
Defines functions FixedNBinary print.FixedNBinary summary.FixedNBinary

Documented in FixedNBinary print.FixedNBinary summary.FixedNBinary

FixedNBinary <- function(kappa0, n, props, raters=2, alpha=0.05)
#Error Checking
if ( (raters != 1) && (raters !=2) && (raters !=3) && (raters != 4) && (raters != 5) && (raters != 6) )
        stop("Sorry, this function is designed for between 2 to 6 raters.")

if (length(props) == 1)
if ((props >= 1) || (props <= 0) )
        stop("Sorry, the proportion, props must lie within (0,1).")

if (length(props) == 2)
if ( abs( sum(props) - 1) >= 0.001 )
	stop("Sorry, the two proportions must sum to one.")

for (i in 1:2)
if ((props[i] >= 1) || (props[i] <= 0) )
        stop("Sorry, the proportion, props must lie within (0,1).")
props <- props[1];

if ((kappa0 >= 1) || (kappa0 <= 0) )
        stop("Sorry, the null value of kappa must lie within (0,1).")

if (n <=10)
	stop("Sorry, your study should enroll at least 10 subjects.")

if ( (alpha >= 1) || (alpha <= 0) )
        stop("Sorry, the alpha and power must lie within (0,1).")

X <- NULL;
X$kappa0 <- kappa0;
X$n <- n;
X$props <- props;
X$raters <- raters;
X$alpha <- alpha;

X$ChiCrit <- qchisq((1-2*alpha),1);

#2 raters
if (raters == 2)

.CalcIT <- function(rho0, rho1, Pi, n)

P0 <- function(r, p)
x <- (1- p)^2 + r*p*(1 - p) 

P1 <- function(r, p)
x <- 2*(1 - r)*p*(1 - p) 

P2 <- function(r, p)
x <- p^2 + r*p*(1 - p) 

Results <- c(0,0,0)
Results[1] <- ( (n*P0(r=rho0, p = Pi)) - (n*P0(r=rho1, p = Pi)) )^2/ (n*P0(r=rho1, p = Pi))
Results[2] <- ( (n*P1(r=rho0, p = Pi)) - (n*P1(r=rho1, p = Pi)) )^2/ (n*P1(r=rho1, p = Pi))
Results[3] <- ( (n*P2(r=rho0, p = Pi)) - (n*P2(r=rho1, p = Pi)) )^2/ (n*P2(r=rho1, p = Pi))




#3 Raters;
if (raters == 3)

.CalcIT <- function(rho0, rho1, Pi, n)

P0 <- function(r, p)
x <- (1- p)^3 + p*r*( (1 - p)^2 + (1 - p) )

P1 <- function(r, p)
x <- 3*p*(1 - r)*(1 - p)^2

P2 <- function(r, p)
x <- 3*p^2*(1 - p)*(1 - r)

P3 <- function(r, p)
x <- p^3 + r*p*(1 - p^2)

Results <- c(0,0,0,0);
Results[1] <- ( n*P0(r=rho0, p = Pi) - n*P0(r=rho1, p = Pi) )^2/ (n*P0(r=rho1, p = Pi))
Results[2] <- ( n*P1(r=rho0, p = Pi) - n*P1(r=rho1, p = Pi) )^2/ (n*P1(r=rho1, p = Pi))
Results[3] <- ( n*P2(r=rho0, p = Pi) - n*P2(r=rho1, p = Pi) )^2/ (n*P2(r=rho1, p = Pi))
Results[4] <- ( n*P3(r=rho0, p = Pi) - n*P3(r=rho1, p = Pi) )^2/ (n*P3(r=rho1, p = Pi))



#4 Raters;

if (raters == 4)

.CalcIT <- function(rho0, rho1, Pi, n)

P0 <- function(r, p)
x <- p^4 -r*p^4 -4*p^3 +4*r*p^3 +6*p^2 -6*r*p^2 -4*p +3*r*p +1

P1 <- function(r, p)
x <- (4*(1-3*p-r+3*r*p+3*p^2-3*r*p^2-p^3+r*p^3))*p

P2 <- function(r, p)
x <- -(6*(-1+r+2*p-2*r*p-p^2+r*p^2))*p^2

P3 <- function(r, p)
x <- (4*(1-r-p+r*p))*p^3

P4 <- function(r,p)
x <- -(-p^3-r+r*p^3)*p

Results <- c(0,0,0,0,0);
Results[1] <- ( n*P0(r=rho0, p = Pi) - n*P0(r=rho1, p = Pi) )^2/ (n*P0(r=rho1, p = Pi))
Results[2] <- ( n*P1(r=rho0, p = Pi) - n*P1(r=rho1, p = Pi) )^2/ (n*P1(r=rho1, p = Pi))
Results[3] <- ( n*P2(r=rho0, p = Pi) - n*P2(r=rho1, p = Pi) )^2/ (n*P2(r=rho1, p = Pi))
Results[4] <- ( n*P3(r=rho0, p = Pi) - n*P3(r=rho1, p = Pi) )^2/ (n*P3(r=rho1, p = Pi))
Results[5] <- ( n*P4(r=rho0, p = Pi) - n*P4(r=rho1, p = Pi) )^2/ (n*P4(r=rho1, p = Pi))



#5 Raters;

if (raters == 5)

.CalcIT <- function(rho0, rho1, Pi, n)

P0 <- function(r, p)
x <- -p^5+r*p^5+5*p^4-5*r*p^4+10*r*p^3-10*p^3-10*r*p^2+10*p^2+4*r*p-5*p+1
P1 <- function(r, p)
x <- -(5*(-1+4*p+r-4*r*p-6*p^2+6*r*p^2+4*p^3-4*r*p^3-p^4+r*p^4))*p

