
Defines functions reformat minify prettify

Documented in minify prettify

#' Prettify adds indentation to a JSON string; minify removes all indentation/whitespace.
#' @rdname prettify
#' @title Prettify or minify a JSON string
#' @name prettify, minify
#' @aliases minify prettify
#' @export prettify minify
#' @param txt JSON string
#' @param indent number of spaces to indent
#' @useDynLib jsonlite R_reformat
#' @examples myjson <- toJSON(cars)
#' cat(myjson)
#' prettify(myjson)
#' minify(myjson)
prettify <- function(txt, indent = 4) {
  txt <- paste(txt, collapse = "\n")
  reformat(txt, TRUE, indent_string = paste(rep(" ", as.integer(indent)), collapse=""))

#' @rdname prettify
minify <- function(txt) {
  txt <- paste(txt, collapse = "\n")
  reformat(txt, FALSE)

reformat <- function(x, pretty, indent_string = ""){
  out <- .Call(R_reformat, x, pretty, indent_string = indent_string);
  if(out[[1]] == 0) {
  } else {
    stop(out[[2]], call.=FALSE)

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jsonlite documentation built on Sept. 20, 2024, 9:07 a.m.