#' Envelope plot
#' @description Envelope plot of the posterior densities of a vector of parameter nodes,
#' in which the sequential order of nodes is important, such as a time series.
#' This produces a plot of overlayed shaded strips, each corresponding to a given
#' interval width (defaults to 50 percent and 95 percent), with an overlayed
#' median line.
#' @param df Output object returned from `jagsUI::jags()`; or alternately,
#' two-dimensional `data.frame` or matrix in which parameter node element is
#' given by column and MCMC iteration is given by row.
#' @param p Parameter name, if input to `df` is a `jagsUI` output object.
#' @param x Vector of X-coordinates for plotting.
#' @param row Row to subset, in the case of a 2-d matrix of parameter nodes in-model.
#' @param column Column to subset, in the case of a 2-d matrix of parameter nodes in-model.
#' @param median Whether to include median line
#' @param ci Vector of intervals to overlay. Defaults to 50 percent and 95 percent.
#' @param col Color for plotting
#' @param add Whether to add to existing plot
#' @param dark Opacity (0-1) for envelopes. Note that multiple overlapping intervals will darken the envelope.
#' @param outline Whether to just envelope outlines
#' @param xlab X-axis label
#' @param ylab Y-axis label
#' @param main Plot title. If the default (`NULL`) is accepted and argument p is used, p will be used for the title.
#' @param ylim Y-axis limits for plotting. If the default (`NULL`) is accepted, these will be determined automatically.
#' @param transform Should the y-axis be (back)transformed? Options are `"exp"`,
#' indicating exponential, or `"expit"`, indicating inverse-logit. Defaults to
#' `"none"`, indicating no transformation. Note: if `transform="exp"`is used, consider
#' adding additional plotting argument `log="y"`.
#' @param ... additional plotting arguments or arguments to `lines()`
#' @return `NULL`
#' @seealso \link{overlayenvelope}, \link{caterpillar}
#' @author Matt Tyers
#' @examples
#' ## usage with input data.frame
#' trend <- jags_df(SS_out, p="trend")
#' envelope(trend, x=SS_data$x)
#' ## usage with jagsUI object
#' envelope(SS_out, p="trend")
#' ## usage with 2-d jagsUI object
#' envelope(SS_out, p="cycle_s", column=1, main="cycle")
#' envelope(SS_out, p="cycle_s", column=2, col=2, add=TRUE) ## overlay
#' ## scale transformation
#' envelope(SS_out, p="trend", transform="exp", ylab="exp transform")
#' envelope(SS_out, p="trend", transform="exp", ylab="exp transform", log="y")
