
Defines functions cpp_smoother_constructor new_language_model str.language_model summary.language_model print.language_model language_model.kgram_freqs language_model.language_model language_model

Documented in language_model language_model.kgram_freqs language_model.language_model

#' k-gram Language Models
#' @description 
#' Build a k-gram language model. 
#' ### Principal methods supported by objects of class \code{language_model}
#' - \code{probability()}: compute word continuation and sentence probabilities.
#' See \link[kgrams]{probability}.
#' - \code{sample_sentences()}: generate random text by sampling from the 
#' language model probability distribution at arbitary temperature. See 
#' \link[kgrams]{sample_sentences}.
#' - \code{perplexity()}: Compute the language model perplexity on a test
#' corpus. See \link[kgrams]{perplexity}.
#' @author Valerio Gherardi
#' @md
#' @param object an object which stores the information required to build the
#' k-gram model. At present, necessarily a \code{kgram_freqs} object, or a 
#' \code{language_model} object of which a copy is desired (see Details).
#' @param N a length one integer. Maximum order of k-grams to use in the language
#' model. This muss be less than or equal to the order of the underlying
#' \code{kgram_freqs} object.
#' @param smoother a length one character vector. Indicates the smoothing 
#' technique to be applied to compute k-gram continuation probabilities. A list 
#' of available smoothers can be obtained with \code{smoothers()}, and 
#' further information on a particular smoother through 
#' \code{info()}.
#' @param ... possible additional parameters required by the smoother.
#' @return A \code{language_model} object.
#' @details
#' These generics are used to construct objects of class \code{language_model}.
#' The \code{language_model} method is only needed to create copies of 
#' \code{language_model} objects (that is to say, new copies which are not 
#' altered by methods which modify the original object in place, 
#' see e.g. \link[kgrams]{parameters}). The discussion below focuses on 
#' language models and the \code{kgram_freqs} method.
#' \link[kgrams]{kgrams} supports several k-gram language models, including
#' Interpolated Kneser-Ney, Stupid Backoff and others 
#' (see \link[kgrams]{smoothers}). The objects created by 
#' \code{language_models()} have methods for computing word continuation and
#' sentence probabilities (see \link[kgrams]{probability}), 
#' random text generation (see \link[kgrams]{sample_sentences}) 
#' and other type of language modeling tasks such as computing perplexities and 
#' word prediction accuracies.
#' Smoothers have often tuning parameters, which need to be specified by
#' (exact) name through the \code{...} arguments; otherwise, 
#' \code{language_model()} will use default values and, once per session, throw 
#' a warning. \code{info(smoother)} lists all parameters needed by a 
#' specific smoother, together with their allowed parameter space.
#' The run-time of \code{language_model()} may vary substantially for different
#' smoothing methods, depending on whether or not a method requires the 
#' computation of additional quantities (that is to say, beyond k-gram counts)
#' for its operativity (this is, for instance, the case for the Kneser-Ney 
#' smoother).  
#' @examples 
#' # Create an interpolated Kneser-Ney 2-gram language model
#' freqs <- kgram_freqs("a a b a a b a b a b a b", 2)
#' model <- language_model(freqs, "kn", D = 0.5)
#' model
#' summary(model)
#' probability("a" %|% "b", model)
#' # For more examples, see ?probability, ?sample_sentences and ?perplexity.
#' @name language_model

#' @rdname language_model
#' @export
language_model <- function(object, ...)
        UseMethod("language_model", object)

#' @rdname language_model
#' @export
language_model.language_model <- function(object, ...) {
        cpp_freqs <- attr(object, "cpp_freqs")
        smoother <- attr(object, "smoother")
        args <- parameters(object)
        N <- args[["N"]]
        cpp_obj <- cpp_smoother_constructor(smoother, cpp_freqs, N, args)
                attr(object, ".preprocess"), 
                attr(object, ".tknz_sent"),

#' @rdname language_model
#' @export
language_model.kgram_freqs <- 
        function(object, smoother = "ml", N = param(object, "N"), ...) 
        if (N > param(object, "N")) {
                h <- "Invalid input"
                x <- "'N' cannot be greater than 'param(object, \"N\")'."
                rlang::abort(c(h, x = x), class = "kgrams_lm_max_order_error")
        validate_smoother(smoother, ...)
        args <- list(...)
        for (parameter in list_parameters(smoother)) 
                if (is.null(args[[parameter$name]]))
                        args[[parameter$name]] <- parameter$default
        cpp_freqs <- attr(object, "cpp_obj")
        cpp_obj <- cpp_smoother_constructor(smoother, cpp_freqs, N, args) 
                attr(object, ".preprocess"), 
                attr(object, ".tknz_sent"),

#----------------------------- printing methods -------------------------------#

#' @export
print.language_model <- function(x, ...) {
        cat("A k-gram language model.\n")

#' @export
summary.language_model <- function(object, ...) {
        cat("A k-gram language model.\n\n")
        cat("* '", attr(object, "smoother"), "'.\n", sep = "")
        for (name in names(parameters(object)))
                cat("* ", name, ": ", param(object, name), "\n", sep = "")
        cat("Number of words in training corpus:\n")
        cat("* W: ", attr(object, "cpp_freqs")$tot_words(), "\n", sep = "")
        cat("Number of distinct k-grams with positive counts:\n")
        for (k in 1:param(object, "N"))
                cat("* ", k, "-grams:", attr(object, "cpp_freqs")$unique(k), 
                    "\n", sep = "")

#' @export
str.language_model <- function(object, ...) summary(object)

#---------------------------------- internal ----------------------------------#

new_language_model <- function(
        cpp_obj, cpp_freqs, .preprocess, .tknz_sent, smoother
                  cpp_obj = cpp_obj, 
                  cpp_freqs = cpp_freqs,
                  .preprocess = .preprocess,
                  .tknz_sent = .tknz_sent,
                  smoother = smoother,
                  class = c("language_model")

cpp_smoother_constructor <- function(smoother, cpp_freqs, N, args) {
               sbo = new(SBOSmoother, cpp_freqs, N, args[["lambda"]]),
               add_k = new(AddkSmoother, cpp_freqs, N, args[["k"]]),
               ml = new(MLSmoother, cpp_freqs, N),
               kn = new(KNSmoother, cpp_freqs, N, args[["D"]]),
               mkn = new(mKNSmoother, cpp_freqs, N, 
                         args[["D1"]], args[["D2"]], args[["D3"]]),
               abs = new(AbsSmoother, cpp_freqs, N, args[["D"]]),
               wb = new(WBSmoother, cpp_freqs, N)

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kgrams documentation built on Oct. 6, 2023, 5:06 p.m.