covTS: Creator Function for 'covTS' Objects

View source: R/covTS.R

covTSR Documentation

Creator Function for covTS Objects


Creator function for covTS objects representing a Tensor Sum covariance kernel.


covTS(inputs = paste("x", 1:d, sep = ""),
      d = length(inputs), kernel = "k1Matern5_2",
      dep = NULL, value = NULL, var = 1, ...)



Character vector giving the names of the inputs used as arguments of kernel. Optional if d is given.


Integer specifying the spatial dimension (equal to the number of inputs). Optional if inputs is given.


Character, name of the one-dimensional kernel.


Character vector with elements "cst" or "input" usually built using the concatenation c. The names must correspond to parameters of the kernel specified with kernel. When an element is "cst", the corresponding parameter of the 1d kernel will be the same for all inputs. When the element is "input", the corresponding parameter of the 1d kernel gives birth to d parameters in the covTS object, one by input.


Named numeric vector. The names must correspond to the 1d kernel parameters.


Numeric vector giving the variances \sigma^2_i that weight the d components.


Not used at this stage.


A covTS object represents a d-dimensional kernel object K of the form

K(\mathbf{x}, \mathbf{x}'; \boldsymbol{\theta}) = \sum_{i=1}^d k(x_i, x_i';\boldsymbol{\theta}_{\mathbf{s}_i})

where k is the covariance kernel for a Gaussian Process Y_x indexed by a scalar x. The d numbers x_i stand for the components of the d-dimensional location vector \mathbf{x}. The length p of all the vectors \mathbf{s}_i is the number of parameters of the one-dimensional kernel k, i.e. 2 or 3 for classical covariance kernels.

The package comes with the following covariance kernels which can be given as kernel argument.

name description p par. names
k1Exp exponential 2 range, var
k1Matern3_2 Matérn \nu = 3/2 2 range, var
k1Matern5_2 Matérn \nu = 5/2 2 range, var
k1PowExp power exponential 3 range, shape, var
k1Gauss gaussian or "square exponential" 2 range, var

Note that the exponential kernel of k1Exp is identical to the Matérn kernel for \nu = 1/2, and that the three Matérns kernels provided here for \nu = 1/2, \nu = 3/2 and \nu = 5/2 are special cases of Continuous AutoRegressive (CAR) process covariances, with respective order 1, 2 and 3.


An object with S4 class "covTS".


The 1d kernel k as given in kernel is always assumed to have a variance parameter with name var. This assumption may be relaxed in future versions.


Most arguments receive default values or are recycled if necessary.


Y. Deville, O. Roustant D. Ginsbourger


N. Durrande, D. Ginsbourger, and O. Roustant (2012) Additive "Covariance kernels for high-dimensional Gaussian Process modeling", Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse 21(3), pp. 481–499.


myCov1 <- covTS(kernel = "k1Exp", inputs = c("v1", "v2", "v3"),
                dep = c(range = "input"))
coef(myCov1) <- c(range = c(0.3, 0.7, 0.9), sigma2 = c(2, 2, 8))

coef(myCov1, as = "matrix")
coef(myCov1, as = "list")
coef(myCov1, as = "matrix", type = "range")

# with a common range parameter
myCov2 <- covTS(kernel = "k1Exp", inputs = c("v1", "v2", "v3"), 
                dep = c(range = "cst"), value = c(range = 0.7),
                var = c(2, 2, 8))

myCov3 <- covTS(d = 3, kernel = "k1PowExp",
                dep = c(range = "cst", shape = "cst"),
                value = c(shape = 1.8, range = 1.1),
                var = c(2, 2, 8))

kergp documentation built on May 29, 2024, 10:25 a.m.