#' @export
envelope <- function(df,
row=NULL, column=NULL,
col=4, add=FALSE, dark=.3, outline=FALSE,
xlab="", ylab="", main=NULL,
transform=c("none", "exp", "expit"), ...) {
# if(!inherits(df,"jagsUI") & !(inherits(df,"data.frame") | inherits(df,"matrix"))) {
# stop("Input must be a data.frame or output from jagsUI::jags() plus parameter name")
# }
# if(inherits(df,"jagsUI") & length(p)!=1) stop("Need single parameter name in p= argument") ###
# if(inherits(df,"jagsUI") & !is.null(p)) {
# # if(class(df)[1]=="jagsUI" & !is.null(p)) {
# simslist <- df$sims.list
# if(all(names(simslist)!=p)) stop("No parameters with matching names") ###
# theparm <- simslist[names(simslist)==p][[1]]
# if(length(dim(theparm))==2) {
# df <- theparm
# } else {
# if(!is.null(row)) df <- theparm[,row,]
# if(!is.null(column)) df <- theparm[,,column]
# }
# if(is.null(main)) {
# if(is.null(row) & is.null(column)) {
# main <- p
# } else {
# if(!is.null(row)) main <- paste0(p,"[",row,",]")
# if(!is.null(column)) main <- paste0(p,"[,",column,"]")
# }
# }
# }
# if(is.null(main)) main <- ""
# ci <- sort(ci)
# loq <- apply(df, 2, quantile, p=(1-ci)/2, na.rm=T)
# hiq <- apply(df, 2, quantile, p=1-(1-ci)/2, na.rm=T)
# if(length(ci)==1) {
# loq <- t(as.matrix(loq))
# hiq <- t(as.matrix(hiq))
# }
# med <- apply(df, 2, median, na.rm=T)
# if(all( x <- 1:ncol(df)
# if(!add) {
# if(is.null(ylim)) ylim <- range(loq,hiq,na.rm=T)
# plot(NA, xlim=range(x),ylim=ylim, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, main=main, ...=...)
# if(median) lines(x, med, col=col)
# }
# else
# if(median) lines(x, med, type='l', col=col, ...=...)
# if(outline) {
# darks <- rev(1-((1-dark)^(1:length(ci))))
# for(i in 1:length(ci)) {
# lines(x,loq[i,], col=adjustcolor(col,alpha.f=darks[i]), ...=...)
# lines(x,hiq[i,], col=adjustcolor(col,alpha.f=darks[i]), ...=...)
# }
# }
# else {
# for(i in 1:length(ci)) polygon(c(x,rev(x)), c(loq[i,],rev(hiq[i,])), col=adjustcolor(col,alpha.f=dark), border=NA)
# }
if(!inherits(df,"jagsUI") & !(inherits(df,"data.frame") | inherits(df,"matrix"))) {
stop("Input must be a data.frame or output from jagsUI::jags() plus parameter name")
if(inherits(df,"jagsUI") & length(p)!=1) stop("Need single parameter name in p= argument") ###
if(inherits(df,"jagsUI") & !is.null(p)) {
# if(class(df)[1]=="jagsUI" & !is.null(p)) {
simslist <- df$sims.list
if(all(names(simslist)!=p)) stop("No parameters with matching names") ###
theparm <- simslist[names(simslist)==p][[1]]
if(length(dim(theparm))==2) {
df <- theparm
} else {
if(!is.null(row)) df <- theparm[,row,]
if(!is.null(column)) df <- theparm[,,column]
if(is.null(main)) {
if(is.null(row) & is.null(column)) {
main <- p
} else {
if(!is.null(row)) main <- paste0(p,"[",row,",]")
if(!is.null(column)) main <- paste0(p,"[,",column,"]")
if(is.null(main)) main <- ""
if(all( x <- 1:ncol(df)
df <- df[, !] # taking out NA in x (not sure what it would do)
x <- x[!]
df <- df[, order(x)] # reordering for plotting if x is not in order
x <- x[order(x)]
transform <- match.arg(transform)
if(transform == "exp") df <- exp(df)
if(transform == "expit") df <- expit(df)
ci <- sort(ci)
loq <- apply(df, 2, quantile, p=(1-ci)/2, na.rm=T)
hiq <- apply(df, 2, quantile, p=1-(1-ci)/2, na.rm=T)
if(length(ci)==1) {
loq <- t(as.matrix(loq))
hiq <- t(as.matrix(hiq))
med <- apply(df, 2, median, na.rm=T)
if(!add) {
if(is.null(ylim)) ylim <- range(loq,hiq,na.rm=T)
### vvv this is new
plot(NA, xlim=range(x[!], na.rm=TRUE),ylim=ylim, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, main=main, ...=...)
if(median) lines(x[! & !], med[! & !], col=col)
if(median) lines(x[! & !], med[! & !], col=col, ...=...)
if(outline) {
darks <- rev(1-((1-dark)^(1:length(ci))))
for(i in 1:length(ci)) {
lines(x,loq[i,], col=adjustcolor(col,alpha.f=darks[i]), ...=...)
lines(x,hiq[i,], col=adjustcolor(col,alpha.f=darks[i]), ...=...)
