
Defines functions JWriteBin GetJNames GetJColNames GetJRowNames JMatInfo GetJManyRowsByNames GetJRowByName GetJManyRows GetJRow GetJManyColsByNames GetJColByName GetJManyCols GetJCol FilterJMatByName JMatrixSetDebug JMatToCsv CsvToJMat

Documented in CsvToJMat FilterJMatByName GetJCol GetJColByName GetJColNames GetJManyCols GetJManyColsByNames GetJManyRows GetJManyRowsByNames GetJNames GetJRow GetJRowByName GetJRowNames JMatInfo JMatrixSetDebug JMatToCsv JWriteBin

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#' CsvToJMat
#' Gets a csv/tsv file and writes to a disk file the binary matrix of counts contained in it in the jmatrix binary format.\cr
#' First line of the .csv is supposed to have the field names.\cr
#' First column of each line is supposed to have the row name.\cr
#' The fields are supposed to be separated by one occurrence of a character-field sepparator (usually, comma or tab)
#' .tsv files can be read with this function, too, setting the csep argument to '\\t'
#' The parameter transpose has the default value of FALSE. But don't forget to set it to TRUE if you want the cells
#' (which in single cell common practice are by columns) to be written by rows. This will be needed later to calculate
#' the dissimilarity matrix, if this is the next step of your workflow. See help of CalcAndWriteDissimilarityMatrix
#' Special note for loading symmetric matrices:\cr
#' If you use this function to load what you expect to be a symmetric matrix from a .csv file, remember that the input table
#' MUST be square, but only the lower-diagonal matrix will be stored, including the main diagonal. The rest of the input table is
#' completely ignored, except to check that there are values in it. It is not checked if the table really represents a
#' symmetric matrix or not.\cr
#' Furthermore, symmetric matrices can only be loaded in raw mode, i.e.: no normalization is allowed, and they cannot be transposed.
#' @param ifname    A string with the name of the .csv/.tsv text file.
#' @param ofname    A string with the name of the binary output file.
#' @param mtype     A string to indicate the matrix type: 'full', 'sparse' or 'symmetric'. Default: 'sparse'
#' @param csep      The character used as separator in the .csv file. Default: ',' (comma) (Set to '\\t' for .tsv)
#' @param ctype     The string 'raw' or 'log1' to write raw counts or log(counts+1), or the normalized versions, 'rawn' and 'log1n', which normalize ALWAYS BY COLUMNS (before transposition, if requested to transpose). The logarithm is taken base 2. Default: raw
#' @param valuetype The data type to store the matrix. It must be one of the strings 'uint32', 'float' or 'double'. Default: float
#' @param transpose Boolean to indicate if the matrix should be transposed before writing. See Details for a comment about this. Default: FALSE
#' @param comment   A comment to be stored with the matrix. Default: "" (no comment)
#' @return          No return value, called for side effects (creates a file)
#' @examples
#' # Since we have no a .csv file to test, we will generate one with another funcion of this package
#' Rf <- matrix(runif(48),nrow=6)
#' rownames(Rf) <- c("A","B","C","D","E","F")
#' colnames(Rf) <- c("a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h")
#' tmpfile1=paste0(tempdir(),"/Rfullfloat.bin")
#' tmpfile2=paste0(tempdir(),"/Rfullfloat2.bin")
#' tmpcsvfile1=paste0(tempdir(),"/Rfullfloat.csv")
#' JWriteBin(Rf,tmpfile1,dtype="float",dmtype="full",comment="Full matrix of floats")
#' JMatToCsv(tmpfile1,tmpcsvfile1)
#' CsvToJMat(tmpcsvfile1,tmpfile2)
#' # It can be checked that files Rfullfloat.bin and Rfullfloat2.bin contain the same data
#' # (even they differ in the comment, which has been eliminated when converting to csv)
#' @export
CsvToJMat <- function(ifname, ofname, mtype = "sparse", csep = ',', ctype = "raw", valuetype = "float", transpose = FALSE, comment = "") {
    invisible(.Call(`_jmatrix_CsvToJMat`, ifname, ofname, mtype, csep, ctype, valuetype, transpose, comment))

