,2:(r+1)]>=1)
  lambda.i <- rowSums((mij[,2:(r+1)]**2)/(replicate(r,mi.vec)),na.rm=TRUE)

  #-  Computing matrix F (r-1)x(r-1)

  mij.1 <- mij[,2:r] #This is an extract of mij using only the first r-1 raters.
  fjj.i <- (mij.1**2/replicate((r-1),mi.vec)) * (replicate((r-1),lambda.i+mi.vec)-2*mij.1)
  F.diag <- diag(colSums(fjj.i,na.rm = TRUE))

  if (r>=3){
    f1j.jj <- lapply(1:(r-2), function(j){
      fi.j.jj <- rep(0,r-1)
      fi.j.jj[(j+1):(r-1)] <- colSums(sapply((j+1):(r-1), function(jj) ((mij.1[,j]*mij.1[,jj])/mi.vec)*(lambda.i-mij.1[,j]-mij.1[,jj])),na.rm=TRUE)
    f1j.jj <- rbind(matrix(unlist(f1j.jj),nrow=r-2,ncol=r-1,byrow=TRUE),rep(0,(r-1)))
    fj.jj <- f1j.jj + t(f1j.jj)
    f.mat <- F.diag + fj.jj
    if (r==2){
      f.mat <- sum((mij.1**2/mi.vec) * (lambda.i+mi.vec-2*mij.1),na.rm=TRUE)
  #-  Computing matrix C (r-1)x(r-1)
  cjj.vec <- m.jvec[1:(r-1)] - colSums(mij.1**2/replicate((r-1),mi.vec),na.rm=TRUE)
  c.diag <- diag(cjj.vec)
  if (r>=3){
    cj.jj.lst <- lapply(1:(r-2), function(j){
      cj.vec <- rep(0,r-1)
      cj.vec[(j+1):(r-1)] <- colSums(sapply((j+1):(r-1), function(jj) (-(mij.1[,j]*mij.1[,jj])/mi.vec)),na.rm=TRUE)
    cj.jj.mat <- rbind(matrix(unlist(cj.jj.lst),nrow=r-2,ncol=r-1,byrow=TRUE),rep(0,(r-1)))
    cj.jj <- cj.jj.mat + t(cj.jj.mat)
    c.mat <- c.diag + cj.jj
    if (r==2) c.mat <- cjj.vec
  k4 <- sum((mij[,2:(r+1)]**2)/t(replicate(n,m.jvec)))

  T2y <- sum(dfra[,2:(r+1)]**2,na.rm = TRUE)
  yij. <- sapply(2:(r+1),function(x){tapply(dfra[[x]],dfra[[1]],function(x) sum(x,na.rm = TRUE))})
  yi.. <- rowSums(yij.,na.rm = TRUE)
  y.j. <- colSums(yij.,na.rm = TRUE)
  yi..mean <- yi../mi.vec
  T2sr <- sum(yij.**2/mij[,2:(r+1)],na.rm = TRUE)
  T2s <- sum(yi..**2/mi.vec)
  T2r <- sum(y.j.**2/m.jvec)

  bj.vec <- y.j.[1:(r-1)]- t(mij.1)%*%yi..mean

  RSS <- T2s +  t(bj.vec)%*%solve(c.mat)%*%bj.vec
  k.star <- sum(lambda.i) + sum(diag((solve(c.mat)%*%f.mat)))
  h6 <- Mtot - k.star

  mijMax <- max(mij[,2:(r+1)])
  if (mijMax>1){
    sig2e <- (T2y - T2sr)/(Mtot-lambda0)
    sig2sr <- (T2sr-RSS-(lambda0-n-r+1)*sig2e)/h6
    sig2s <- (T2sr-T2r-(lambda0-r)*sig2e)/(Mtot-k4)-(r-1)*sig2sr/r
    sig2sr <- 0
    sig2e <- (T2y-RSS)/(Mtot-n-r+1)
    sig2s <- (RSS-T2r-(n-1)*sig2e)/(Mtot-k4)
  sig2s <- max(0,sig2s)
  sig2sr <- max(0,sig2sr)
  sig2e <- max(0,sig2e)
  icc2r <- (sig2s-sig2sr/(r-1))/(sig2s+sig2sr+sig2e)
  icc2a <- (sig2s+sig2sr)/(sig2s+sig2sr+sig2e)

#' Mean of Squares for Errors (MSE) under ANOVA Models 2 & 3 with interaction.
#' This function can be used to compute the MSE under the random (Model 2) and mixed (Model 3) efffects ANOVA model with interaction.
#' This MSE is needed for calculating confidence intervals and p-values associated with the inter-rater and intra-rater reliability
#' coefficients.
#' @references  Gwet, K.L. (2014): \emph{Handbook of Inter-Rater Reliability - 4th ed.} chapter 9, section 9.3.1 and chapter 10, section 10.3.1.
#' Advanced Analytics, LLC.
#' @param dfra This is a data frame containing 3 columns or more.  The first column contains subject numbers (there could be duplicates
#' if a subject was assigned multiple ratings) and each of the remaining columns is associated with a particular rater and contains its
#' numeric ratings.
# This function returns the mean of squares for errors.
mse2.inter.fn <- function(dfra){
  dfra <- data.frame(lapply(dfra, as.character),stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  dfra <- as.data.frame(lapply(dfra,function (y) if(class(y)=="factor" ) as.character(y) else y),stringsAsFactors=F)
  dfra[,2:ncol(dfra)] <- lapply(dfra[,2:ncol(dfra)],as.numeric)
  rep.vec <- plyr::count(dfra,1)
  n <- nrow(rep.vec) #n = number of subjects
  r <- ncol(dfra)-1 #r = number of raters
  Mtot <- sum(!is.na(dfra[,2:ncol(dfra)])) #Mtot = total number of non-missing ratings
  Mtot <- max(Mtot,r*n)
  yij. <- sapply(2:(r+1),function(x){tapply(dfra[[x]],dfra[[1]],function(x) sum(x,na.rm = TRUE))})
  yij.mean <- sapply(2:(r+1),function(x){tapply(dfra[[x]],dfra[[1]],function(x) mean(x,na.rm = TRUE))})
  yij.mean.f <- cbind(rep.vec[1],yij.mean)

  dfra.x <- merge(dfra,yij.mean.f)
  dfra1 <- dfra.x[,2:(r+1)]
  yij.mean.f <-dfra.x[,c((r+2):(2*r+1))]
  mse2.inter <- sum((dfra1-yij.mean.f)**2,na.rm = TRUE) / (Mtot-r*n)

#' Mean of Squares for Interaction (MSI) under ANOVA Models 2 & 3 with interaction.
#' This function computes the MSI under both the random factorial (Model 2) and mixed factorial (Model 3) ANOVA model with
#' subject-rater interaction.  This MSI is used for calculating confidence intervals and p-values associated with the
#' inter-rater and intra-rater reliability coefficients.
#' coefficients under both models 2 and 3.
#' @references  Gwet, K.L. (2014): \emph{Handbook of Inter-Rater Reliability - 4th ed.} chapter 9, section 9.3.1 and chapter 10, section
#' 10.3.1. Advanced Analytics, LLC.
#' @param dfra This is a data frame containing 3 columns or more.  The first column contains subject numbers (there could be duplicates
#' if a subject was assigned multiple ratings) and each of the remaining columns is associated with a particular rater and contains its
#' numeric ratings.
# This function returns the mean of squares for interaction.
msi2.fn <- function(dfra){
  dfra <- data.frame(lapply(dfra, as.character),stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  dfra <- as.data.frame(lapply(dfra,function (y) if(class(y)=="factor" ) as.character(y) else y),stringsAsFactors=F)
  dfra[,2:ncol(dfra)] <- lapply(dfra[,2:ncol(dfra)],as.numeric)
  rep.vec <- plyr::count(dfra,1)
  n <- nrow(rep.vec) #n = number of subjects
  r <- ncol(dfra)-1 #r = number of raters
  Mtot <- sum(!is.na(dfra[,2:ncol(dfra)])) #Mtot = total number of non-missing ratings
  Mtot <- max(Mtot,r*n)
  ymean <- mean(as.matrix(dfra[,2:(r+1)]),na.rm = TRUE)

  b <- cbind(dfra[1],(!is.na(dfra[,2:(r+1)])))
  mij <- sapply(2:(r+1), function(x) tapply(b[[x]],b[[1]],sum))
  mij <- cbind(rep.vec[1],mij)
  names(mij) <- names(b)
  mi.vec <- rowSums(mij[,2:(r+1)]) #Total number of ratings per subject mi.
  m.jvec <- colSums(mij[,2:(r+1)]) #Total number of ratings per rater m.j

  yij. <- sapply(2:(r+1),function(x){tapply(dfra[[x]],dfra[[1]],function(x) sum(x,na.rm = TRUE))})
  yi.. <- rowSums(yij.,na.rm = TRUE)
  y.j. <- colSums(yij.,na.rm = TRUE)
  yij.mean <- sapply(2:(r+1),function(x){tapply(dfra[[x]],dfra[[1]],function(x) mean(x,na.rm = TRUE))})
  yi..mean <- yi../mi.vec
  y.j.mean <- y.j./m.jvec
  msi2.inter <-  sum((mij[,2:(r+1)] * (yij.mean - replicate(r,yi..mean) - matrix(y.j.mean,n,r,byrow = TRUE) +
                                        ymean*(replicate(r,rep(1,n))))**2),na.rm = TRUE) / ((r-1)*(n-1))

