Man pages for ktspair
k-Top Scoring Pairs for Microarray Classification

AUC.calcCompute the AUC
bootstrap.graphic.ktspGraphical display of the bootstrap procedure
bootstrap.ktspBootstrap procedure for the k-TSP
cvCrossvalidation for the parameter k
cv2Crossvalidation with chosen pairs of genes
datSimulated gene expressions of individuals.
eSetSimulated gene expressions of individuals.
grpGroup of the individuals.
kts.pairCalculation of the k top scoring pairs.
ktspair-packageComputation of the k-TSP
ktspcalcCompute the k top scoring pairs based on a gene expression...
ktspcalc2The k-TSP with chosen pairs of genes
ktspdataSimulated dataset of gene expressions in a matrix form.
ktspplotGraphical representation of ktsp objects
make.consecutive.intTransform the group vector into a binary vector
ordertspOrdering of the pairs of genes
plot.ktspGraphical representation of ktsp objects
predict.ktspPrediction using a ktsp object
print.ktspPrint the results of the k-TSP
rank_naRank the gene expression and Replace NA
ROC.graphic.ktspGraphical display of the ROC curve
ROC.offsetROC curve based on the offset method for k-TSP method
ROC.votingROC curve based on the voting system for k-TSP method
summary.ktspSummary of ktsp object
ktspair documentation built on May 2, 2019, 3:25 a.m.