#' JMatToCsv
#' Writes a binary matrix in the jmatrix package format as a .csv file. This is mainly for checking/inspection and
#' to load the data from R as read.csv, if the memory of having all data as doubles allows doing such thing.
#' The numbers are written to text with as many decimal places as allowed by its data type (internally obtained
#' with std::numeric_limits<type>::max_digits10)\cr
#' NOTE ON READING FROM R: to read the .csv files exported by this function you MUST use the R function read.csv
#' (not read.table) AND set its argument row.names to 1, since we always write a first column with the row names,
#' even if the binary matrix does not store them; in this case they are simply "1","2",...
#' @param ifile      String with the file name that contains the binary data.
#' @param csvfile    String with the file name that will contain the data as csv.
#' @param csep       Character used as separator. Default: , (comma)
#' @param withquotes boolean to mark if row and column names in the .csv file must be written surrounded by doble quotes. Default: FALSE
#' @return           No return value, called for side effects (creates a file)
#' @examples
#' Rf <- matrix(runif(48),nrow=6)
#' rownames(Rf) <- c("A","B","C","D","E","F")
#' colnames(Rf) <- c("a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h")
#' tmpfile1=paste0(tempdir(),"/Rfullfloat.bin")
#' tmpcsvfile1=paste0(tempdir(),"/Rfullfloat.csv")
#' JWriteBin(Rf,tmpfile1,dtype="float",dmtype="full",comment="Full matrix of floats")
#' JMatToCsv(tmpfile1,tmpcsvfile1)
#' @export
JMatToCsv <- function(ifile, csvfile, csep = ',', withquotes = FALSE) {
    invisible(.Call(`_jmatrix_JMatToCsv`, ifile, csvfile, csep, withquotes))

#' @importFrom memuse Sys.meminfo Sys.swapinfo

#' JMatrixSetDebug
#' Sets debugging in jmatrix package to ON (with TRUE) or OFF (with FALSE).\cr
#' On package load the default status is OFF.\cr
#' Setting debugging to ON shows a message. Setting to OFF does not show anything (since debugging is OFF...)
#' @param deb   boolean, TRUE to generate debug messages and FALSE to turn them off. Default: true
#' @return      No return value, called for side effects (internal boolean flag changed)
#' @examples
#' JMatrixSetDebug(TRUE)
#' JMatrixSetDebug(FALSE)
#' @export
JMatrixSetDebug <- function(deb = TRUE) {
    invisible(.Call(`_jmatrix_JMatrixSetDebug`, deb))

#' FilterJMatByName
#' Takes a jmatrix binary file containing a table with rows and columns and filters it by name, eliminating the rows or columns whose whose names are not in certain list
#' If the table has no list of names in the requested dimension (rows or colums), an error is rised.\cr
#' The row or column names whose names are not found obviosuly cannot remain, and the program rises a warning indicating for which row/column names this happens.\cr
#' The matrix contained in the filtered file will have the same nature (full or sparse) and the same data type as the original.\cr
#' This function can be used to filter either by row or by column name, with appropriate usage of parameter namesat
#' @param fname   A string with the file name of the original table
#' @param Gn      A list of R strings with the names of the rows or columns that must remain. All others will be filtered out
#' @param filname A string with the file name of the filtered table
#' @param namesat The string "rows" or "cols" indicating if the searched names are in the rows or in the columns of the original table. Default: "rows"
#' @return        No return value, called for side effects (creates a file)
#' @examples
#' Rf <- matrix(runif(48),nrow=6)
#' rownames(Rf) <- c("A","B","C","D","E","F")
#' colnames(Rf) <- c("a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h")
#' tmpfile1=paste0(tempdir(),"/Rfullfloat.bin")
#' tmpfile2=paste0(tempdir(),"/Rfullfloatrowfilt.bin")
#' tmpfile3=paste0(tempdir(),"/Rfullfloatrowcolfilt.bin")
#' tmpcsvfile1=paste0(tempdir(),"/Rfullfloat.csv")
#' tmpcsvfile3=paste0(tempdir(),"/Rfullfloatrowcolfilt.csv")
#' JWriteBin(Rf,tmpfile1,dtype="float",dmtype="full",comment="Full matrix of floats")
#' # Let's keep only rows A, C and E
#' FilterJMatByName(tmpfile1,c("A","C","E"),tmpfile2,namesat="rows")
#' # and from the result, let's keep only columns b, d and g
#' FilterJMatByName(tmpfile2,c("b","d","g"),tmpfile3,namesat="cols")
#' JMatToCsv(tmpfile1,tmpcsvfile1)
#' JMatToCsv(tmpfile3,tmpcsvfile3)
#' # You can now compare both ASCII/csv files
#' @export
FilterJMatByName <- function(fname, Gn, filname, namesat = "rows") {
    invisible(.Call(`_jmatrix_FilterJMatByName`, fname, Gn, filname, namesat))