#' Mean of Squares for Raters (MSR) under ANOVA Model 2 with or without interaction.
#' This function computes the MSR under the random factorial ANOVA model (MOdel 2). It can be used whether
#' or not the subject-rater interaction is assumed. The MSR is used for calculating confidence intervals and p-values associated
#' with the inter-rater and intra-rater reliability coefficients under model 2.
#' @references  Gwet, K.L. (2014): \emph{Handbook of Inter-Rater Reliability - 4th ed.} chapter 9, section 9.3.1, Advanced Analytics, LLC.
#' @param dfra This is a data frame containing 3 columns or more.  The first column contains subject numbers (there could be duplicates
#' if a subject was assigned multiple ratings) and each of the remaining columns is associated with a particular rater and contains its
#' numeric ratings.
# This function returns the mean of squares for raters.
msr2.fn <- function(dfra){
  dfra <- data.frame(lapply(dfra, as.character),stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  dfra <- as.data.frame(lapply(dfra,function (y) if(class(y)=="factor" ) as.character(y) else y),stringsAsFactors=F)
  dfra[,2:ncol(dfra)] <- lapply(dfra[,2:ncol(dfra)],as.numeric)
  rep.vec <- plyr::count(dfra,1)
  r <- ncol(dfra)-1 #r = number of raters
  ymean <- mean(as.matrix(dfra[,2:(r+1)]),na.rm = TRUE)

  b <- cbind(dfra[1],(!is.na(dfra[,2:(r+1)])))
  mij <- sapply(2:(r+1), function(x) tapply(b[[x]],b[[1]],sum))
  mij <- cbind(rep.vec[1],mij)
  names(mij) <- names(b)
  m.jvec <- colSums(mij[,2:(r+1)]) #Total number of ratings per rater m.j

  yij. <- sapply(2:(r+1),function(x){tapply(dfra[[x]],dfra[[1]],function(x) sum(x,na.rm = TRUE))})
  y.j. <- colSums(yij.,na.rm = TRUE)
  y.j.mean <- y.j./m.jvec
  msr2 <-  sum((m.jvec*(y.j.mean-ymean)**2),na.rm = TRUE) / (r-1)

#' Mean of Squares for Subjects (MSS) under ANOVA Models 2 and 3, with or without interaction.
#' This function computes the MSS under the random factorial (Model 2) and mixed factorial (Model 3) ANOVA model. The MSS is used
#' for calculating confidence intervals and p-values associated with the inter-rater and intra-rater reliability coefficients.
#' @references  Gwet, K.L. (2014): \emph{Handbook of Inter-Rater Reliability - 4th ed.} chapter 9, section 9.3.1 and chapter 10, section
#' 10.3.1. Advanced Analytics, LLC.
#' @param dfra This is a data frame containing 3 columns or more.  The first column contains subject numbers (there could be duplicates
#' if a subject was assigned multiple ratings) and each of the remaining columns is associated with a particular rater and contains its
#' numeric ratings.
#This function returns the mean of squares for subjects.
mss2.fn <- function(dfra){
  dfra <- data.frame(lapply(dfra, as.character),stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  dfra <- as.data.frame(lapply(dfra,function (y) if(class(y)=="factor" ) as.character(y) else y),stringsAsFactors=F)
  dfra[,2:ncol(dfra)] <- lapply(dfra[,2:ncol(dfra)],as.numeric)
  rep.vec <- plyr::count(dfra,1)
  n <- nrow(rep.vec) #n = number of subjects
  r <- ncol(dfra)-1 #r = number of raters
  Mtot <- sum(!is.na(dfra[,2:ncol(dfra)])) #Mtot = total number of non-missing ratings
  Mtot <- max(Mtot,r*n)
  ymean <- mean(as.matrix(dfra[,2:(r+1)]),na.rm = TRUE)

  b <- cbind(dfra[1],(!is.na(dfra[,2:(r+1)])))
  mij <- sapply(2:(r+1), function(x) tapply(b[[x]],b[[1]],sum))
  mij <- cbind(rep.vec[1],mij)
  names(mij) <- names(b)
  mi.vec <- rowSums(mij[,2:(r+1)]) #Total number of ratings per subject mi.
  yij. <- sapply(2:(r+1),function(x){tapply(dfra[[x]],dfra[[1]],function(x) sum(x,na.rm = TRUE))})
  yi.. <- rowSums(yij.,na.rm = TRUE)
  yi..mean <- yi../mi.vec
  mss2 <-  sum(mi.vec * (yi..mean - ymean)**2,na.rm = TRUE) / (n-1)

#' Confidence Interval of ICC(2,1) under ANOVA Model 2 with Interaction.
#' This function computes the confidence interval associated with the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) used as a measure
#' of inter-rater reliability, under the Random Factorial ANOVA model with interaction. It produces the lower and upper confidence bounds.
#' @references  Gwet, K.L. (2014): \emph{Handbook of Inter-Rater Reliability - 4th ed.} chapter 9, section 9.3.1, equations
#' 9.3.1 and 9.3.2. Advanced Analytics, LLC.
#' @param dfra This is a data frame containing 3 columns or more.  The first column contains subject numbers (there could be duplicates
#' if a subject was assigned multiple ratings) and each of the remaining columns is associated with a particular rater and contains its
#' numeric ratings.
#' @param conflev This is the optional confidence level associated with the confidence interval. If not specified, the default value
#' will be 0.95, which is the most commonly-used valuee in the literature.
#' @importFrom stats pf qf
#' @return This function returns a vector containing the lower confidence (lcb) and the upper confidence bound (ucb).
#' @examples
#' #iccdata1 is a small dataset that comes with the package. Use it as follows:
#' library(irrICC)
#' iccdata1 #see what the iccdata1 dataset looks like
#' ci.ICC2r.inter(iccdata1)
#' @export
ci.ICC2r.inter <- function(dfra,conflev=0.95){
  dfra <- data.frame(lapply(dfra, as.character),stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  dfra <- as.data.frame(lapply(dfra,function (y) if(class(y)=="factor" ) as.character(y) else y),stringsAsFactors=F)
  dfra[,2:ncol(dfra)] <- lapply(dfra[,2:ncol(dfra)],as.numeric)

  icc <- icc2.inter.fn(dfra)[[5]]
  mse <- mse2.inter.fn(dfra)
  msi <- msi2.fn(dfra)
  msr <- msr2.fn(dfra)
  mss <- mss2.fn(dfra)
  rep.vec <- plyr::count(dfra,1)
  names(rep.vec)[2] <- "nrepli"
  n <- nrow(rep.vec) #n = number of subjects
  r <- ncol(dfra)-1 #r = number of raters
  Mtot <- sum(!is.na(dfra[,2:ncol(dfra)])) #Mtot = total number of non-missing ratings
  Mtot <- max(Mtot,r*n)
  if (is.na(icc)) icc <- 0
  if (abs(1-icc)>1e-15){
    a <- r*icc/(n*(1-icc))
    b <- 1 + r*(n-1)*icc/(n*(1-icc))
    c <- (Mtot/n-r)*icc/(1-icc)
    a <- r/n
    b <- r*(n-1)/n
    c <- Mtot/n-r
  v <- (a*msr+b*msi+c*mse)**2 / ((a*msr)**2/(r-1) +(b*msi)**2/((r-1)*(n-1)) + (c*mse)**2/(Mtot-r*n))
  v <- max(1,floor(v))
  f1 <- qf(1-(1-conflev)/2, df1=n-1, df2=v)
  f2 <- qf(1-(1-conflev)/2, df1=v, df2=n-1)
  lcb <- n*(mss-f1*msi)/(n*mss+f1*(r*msr+(r*n-r-n)*msi+(Mtot-r*n)*mse))
  ucb <- n*(f2*mss-msi)/(n*f2*mss+r*msr+(r*n-r-n)*msi+(Mtot-r*n)*mse)
  lcb <- max(0,lcb)
  ucb <- min(1,ucb)
  if (!is.na(lcb) & !is.na(ucb)){
    if (icc <= lcb) lcb <- 0
    if (icc >= ucb) ucb <- 1

#' Confidence Interval of ICC(3,1) under ANOVA Model 3 with Interaction.
#' This function computes the confidence interval associated with the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) as a measure of
#' inter-rater reliability under the mixed factorial ANOVA model with interaction. It produces the lower and upper confidence bounds.
#' @references  Gwet, K.L. (2014): \emph{Handbook of Inter-Rater Reliability - 4th ed.} chapter 10, section 10.3.1, equations
#' 10.3.1 and 10.3.2. Advanced Analytics, LLC.
#' @param dfra This is a data frame containing 3 columns or more.  The first column contains subject numbers (there could be duplicates
#' if a subject was assigned multiple ratings) and each of the remaining columns is associated with a particular rater and contains its
#' numeric ratings.
#' @param conflev This is the optional confidence level associated with the confidence interval. If not specified, the default value
#' will be 0.95, which is the most commonly-used valuee in the literature.
#' @return This function returns a vector containing the lower confidence (lcb) and the upper confidence bound (ucb).
#' @examples
#' #iccdata1 is a small dataset that comes with the package. Use it as follows:
#' library(irrICC)
#' iccdata1 #see what the iccdata1 dataset looks like
#' ci.ICC3r.inter(iccdata1)
#' ci.ICC3r.inter(iccdata1)$ucb #to get upper confidence bound only
#' @export
ci.ICC3r.inter <- function(dfra,conflev=0.95){
  #This function produces the confidence interval associated with the intraclass correlation coefficient ICC(3,1) - i.e. inter-rater reliability -
  #and based on model 3 with interaction (c.f. K. Gwet- Handbook of Inter-Rater Reliability-4th Edition, page 282, equations 10.3.1 and 10.3.2)
  dfra <- data.frame(lapply(dfra, as.character),stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  dfra <- as.data.frame(lapply(dfra,function (y) if(class(y)=="factor" ) as.character(y) else y),stringsAsFactors=F)
  dfra[,2:ncol(dfra)] <- lapply(dfra[,2:ncol(dfra)],as.numeric)