else {
# whichnotna <- unname(apply(loq,2,function(x) !all(
# firsts <- lasts <- NA
# ilist <- whichnotna[1]
# if(whichnotna[1]) firsts[1] <- 1
# for(ii in 2:(length(whichnotna)-1)) {
# if(whichnotna[ii] & !whichnotna[ii-1]) {
# ilist <- ilist+1
# firsts[ilist] <- ii
# }
# if(whichnotna[ii] & !whichnotna[ii+1]) {
# lasts[ilist] <- ii
# }
# }
# if(whichnotna[length(whichnotna)]) lasts[ilist] <- length(whichnotna)
# for(ii in 1:length(firsts)) {
# for(i in 1:length(ci)) {
# polygon(c(x[firsts[ii]:lasts[ii]],rev(x[firsts[ii]:lasts[ii]])),
# c(loq[i,firsts[ii]:lasts[ii]],rev(hiq[i,firsts[ii]:lasts[ii]])),
# col=adjustcolor(col,alpha.f=dark), border=NA)
# }
# }
whichnotna <- which(unname(apply(loq,2,function(x) !all(
# firsts <- lasts <- NA
# ilist <- whichnotna[1]
# if(whichnotna[1]) firsts[1] <- 1
# for(ii in 2:(length(whichnotna)-1)) {
# if(whichnotna[ii] & !whichnotna[ii-1]) {
# ilist <- ilist+1
# firsts[ilist] <- ii
# }
# if(whichnotna[ii] & !whichnotna[ii+1]) {
# lasts[ilist] <- ii
# }
# }
# if(whichnotna[length(whichnotna)]) lasts[ilist] <- length(whichnotna)
# for(ii in 1:length(firsts)) {
for(i in 1:length(ci)) {
col=adjustcolor(col,alpha.f=dark), border=NA)
# }
#' Overlay envelope plots
#' @description Overlays multiple envelope plots of posterior `data.frames`, or outputs returned from `jagsUI`.
#' This would be best suited to a set of posterior `data.frames` or 2-d matrices representing sequential vectors of parameter nodes.
#' Here a single \link{envelope} plot is defined as a set of overlayed shaded strips, each corresponding to a given
#' interval width (defaults to 50 percent and 95 percent), with an overlayed
#' median line.
#' @param df Primary input can be specified in a number of ways: either a `list()` of posterior `data.frame`s or matrices,
#' a `list` of output objects returned from `jagsUI::jags()`, a 3-dimensional `array` in which the input matrices to plot
#' are separated according to the 3rd array dimension, or a single output object returned from `jagsUI::jags()` with multiple
#' arguments passed to `p`, following.
#' @param p Parameter name, if input to `df` is a list of `jagsUI` output objects; or a vector of parameter names, if
#' input to `df` is a single `jagsUI` output object.
#' @param x Optional vector of X-coordinates for plotting.
#' @param row Row to subset, in the case of a 2-d matrix of parameter nodes in-model.
#' @param column Column to subset, in the case of a 2-d matrix of parameter nodes in-model.
#' @param median Whether to include median line
#' @param ci Vector of intervals to overlay. Defaults to 50 percent and 95 percent.
#' @param col Vector of colors for plotting
#' @param add Whether to add to existing plot
#' @param dark Opacity (0-1) for envelopes. Note that multiple overlapping intervals will darken the envelope. Defaults to 0.3.
#' @param outline Whether to just envelope outlines
#' @param xlab X-axis label
#' @param ylab Y-axis label
#' @param main Plot title. If the default (`NULL`) is accepted and argument `p=` is used, `p` will be used for the title.
#' @param ylim Y-axis limits for plotting. If the default (`NULL`) is accepted, these will be determined automatically.
#' @param legend Whether to automatically try to add a legend. Defaults to `TRUE`.
#' @param legendnames Optional vector of names for a legend.
#' @param legendpos Position for optional legend. Defaults to `"topleft"`.
#' @param ... additional plotting arguments or arguments to `lines()`
#' @param transform Should the y-axis be (back)transformed? Options are `"exp"`,
#' indicating exponential, or `"expit"`, indicating inverse-logit. Defaults to
#' `"none"`, indicating no transformation. Note: if `transform="exp"`is used, consider
#' adding additional plotting argument `log="y"`.