#' GetJCol
#' Returns (as a R numeric vector) the requested column number from the matrix contained in a jmatrix binary file
#' @param fname  String with the file name that contains the binary data.
#' @param ncol   The number of the column to be returned, in R-numbering (from 1)
#' @return       A numeric vector with the values of elements in the requested column
#' @examples
#' Rf <- matrix(runif(48),nrow=6)
#' rownames(Rf) <- c("A","B","C","D","E","F")
#' colnames(Rf) <- c("a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h")
#' tmpfile1=paste0(tempdir(),"/Rfullfloat.bin")
#' JWriteBin(Rf,tmpfile1,dtype="float",dmtype="full",comment="Full matrix of floats")
#' Rf[,3]
#' vf<-GetJCol(tmpfile1,3)
#' vf
#' @export
GetJCol <- function(fname, ncol) {
    .Call(`_jmatrix_GetJCol`, fname, ncol)

#' GetJManyCols
#' Returns (as a R numeric matrix) the columns with the requested column numbers from the matrix contained in a jmatrix binary file
#' @param fname    String with the file name that contains the binary data.
#' @param extcols  A numeric vector with the indexes of the columns to be extracted, in R-numbering (from 1)
#' @return         A numeric matrix with the values of elements in the requested columns
#' @examples
#' Rf <- matrix(runif(48),nrow=6)
#' rownames(Rf) <- c("A","B","C","D","E","F")
#' colnames(Rf) <- c("a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h")
#' tmpfile1=paste0(tempdir(),"/Rfullfloat.bin")
#' JWriteBin(Rf,tmpfile1,dtype="float",dmtype="full",comment="Full matrix of floats")
#' vc<-GetJManyCols(tmpfile1,c(1,4))
#' vc
#' @export
GetJManyCols <- function(fname, extcols) {
    .Call(`_jmatrix_GetJManyCols`, fname, extcols)

#' GetJColByName
#' Returns (as a R numeric vector) the requested named column from the matrix contained in a jmatrix binary file
#' @param fname   String with the file name that contains the binary data.
#' @param colname The name of the column to be returned. If the matrix has no column names, or the name is not found, an empty vector is returned
#' @return        A numeric vector with the values of elements in the requested column
#' @examples
#' Rf <- matrix(runif(48),nrow=6)
#' rownames(Rf) <- c("A","B","C","D","E","F")
#' colnames(Rf) <- c("a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h")
#' tmpfile1=paste0(tempdir(),"/Rfullfloat.bin")
#' JWriteBin(Rf,tmpfile1,dtype="float",dmtype="full",comment="Full matrix of floats")
#' Rf[,"c"]
#' vf<-GetJColByName(tmpfile1,"c")
#' vf
#' @export
GetJColByName <- function(fname, colname) {
    .Call(`_jmatrix_GetJColByName`, fname, colname)

#' GetJManyColsByNames
#' Returns (as a R numeric matrix) the columns with the requested column names from the matrix contained in a jmatrix binary file
#' @param fname        String with the file name that contains the binary data.
#' @param extcolnames  A vector of RStrings with the names of the columns to be extracted. If the binary file has no column names, or _any_ of the column names is not present, an empty matrix is returned.
#' @return             A numeric matrix with the values of elements in the requested columns
#' @examples
#' Rf <- matrix(runif(48),nrow=6)
#' rownames(Rf) <- c("A","B","C","D","E","F")
#' colnames(Rf) <- c("a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h")
#' tmpfile1=paste0(tempdir(),"/Rfullfloat.bin")
#' JWriteBin(Rf,tmpfile1,dtype="float",dmtype="full",comment="Full matrix of floats")
#' Rf[,c(1,4)]
#' vf<-GetJManyColsByNames(tmpfile1,c("a","d"))
#' vf
#' @export
GetJManyColsByNames <- function(fname, extcolnames) {
    .Call(`_jmatrix_GetJManyColsByNames`, fname, extcolnames)

#' GetJRow
#' Returns (as a R numeric vector) the requested row number from the matrix contained in a jmatrix binary file
#' @param fname  String with the file name that contains the binary data.
#' @param nrow   The number of the row to be returned, in R-numbering (from 1)
#' @return       A numeric vector with the values of elements in the requested row
#' @examples
#' Rf <- matrix(runif(48),nrow=6)
#' rownames(Rf) <- c("A","B","C","D","E","F")
#' colnames(Rf) <- c("a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h")
#' tmpfile1=paste0(tempdir(),"/Rfullfloat.bin")
#' JWriteBin(Rf,tmpfile1,dtype="float",dmtype="full",comment="Full matrix of floats")
#' Rf[3,]
#' vf<-GetJRow(tmpfile1,3)
#' vf
#' @export
GetJRow <- function(fname, nrow) {
    .Call(`_jmatrix_GetJRow`, fname, nrow)