  icc <- icc3.inter.fn(dfra)[[4]]
  mse <- mse2.inter.fn(dfra)
  msi <- msi2.fn(dfra)
  mss <- mss2.fn(dfra)
  rep.vec <- plyr::count(dfra,1)
  names(rep.vec)[2] <- "nrepli"
  n <- nrow(rep.vec) #n = number of subjects
  r <- ncol(dfra)-1 #r = number of raters
  Mtot <- sum(!is.na(dfra[,2:ncol(dfra)])) #Mtot = total number of non-missing ratings
  Mtot <- max(Mtot,r*n)
  if (is.na(icc)) icc <- 0
  if (abs(1-icc)>1e-15){
    a <- (1+(r-1)*icc)/(1-icc)
    b <- (Mtot/n-r)*icc/(1-icc)
    a <- r
    b <- max(0,Mtot/n-r)
  v <- (a*msi+b*mse)**2 / ((a*msi)**2/((r-1)*(n-1)) + (b*mse)**2/max(1,(Mtot-r*n)))
  v <- max(1,floor(v))
  f1 <- qf(1-(1-conflev)/2, df1=n-1, df2=v)
  f2 <- qf((1-conflev)/2, df1=n-1, df2=v)
  lcb <- (mss-f1*msi)/(mss+f1*((r-1)*msi+(Mtot/n-r)*mse))
  ucb <- (mss-f2*msi)/(mss+f2*((r-1)*msi+(Mtot/n-r)*mse))
  lcb <- max(0,lcb)
  ucb <- min(1,ucb)
  if (!is.na(lcb) & !is.na(ucb)){
    if (icc<=lcb) lcb <-0
    if (icc>=ucb) ucb <-1
  # c.i <- paste0("(",format(lcb,digits=4,scientific=FALSE)," to ",format(ucb,digits=4,scientific=FALSE),")")

#' P-value of the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient ICC(3,1) under Model 3 with subject-rater interaction.
#' This function computes the p-value associated with the ICC under the mixed factorial ANOVA model with subject-rater interaction.
#' The ICC considered here is the one used as a measure of inter-rater reliability and the p-value is calculated for each of the null
#' values specified in the parameter rho.zero.
#' @references  Gwet, K.L. (2014): \emph{Handbook of Inter-Rater Reliability - 4th ed.} chapter 10, section 10.3.3 Advanced Analytics, LLC.
#' @param dfra This is a data frame containing 3 columns or more.  The first column contains subject numbers (there could be duplicates
#' if a subject was assigned multiple ratings) and each of the remaining columns is associated with a particular rater and contains its
#' numeric ratings.
#' @param rho.zero This is an optional parameter that represents a vector containing an arbitrary number of null values between 0 and 1
#' for which a p-value will be calculated. If not specified then its default value will be 0.
#' @return This function returns a vector containing p-values associated with the null values specified in the parameter rho.zero.
#' @examples
#' #iccdata1 is a small dataset that comes with the package. Use it as follows:
#' library(irrICC)
#' iccdata1 #see what the iccdata1 dataset looks like
#' pvals.ICC3r.inter(iccdata1) #gives you the p-value associated with default null value of 0
#' pvals.ICC3r.inter(iccdata1,c(0,0.15,0.25,0.33)) #produces p-values for an arbitrary vector
#' @export
pvals.ICC3r.inter <- function(dfra,rho.zero=0){
  #This function produces a vector of p-values associated with the intraclass correlation coefficient ICC(3,1) - i.e. inter-rater reliability -
  #and based on model 3 with interaction (c.f. K. Gwet- Handbook of Inter-Rater Reliability-4th Edition, section 10.3.3).
  #A p-value is calculed for each null value specified in parameter rho.zero=???
  dfra <- data.frame(lapply(dfra, as.character),stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  dfra <- as.data.frame(lapply(dfra,function (y) if(class(y)=="factor" ) as.character(y) else y),stringsAsFactors=F)
  dfra[,2:ncol(dfra)] <- lapply(dfra[,2:ncol(dfra)],as.numeric)

  icc <- icc3.inter.fn(dfra)[[4]]
  mse <- mse2.inter.fn(dfra)
  msi <- msi2.fn(dfra)
  mss <- mss2.fn(dfra)
  rep.vec <- plyr::count(dfra,1)
  names(rep.vec)[2] <- "nrepli"
  n <- nrow(rep.vec) #n = number of subjects
  r <- ncol(dfra)-1 #r = number of raters
  Mtot <- sum(!is.na(dfra[,2:ncol(dfra)])) #Mtot = total number of non-missing ratings
  Mtot <- max(Mtot,r*n)
  rlen <- length(rho.zero)
  pval <- sapply(1:rlen,function(x){
    if (abs(1-rho.zero[x])>1e-15){
      a <- (1+(r-1)*rho.zero[x])/(1-rho.zero[x])
      b <- (Mtot/n-r)*rho.zero[x]/(1-rho.zero[x])
      a <- r
      b <- max(0,Mtot/n-r)
    v <- (a*msi+b*mse)**2 / ((a*msi)**2/((r-1)*(n-1)) + (b*mse)**2/max(1,(Mtot-r*n)))
    v <- max(1,floor(v))
    fobs <- mss/(a*msi + b*mse)
    pvals <- 1 - pf(fobs,df1=n-1,df2=v)

#' Confidence Interval of ICCa(2,1), a measure of intra-rater reliability under Model 2 with interaction.
#' This function computes the confidence interval of the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient ICCa(2,1) under the random factorial ANOVA
#' model with subject-rater interaction. ICCa(2,1) is formulated as a measure of intra-rater reliability coefficient. This function
#' computes the lower and upper confidence bounds of the confidence interval.
#' @references  Gwet, K.L. (2014): \emph{Handbook of Inter-Rater Reliability - 4th ed.} chapter 9, section 9.3.2, equations
#' 9.3.7 and 9.3.8. Advanced Analytics, LLC.
#' @param dfra This is a data frame containing 3 columns or more.  The first column contains subject numbers (there could be duplicates
#' if a subject was assigned multiple ratings) and each of the remaining columns is associated with a particular rater and contains its
#' numeric ratings.
#' @param conflev This is the optional confidence level associated with the confidence interval. If not specified, the default value
#' will be 0.95, which is the most commonly-used valuee in the literature.
#' @return This function returns a vector containing the lower confidence (lcb) and the upper confidence bound (ucb).
#' @examples
#' #iccdata1 is a small dataset that comes with the package. Use it as follows:
#' library(irrICC)
#' iccdata1 #see what the iccdata1 dataset looks like
#' ci.ICC2a.inter(iccdata1)
#' ci.ICC2a.inter(iccdata1)$ucb #this only gives the upper confidence bound
#' ci.ICC2a.inter(iccdata1,0.90) #this gives you the 90% confidence interval
#' @export
ci.ICC2a.inter <- function(dfra,conflev=0.95){
  #This function produces the confidence interval associated with the intraclass correlation coefficient ICCa(2,1) - i.e. intra-rater reliability -
  #and based on model 2 with interaction (c.f. K. Gwet- Handbook of Inter-Rater Reliability-4th Edition, page 244-245, equations 9.3.7 and 9.3.8)
  dfra <- data.frame(lapply(dfra, as.character),stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  dfra <- as.data.frame(lapply(dfra,function (y) if(class(y)=="factor" ) as.character(y) else y),stringsAsFactors=F)
  dfra[,2:ncol(dfra)] <- lapply(dfra[,2:ncol(dfra)],as.numeric)

  icc <- icc2.inter.fn(dfra)[[6]] #<- intra-rater reliability. -- return(data.frame(sig2s,sig2r,sig2e,sig2sr,icc2r,icc2a,n,r,max.rep,min.rep,Mtot,ov.mean))
  mse <- mse2.inter.fn(dfra)
  msi <- msi2.fn(dfra)
  msr <- msr2.fn(dfra)
  mss <- mss2.fn(dfra)

  rep.vec <- plyr::count(dfra,1)
  names(rep.vec)[2] <- "nrepli"
  n <- nrow(rep.vec) #n = number of subjects
  r <- ncol(dfra)-1  #r = number of raters
  Mtot <- sum(!is.na(dfra[,2:ncol(dfra)])) #Mtot = total number of non-missing ratings
  Mtot <- max(Mtot,r*n)
  if (is.na(icc)) icc <- 0
  if (abs(1-icc)>1e-15){
    a <- 1/(r+Mtot*icc/(n*(1-icc)))
    b <- 1/(n+Mtot*icc/(r*(1-icc)))
    c <- (r*n-n-r)/(r*n+Mtot*icc/(1-icc))
    a <- n/Mtot
    b <- r/Mtot
    c <- (r*n-n-r)/Mtot
  v <- (a*mss+b*msr+c*msi)**2 / ((a*mss)**2/(n-1) + (b*msr)**2/(r-1) + (c*msi)**2/((r-1)*(n-1)))
  v <- max(1,floor(v))
  f1 <- qf((1-conflev)/2, df1=v, df2=Mtot-r*n)
  f2 <- qf(1-(1-conflev)/2, df1=v, df2=Mtot-r*n)
  A <- n*mss + r*msr + (r*n-n-r)*msi
  lcb <- (A-r*n*f2*mse)/(A+(Mtot-r*n)*f2*mse)
  ucb <- (A-r*n*f1*mse)/(A+(Mtot-r*n)*f1*mse)
  lcb <- max(0,lcb)
  ucb <- min(1,ucb)
  if (!is.na(lcb) & !is.na(ucb)){
    if (icc<=lcb) lcb <-0
    if (icc>=ucb) ucb <-1
  # c.i <- paste0("(",format(lcb,digits=4,scientific=FALSE)," to ",format(ucb,digits=4,scientific=FALSE),")")

