
Defines functions permshap.ranger permshap.default permshap

Documented in permshap permshap.default permshap.ranger

#' Permutation SHAP
#' Exact permutation SHAP algorithm with respect to a background dataset,
#' see Strumbelj and Kononenko. The function works for up to 14 features.
#' @inheritParams kernelshap
#' @returns
#'   An object of class "kernelshap" with the following components:
#'   - `S`: \eqn{(n \times p)} matrix with SHAP values or, if the model output has
#'     dimension \eqn{K > 1}, a list of \eqn{K} such matrices.
#'   - `X`: Same as input argument `X`.
#'   - `baseline`: Vector of length K representing the average prediction on the
#'     background data.
#'   - `m_exact`: Integer providing the effective number of exact on-off vectors used.
#'   - `exact`: Logical flag indicating whether calculations are exact or not
#'     (currently `TRUE`).
#'   - `txt`: Summary text.
#'   - `predictions`: \eqn{(n \times K)} matrix with predictions of `X`.
#'   - `algorithm`: "permshap".
#' @references
#'   1. Erik Strumbelj and Igor Kononenko. Explaining prediction models and individual 
#'     predictions with feature contributions. Knowledge and Information Systems 41, 2014.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # MODEL ONE: Linear regression
#' fit <- lm(Sepal.Length ~ ., data = iris)
#' # Select rows to explain (only feature columns)
#' X_explain <- iris[1:2, -1]
#' # Select small background dataset (could use all rows here because iris is small)
#' set.seed(1)
#' bg_X <- iris[sample(nrow(iris), 100), ]
#' # Calculate SHAP values
#' s <- permshap(fit, X_explain, bg_X = bg_X)
#' s
#' # MODEL TWO: Multi-response linear regression
#' fit <- lm(as.matrix(iris[, 1:2]) ~ Petal.Length + Petal.Width + Species, data = iris)
#' s <- permshap(fit, iris[1:4, 3:5], bg_X = bg_X)
#' s
#' # Non-feature columns can be dropped via 'feature_names'
#' s <- permshap(
#'   fit,
#'   iris[1:4, ],
#'   bg_X = bg_X,
#'   feature_names = c("Petal.Length", "Petal.Width", "Species")
#' )
#' s
permshap <- function(object, ...) {

#' @describeIn permshap Default permutation SHAP method.
#' @export
permshap.default <- function(object, X, bg_X, pred_fun = stats::predict,
                             feature_names = colnames(X), bg_w = NULL,
                             parallel = FALSE, parallel_args = NULL,
                             verbose = TRUE, ...) {
  basic_checks(X = X, bg_X = bg_X, feature_names = feature_names, pred_fun = pred_fun)
  p <- length(feature_names)
  if (p <= 1L) {
    stop("Case p = 1 not implemented. Use kernelshap() instead.")
  if (p > 14L) {
    stop("Permutation SHAP only supported for up to 14 features")
  n <- nrow(X)
  bg_n <- nrow(bg_X)
  if (!is.null(bg_w)) {
    bg_w <- prep_w(bg_w, bg_n = bg_n)
  txt <- "Exact permutation SHAP"
  if (verbose) {
  # Baseline and predictions on explanation data
  bg_preds <- align_pred(pred_fun(object, bg_X[, colnames(X), drop = FALSE], ...))
  v0 <- wcolMeans(bg_preds, bg_w)            # Average pred of bg data: 1 x K
  v1 <- align_pred(pred_fun(object, X, ...)) # Predictions on X:        n x K
  # Drop unnecessary columns in bg_X. If X is matrix, also column order is relevant
  # Predictions will never be applied directly to bg_X anymore
  if (!identical(colnames(bg_X), feature_names)) {
    bg_X <- bg_X[, feature_names, drop = FALSE]
  # Precalculations that are identical for each row to be explained
  Z <- exact_Z(p, feature_names = feature_names, keep_extremes = TRUE)
  m_exact <- nrow(Z) - 2L  # We won't evaluate vz for first and last row
  precalc <- list(
    Z = Z,
    Z_code = rowpaste(Z), 
    bg_X_rep = rep_rows(bg_X, rep.int(seq_len(bg_n), m_exact))
  if (m_exact * bg_n > 2e5) {
    warning_burden(m_exact, bg_n = bg_n)
  # Apply permutation SHAP to each row of X
  if (isTRUE(parallel)) {
    parallel_args <- c(list(i = seq_len(n)), parallel_args)
    res <- do.call(foreach::foreach, parallel_args) %dopar% permshap_one(
      x = X[i, , drop = FALSE],
      v1 = v1[i, , drop = FALSE], 
      object = object,
      pred_fun = pred_fun,
      bg_w = bg_w,
      v0 = v0,
      precalc = precalc,
  } else {
    if (verbose && n >= 2L) {
      pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(max = n, style = 3)
    res <- vector("list", n)
    for (i in seq_len(n)) {
      res[[i]] <- permshap_one(
        x = X[i, , drop = FALSE],
        v1 = v1[i, , drop = FALSE], 
        object = object,
        pred_fun = pred_fun,
        bg_w = bg_w,
        v0 = v0,
        precalc = precalc,
      if (verbose && n >= 2L) {
        utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
  out <- list(
    S = reorganize_list(res), 
    X = X, 
    baseline = as.vector(v0),
    m_exact = m_exact,
    exact = TRUE,
    txt = txt,
    predictions = v1,
    algorithm = "permshap"
  class(out) <- "kernelshap"

#' @describeIn permshap Permutation SHAP method for "ranger" models, see Readme for an example.
#' @export
permshap.ranger <- function(object, X, bg_X,
                            pred_fun = function(m, X, ...) stats::predict(m, X, ...)$predictions,
                            feature_names = colnames(X),
                            bg_w = NULL, parallel = FALSE, parallel_args = NULL,
                            verbose = TRUE, ...) {
    object = object,
    X = X,
    bg_X = bg_X,
    pred_fun = pred_fun,
    feature_names = feature_names,
    bg_w = bg_w,
    parallel = parallel,
    parallel_args = parallel_args,
    verbose = verbose,

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kernelshap documentation built on May 29, 2024, 12:34 p.m.