
context("Nearest neighbor arrayvec")

reps <- 5
nci <- seq(1, 9, 2)

to_av <- function(x) matrix_to_tuples(as.matrix(x))
mk_av <- function(...) {
  x <- do.call("matrix", list(...))

r_nn <- function(x, y) {
                   function(i) { dist(rbind(x[i, ], y)) },
                   FUN.VALUE = double(1)))

mk_ties <- function(nc) {
  x <- double()
  for (i in 1:nc)
    x <- cbind(x, sample(1:5))
  i <- sample(1:5, 100, replace = TRUE)

pair_dist <- function(a, b) sqrt(sum((a - b)^2))

test_that("nearest neighbor works", {
  for (ignore in 1:reps)
    for (n in nci)
      x <- mk_av(runif(n * 100), ncol = n)
      x <- kd_sort(x)
      y <- runif(n)
      i <- kd_nearest_neighbor(x, y)
      j <- r_nn(x, y)
      expect_equal(i, j)
    for (n in nci)
      x <- mk_ties(n)
      x <- kd_sort(x)
      y <- runif(n, 1, 5)
      i <- kd_nearest_neighbor(x, y)
      j <- r_nn(x, y)
      expect_equal(pair_dist(y, x[i,]),
                   pair_dist(y, x[j,]))

r_nns <- function(x, y, n) {
  i = vapply(seq_len(nrow(x)),
             function(i) { dist(rbind(x[i, ], y)) },
             FUN.VALUE = double(1))
  x[which(rank(i, ties.method = "first") <= n),, drop = FALSE]

test_that("nearest neighbors works", {
  for (ignore in 1:reps)
    for (n in nci)
      for (m in c(1, 10, 50))
        x <- mk_av(runif(n * 100), ncol = n)
        x <- kd_sort(x)
        y <- runif(n)
        z1 <- tuples_to_matrix(kd_nearest_neighbors(x, y, m))
        z2 <- r_nns(tuples_to_matrix(x), y, m)
        expect_equal(kd_sort(z1), kd_sort(z2))
    for (n in nci)
      for (m in c(1, 10, 50))
        x <- mk_ties(n)
        x <- kd_sort(x)
        y <- runif(n)
        z1 <- tuples_to_matrix(kd_nearest_neighbors(x, y, m))
        z2 <- r_nns(tuples_to_matrix(x), y, m)
        expect_equal(kd_sort(z1), kd_sort(z2))

r_nns_i <- function(x, y, n) {
  i = vapply(seq_len(nrow(x)),
             function(i) { dist(rbind(x[i, ], y)) },
             FUN.VALUE = double(1))
  which(rank(i, ties.method = "first") <= n)

test_that("nearest neighbors indices works", {
  for (ignore in 1:reps)
    for (n in nci)
      for (m in c(1, 10, 50))
        x <- mk_av(runif(n * 100), ncol = n)
        x <- kd_sort(x)
        y <- runif(n)
        z1 <- kd_nn_indices(x, y, m)
        z2 <- r_nns_i(x, y, m)
        expect_equal(sort(z1), sort(z2))

r_nns_i_dist <- function(x, y, n) {
  i <- vapply(seq_len(nrow(x)),
              function(i) { dist(rbind(x[i, ], y)) },
              FUN.VALUE = double(1))
  j <- which(rank(i, ties.method = "first") <= n)
  res <- data.frame(index = j, distance = i[j])
  res <- res[order(res$distance), ]
  rownames(res) <- 1:nrow(res)

test_that("nearest neighbors distances works", {
  for (ignore in 1:reps)
    for (n in nci)
      for (m in c(1, 10, 50))
        x <- mk_av(runif(n * 100), ncol = n)
        x <- kd_sort(x)
        y <- runif(n)
        z1 <- kd_nn_indices(x, y, m, distances = TRUE)
        z2 <- r_nns_i_dist(x, y, m)
        expect_equal(z1, z2)

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kdtools documentation built on Oct. 8, 2021, 9:07 a.m.