#' Confidence Interval of ICCa(3,1), a measure of intra-rater reliability under MOdel 3.
#' This function computes the confidence interval of the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient ICCa(3,1) under the mixed factorial ANOVA
#' model (Model 3) with subject-rater interaction. ICCa(3,1) is formulated as a measure of intra-rater reliability coefficient. This
#' function computes the lower and upper confidence bounds of the confidence interval.
#' @references  Gwet, K.L. (2014): \emph{Handbook of Inter-Rater Reliability - 4th ed.} chapter 10, section 10.3.2, equations
#' 10.3.10 and 10.3.11. Advanced Analytics, LLC.
#' @param dfra This is a data frame containing 3 columns or more.  The first column contains subject numbers (there could be duplicates
#' if a subject was assigned multiple ratings) and each of the remaining columns is associated with a particular rater and contains its
#' numeric ratings.
#' @param conflev This is the optional confidence level associated with the confidence interval. If not specified, the default value
#' will be 0.95, which is the most commonly-used valuee in the literature.
#' @return This function returns a vector containing the lower confidence (lcb) and the upper confidence bound (ucb).
#' @examples
#' #iccdata1 is a small dataset that comes with the package. Use it as follows:
#' library(irrICC)
#' iccdata1 #see what the iccdata1 dataset looks like
#' ci.ICC3a.inter(iccdata1)
#' ci.ICC3a.inter(iccdata1)$ucb #this only gives the upper confidence bound
#' ci.ICC3a.inter(iccdata1,0.90) #this gives you the 90% confidence interval
#' @export
ci.ICC3a.inter <- function(dfra,conflev=0.95){
  #This function produces the confidence interval associated with the intraclass correlation coefficient ICCa(3,1) - i.e. intra-rater reliability -
  #and based on model 3 with interaction (c.f. K. Gwet- Handbook of Inter-Rater Reliability-4th Edition, page 284-285, equations 10.3.10 and 10.3.11)
  dfra <- data.frame(lapply(dfra, as.character),stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  dfra <- as.data.frame(lapply(dfra,function (y) if(class(y)=="factor" ) as.character(y) else y),stringsAsFactors=F)
  dfra[,2:ncol(dfra)] <- lapply(dfra[,2:ncol(dfra)],as.numeric)

  icc <- icc3.inter.fn(dfra)[[5]] #<- intra-rater reliability. -- return(data.frame(sig2s,sig2r,sig2e,sig2sr,icc2r,icc2a,n,r,max.rep,min.rep,Mtot,ov.mean))
  mse <- mse2.inter.fn(dfra)
  msi <- msi2.fn(dfra)
  mss <- mss2.fn(dfra)
  rep.vec <- plyr::count(dfra,1)
  names(rep.vec)[2] <- "nrepli"
  n <- nrow(rep.vec) #n = number of subjects
  r <- ncol(dfra)-1  #r = number of raters
  Mtot <- sum(!is.na(dfra[,2:ncol(dfra)])) #Mtot = total number of non-missing ratings
  Mtot <- max(Mtot,r*n)
  if (is.na(icc)) icc <- 0
  if (abs(1-icc)>1e-15){
    a <- 1/(r+1+Mtot*icc/(n*(1-icc)))
    b <- r/(r+1+Mtot*icc/(n*(1-icc)))
    a <- n/Mtot
    b <- r*n/Mtot
  v <- (a*mss+b*msi)**2 / ((a*mss)**2/(n-1) + (b*msi)**2/((r-1)*(n-1)))
  v <- max(1,floor(v))
  f1 <- qf((1-conflev)/2, df1=v, df2=Mtot-r*n)
  f2 <- qf(1-(1-conflev)/2, df1=v, df2=Mtot-r*n)
  lcb <- (mss+r*msi-(r+1)*f2*mse)/(mss+r*msi+(Mtot/n-r-1)*f2*mse)
  ucb <- (mss+r*msi-(r+1)*f1*mse)/(mss+r*msi+(Mtot/n-r-1)*f1*mse)
  lcb <- max(0,lcb)
  ucb <- min(1,ucb)
  if (!is.na(lcb) & !is.na(ucb)){
    if (icc<=lcb) lcb <-0
    if (icc>=ucb) ucb <-1

#' P-values of ICC(2,1) under Model 2 with subject-rater interaction, for 6 specific null values.
#' This function computes 6 p-values for the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) used as a measure of inter-rater reliability
#' under the random factorial ANOVA model (Model 2) with subject-rater interaction. Each of the 6 p-values is associated with one
#' of the null values 0,0.1,0.3,0.5,0.7,0.9.
#' @references  Gwet, K.L. (2014): \emph{Handbook of Inter-Rater Reliability - 4th ed.} chapter 9, section 9.3.1, equation
#' 9.3.6. Advanced Analytics, LLC.
#' @param dfra This is a data frame containing 3 columns or more.  The first column contains subject numbers (there could be duplicates
#' if a subject was assigned multiple ratings) and each of the remaining columns is associated with a particular rater and contains its
#' numeric ratings.
#' @return This function returns a vector containing 6 p-values associated with the 6 null values 0,0.1,0.3,0.5,0.7,0.9.
#' @examples
#' #iccdata1 is a small dataset that comes with the package. Use it as follows:
#' library(irrICC)
#' iccdata1 #see what the iccdata1 dataset looks like
#' pval.ICC2r.inter(iccdata1)
#' @export
pval.ICC2r.inter <- function(dfra){
  #P-value calculation for Intraclass Correlation Coefficient ICC(2,1) associated with model 2 with interaction
  #(c.f. K. Gwet-2014 "Handbook of Inter-Rater Reliability", 4th Edition, chapter #9, equation #9.3.6). This function
  #computes 6 p-values associated with the 6 rho values in rho.zero <- c(0,0.1,0.3,0.5,0.7,0.9).
  dfra <- data.frame(lapply(dfra, as.character),stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  dfra <- as.data.frame(lapply(dfra,function (y) if(class(y)=="factor" ) as.character(y) else y),stringsAsFactors=F)
  dfra[,2:ncol(dfra)] <- lapply(dfra[,2:ncol(dfra)],as.numeric)

  icc <- icc2.inter.fn(dfra)[[5]]
  mse <- mse2.inter.fn(dfra)
  msi <- msi2.fn(dfra)
  msr <- msr2.fn(dfra)
  mss <- mss2.fn(dfra)
  rep.vec <- plyr::count(dfra,1)
  names(rep.vec)[2] <- "nrepli"
  n <- nrow(rep.vec) #n = number of subjects
  r <- ncol(dfra)-1 #r = number of raters
  Mtot <- sum(!is.na(dfra[,2:ncol(dfra)])) #Mtot = total number of non-missing ratings
  Mtot <- max(Mtot,r*n)
  rho.zero <- c(0,0.1,0.3,0.5,0.7,0.9)
  pval <- sapply(1:6,function(x){
    a <- r*rho.zero[x]/(n*(1-rho.zero[x]))
    b <- 1 + r*(n-1)*rho.zero[x]/(n*(1-rho.zero[x]))
    c <- (Mtot/n-r)*rho.zero[x]/(1-rho.zero[x])
    v <- (a*msr+b*msi+c*mse)**2 / ((a*msr)**2/(r-1) + (b*msi)**2/((r-1)*(n-1)) + (c*mse)**2/(Mtot-r*n))
    v <- max(1,floor(v))
    fobs <- mss/(a*msr+b*msi+c*mse)
    pvals <- 1 - pf(fobs,df1=n-1,df2=v)

#' P-values of ICC(2,1) under Model 2 with subject-rater interaction, for user-provided null values.
#' This function computes p-values for the Intraclass Correlation Coefficients (ICC) used as a measure of inter-rater reliability
#' under the random factorial ANOVA model (Model 2) with subject-rater interaction. The output is vector of p-values, one for each of the
#' null values specified in the optional rho.zero parameter, whose default value is 0.
#' @references  Gwet, K.L. (2014): \emph{Handbook of Inter-Rater Reliability - 4th ed.} chapter 9, section 9.3.1 Advanced Analytics, LLC.
#' @param dfra This is a data frame containing 3 columns or more. The first column contains subject numbers (there could be duplicates
#' if a subject was assigned multiple ratings) and each of the remaining columns is associated with a particular rater and contains its
#' numeric ratings.
#' @param rho.zero This is an optional parameter that represents a vector containing an arbitrary number of null values between 0 and 1
#' for which a p-value will be calculated. If not specified then its default value will be 0.
#' @return This function returns a vector containing p-values associated with the null values specified in the parameter rho.zero.
#' @examples
#' #iccdata1 is a small dataset that comes with the package. Use it as follows:
#' library(irrICC)
#' iccdata1 #see what the iccdata1 dataset looks like
#' pvals.ICC2r.inter(iccdata1,c(0.15,0.20,0.25))
#' @export
pvals.ICC2r.inter <- function(dfra,rho.zero=0){
  #P-value calculation for Intraclass Correlation Coefficient ICC(2,1) associated with model 2 with interaction
  #(c.f. K. Gwet-2014 "Handbook of Inter-Rater Reliability", 4th Edition, chapter #9, equation #9.3.6).
  #This function computes p-values either for a single rho-zero value or for a vector of values assigned to parameter rho.zero= VALUES.
  dfra <- data.frame(lapply(dfra, as.character),stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  dfra <- as.data.frame(lapply(dfra,function (y) if(class(y)=="factor" ) as.character(y) else y),stringsAsFactors=F)
  dfra[,2:ncol(dfra)] <- lapply(dfra[,2:ncol(dfra)],as.numeric)

  icc <- icc2.inter.fn(dfra)[[5]]
  mse <- mse2.inter.fn(dfra)
  msi <- msi2.fn(dfra)
  msr <- msr2.fn(dfra)
  mss <- mss2.fn(dfra)
  rep.vec <- plyr::count(dfra,1)
  names(rep.vec)[2] <- "nrepli"
  n <- nrow(rep.vec) #n = number of subjects
  r <- ncol(dfra)-1 #r = number of raters
  Mtot <- sum(!is.na(dfra[,2:ncol(dfra)])) #Mtot = total number of non-missing ratings
  Mtot <- max(Mtot,r*n)
  rlen <- length(rho.zero)
  pval <- sapply(1:rlen,function(x){
    a <- r*rho.zero[x]/(n*(1-rho.zero[x]))
    b <- 1 + r*(n-1)*rho.zero[x]/(n*(1-rho.zero[x]))
    c <- (Mtot/n-r)*rho.zero[x]/(1-rho.zero[x])
    v <- (a*msr+b*msi+c*mse)**2 / ((a*msr)**2/(r-1) + (b*msi)**2/((r-1)*(n-1)) + (c*mse)**2/(Mtot-r*n))
    v <- max(1,floor(v))
    fobs <- mss/(a*msr+b*msi+c*mse)
    pvals <- 1 - pf(fobs,df1=n-1,df2=v)

