equate_stuirt: IRT Scale Transformation using STUIRT Program

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equate_stuirtR Documentation

IRT Scale Transformation using STUIRT Program


This function serves as an interface for the STUIRT program (Kim & Kolen, 2004) which offers a range of equating methods including mean-mean, mean-sigma, Haebara, and Stocking-Lord. It is essential to have the STUIRT program installed on your computer for this function to work. You can download the program from the University of Iowa's Center for Advanced Studies in Measurement and Assessment (CASMA) webpage: https://education.uiowa.edu/casma/computer-programs


  method = c("stocking-lord", "haebara", "mean-mean", "mean-sigma"),
  common_item_ids = NULL,
  stuirt_exe_path = "C:/STUIRT/STUIRT.exe",
  target_dir = getwd(),
  analysis_name = "stuirt_analysis",
  add_options = TRUE,
  starting_values = c(1, 0),
  number_of_iterations = NULL,
  new_dist = NULL,
  ref_dist = NULL,
  fs = c("DO", "DO"),
  sy = c("BI", "BI"),
  lm = NULL,
  ko = "SL",
  show_output_on_console = TRUE



An Itempool-class object holding the item parameters of the new form.


An Itempool-class object holding the item parameters of the old form which is the reference form.


A string specifying the method to use for equating the new item parameters new_ip to the reference scale (ref_ip). Choose from methods like "stocking-lord", "haebara", "mean-mean", "mean-sigma". The default method is "stocking-lord".


The item IDs of the common items. The default is NULL, assuming that all items are common. Ensure that the same 'item_id's are used in both 'new_ip' and 'ref_ip'.


The path for the STUIRT executable "STUIRT.exe". Example: "C:/STUIRT/STUIRT.exe".


The directory/folder where the STUIRT analysis will be saved. The default value is the current working directory, i.e. get_wd().


A short file name for the data files created for the analysis.


A logical value. If TRUE, the keyword "OP" will be added to the syntax. This option is useful for detailed program output. Without OP, the section "OPTIONS AND DEFAULTS" will not appear in the main output file.


A numeric vector of length two providing starting values for the slope and intercept of the linear transformation in the Haebara and Stocking-Lord methods. The default values are c(1, 0) (i.e., slope = 1 and intercept = 0).


An integer indicating the maximum number of iterations to obtain transformation constants that minimize criterion functions for the Haebara and Stocking-Lord methods. The default value is NULL, which lets STUIRT use a maximum of 20 iterations.


A list specifying proficiency distribution of new group's distribution. The list should have three named elements:


A string indication the type of the distribution. The following values can be used:


From STUIRT manual "Gauss-Hermite quadrature points and weights. This subkeyword can be used properly, if a continuous distribution of proficiency is known or estimated and the summation of the criterion function could be replaced by integration over the proficiency continuum. In the program, the proficiency distribution is assumed a standard normal one. The possible maximum number of quadrature points is 180. Although more than 180 quadrature points are theoretically possible, the author's experiences suggest that quadrature weights tend to be unstable when trying to obtain more than about 200 quadrature points. According to Zeng and Kolen (1994), even 80 quadrature points seem to be enough to estimate the slope and intercept of a linear transformation to a satisfactory degree." (p.12)


From STUIRT manual: "PN stands for a polygonal approximation to a normal distribution. A polygonal approximation is often encountered in finding areas and evaluating integrals. PN can be used to evaluate n proficiency points and their weights to approximate a normal distribution having a value of mean and a value of std, with a left end point and a right end point being mean - multiple-of-std × std and mean + multiple-of-std × std, respectively. More specifically, n proficiency points are equally spaced over the range of a left end point to a right end point. At each proficiency point, the density from N(mean, std) is computed. All the densities are summed and then each density is divided by the sum so that the densities are standardized. The resulting values of densities are used as the weights. These steps are similar to those used in PC-BILOG (Mislevy & Bock, 1986)." (p.12)


From STUIRT manual: "Third, PB stands for a polygonal approximation to a four-parameter beta distribution , where alpha and beta are two scale parameters and l and u are lower and upper limits. To evaluate n proficiency points and their weights, the same logic used in PN is applied except that the interval [l, u] is divided into n subintervals and then the midpoint of each subinterval is used for a proficiency point." (p.12)


From STUIRT manual: "Fourth, RN stands for random numbers from a normal distribution. With two real numbers for a mean and a standard deviation, RN generates n pseudo-random proficiency values sampled from a normal distribution, N(mean, std)." (p.12)


From STUIRT manual: "RU stands for random numbers from a uniform distribution. With two real numbers for a lower limit and an upper limit, RU generates n pseudo-random proficiency values ranging from lower-limit to upper-limit." (p.12)


From STUIRT manual: "ED stands for equal distance in the intervals between two theta points on the proficiency scale. Users should supply two real numbers for a starting point and an ending point. The theta continuum ranging from the starting point to the ending point is divided into 1 - n intervals with an equal length." (p.12). In this function only "EQ" is available which means same constant weight of 1 is used.


An integer specifying the "the number of proficiency points and should be a number between 1 and 1000, inclusive" (p.11)


A vector of numbers specifying the parameters used for each distribution. Based on the type of distribution following parameters should be specified.