#' GetJManyRows
#' Returns (as a R numeric matrix) the rows with the requested row numbers from the matrix contained in a jmatrix binary file
#' @param fname    String with the file name that contains the binary data.
#' @param extrows  A numeric vector with the indexes of the rows to be extracted, in R-numbering (from 1)
#' @return         A numeric matrix with the values of elements in the requested rows
#' @examples
#' Rf <- matrix(runif(48),nrow=6)
#' rownames(Rf) <- c("A","B","C","D","E","F")
#' colnames(Rf) <- c("a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h")
#' tmpfile1=paste0(tempdir(),"/Rfullfloat.bin")
#' JWriteBin(Rf,tmpfile1,dtype="float",dmtype="full",comment="Full matrix of floats")
#' Rf[c(1,4),]
#' vc<-GetJManyRows(tmpfile1,c(1,4))
#' vc
#' @export
GetJManyRows <- function(fname, extrows) {
    .Call(`_jmatrix_GetJManyRows`, fname, extrows)

#' GetJRowByName
#' Returns (as a R numeric vector) the requested named row from the matrix contained in a jmatrix binary file
#' @param fname   String with the file name that contains the binary data.
#' @param rowname The name of the row to be returned. If the matrix has no row names, or the name is not found, an empty vector is returned
#' @return        A numeric vector with the values of elements in the requested row
#' @examples
#' Rf <- matrix(runif(48),nrow=6)
#' rownames(Rf) <- c("A","B","C","D","E","F")
#' colnames(Rf) <- c("a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h")
#' tmpfile1=paste0(tempdir(),"/Rfullfloat.bin")
#' JWriteBin(Rf,tmpfile1,dtype="float",dmtype="full",comment="Full matrix of floats")
#' Rf["C",]
#' vf<-GetJRowByName(tmpfile1,"C")
#' vf
#' @export
GetJRowByName <- function(fname, rowname) {
    .Call(`_jmatrix_GetJRowByName`, fname, rowname)

#' GetJManyRowsByNames
#' Returns (as a R numeric matrix) the rows with the requested row names from the matrix contained in a jmatrix binary file
#' @param fname        String with the file name that contains the binary data.
#' @param extrownames  A vector of RStrings with the names of the rows to be extracted. If the binary file has no row names, or _any_ of the row names is not present, an empty matrix is returned.
#' @return             A numeric matrix with the values of elements in the requested rows
#' @examples
#' Rf <- matrix(runif(48),nrow=6)
#' rownames(Rf) <- c("A","B","C","D","E","F")
#' colnames(Rf) <- c("a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h")
#' tmpfile1=paste0(tempdir(),"/Rfullfloat.bin")
#' JWriteBin(Rf,tmpfile1,dtype="float",dmtype="full",comment="Full matrix of floats")
#' Rf[c("A","C"),]
#' vf<-GetJManyRowsByNames(tmpfile1,c("A","C"))
#' vf
#' @export
GetJManyRowsByNames <- function(fname, extrownames) {
    .Call(`_jmatrix_GetJManyRowsByNames`, fname, extrownames)

#' JMatInfo
#' Shows in the screen or writes to a file information about a matrix stored in the binary format of package jmatrix
#' @param fname  String with the file name that contains the binary data.
#' @param fres   String with the name of the file to write the information. Default: "" (information is written to the console)
#' @return       No return value, called for its side effects (writes on screen or creates a file)
#' @examples
#' Rf <- matrix(runif(48),nrow=6)
#' rownames(Rf) <- c("A","B","C","D","E","F")
#' colnames(Rf) <- c("a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h")
#' tmpfile1=paste0(tempdir(),"/Rfullfloat.bin")
#' JWriteBin(Rf,tmpfile1,dtype="float",dmtype="full",comment="Full matrix of floats")
#' JMatInfo(tmpfile1)
#' @export
JMatInfo <- function(fname, fres = "") {
    invisible(.Call(`_jmatrix_JMatInfo`, fname, fres))