#' P-values of ICCa(2,1) under Model 2 with interaction.
#' This function can compute several p-values associated with the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) used to quantify intra-rater
#' reliability coefficient under the random factorial ANOVA model with subject-rater interaction (Model 2). This function computes
#' the p-value for each of the null values specified in the parameter gam.zero.
#' @references  Gwet, K.L. (2014): \emph{Handbook of Inter-Rater Reliability - 4th ed.} chapter 9, section 9.3.2 (page 245)
#' Advanced Analytics, LLC.
#' @param dfra This is a data frame containing 3 columns or more. The first column contains subject numbers (there could be duplicates
#' if a subject was assigned multiple ratings) and each of the remaining columns is associated with a particular rater and contains its
#' numeric ratings.
#' @param gam.zero This is an optional parameter that represents a vector containing an arbitrary number of null values between 0 and 1
#' for which a p-value will be calculated. If not specified then its default value will be 0.
#' @return This function returns a vector containing p-values associated with the null values specified in the parameter gam.zero.
#' @examples
#' #iccdata1 is a small dataset that comes with the package. Use it as follows:
#' library(irrICC)
#' iccdata1 #see what the iccdata1 dataset looks like
#' pvals.ICC2a.inter(iccdata1,c(0.15,0.20,0.25))
#' @export
pvals.ICC2a.inter <- function(dfra,gam.zero=0){
  #P-value calculation for Intraclass Correlation Coefficient ICCa(2,1) associated with model 2 with interaction
  #(c.f. K. Gwet-2014 "Handbook of Inter-Rater Reliability", 4th Edition, chapter #9, pp. 245-246.
  #This function computes p-values either for a single rho-zero value or for a vector of values assigned to parameter gam.zero= VALUES.
  dfra <- data.frame(lapply(dfra, as.character),stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  dfra <- as.data.frame(lapply(dfra,function (y) if(class(y)=="factor" ) as.character(y) else y),stringsAsFactors=F)
  dfra[,2:ncol(dfra)] <- lapply(dfra[,2:ncol(dfra)],as.numeric)

  icc <- icc2.inter.fn(dfra)[[6]] #<- intra-rater reliability. -- return(data.frame(sig2s,sig2r,sig2e,sig2sr,icc2r,icc2a,n,r,max.rep,min.rep,Mtot,ov.mean))
  mse <- mse2.inter.fn(dfra)
  msi <- msi2.fn(dfra)
  msr <- msr2.fn(dfra)
  mss <- mss2.fn(dfra)
  rep.vec <- plyr::count(dfra,1)
  names(rep.vec)[2] <- "nrepli"
  n <- nrow(rep.vec) #n = number of subjects
  r <- ncol(dfra)-1  #r = number of raters
  Mtot <- sum(!is.na(dfra[,2:ncol(dfra)])) #Mtot = total number of non-missing ratings
  Mtot <- max(Mtot,r*n)
  rlen <- length(gam.zero)
  pval <- sapply(1:rlen,function(x){
      a <- 1/(r+Mtot*gam.zero[x]/(n*(1-gam.zero[x])))
      b <- 1/(n+Mtot*gam.zero[x]/(r*(1-gam.zero[x])))
      c <- (r*n-n-r)/(r*n+Mtot*gam.zero[x]/(1-gam.zero[x]))
      v <- (a*mss+b*msr+c*msi)**2 / ((a*mss)**2/(n-1) + (b*msr)**2/(r-1) + (c*msi)**2/((r-1)*(n-1)))
      v <- max(1,floor(v))
      fobs <- (a*mss+b*msr+c*msi)/mse
      pvals <- 1 - pf(fobs,df1=v,df2=Mtot-r*n)

#---------------  NO INTERACTION  ------------------------------

#' Intraclass Correlation Coefficients ICC(2,1) and ICCa(2,1) under ANOVA Model 2 without interaction.
#' This function computes 2 Intraclass Correlation Coefficients (ICC) ICC(2,1) and ICCa(2,1) under the random factorial ANOVA model
#' (Model 2) without any subject-rater interaction. ICC(2,1) is formulated as a measure of inter-rater reliability and ICCa(2,1)
#' as a measure of intra-rater reliability.
#' @references  Gwet, K.L. (2014): \emph{Handbook of Inter-Rater Reliability - 4th ed.} - Equations 9.5.2 and 9.5.3 of chapter 9, page 258.
#' Advanced Analytics, LLC.
#' @param ratings This is a data frame containing 3 columns or more.  The first column contains subject numbers (some duplicates are expected,
#' as some subject are assumed to have assigned multiple ratings) and each of the remaining columns is associated with a particular rater and
#' contains its numeric ratings.
#' @return This function returns a list containing the following 11 values:\cr
#' 1. sig2s: the subject variance component.\cr
#' 2.sig2r: the rater variance component\cr
#' 3. sig2e: the error variance component.\cr
#' 4. icc2r: ICC as a measure of inter-rater relliability.\cr
#' 5. icc2a: ICC as a measure of intra-rater reliability.\cr
#' 6. n: the number of subjects.\cr
#' 7. r: the number of raters.\cr
#' 8. max.rep: the maximum number of ratings per subject.\cr
#' 9. min.rep: the minimum number of ratings per subjects.\cr
#' 10. M: the total number of ratings for all subjects and raters.\cr
#' 11. ov.mean: the overall mean rating.
#' @examples
#' #iccdata1 is a small dataset that comes with the package. Use it as follows:
#' library(irrICC)
#' iccdata1 #see what the iccdata1 dataset looks like
#' icc2.nointer.fn(iccdata1)
#' coeff <- icc2.nointer.fn(iccdata1)$icc2r #this only gives you the ICC coefficient
#' coeff
#' @export
icc2.nointer.fn <- function(ratings){
  ratings <- data.frame(lapply(ratings, as.character),stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  ratings <- as.data.frame(lapply(ratings,function (y) if(class(y)=="factor" ) as.character(y) else y),stringsAsFactors=F)
  ratings[,2:ncol(ratings)] <- lapply(ratings[,2:ncol(ratings)],as.numeric)

  rep.vec <- plyr::count(ratings,1)
  n <- nrow(rep.vec)
  r <- ncol(ratings)-1
  Mtot <- sum(!is.na(ratings[,2:ncol(ratings)])) #Mtot = total number of non-missing ratings
  Mtot <- max(Mtot,r*n)
  max.rep <- max(rep.vec$freq)
  min.rep <- min(rep.vec$freq)
  ov.mean <- mean(as.matrix(ratings[,2:(r+1)]),na.rm = TRUE)

  b <- cbind(ratings[1],(!is.na(ratings[,2:(r+1)])))
  mij <- sapply(2:(r+1), function(x) tapply(b[[x]],b[[1]],sum))
  mij <- cbind(rep.vec[1],mij)
  names(mij) <- names(b)
  mi.vec <-  rowSums(mij[,2:(r+1)]) #Total number of ratings per subject mi.
  m.jvec <- colSums(mij[,2:(r+1)]) #Total number of ratings per rater m.j

  k1 <- sum(mi.vec**2)
  k2 <- sum(m.jvec**2)
  k1p <- k1/Mtot
  k2p <- k2/Mtot
  k3 <- sum((mij[,2:(r+1)]**2)/matrix(mi.vec,n,r),na.rm = TRUE)
  k4 <- sum((mij[,2:(r+1)]**2)/t(replicate(n,m.jvec)))

  lambda1 <- (Mtot-k1p)/(Mtot-k4)
  lambda2 <- (Mtot-k2p)/(Mtot-k3)

  Ty <- sum(ratings[,2:(r+1)],na.rm = TRUE)
  T2.mu <- Ty**2/Mtot
  T2y <- sum(ratings[,2:(r+1)]**2,na.rm = TRUE)
  yij. <- sapply(2:(r+1),function(x){tapply(ratings[[x]],ratings[[1]],function(x) sum(x,na.rm = TRUE))})
  yi.. <- rowSums(yij.,na.rm = TRUE)
  y.j. <- colSums(yij.,na.rm = TRUE)
  T2s <- sum(yi..**2/mi.vec)
  T2r <- sum(y.j.**2/m.jvec)

  sig2e <- (lambda2*(T2y-T2s)+lambda1*(T2y-T2r)-(T2y-T2.mu))/(lambda2*(Mtot-n)+lambda1*(Mtot-r)-(Mtot-1))
  sig2s <- (T2y-T2r-(Mtot-r)*sig2e)/(Mtot-k4)
  sig2r <- (T2y-T2s-(Mtot-n)*sig2e)/(Mtot-k3)

  sig2s <- max(0,sig2s)
  sig2r <- max(0,sig2r)
  sig2e <- max(0,sig2e)

