keyholder-id: Add id column and key

keyholder-idR Documentation

Add id column and key


Functions for creating id column and key.





key_by_id(.tbl, .add = FALSE, .exclude = FALSE)



Reference data frame.


Character vector of names.

.add, .exclude

Parameters for key_by().


use_id() assigns as keys a tibble with column '.id' and row numbers of .tbl as values.

compute_id_name() computes the name which is different from every element in x by the following algorithm: if '.id' is not present in x it is returned; if taken - '.id1' is checked; if taken - '.id11' is checked and so on.

add_id() creates a column with unique name (computed with compute_id_name()) and row numbers as values (grouping is ignored). After that puts it as first column.

key_by_id() is similar to add_id(): it creates a column with unique name and row numbers as values (grouping is ignored) and calls key_by() function to use this column as key. If .add is FALSE unique name is computed based on .tbl column names; if TRUE then based on .tbl and its keys column names.


mtcars %>% use_id()

mtcars %>% add_id()

mtcars %>% key_by_id(.exclude = TRUE)

keyholder documentation built on March 31, 2023, 5:37 p.m.