#' @title Centred covariance estimation
#' @export cencovariance cencovariance.cvchat
#' @description
#' This function estimates the centred covariance of a stationary RACS.
#' Available estimators are the plug-in moment centred covariance estimator, two 'balanced' estimators suggested by Picka (2000),
#' and a third 'balanced' estimator inspired by one of Picka's pair-correlation estimators.
#' @author{Kassel Liam Hingee}
#' @param xi An observation of a RACS of interest as a full binary map (as an \code{im} object) or as the foreground set (as an \code{owin} object).
#' In the latter case the observation window, \code{obswin}, must be supplied.
#' @param obswin If \code{xi} is an \code{owin} object then \code{obswin} is an
#' \code{owin} object that specifies the observation window.
#' @param setcov_boundarythresh To avoid instabilities caused by dividing by very small quantities, if the set covariance of the observation window
#' is smaller than \code{setcov_boundarythresh}, then the covariance is given a value of NA.
#' @param phat The usual estimate of coverage probability,
#' which is the observed foreground area in \code{xi} divided by the total area of the observation window.
#' See \code{\link{coverageprob}} for more information.
#' @param cvchat The plug-in moment estimate of covariance as an \code{im} object.
#' Typically created with \code{\link{plugincvc}}.
#' @param cpp1 Picka's reduced window estimate of coverage probability as an \code{im} object - used in improved (balanced) covariance estimators.
#' Can be generated using \code{\link{cppicka}}.
#' @param estimators A list of strings specifying estimators to use.
#' See details.
#' \code{estimators = "all"} will select all available estimators.
#' @param drop If TRUE and one estimator selected then the returned value will be a single \code{im} object and not a list of \code{im} object.
#' @return If \code{drop = TRUE} and only one estimator is requested then a
#' \code{im} object containing the centred covariance estimate is returned. Otherwise a
#' named \code{imlist} of \code{im} objects containing the centred covariance
#' estimates for each requested estimator.
#' @keywords spatial nonparametric
#' @details The centred covariance of a stationary RACS is \deqn{\kappa(v) =
#' C(v) - p^2.}
#' The estimators available are (see (Section 3.4, Hingee, 2019) for
#' more information):
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{plugin}} the plug-in moment centred
#' covariance estimator
#' \item{\code{mattfeldt}} an estimator inspired by an
#' 'intrinsically' balanced pair-correlation estimator from Picka (1997) that was
#' later studied in an isotropic situation by Mattfeldt and Stoyan
#' (Mattfeldt and Stoyan, 2000)
#' \item{\code{pickaint}} Picka's 'intrinsically' balanced
#' centred covariance estimator (Picka, 2000).
#' \item{\code{pickaH}} Picka's
#' 'additively' balanced centred covariance estimator (Picka, 2000).
#' }
#' Currently computes centred covariance using \code{\link{racscovariance}}.
#' @references
#' Hingee, K.L. (2019) \emph{Spatial Statistics of Random Closed Sets for Earth Observations}. PhD: Perth, Western Australia: University of Western Australia. Submitted.
#' Mattfeldt, T. and Stoyan, D. (2000) Improved estimation of the pair correlation function of random sets. \emph{Journal of Microscopy}, 200, 158-173.
#' Picka, J.D. (1997) \emph{Variance-Reducing Modifications for Estimators of Dependence in Random Sets}. Ph.D.: Illinois, USA: The University of Chicago.
#' Picka, J.D. (2000) Variance reducing modifications for estimators of standardized moments of random sets. \emph{Advances in Applied Probability}, 32, 682-700.
#' @examples
#' xi <- heather$coarse
#' obswin <- Frame(xi)
#' cencovariance(xi, obswin, estimators = "all")
#' @describeIn cencovariance Centred covariance estimates from a binary map.
cencovariance <- function(xi, obswin = NULL,
setcov_boundarythresh = NULL,
estimators = "all",
drop = FALSE){
cvchat <- plugincvc(xi, obswin, setcov_boundarythresh = setcov_boundarythresh)
cpp1 <- cppicka(xi, obswin, setcov_boundarythresh = setcov_boundarythresh)
phat <- coverageprob(xi, obswin)
ccvchats <- cencovariance.cvchat(cvchat, cpp1, phat, estimators = estimators, drop = drop)
#' @describeIn cencovariance Generates centred covariances estimates from
#' a plug-in moment estimate of covariance, Picka's reduced window estimate of coverage probability,
#' and the plug-in moment estimate of coverage probability.
#' If these estimates already exist, then \code{\link{cencovariance.cvchat}} saves significant computation time over \code{cencovariance}.
cencovariance.cvchat <- function(cvchat, cpp1 = NULL, phat = NULL,
setcov_boundarythresh = NULL,
estimators = "all",
drop = FALSE){
cvchats <- racscovariance.cvchat(cvchat, cpp1, phat, estimators = estimators, drop = drop)
return(cvchats - phat^2)
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