  icc2r <- sig2s/(sig2s+sig2r+sig2e)
  icc2a <- (sig2s+sig2r)/(sig2s+sig2r+sig2e)
#' Intraclass Correlation Coefficients ICC(3,1) and ICCa(3,1) under ANOVA Model 3 without interaction.
#' This function computes 2 Intraclass Correlation Coefficients ICC(3,1) and ICCa(3,1) under the mixed factorial ANOVA model
#' (Model 3) without any subject-rater interaction. ICC(3,1) is formulated as a measure of inter-rater reliability and ICCa(3,1)
#' as a measure of intra-rater reliability.
#' @references  Gwet, K.L. (2014): \emph{Handbook of Inter-Rater Reliability - 4th ed.} - Equation 10.2.16 of chapter 10,
#' Advanced Analytics, LLC.
#' @param dfra This is a data frame containing 3 columns or more.  The first column contains subject numbers (some duplicates are expected,
#' as some subject are assumed to have assigned multiple ratings) and each of the remaining columns is associated with a particular rater and
#' contains its numeric ratings.
#' @return This function returns a list containing the following 11 values:\cr
#' 1. sig2s: the subject variance component.\cr
#' 2. sig2e: the error variance component.\cr
#' 3. icc2r: ICC as a measure of inter-rater relliability.\cr
#' 4. icc2a: ICC as a measure of intra-rater reliability.\cr
#' 5. n: the number of subjects. 6. r: the number of raters.\cr
#' 7. max.rep: the maximum number of ratings per subject.\cr
#' 8. min.rep: the minimum number of ratings per subjects.\cr
#' 9. M: the total number of ratings for all subjects and raters.\cr
#' 10. ov.mean: the overall mean rating.
#' @examples
#' #iccdata1 is a small dataset that comes with the package. Use it as follows:
#' library(irrICC)
#' iccdata1 #see what the iccdata1 dataset looks like
#' icc3.nointer.fn(iccdata1)
#' coeff <- icc3.nointer.fn(iccdata1)$icc2r #this only gives you the ICC coefficient
#' coeff
#' @export
icc3.nointer.fn <- function(dfra){
  dfra <- data.frame(lapply(dfra, as.character),stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  dfra <- as.data.frame(lapply(dfra,function (y) if(class(y)=="factor" ) as.character(y) else y),stringsAsFactors=F)
  dfra[,2:ncol(dfra)] <- lapply(dfra[,2:ncol(dfra)],as.numeric)

  rep.vec <- plyr::count(dfra,1)
  n <- nrow(rep.vec)
  r <- ncol(dfra)-1
  Mtot <- sum(!is.na(dfra[,2:ncol(dfra)])) #Mtot = total number of non-missing ratings
  Mtot <- max(Mtot,r*n)
  max.rep <- max(rep.vec$freq)
  min.rep <- min(rep.vec$freq)
  ov.mean <- mean(as.matrix(dfra[,2:(r+1)]),na.rm = TRUE)

  b <- cbind(dfra[1],(!is.na(dfra[,2:(r+1)])))
  mij <- sapply(2:(r+1), function(x) tapply(b[[x]],b[[1]],sum))
  mij <- cbind(rep.vec[1],mij)
  names(mij) <- names(b)
  mi.vec <-  rowSums(mij[,2:(r+1)]) #Total number of ratings per subject mi.
  m.jvec <- colSums(mij[,2:(r+1)]) #Total number of ratings per rater m.j
  lambda0 <- sum(mij[,2:(r+1)]>=1)
  lambda.i <- rowSums((mij[,2:(r+1)]**2)/(replicate(r,mi.vec)),na.rm=TRUE)

  mij.1 <- mij[,2:r] #This is an extract of mij using only the first r-1 raters.

  cjj.vec <- m.jvec[1:(r-1)] - colSums(mij.1**2/replicate((r-1),mi.vec),na.rm=TRUE)
  c.diag <- diag(cjj.vec)
  if (r>=3){
    cj.jj.lst <- lapply(1:(r-2), function(j){
      cj.vec <- rep(0,r-1)
      cj.vec[(j+1):(r-1)] <- colSums(sapply((j+1):(r-1), function(jj) (-(mij.1[,j]*mij.1[,jj])/mi.vec)),na.rm=TRUE)
    cj.jj.mat <- rbind(matrix(unlist(cj.jj.lst),nrow=r-2,ncol=r-1,byrow=TRUE),rep(0,(r-1)))
    cj.jj <- cj.jj.mat + t(cj.jj.mat)
    c.mat <- c.diag + cj.jj
    if (r==2) c.mat <- cjj.vec
  k4 <- sum((mij[,2:(r+1)]**2)/t(replicate(n,m.jvec)))

  T2y <- sum(dfra[,2:(r+1)]**2,na.rm = TRUE)
  yij. <- sapply(2:(r+1),function(x){tapply(dfra[[x]],dfra[[1]],function(x) sum(x,na.rm = TRUE))})
  yi.. <- rowSums(yij.,na.rm = TRUE)
  y.j. <- colSums(yij.,na.rm = TRUE)
  yi..mean <- yi../mi.vec
  T2s <- sum(yi..**2/mi.vec)
  T2r <- sum(y.j.**2/m.jvec)
  bj.vec <- y.j.[1:(r-1)]- t(mij.1)%*%yi..mean
  RSS <- T2s +  t(bj.vec)%*%solve(c.mat)%*%bj.vec

  mijMax <- max(mij[,2:(r+1)])
  sig2e <- (T2y - RSS)/(Mtot-n-r+1)
  sig2s <- (RSS-T2r-(n-1)*sig2e)/(Mtot-k4)
  sig2e <- max(0,sig2e)
  sig2s <- max(0,sig2s)
  icc2r <- sig2s/(sig2s+sig2e)
  if (mijMax>1){
    icc2a <- sig2s/(sig2s+sig2e)
    icc2a <- NA
#' Mean of Squares for Errors (MSE) under Models 2 & 3 without replication
#' This function computes the MSE for both the random factorial (Model 2) and mixed factorial (Model 3) without
#' subject-rater Interaction. This MSE is used for calculating confidence intervals and p-values associated with the inter-rater
#' and intra-rater reliability coefficients.
#' @references  Gwet, K.L. (2014): \emph{Handbook of Inter-Rater Reliability - 4th ed.} chapter 10, section 10.3.1,
#' Advanced Analytics, LLC.
#' @param dfra This is a data frame containing 3 columns or more.  The first column contains subject numbers (there could be duplicates
#' if a subject was assigned multiple ratings) and each of the remaining columns is associated with a particular rater and contains its
#' numeric ratings.
# This function returns the mean of squares for errors.
mse2.nointer.fn <- function(dfra){
  #This function computes the MSE associated with the Model 2 (i.e. ANOVA model under the random factorial design) without interaction.
  #Reference: K. Gwet(2014) - "Handbook of Inter-Rater Reliability", 4th Edition - Page #259
  dfra <- data.frame(lapply(dfra, as.character),stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  dfra <- as.data.frame(lapply(dfra,function (y) if(class(y)=="factor" ) as.character(y) else y),stringsAsFactors=F)
  dfra[,2:ncol(dfra)] <- lapply(dfra[,2:ncol(dfra)],as.numeric)
  rep.vec <- plyr::count(dfra,1)
  n <- nrow(rep.vec) #n = number of subjects
  r <- ncol(dfra)-1 #r = number of raters
  Mtot <- sum(!is.na(dfra[,2:ncol(dfra)])) #Mtot = total number of non-missing ratings
  Mtot <- max(Mtot,r*n)
  ymean <- mean(as.matrix(dfra[,2:(r+1)]),na.rm = TRUE)

  b <- cbind(dfra[1],(!is.na(dfra[,2:(r+1)])))
  mij <- sapply(2:(r+1), function(x) tapply(b[[x]],b[[1]],sum))
  mij <- cbind(rep.vec[1],mij)
  names(mij) <- names(b)
  mi.vec <- rowSums(mij[,2:(r+1)]) #Total number of ratings per subject mi.
  m.jvec <- colSums(mij[,2:(r+1)]) #Total number of ratings per rater m.j

  yij. <- sapply(2:(r+1),function(x){tapply(dfra[[x]],dfra[[1]],function(x) sum(x,na.rm = TRUE))})
  yi.. <- rowSums(yij.,na.rm = TRUE)
  y.j. <- colSums(yij.,na.rm = TRUE)
  yij.mean <- sapply(2:(r+1),function(x){tapply(dfra[[x]],dfra[[1]],function(x) mean(x,na.rm = TRUE))})
  yi..mean <- yi../mi.vec
  y.j.mean <- y.j./m.jvec
  yi.mean.1 <- cbind(rep.vec[1],yi..mean)
  dfra1 <- merge(dfra,yi.mean.1)
  dfra2 <- dfra1[,2:(r+1)]
  yi.mean.2 <- replicate(r,dfra1[,(r+2)])
  y.j.mean2 <- matrix(y.j.mean,nrow(dfra),r,byrow = TRUE)
  mse2.nointer <- sum((dfra2 - yi.mean.2 - y.j.mean2 + ymean*replicate(r,rep(1,nrow(dfra))))**2,na.rm = TRUE) / (Mtot-r-n+1)
#' Confidence Interval of the ICC(2,1) under Model 2 without subject-rater interaction
#' This function computes the confidence interval associateed with the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) used as a measure
#' of inter-rater reliability, under the random factorial ANOVA model (Model 2) with no subject-rater interaction. This function computes
#' the lower and upper confidence bounds.
#' @references  Gwet, K.L. (2014): \emph{Handbook of Inter-Rater Reliability - 4th ed.} chapter 9, section 9.5.1, equations
#' 9.5.7 and 9.5.8 for inter-rater reliability coefficients.
#' Advanced Analytics, LLC.
#' @param dfra This is a data frame containing 3 columns or more.  The first column contains subject numbers (there could be duplicates
#' if a subject was assigned multiple ratings) and each of the remaining columns is associated with a particular rater and contains its
#' numeric ratings.
#' @param conflev This is the optional confidence level associated with the confidence interval. If not specified, the default value
#' will be 0.95, which is the most commonly-used valuee in the literature.
#' @return This function returns a vector containing the lower confidence (lcb) and the upper confidence bound (ucb).
#' @examples
#' #iccdata1 is a small dataset that comes with the package. Use it as follows:
#' library(irrICC)
#' iccdata1 #see what the iccdata1 dataset looks like
#' ci.ICC2r.nointer(iccdata1)
#' @export
ci.ICC2r.nointer <- function(dfra,conflev=0.95){
  dfra <- data.frame(lapply(dfra, as.character),stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  dfra <- as.data.frame(lapply(dfra,function (y) if(class(y)=="factor" ) as.character(y) else y),stringsAsFactors=F)
  dfra[,2:ncol(dfra)] <- lapply(dfra[,2:ncol(dfra)],as.numeric)