#' GetJRowNames
#' Returns a R StringVector with the row names of a matrix stored in the binary format of package jmatrix, if it has them stored.
#' @param  fname  String with the file name that contains the binary data.
#' @return A R StringVector with the row names, or the empty vector if the binary file has no row names as metadata.
#' @examples
#' Rf <- matrix(runif(48),nrow=6)
#' rownames(Rf) <- c("A","B","C","D","E","F")
#' colnames(Rf) <- c("a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h")
#' tmpfile1=paste0(tempdir(),"/Rfullfloat.bin")
#' JWriteBin(Rf,tmpfile1,dtype="float",dmtype="full",comment="Full matrix of floats")
#' rn<-GetJRowNames(tmpfile1)
#' rn
#' @export
GetJRowNames <- function(fname) {
    .Call(`_jmatrix_GetJRowNames`, fname)

#' GetJColNames
#' Returns a R StringVector with the column names of a matrix stored in the binary format of package jmatrix, if it has them stored.
#' @param fname  String with the file name that contains the binary data.
#' @return A R StringVector with the column names, or the empty vector if the binaryfile has no column names as metadata.
#' @examples
#' Rf <- matrix(runif(48),nrow=6)
#' rownames(Rf) <- c("A","B","C","D","E","F")
#' colnames(Rf) <- c("a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h")
#' tmpfile1=paste0(tempdir(),"/Rfullfloat.bin")
#' JWriteBin(Rf,tmpfile1,dtype="float",dmtype="full",comment="Full matrix of floats")
#' cn<-GetJColNames(tmpfile1)
#' cn
#' @export
GetJColNames <- function(fname) {
    .Call(`_jmatrix_GetJColNames`, fname)

#' GetJNames
#' Returns a R list of two elements, rownames and colnames, each of them being a R StringVector with the corresponding names
#' @param fname  String with the file name that contains the binary data.
#' @return N["rownames","colnames"]: A list with two elements named rownames and colnames which are R StringVectors.
#'         If the binary file has no row or column names as metadata BOTH will be returned as empty vectors, even if one of them exists.
#'         If you want to extract only one, use either GetJRowNames or GetJColNames, as appropriate.
#' @examples
#' Rf <- matrix(runif(48),nrow=6)
#' rownames(Rf) <- c("A","B","C","D","E","F")
#' colnames(Rf) <- c("a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h")
#' tmpfile1=paste0(tempdir(),"/Rfullfloat.bin")
#' JWriteBin(Rf,tmpfile1,dtype="float",dmtype="full",comment="Full matrix of floats")
#' N<-GetJNames(tmpfile1)
#' N["rownames"]
#' N["colnames"]
#' @export
GetJNames <- function(fname) {
    .Call(`_jmatrix_GetJNames`, fname)

#' JWriteBin
#' Writes a R matrix to a disk file as a binary matrix in the jmatrix format
#' Use this function cautiously. Differently to the functions to get one or more rows or columns from the binary file,
#' which book only the memory strictly needed for the vector/matrix and do not load all the binary file in memory,
#' this function books the full matrix in the requested data type and writes it later so with very big matrices
#' you might run out of memory.\cr
#' Type 'int' is really long int (8-bytes in most modern machines) so using 'int' or 'long' is equivalent.\cr
#' Type is coerced from double (the internal type of R matrices) to the requested type, which may provoke a loose of precision.\cr
#' If M is a named-R matrix, row and column names are written as metadata, too.\cr
#' Also, if you write as symmetric a matrix which is not such, only the lower-diagonal part will be written.
#' The rest of the data will be lost. In this case, if the matrix has row and column names, only row names are written.
#' @param    M The R matrix to be written
#' @param    fname The name of the file to write
#' @param    dtype The data type of the matrix to be written: one of the strings 'short', 'int', 'long', 'float' or 'double'. Default: 'float'
#' @param    dmtype The matrix type: one of the strings 'full', 'sparse' or 'symmetric'. Default: 'full'
#' @param    comment A optional string with the comment to be added as metadata. Default: "" (empty string, no added comment)
#' @return   No return value, called for side effects (creates a file)
#' @examples
#' Rf <- matrix(runif(48),nrow=6)
#' rownames(Rf) <- c("A","B","C","D","E","F")
#' colnames(Rf) <- c("a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h")
#' tmpfile1=paste0(tempdir(),"/Rfullfloat.bin")
#' JWriteBin(Rf,tmpfile1,dtype="float",dmtype="full",comment="Full matrix of floats")
#' @export
JWriteBin <- function(M, fname, dtype = "float", dmtype = "full", comment = "") {
    invisible(.Call(`_jmatrix_JWriteBin`, M, fname, dtype, dmtype, comment))

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jmatrix documentation built on Oct. 9, 2023, 1:06 a.m.