
Defines functions makefamid

Documented in makefamid

# $Id: makefamid.s,v 1.7 2003/01/07 15:47:08 therneau Exp $
# Create a vector of length n, giving the family "tree" number of
#  each subject.  If the pedigree is totally connected, then everyone will
#  end up in tree 1, otherwise the tree numbers represent the disconnected
#  subfamilies.  Singleton subjects give a zero for family number.
# This is needed to run "kinship" is a sensible fashion, one disjoint group
#  at a time.
makefamid <- function(id, father.id, mother.id) {
    n <- length(id)
    mid  <- c(match(mother.id, id, nomatch=n+1), n+1)
    did  <- c(match(father.id, id, nomatch=n+1), n+1)
    mid2 <- sort(unique(mid))
    did2 <- sort(unique(did))
    famid <-  1:(n+1)
    # The key idea of the algorithm:
    #  1. iteratively set the family id of parent/child sets to the
    #       minimum value of the set
    #  2. add a subject "n+1", who is the parent of all orphans, and
    #       also of himself, to make the father/mother/child vectors
    #       all be the same length

    # Run the depth routine to check for impossible parentage loops,
    #  which would lead to infinite iterations.
    # And even then, give it an upper limit of n iterations (it should
    #   never even come close to this).  You might think it would finish in
    #   max(depth) iterations, but assume 2 families of depth 3 who intermarry
    #   at the last generation: the final id propogates down one tree and
    #   then up the other.  Chains can take even longer (child of A marries
    #   child of B, second child of B marries child of C, second child of C
    #   marries child of D, ...).  However, at each iteration the final number
    #   must get propogated to at least one child or at least 2 parents, giving
    #   a limit of n-1
    temp <- kindepth(id, father.id, mother.id)
    for (i in 1:n) {
        # set children = min(self, parents)
        newid <- pmin(famid, famid[mid], famid[did]) 
        # mom = min(mon, children)
        # dad = min(dad, children)
        newid[mid2] <- pmin(newid[mid2], tapply(newid, mid, min))  
        newid[n+1]  <- n+1  # preserve the "no parent" code
        newid[did2] <- pmin(newid[did2], tapply(newid, did, min)) 
        newid[n+1]  <- n+1  # preserve the "no parent" code

        if (all(newid==famid)) break
        else if (i<n) famid <- newid
    if (all(newid==famid)) {
        # renumber the results : family 0 for uniques, else small integers
        famid <- famid[1:n]                            # toss the "n+1" obs
        xx <- table(famid)
        if (any(xx==1)) {
            singles <- as.integer(names(xx[xx==1]))   # famid of singletons
            famid[!is.na(match(famid, singles))] <- 0 #set singletons to 0
            match(famid, sort(unique(famid))) -1      # renumber
        else match(famid, sort(unique(famid)))        # renumber, no zeros
    else stop("Bug in routine: seem to have found an infinite loop")

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