  icc <- icc2.nointer.fn(dfra)[[4]]
  mse <- mse2.nointer.fn(dfra)
  msr <- msr2.fn(dfra)
  mss <- mss2.fn(dfra)
  rep.vec <- plyr::count(dfra,1)
  names(rep.vec)[2] <- "nrepli"
  n <- nrow(rep.vec) #n = number of subjects
  r <- ncol(dfra)-1 #r = number of raters
  Mtot <- sum(!is.na(dfra[,2:ncol(dfra)])) #Mtot = total number of non-missing ratings
  Mtot <- max(Mtot,r*n)
  if (is.na(icc)) icc <- 0
  if (abs(1-icc)>1e-15){
    a <- r*icc/(n*(1-icc))
    b <- 1 + (Mtot-r)*icc/(n*(1-icc))
    a <- r/n
    b <- (Mtot-r)/n
  v <- (a*msr+b*mse)**2 / ((a*msr)**2/(r-1) + (b*mse)**2/(Mtot-r-n+1))
  v <- max(1,floor(v))
  f1 <- qf((1-conflev)/2, df1=n-1, df2=v)
  f2 <- qf(1-(1-conflev)/2, df1=n-1, df2=v)
  lcb <- n*(mss-f2*mse)/(n*mss+f2*(r*msr+(Mtot-n-r)*mse))
  ucb <- n*(mss-f1*mse)/(n*mss+f1*(r*msr+(Mtot-n-r)*mse))
  lcb <- max(0,lcb)
  ucb <- min(1,ucb)
  if (!is.na(lcb) & !is.na(ucb)){
    if (icc<=lcb) lcb <-0
    if (icc>=ucb) ucb <-1

#' Confidence Interval of the ICC(3,1) under Model 3 without subject-rater interaction
#' This function computes the confidence interval associateed with the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) used as a measure
#' of inter-rater reliability, under the mixed factorial ANOVA model (Model 3) with no subject-rater interaction. This function computes
#' the lower and upper confidence bounds.
#' @references  Gwet, K.L. (2014): \emph{Handbook of Inter-Rater Reliability - 4th ed.} chapter 10, section 10.3.1, equations
#' 10.3.6 and 10.3.7, Advanced Analytics, LLC.
#' @param dfra This is a data frame containing 3 columns or more.  The first column contains subject numbers (there could be duplicates
#' if a subject was assigned multiple ratings) and each of the remaining columns is associated with a particular rater and contains its
#' numeric ratings.
#' @param conflev This is the optional confidence level associated with the confidence interval. If not specified, the default value
#' will be 0.95, which is the most commonly-used valuee in the literature.
#' @return This function returns a vector containing the lower confidence (lcb) and the upper confidence bound (ucb).
#' @examples
#' #iccdata1 is a small dataset that comes with the package. Use it as follows:
#' library(irrICC)
#' iccdata1 #see what the iccdata1 dataset looks like
#' ci.ICC3r.nointer(iccdata1)
#' @export
ci.ICC3r.nointer <- function(dfra,conflev=0.95){
  dfra <- data.frame(lapply(dfra, as.character),stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  dfra <- as.data.frame(lapply(dfra,function (y) if(class(y)=="factor" ) as.character(y) else y),stringsAsFactors=F)
  dfra[,2:ncol(dfra)] <- lapply(dfra[,2:ncol(dfra)],as.numeric)

  icc <- icc3.nointer.fn(dfra)[[3]]
  mse <- mse2.nointer.fn(dfra)
  mss <- mss2.fn(dfra)
  rep.vec <- plyr::count(dfra,1)
  names(rep.vec)[2] <- "nrepli"
  n <- nrow(rep.vec) #n = number of subjects
  r <- ncol(dfra)-1 #r = number of raters
  Mtot <- sum(!is.na(dfra[,2:ncol(dfra)])) #Mtot = total number of non-missing ratings
  Mtot <- max(Mtot,r*n)
  f1 <- qf(1-(1-conflev)/2, df1=n-1, df2=Mtot-r-n+1)
  f2 <- qf((1-conflev)/2, df1=n-1, df2=Mtot-r-n+1)
  lcb <- (mss-f1*mse)/(mss+(Mtot/n-1)*f1*mse)
  ucb <- (mss-f2*mse)/(mss+(Mtot/n-1)*f2*mse)
  lcb <- max(0,lcb)
  ucb <- min(1,ucb)
  if (!is.na(lcb) & !is.na(ucb)){
    if (icc<=lcb) lcb <-0
    if (icc>=ucb) ucb <-1

#' P-values of ICC(3,1) under Model 3 without subject-rater interaction.
#' This function can compute several p-values associated with the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) used to quantify inter-rater
#' reliability under the mixed factorial ANOVA model without subject-rater interaction (Model 3). This function computes
#' the p-value for each of the null values specified in the parameter rho.zero.
#' @references  Gwet, K.L. (2014): \emph{Handbook of Inter-Rater Reliability - 4th ed.} chapter 10, section 10.3.3 (page 286)
#' Advanced Analytics, LLC.
#' @param dfra This is a data frame containing 3 columns or more. The first column contains subject numbers (there could be duplicates
#' if a subject was assigned multiple ratings) and each of the remaining columns is associated with a particular rater and contains its
#' numeric ratings.
#' @param rho.zero This is an optional parameter that represents a vector containing an arbitrary number of null values between 0 and 1
#' for which a p-value will be calculated. If not specified then its default value will be 0.
#' @return This function returns a vector containing p-values associated with the null values specified in the parameter rho.zero.
#' @examples
#' #iccdata1 is a small dataset that comes with the package. Use it as follows:
#' library(irrICC)
#' iccdata1 #see what the iccdata1 dataset looks like
#' pvals.ICC3r.nointer(iccdata1)
#' pvals.ICC3r.nointer(iccdata1,seq(0.2,0.5,0.05))
#' @export
pvals.ICC3r.nointer <- function(dfra,rho.zero=0){
  #This function produces a vector of p-values associated with the intraclass correlation coefficient ICC(3,1) - i.e. inter-rater reliability -
  #and based on model 3 without interaction (c.f. K. Gwet- Handbook of Inter-Rater Reliability-4th Edition, section 10.3.3).
  #A p-value is calculed for each null value specified in parameter rho.zero=???
  dfra <- data.frame(lapply(dfra, as.character),stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  dfra <- as.data.frame(lapply(dfra,function (y) if(class(y)=="factor" ) as.character(y) else y),stringsAsFactors=F)
  dfra[,2:ncol(dfra)] <- lapply(dfra[,2:ncol(dfra)],as.numeric)

  icc <- icc3.nointer.fn(dfra)[[3]]
  mse <- mse2.nointer.fn(dfra)
  mss <- mss2.fn(dfra)
  rep.vec <- plyr::count(dfra,1)
  names(rep.vec)[2] <- "nrepli"
  n <- nrow(rep.vec) #n = number of subjects
  r <- ncol(dfra)-1 #r = number of raters
  Mtot <- sum(!is.na(dfra[,2:ncol(dfra)])) #Mtot = total number of non-missing ratings
  Mtot <- max(Mtot,r*n)
  rlen <- length(rho.zero)
  pval <- sapply(1:rlen,function(x){
    fobs <- mss*(1-rho.zero[x])/(mse*(1+(r-1)*rho.zero[x]))
    pvals <- 1 - pf(fobs,df1=n-1,df2=max(1,Mtot-r-n+1))

#' P-values of ICCa(3,1) under Model 3 with subject-rater interaction.
#' This function can compute several p-values associated with the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) used to quantify intra-rater
#' reliability under the mixed factorial ANOVA model with subject-rater interaction (Model 3). This function computes
#' the p-value for each of the null values specified in the parameter rho.zero.
#' @references  Gwet, K.L. (2014): \emph{Handbook of Inter-Rater Reliability - 4th ed.} chapter 10, section 10.3.3 (page 286)
#' Advanced Analytics, LLC.
#' @param dfra This is a data frame containing 3 columns or more. The first column contains subject numbers (there could be duplicates
#' if a subject was assigned multiple ratings) and each of the remaining columns is associated with a particular rater and contains its
#' numeric ratings.
#' @param gam.zero This is an optional parameter that represents a vector containing an arbitrary number of null values between 0 and 1
#' for which a p-value will be calculated. If not specified then its default value will be 0.
#' @return This function returns a vector containing p-values associated with the null values specified in the parameter rho.zero.
#' @examples
#' #iccdata1 is a small dataset that comes with the package. Use it as follows:
#' library(irrICC)
#' iccdata1 #see what the iccdata1 dataset looks like
#' pvals.ICC3a.inter(iccdata1)
#' pvals.ICC3a.inter(iccdata1,seq(0.2,0.5,0.05))
#' @export
pvals.ICC3a.inter <- function(dfra,gam.zero=0){
  #This function produces a vector of p-values associated with the intraclass correlation coefficient ICCa(3,1) - i.e. intra-rater reliability -
  #and based on model 3 without interaction (c.f. K. Gwet- Handbook of Inter-Rater Reliability-4th Edition, section 10.3.3).
  #A p-value is calculed for each null value specified in parameter gam.zero=???
  dfra <- data.frame(lapply(dfra, as.character),stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  dfra <- as.data.frame(lapply(dfra,function (y) if(class(y)=="factor" ) as.character(y) else y),stringsAsFactors=F)
  dfra[,2:ncol(dfra)] <- lapply(dfra[,2:ncol(dfra)],as.numeric)

  icc <- icc3.inter.fn(dfra)[[5]]
  mse <- mse2.inter.fn(dfra)
  msi <- msi2.fn(dfra)
  mss <- mss2.fn(dfra)
  rep.vec <- plyr::count(dfra,1)
  names(rep.vec)[2] <- "nrepli"
  n <- nrow(rep.vec) #n = number of subjects
  r <- ncol(dfra)-1 #r = number of raters
  Mtot <- sum(!is.na(dfra[,2:ncol(dfra)])) #Mtot = total number of non-missing ratings
  Mtot <- max(Mtot,r*n)
  rlen <- length(gam.zero)
  pval <- sapply(1:rlen,function(x){
    a <- 1/(r+1+Mtot*gam.zero[x]/(n*(1-gam.zero[x])))
    b <- r*a
    v <- (a*mss+b*msi)**2 /((a*mss)**2/(n-1)+(b*msi)**2/((r-1)*(n-1)))
    v <- max(1,floor(v))
    fobs <- (a*mss+b*msi)/mse
    pvals <- 1 - pf(fobs,df1=v,df2=max(1,Mtot-r*n))