No parameters is needed, it can be NULL


mean, std, multiple-of-std


alpha, beta, lower-limit, upper-limit


mean, std


lower-limit, upper-limit


starting, ending

The default is NULL. If so the STUIRT default will be used which is according to manual: "The default setting for proficiency values and their weights is that 25 proficiency values, which are equally spaced between -3.0 and 3.0, are used with the same weight 1.0 for all proficiency values." (p.13)

Here are some examples for different distributions:


list(type = "GH", n = 41, pars = NULL)


list(type = "PN", n = 41, pars = c(0, 1, 4))


list(type = "PB", n = 51, pars = c(2, 15, 0, 40))


list(type = "RN", n = 31, pars = c(0, 1))


list(type = "RU", n = 41, pars = c(0, 3))


list(type = "ED", n = 25, pars = c(-3, 3))


A list representing the proficiency distribution of the reference group. Refer to the description of the 'new_dist' argument for more details.


A two-element string vector. Each element should be one of the following values: "DO" or "NO".

From the STUIRT manual: "The option keyword FS is used for standardizing the criterion functions for the Haebara and Stocking-Lord methods. The two subkeywords, DO and NO, are used to specify options. The first DO or NO is for the Haebara method and the second DO or NO is for the Stocking- Lord method. DO means that standardization is done and NO means that no standardization is done. What is meant by standardization of the criterion function is that one divides a sum of squared differences between characteristic curves in the criterion function by the number of the squared differences or the sum of weights assigned to the differences. For example, usually, to standardize the criterion function for the Stocking-Lord method, one divides the sum of squared differences between test characteristic curves by the number of proficiency values (or examinees). For more detailed information, refer to Kim and Lee (2004). Theoretically, the standardization of the criterion functions should not affect the solutions of the Haebara and Stocking-Lord methods. However, in practice, it could affect the solutions since the minimization algorithm used for nonlinear problems is affected by the magnitude of the criterion function due to its stopping rules. By default, standardization is conducted for both the Haebara and Stocking-Lord criterion functions." (p.13)

If the value is NULL where this keyword is not added to the syntax and STUIRT will use it's default values.


A two-element string vector. Both of the elements should be one of the following values: "BI", "ON" or "NO".

From the STUIRT manual: "The option keyword SY is used to define criterion functions as non-symmetric or symmetric. Three subkeywords, BI, NO, and ON, are used to specify options. The first BI, NO, or ON is for the Haebara method and the second BI, NO, or ON is for the Stocking-Lord method. Theoretically, the criterion function for either of the Haebara and Stocking-Lord methods could be defined in three symmetry-related ways. The first is one in which the criterion function is defined only on the old scale as in the typical use of the Stocking-Lord method (new-to-old direction: NO). The second is one in which the criterion function is defined only on the new scale (old-to-new direction: ON). The third is one in which the criterion function is defined on the both old and new scales as in the use of the Haebara method (new-to-old and old-to-new, i.e., bi-directional: BI) Theoretically, the three ways, BI, NO, and ON, to define the criterion function in question should give the same solutions as far as sampling error and model misfit do not happen. However, with sample data, the three ways will give different solutions for scale transformation. The default setting is in such that SY BI BI." (p.14)

If the value is NULL where this keyword is not added to the syntax and STUIRT will use it's default values.


A six element list with following elements: (1) slope, (2) intercept, (3) number-of-searches, (4) radius, (5) tolerance, and, (6) either "NO" or "IN".

From the STUIRT manual: "The option keyword LM is used to search for possible local minimum solutions for the scale transformation constants after the first solutions for the Haebara and Stocking-Lord methods are obtained. Three subkeywords, NO, IN, and FI are prepared to instruct the program how and where to show the resulting history of local minimum search. If NO is used, no history is shown in an output file. If IN is used, the resulting history is shown within the main output file specified by users or opened by the program. If FI followed by a file name is used, the resulting history is saved separately in the file, which does not need to be located in the folder having the executable file of STUIRT." (p.14)

If the value is NULL where this keyword is not added to the syntax and STUIRT will use it's default values.


A string that specify "input files for the program POLYEQUATE". Available values are "MM", "MS", "HA" and "SL".

From the STUIRT manual: "The four subkeywords, MM, MS, HA, and SL stand for the mean/mean, mean/sigma, Haebara, and Stocking-Lord methods, respectively. " (p.15)

If the value is NULL where this keyword is not added to the syntax and STUIRT will use it's default values.


logical (not NA), indicates whether to capture the output of the command and show it on the R console. The default value is TRUE.


Emre Gonulates


Kim, S., & Kolen, M. J. (2004). STUIRT [Computer software]. Iowa City, IA: Iowa Testing Programs, The University of Iowa


## Not run: 

# ---------- Mixed Models ------------ #
n_item <- 30
models <- sample(c("3PL", "GPCM2"), n_item, TRUE)
new_ip <- generate_ip(model = models, D = 1.702)
old_ip_df <- data.frame(new_ip)
old_ip_df$a <- old_ip_df$a + round(runif(n_item, min = -.2, max = .2), 2)
old_ip_df$b <- old_ip_df$b + round(runif(n_item, min = -.2, max = .2), 2)
old_ip_df$d1 <- old_ip_df$d1 + round(runif(n_item, min = -.2, max = .2), 2)
old_ip_df$d2 <- old_ip_df$d2 + round(runif(n_item, min = -.2, max = .2), 2)
old_ip_df$d3 <- old_ip_df$d3 + round(runif(n_item, min = -.2, max = .2), 2)
ref_ip <- itempool(old_ip_df)

result <- equate_stuirt(new_ip = new_ip,
                        ref_ip = ref_ip,
                        target_dir = "C:/Temp/testthat-stuirt",
                        stuirt_exe_path = "C:/STUIRT/STUIRT.exe",

## End(Not run)

irt documentation built on May 29, 2024, 12:02 p.m.