P2 <- function(r, p)
x <- (10*(1-r-3*p+3*r*p+3*p^2-3*r*p^2-p^3+r*p^3))*p^2

P3 <- function(r, p)
x <- -(10*(-1+r+2*p-2*r*p-p^2+r*p^2))*p^3

P4 <- function(r,p)
x <- (5*(1-r-p+r*p))*p^4

P5 <- function(r,p)
x <- -(-p^4-r+r*p^4)*p

Results <- c(0,0,0,0,0,0);
Results[1] <- ( n*P0(r=rho0, p = Pi) - n*P0(r=rho1, p = Pi) )^2/ (n*P0(r=rho1, p = Pi))
Results[2] <- ( n*P1(r=rho0, p = Pi) - n*P1(r=rho1, p = Pi) )^2/ (n*P1(r=rho1, p = Pi))
Results[3] <- ( n*P2(r=rho0, p = Pi) - n*P2(r=rho1, p = Pi) )^2/ (n*P2(r=rho1, p = Pi))
Results[4] <- ( n*P3(r=rho0, p = Pi) - n*P3(r=rho1, p = Pi) )^2/ (n*P3(r=rho1, p = Pi))
Results[5] <- ( n*P4(r=rho0, p = Pi) - n*P4(r=rho1, p = Pi) )^2/ (n*P4(r=rho1, p = Pi))
Results[6] <- ( n*P5(r=rho0, p = Pi) - n*P5(r=rho1, p = Pi) )^2/ (n*P5(r=rho1, p = Pi))

#6 Raters;
if (raters == 6)

.CalcIT <- function(rho0, rho1, Pi, n)

P0 <- function(r, p)
x <- p^6-r*p^6+6*r*p^5-6*p^5-15*r*p^4+15*p^4+20*r*p^3-20*p^3-15*r*p^2+15*p^2+5*r*p-6*p+1

P1 <- function(r, p)
x <- (6*(1-5*p-r+5*r*p+10*p^2-10*r*p^2-10*p^3+10*r*p^3+5*p^4-5*r*p^4-p^5+r*p^5))*p

P2 <- function(r, p)
x <- -(15*(-1+r+4*p-4*r*p-6*p^2+6*r*p^2+4*p^3-4*r*p^3-p^4+r*p^4))*p^2

P3 <- function(r, p)
x <- (20*(1-r-3*p+3*r*p+3*p^2-3*r*p^2-p^3+r*p^3))*p^3
P4 <- function(r,p)
x <- -(15*(-1+r+2*p-2*r*p-p^2+r*p^2))*p^4

P5 <- function(r,p)
x <- (6*(1-r-p+r*p))*p^5

P6 <- function(r,p)
x <- -(-p^5-r+r*p^5)*p

Results <- c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0);

Results[1] <- ( n*P0(r=rho0, p = Pi) - n*P0(r=rho1, p = Pi) )^2/ (n*P0(r=rho1, p = Pi))
Results[2] <- ( n*P1(r=rho0, p = Pi) - n*P1(r=rho1, p = Pi) )^2/ (n*P1(r=rho1, p = Pi))
Results[3] <- ( n*P2(r=rho0, p = Pi) - n*P2(r=rho1, p = Pi) )^2/ (n*P2(r=rho1, p = Pi))
Results[4] <- ( n*P3(r=rho0, p = Pi) - n*P3(r=rho1, p = Pi) )^2/ (n*P3(r=rho1, p = Pi))
Results[5] <- ( n*P4(r=rho0, p = Pi) - n*P4(r=rho1, p = Pi) )^2/ (n*P4(r=rho1, p = Pi))
Results[6] <- ( n*P5(r=rho0, p = Pi) - n*P5(r=rho1, p = Pi) )^2/ (n*P5(r=rho1, p = Pi))
Results[7] <- ( n*P6(r=rho0, p = Pi) - n*P6(r=rho1, p = Pi) )^2/ (n*P6(r=rho1, p = Pi))


rhol <- kappa0;
resultsl <- 0;

while (abs(resultsl - 0.001) < X$ChiCrit) 
rhol <- rhol - 0.001;
resultsl <- .CalcIT(rho0=kappa0, rho1 = rhol, Pi=props, n=n)

X$kappaL <- rhol;

class(X) <- "FixedNBinary";


#Print Method
print.FixedNBinary <- function(x, ...)
cat("A total of ", x$n, " subjects can produce a lower limit for kappa of ", x$kappaL, ". \n", sep="")

for (i in 1:length(x$props))
if (x$props[i] * x$n < 5)
cat("Warning: At least one expected cell count is less than five. \n")


#Summary Method
summary.FixedNBinary <- function(object, ...)
cat("Lower Expected Limit for Studies of  \n")
cat("Interobserver Agreement for Fixed N \n \n")
cat("Assuming:", "\n")
cat("Kappa0:", object$kappa0, "\n")
cat("N:", object$n, "\n")
cat("Event Proportion:", object$props, "\n")
cat("Number of Raters:", object$raters, "\n")
cat("Type I Error Rate (alpha) = ", object$alpha, "\n \n")

cat("A total of ", object$n, " subjects can produce an expected lower limit for kappa of ", object$kappaL, ". \n \n", sep="")

for (i in 1:length(object$props))
if (object$props[i] * object$n < 5)
cat("Warning: At least one expected cell count is less than five. \n")


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kappaSize documentation built on May 1, 2019, 9:21 p.m.