#' Confidence Interval of ICCa(2,1) under Model 2 without subject-rater interaction.
#' This function computes the confidence interval associated with the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) formulated as a measure
#' of Intra-Rater Reliability under the random factorial ANOVA model (Model 2) without subject-rater interaction. This function produces
#' the lower and upper confidence bounds.
#' @references  Gwet, K.L. (2014): \emph{Handbook of Inter-Rater Reliability - 4th ed.} chapter 9, section 9.5.1, equations
#' 9.5.11 and 9.5.12,page 259. Advanced Analytics, LLC.
#' @param dfra This is a data frame containing 3 columns or more.  The first column contains subject numbers (there could be duplicates
#' if a subject was assigned multiple ratings) and each of the remaining columns is associated with a particular rater and contains its
#' numeric ratings.
#' @param conflev This is the optional confidence level associated with the confidence interval. If not specified, the default value
#' will be 0.95, which is the most commonly-used valuee in the literature.
#' @return This function returns a vector containing the lower confidence (lcb) and the upper confidence bound (ucb).
#' @examples
#' #iccdata1 is a small dataset that comes with the package. Use it as follows:
#' library(irrICC)
#' iccdata1 #see what the iccdata1 dataset looks like
#' ci.ICC2a.nointer(iccdata1)
#' @export
ci.ICC2a.nointer <- function(dfra,conflev=0.95){
  dfra <- data.frame(lapply(dfra, as.character),stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
  dfra <- as.data.frame(lapply(dfra,function (y) if(class(y)=="factor" ) as.character(y) else y),stringsAsFactors=F)
  dfra[,2:ncol(dfra)] <- lapply(dfra[,2:ncol(dfra)],as.numeric)
  icc <- icc2.nointer.fn(dfra)[[5]] #<- intra-rater reliability. -- c(sig2s,sig2r,sig2e,icc2r,icc2a,n,r,max.rep,min.rep,Mtot,ov.mean))
  mse <- mse2.nointer.fn(dfra)
  msr <- msr2.fn(dfra)
  mss <- mss2.fn(dfra)
  rep.vec <- plyr::count(dfra,1)
  names(rep.vec)[2] <- "nrepli"
  n <- nrow(rep.vec) #n = number of subjects
  r <- ncol(dfra)-1  #r = number of raters
  Mtot <- sum(!is.na(dfra[,2:ncol(dfra)])) #Mtot = total number of non-missing ratings
  Mtot <- max(Mtot,r*n)
  if (is.na(icc)) icc <- 0
  if (abs(1-icc)>1e-15){
    a <- n/(n+r+Mtot*icc/(1-icc))
    b <- r/(n+r+Mtot*icc/(1-icc))
    a <- n/Mtot
    b <- r/Mtot
  v <- (a*mss+b*msr)**2 / ((a*mss)**2/(n-1) + (b*msr)**2/(r-1))
  v <- max(1,floor(v))
  f1 <- qf((1-conflev)/2, df1=v, df2=Mtot-r-n+1)
  f2 <- qf(1-(1-conflev)/2, df1=v, df2=Mtot-r-n+1)
  lcb <- (n*mss+r*msr-(r+n)*f2*mse)/(n*mss+r*msr+(Mtot-n-r)*f2*mse)
  ucb <- (n*mss+r*msr-(r+n)*f1*mse)/(n*mss+r*msr+(Mtot-n-r)*f1*mse)
  lcb <- max(0,lcb)
  ucb <- min(1,ucb)
  if (!is.na(lcb) & !is.na(ucb)){
    if (icc<=lcb) lcb <-0
    if (icc>=ucb) ucb <-1

#' P-values of ICC(2,1) under Model 2 without subject-rater interaction.
#' This function can compute several p-values associated with the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) used to quantify inter-rater
#' reliability under the random factorial ANOVA model without subject-rater interaction (Model 2). This function computes
#' the p-value for each of the null values specified in the parameter rho.zero.
#' @references  Gwet, K.L. (2014): \emph{Handbook of Inter-Rater Reliability - 4th ed.} chapter 9, section 9.5.1, equation 9.5.15,
#' Advanced Analytics, LLC.
#' @param dfra This is a data frame containing 3 columns or more. The first column contains subject numbers (there could be duplicates
#' if a subject was assigned multiple ratings) and each of the remaining columns is associated with a particular rater and contains its
#' numeric ratings.
#' @param rho.zero This is an optional parameter that represents a vector containing an arbitrary number of null values between 0 and 1
#' for which a p-value will be calculated. If not specified then its default value will be 0.
#' @return This function returns a vector containing p-values associated with the null values specified in the parameter rho.zero.
#' @examples
#' #iccdata1 is a small dataset that comes with the package. Use it as follows:
#' library(irrICC)
#' iccdata1 #see what the iccdata1 dataset looks like
#' pvals.ICC2r.nointer(iccdata1)
#' pvals.ICC2r.nointer(iccdata1,seq(0.2,0.5,0.05))
#' @export
pvals.ICC2r.nointer <- function(dfra,rho.zero=0){
  mse <- mse2.nointer.fn(dfra)
  msr <- msr2.fn(dfra)
  mss <- mss2.fn(dfra)
  rep.vec <- plyr::count(dfra,1)
  names(rep.vec)[2] <- "nrepli"
  n <- nrow(rep.vec) #n = number of subjects
  r <- ncol(dfra)-1 #r = number of raters
  Mtot <- sum(!is.na(dfra[,2:ncol(dfra)])) #Mtot = total number of non-missing ratings
  Mtot <- max(Mtot,r*n)
  rlen <- length(rho.zero)
  pval <- sapply(1:rlen,function(x){
    a <- r*rho.zero[x]/(n*(1-rho.zero[x]))
    b <- 1 + (Mtot-r)*rho.zero[x]/(n*(1-rho.zero[x]))
    v <- (a*msr+b*mse)**2 / ((a*msr)**2/(r-1) + (b*mse)**2/(Mtot-r-n+1))
    v <- max(1,floor(v))
    fobs <- mss/(a*msr+b*mse)
    pvals <- 1 - pf(fobs,df1=n-1,df2=v)

#' P-values of ICCa(2,1) under Model 2 without subject-rater interaction.
#' This function can compute several p-values associated with the Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC) used to quantify intra-rater
#' reliability under the random factorial ANOVA model without subject-rater interaction (Model 2). This function computes
#' the p-value for each of the null values specified in the parameter rho.zero.
#' @references  Gwet, K.L. (2014): \emph{Handbook of Inter-Rater Reliability - 4th ed.} chapter 9, section 9.5.1, equation 9.5.17,
#' Advanced Analytics, LLC.
#' @param dfra This is a data frame containing 3 columns or more. The first column contains subject numbers (there could be duplicates
#' if a subject was assigned multiple ratings) and each of the remaining columns is associated with a particular rater and contains its
#' numeric ratings.
#' @param gam.zero This is an optional parameter that represents a vector containing an arbitrary number of null values between 0 and 1
#' for which a p-value will be calculated. If not specified then its default value will be 0.
#' @return This function returns a vector containing p-values associated with the null values specified in the parameter rho.zero.
#' #iccdata1 is a small dataset that comes with the package. Use it as follows:
#' library(irrICC)
#' iccdata1 #see what the iccdata1 dataset looks like
#' pvals.ICC2a.nointer(iccdata1)
#' pvals.ICC2a.nointer(iccdata1,seq(0.2,0.5,0.05))
#' @export
pvals.ICC2a.nointer <- function(dfra,gam.zero=0){
  mse <- mse2.nointer.fn(dfra)
  msr <- msr2.fn(dfra)
  mss <- mss2.fn(dfra)
  rep.vec <- plyr::count(dfra,1)
  names(rep.vec)[2] <- "nrepli"
  n <- nrow(rep.vec) #n = number of subjects
  r <- ncol(dfra)-1  #r = number of raters
  Mtot <- sum(!is.na(dfra[,2:ncol(dfra)])) #Mtot = total number of non-missing ratings
  Mtot <- max(Mtot,r*n)
  rlen <- length(gam.zero)
  pval <- sapply(1:rlen,function(x){
    a <- n/(n+r+Mtot*gam.zero[x]/(1-gam.zero[x]))
    b <- r/(n+r+Mtot*gam.zero[x]/(1-gam.zero[x]))
    v <- (a*mss+b*msr)**2 / ((a*mss)**2/(n-1) + (b*msr)**2/(r-1))
    v <- max(1,floor(v))
    fobs <- (a*mss+b*msr)/mse
    pvals <- 1 - pf(fobs,df1=v,df2=Mtot-n-r+1)

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