remove-keys-scoped: Remove selection of keys

remove-keys-scopedR Documentation

Remove selection of keys


These functions remove selection of keys using corresponding scoped variant of select. .funs argument is removed because of its redundancy.


remove_keys_all(.tbl, ..., .unkey = FALSE)

remove_keys_if(.tbl, .predicate, ..., .unkey = FALSE)

remove_keys_at(.tbl, .vars, ..., .unkey = FALSE)



Reference data frame.


Parameter for scoped functions.


Whether to unkey() .tbl in case there are no keys left.


Parameter for scoped functions.


Parameter for scoped functions.


df <- mtcars %>% dplyr::as_tibble() %>% key_by(vs, am, disp)
df %>% remove_keys_all()

df %>% remove_keys_all(.unkey = TRUE)

df %>% remove_keys_if(rlang::is_integerish)

df %>% remove_keys_at(c("vs", "am"))

keyholder documentation built on March 31, 2023, 5:37 p.m.