coef-methods: Extract Coefficients of a Covariance Kernel Object as Vector,...

coef-methodsR Documentation

Extract Coefficients of a Covariance Kernel Object as Vector, List or Matrix


Extract some of or all the coefficients of a covariance kernel object as vector, list or matrix.


## S4 method for signature 'covMan'

## S4 method for signature 'covTS'
coef(object, type = "all", as = "vector")



An object representing a covariance kernel, the coefficient of which will be extracted.


Character string or vector specifying which type(s) of coefficients in the structure will be extracted. Can be "all" (all coefficients are extracted) or any parameter name(s) of the corresponding kernel.


Character string specifying the output structure to be used. The default is "vector", leading to a numeric vector. Using "list" one gets a list of numeric vectors, one by kernel parameter. Finally, using "matrix" one gets a matrix with one row by input (or dimension) and one column by (selected) kernel parameter.


A numeric vector of coefficients or a structure as specified by as containing the coefficients selected by type.

See Also

The coef<- replacement method which takes a vector of replacement values.


d <- 3
myCov1 <- covTS(d = d, kernel = "k1Exp", dep = c(range = "input"),
                value = c(range = 1.1))
## versatile 'coef' method
coef(myCov1, as = "matrix")
coef(myCov1, as = "list")
coef(myCov1, as = "matrix", type = "range")
coef(myCov1) <- c(0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 4, 16, 25)
coef(myCov1, as = "matrix")

kergp documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:25 a.m.