#' @return `NULL`
#' @seealso \link{envelope}, \link{crossplot}
#' @author Matt Tyers
#' @examples
#' ## usage with list of input data.frames
#' overlayenvelope(df=list(SS_out$sims.list$cycle_s[,,1],
#' SS_out$sims.list$cycle_s[,,2]))
#' ## usage with a 3-d input array
#' overlayenvelope(df=SS_out$sims.list$cycle_s)
#' ## usage with a jagsUI output object and parameter name (2-d parameter)
#' overlayenvelope(df=SS_out, p="cycle_s")
#' ## usage with a single jagsUI output object and multiple parameters
#' overlayenvelope(df=SS_out, p=c("trend","rate"))
#' ## exponential transformation
#' overlayenvelope(df=SS_out, p="cycle_s", transform="exp",
#' ylab="exp transform")
#' overlayenvelope(df=SS_out, p="cycle_s", transform="exp",
#' ylab="exp transform", log="y")
#' @export
overlayenvelope <- function(df,
row=NULL, column=NULL,
col=NULL, add=FALSE, dark=.3, outline=FALSE,
xlab="", ylab="", main=NULL,
legend=TRUE, legendnames=NULL, legendpos="topleft",
transform=c("none", "exp", "expit"), ...) {
conditionmet <- F
## list of dfs
# do nothing
if(inherits(df, "list")) {
if(inherits(df[[1]],"data.frame") | inherits(df[[1]],"matrix")) {
conditionmet <- T
## list of jagsUIs and parameter name
if(inherits(df, "list")) {
if(inherits(df[[1]], "jagsUI")) {
plist <- list()
for(i in 1:length(df)) {
plist[[i]] <- df[[i]]$sims.list[names(df[[i]]$sims.list)==p][[1]]
df <- plist
conditionmet <- T
## single jagsUI, vector of parameter names
if(inherits(df, "jagsUI") & length(p)>1) {
plist <- list()
for(i in 1:length(p)) {
plist[[i]] <- df$sims.list[names(df$sims.list)==p[i]][[1]]
df <- plist
conditionmet <- T
## single jagsUI and a 3d parameter
if(inherits(df, "jagsUI") & length(p)==1) {
pp <- df$sims.list[names(df$sims.list)==p][[1]]
if(length(dim(pp))==3) df <- pp
conditionmet <- T
## 3d array
if(inherits(df,"array")) {
if(length(dim(df))==3) {
df <- apply(df, 3, function(x) x, simplify=F)
conditionmet <- T
## list of jagsUIs and parameter name - and a column name
## single jagsUI, vector of parameter names - and a column
for(i in 1:length(df)) {
if(length(dim(df[[i]]))>2) {
if(!is.null(row)) df[[i]] <- df[[i]][,row,]
if(!is.null(column)) df[[i]] <- df[[i]][,,column]
conditionmet <- T
if(!conditionmet) stop("Invalid input. See ?overlayenvelope for details.")
#### do stuff
cilim <- c((1-max(ci))/2, 1-(1-max(ci))/2)
if(is.null(ylim)) {
bounds <- sapply(df, function(x) apply(x,2, quantile, p=cilim, na.rm=T))
ylim <- range(bounds)
transform <- match.arg(transform)
if(transform == "exp") ylim <- exp(ylim)
if(transform == "expit") ylim <- expit(ylim)
if(length(col) != length(df)) {
cols <- c(4,2,3,rcolors(100))[1:length(df)] ## betterize this??
} else {
cols <- col
if(is.null(main)) {
if(length(p)==1) {
main <- p
if(!is.null(row)) main <- paste0(p,"[",row,",]")
if(!is.null(column)) main <- paste0(p,"[,",column,"]")
envelope(df[[1]], ci=ci, col=cols[1], add=add, ylim=ylim, main=main, x=x,
median=median, dark=dark, outline=outline,xlab=xlab,ylab=ylab,
transform=transform, ...=...)
for(i in 2:length(df)) {
envelope(df[[i]], ci=ci, col=cols[i], add=T, x=x, median=median, dark=dark,
transform=transform)#, ...=...)
## add legend??
if(length(p)==length(df) & is.null(legendnames)) {
legendnames <- p
if(!is.null(row)) {
for(i in 1:length(p)) {
legendnames[i] <- paste0(p[i],"[",row,",]")
if(!is.null(column)) {
for(i in 1:length(p)) {
legendnames[i] <- paste0(p[i],"[,",column,"]")
if(legend & !is.null(legendnames)) {
legend(legendpos,legend=legendnames, fill=adjustcolor(cols, alpha.f=.5), border=cols)
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